bool DatabaseTracker::hasAdequateQuotaForOrigin(SecurityOrigin* origin, unsigned long estimatedSize, DatabaseError& err)
    unsigned long long usage = usageForOrigin(origin);

    // If the database will fit, allow its creation.
    unsigned long long requirement = usage + std::max<unsigned long long>(1, estimatedSize);
    if (requirement < usage) {
        // The estimated size is so big it causes an overflow; don't allow creation.
        err = DatabaseError::DatabaseSizeOverflowed;
        return false;
    if (requirement <= quotaForOriginNoLock(origin))
        return true;

    err = DatabaseError::DatabaseSizeExceededQuota;
    return false;
unsigned long long DatabaseTracker::getMaxSizeForDatabase(const DatabaseBackendBase* database)
    // The maximum size for a database is the full quota for its origin, minus the current usage within the origin,
    // plus the current usage of the given database
    MutexLocker lockDatabase(m_databaseGuard);
    SecurityOrigin* origin = database->securityOrigin();

    unsigned long long quota = quotaForOriginNoLock(origin);
    unsigned long long diskUsage = usageForOrigin(origin);
    unsigned long long databaseFileSize = SQLiteFileSystem::getDatabaseFileSize(database->fileName());
    ASSERT(databaseFileSize <= diskUsage);

    if (diskUsage > quota)
        return databaseFileSize;

    // A previous error may have allowed the origin to exceed its quota, or may
    // have allowed this database to exceed our cached estimate of the origin
    // disk usage. Don't multiply that error through integer underflow, or the
    // effective quota will permanently become 2^64.
    unsigned long long maxSize = quota - diskUsage + databaseFileSize;
    if (maxSize > quota)
        maxSize = databaseFileSize;
    return maxSize;