// [email protected]:17 +{{here}}
void pre_bfi(B b) { // expected-error +{{must be imported}}

C_Base<1> pre_cb1; // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:23 +{{here}}
C1 pre_c1; // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:25 +{{here}}
C2 pre_c2; // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:26 +{{here}}

D::X pre_dx; // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:28 +{{here}}
// [email protected]:29 +{{here}}
int pre_use_dx = use_dx(pre_dx); // ignored; pre_dx is invalid

int pre_e = E(0); // expected-error {{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:32 +{{here}}

int pre_ff = F<int>().f(); // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
int pre_fg = F<int>().g<int>(); // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:34 +{{here}}

G::A pre_ga // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
  = G::a; // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:49 +{{here}}
// [email protected]:50 +{{here}}
decltype(G::h) pre_gh = G::h; // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:51 +{{here}}
B::Inner2 pre_bi; // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:4 +{{here}}
// [email protected]:11 +{{here}}

C_Base<1> pre_cb1; // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:15 +{{here}}
C1 pre_c1; // expected-error +{{must be imported}} expected-error {{must use 'struct'}}
// [email protected]:17 +{{here}}
C2 pre_c2; // expected-error +{{must be imported}} expected-error {{must use 'struct'}}
// [email protected]:18 +{{here}}

D::X pre_dx; // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:20 +{{here}}
// [email protected]:21 +{{here}}
// FIXME: We should warn that use_dx is being used without being imported.
int pre_use_dx = use_dx(pre_dx);

int pre_e = E(0); // expected-error {{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:24 +{{here}}

int pre_ff = F<int>().f(); // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
int pre_fg = F<int>().g<int>(); // expected-error +{{must be imported}}
// [email protected]:26 +{{here}}

J<> pre_j; // expected-error {{must be imported}} expected-error {{too few}}
// [email protected]:49 +{{here}}

// Make definitions from second module visible.
#ifdef TEXTUAL
#include "import-and-redefine.h"
#elif defined IMPORT_USE_2