HRESULT SystemProperties::i_setLoggingLevel(const com::Utf8Str &aLoggingLevel)
    Utf8Str useLoggingLevel(aLoggingLevel);
    if (useLoggingLevel.isEmpty())
        useLoggingLevel = VBOXSVC_LOG_DEFAULT;
    int rc = RTLogGroupSettings(RTLogRelGetDefaultInstance(), useLoggingLevel.c_str());
    //  If failed and not the default logging level - try to use the default logging level.
    if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
        // If failed write message to the release log.
        LogRel(("Cannot set passed logging level=%s Error=%Rrc \n", useLoggingLevel.c_str(), rc));
        //  If attempted logging level not the default one then try the default one.
        if (!useLoggingLevel.equals(VBOXSVC_LOG_DEFAULT))
            rc = RTLogGroupSettings(RTLogRelGetDefaultInstance(), VBOXSVC_LOG_DEFAULT);
            // If failed report this to the release log.
            if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
                LogRel(("Cannot set default logging level Error=%Rrc \n", rc));
        // On any failure - set default level as the one to be stored.
        useLoggingLevel = VBOXSVC_LOG_DEFAULT;
    //  Set to passed value or if default used/attempted (even if error condition) use empty string.
    m->strLoggingLevel = (useLoggingLevel.equals(VBOXSVC_LOG_DEFAULT) ? "" : useLoggingLevel);
    return RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
STDMETHODIMP SystemProperties::COMGETTER(LoggingLevel)(BSTR *aLoggingLevel)

    AutoCaller autoCaller(this);
    if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) return autoCaller.rc();

    AutoReadLock alock(this COMMA_LOCKVAL_SRC_POS);

    Utf8Str useLoggingLevel(m->strLoggingLevel);
    if (useLoggingLevel.isEmpty())
        useLoggingLevel = VBOXSVC_LOG_DEFAULT;

    return S_OK;