QDataStream& WebCore::HistoryItem::saveState(QDataStream& out, int version) const { // we only support version 1 for now. if (version != 1) return out; out << urlString() << title() << alternateTitle() << lastVisitedTime(); out << originalURLString() << referrer() << target() << parent(); out << lastVisitWasHTTPNonGet() << lastVisitWasFailure() << isTargetItem(); out << visitCount() << documentState() << scrollPoint(); out << dailyVisitCounts() << weeklyVisitCounts(); /*if (m_formData) { out << true; out << formContentType(); out << m_formData->flatten(); } else { out << false; }*/ // save user data if (userData().isValid()) out << true << userData(); else out << false; return out; }
void PictureShape::saveOdf( KoShapeSavingContext & context ) const { // make sure we have a valid image data pointer before saving KoImageData * data = m_imageData; if( data != userData() ) data = dynamic_cast<KoImageData*> (userData()); if(data == 0) return; KoXmlWriter &writer = context.xmlWriter(); writer.startElement( "draw:frame" ); saveOdfAttributes( context, OdfAllAttributes ); writer.startElement("draw:image"); // In the spec, only the xlink:href attribute is marked as mandatory, cool :) QString name = context.imageHref(data); writer.addAttribute("xlink:type", "simple" ); writer.addAttribute("xlink:show", "embed" ); writer.addAttribute("xlink:actuate", "onLoad"); writer.addAttribute("xlink:href", name); writer.endElement(); // draw:image saveOdfCommonChildElements( context ); writer.endElement(); // draw:frame context.addDataCenter( m_imageCollection ); }
Message::Message(char cmd, char byte1, char byte2) { header(START_12); length(1 + 2 + 2); id(cmd); userData()[0] = byte1; userData()[1] = byte2; checksum(calcChecksum()); }
Message::Message(char cmd, const char * msg) { header(START_12); length(strlen(msg) + 2); id(cmd); type(SF_ARGSTR); strcpy((char *)userData(), msg); userData()[strlen(msg)] = '\0'; // 0 termination checksum(calcChecksum()); }
bool PictureShape::saveSvg(SvgSavingContext &context) { KoImageData *imageData = qobject_cast<KoImageData*>(userData()); if (!imageData) { qWarning() << "Picture has no image data. Omitting."; return false; } context.shapeWriter().startElement("image"); context.shapeWriter().addAttribute("id", context.getID(this)); QTransform m = transformation(); if (m.type() == QTransform::TxTranslate) { const QPointF pos = position(); context.shapeWriter().addAttributePt("x", pos.x()); context.shapeWriter().addAttributePt("y", pos.y()); } else { context.shapeWriter().addAttribute("transform", SvgUtil::transformToString(m)); } const QSizeF s = size(); context.shapeWriter().addAttributePt("width", s.width()); context.shapeWriter().addAttributePt("height", s.height()); context.shapeWriter().addAttribute("xlink:href", context.saveImage(imageData)); context.shapeWriter().endElement(); return true; }
void ChangeListLevelCommand::redo() { if (!m_first) { KoTextCommandBase::redo(); UndoRedoFinalizer finalizer(this); for (int i = 0; i < m_blocks.size(); ++i) { m_lists.value(i)->updateStoredList(m_blocks.at(i)); QTextBlock currentBlock(m_blocks.at(i)); KoTextBlockData userData(currentBlock); userData.setCounterWidth(-1.0); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < m_blocks.size() && m_lists.value(i); ++i) { if (!m_lists.value(i)->style()->hasLevelProperties(m_levels.value(i))) { KoListLevelProperties llp = m_lists.value(i)->style()->levelProperties(m_levels.value(i)); if (llp.alignmentMode() == false) { //old list mode, see KoListLevelProperties::alignmentMode() documentation llp.setIndent((m_levels.value(i)-1) * 20); //TODO make this configurable } else { llp.setTabStopPosition(MARGIN_DEFAULT*(m_levels.value(i)+1)); llp.setMargin(MARGIN_DEFAULT*(m_levels.value(i)+1)); llp.setTextIndent(- MARGIN_DEFAULT); } llp.setDisplayLevel(llp.displayLevel() + m_coefficient); llp.setLevel(m_levels.value(i)); m_lists.value(i)->style()->setLevelProperties(llp); } m_lists.value(i)->add(m_blocks.at(i), m_levels.value(i)); } } m_first = false; }
void PictureShape::waitUntilReady(const KoViewConverter &converter, bool asynchronous) const { KoImageData *imageData = qobject_cast<KoImageData*>(userData()); if (imageData == 0) { return; } if (asynchronous) { // get pixmap and schedule it if not QSize pixels = converter.documentToView(QRectF(QPointF(0,0), size())).size().toSize(); QImage image = imageData->image(); if (image.isNull()) { return; } m_printQualityRequestedSize = pixels; if (image.size().width() < pixels.width()) { // don't scale up. pixels = image.size(); } m_printQualityImage = image.scaled(pixels, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } else { QSize pixmapSize = calcOptimalPixmapSize(converter.documentToView(QRectF(QPointF(0,0), size())).size(), imageData->image().size()); QString key(generate_key(imageData->key(), pixmapSize)); if (QPixmapCache::find(key) == 0) { QPixmap pixmap = imageData->pixmap(pixmapSize); QPixmapCache::insert(key, pixmap); } } }
void PictureShape::paint( QPainter& painter, const KoViewConverter& converter ) { QRectF target = converter.documentToView(QRectF(QPointF(0,0), size())); if (m_imageData != userData()) { m_imageData = dynamic_cast<KoImageData*> (userData()); } if (m_imageData == 0) { painter.fillRect(target, QColor(Qt::gray)); } else { QPixmap pm = m_imageData->pixmap(); // TODO only paint the rect that is visible painter.drawPixmap(target.toRect(), pm, QRect(0, 0, pm.width(), pm.height())); } }
OnlineTracker::EntryList* AnilistDotCoTracker::fetchRemote() { if (this->user.id <= 0) { if (!this->user.fetchCurrentlyLoggedInUser(this->credentials, this->lock)) { return NULL; } } QUrl url(QString("https://anilist.co/api/user/%1/animelist").arg(user.id)); CurlResult userData(NULL); CURL* handle = credentials.curlClient(lock, url.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded).toStdString().c_str(), userData); CURLcode error = curl_easy_perform(handle); curl_easy_cleanup(handle); if (error || userData.data.str().size() < 2) { qDebug() << "received error" << error << "for anilist.co Tracker Update '" << url << "'' with this message:\n"; userData.print(); } else { userData.print(); nw::JsonReader jr(userData.data); EntryList* entries = new EntryList(jr); jr.close(); if (!jr.getErrorMessage().empty()) { qDebug() << "got error from anilist.co status list parsing:" << QString(jr.getErrorMessage().c_str()); delete entries; return NULL; } return entries; } return NULL; }
void PictureShape::saveOdf(KoShapeSavingContext &context) const { // make sure we have a valid image data pointer before saving KoImageData *imageData = qobject_cast<KoImageData*>(userData()); if (imageData == 0) { return; } KoXmlWriter &writer = context.xmlWriter(); writer.startElement("draw:frame"); saveOdfAttributes(context, OdfAllAttributes); writer.startElement("draw:image"); // In the spec, only the xlink:href attribute is marked as mandatory, cool :) QString name = context.imageHref(imageData); writer.addAttribute("xlink:type", "simple"); writer.addAttribute("xlink:show", "embed"); writer.addAttribute("xlink:actuate", "onLoad"); writer.addAttribute("xlink:href", name); saveText(context); writer.endElement(); // draw:image QSizeF scaleFactor(imageData->imageSize().width() / size().width(), imageData->imageSize().height() / size().height()); saveOdfClipContour(context, scaleFactor); writer.endElement(); // draw:frame context.addDataCenter(m_imageCollection); }
void VideoShape::saveOdf(KoShapeSavingContext &context) const { // make sure we have a valid image data pointer before saving VideoData *videoData = qobject_cast<VideoData*>(userData()); if (videoData == 0) return; KoXmlWriter &writer = context.xmlWriter(); writer.startElement("draw:frame"); saveOdfAttributes(context, OdfAllAttributes); writer.startElement("draw:plugin"); // In the spec, only the xlink:href attribute is marked as mandatory, cool :) QString name = videoData->tagForSaving(m_videoCollection->saveCounter); writer.addAttribute("xlink:type", "simple"); writer.addAttribute("xlink:show", "embed"); writer.addAttribute("xlink:actuate", "onLoad"); writer.addAttribute("xlink:href", name); writer.addAttribute("draw:mime-type", "application/vnd.sun.star.media"); writer.endElement(); // draw:plugin saveOdfCommonChildElements(context); writer.endElement(); // draw:frame context.addDataCenter(m_videoCollection); }
/*! Deletes all client data associated to the service context. \sa clientData(), setClientData() \since 1.1 */ void QServiceContext::resetClientData() { #ifndef QT_NO_USERDATA ServiceContextClientData* data = static_cast<ServiceContextClientData*>(userData(CLIENT_DATA_INDEX)); data->clientData.clear(); #endif }
/*! Attaches arbitrary data \a value to the context object. The value can be retrieved via \a key. \sa clientData(), resetClientData() \since 1.1 */ void QServiceContext::setClientData(const QString& key, const QVariant& value) { #ifndef QT_NO_USERDATA ServiceContextClientData* data = static_cast<ServiceContextClientData*>(userData(CLIENT_DATA_INDEX)); data->clientData[key] = value; #endif }
Message::Message(char cmd, short val) { header(START_12); length( 2+ 2 + 2); id(cmd); type((val >= 0)? SF_ARGINT : SF_ARGNINT); *(short*)userData() = ((val >= 0)? val : -val); checksum(calcChecksum()); }
void GenCertDialog::init() { std::cerr << "Finding PGPUsers" << std::endl; ui.genPGPuser->clear() ; std::list<RsPgpId> pgpIds; std::list<RsPgpId>::iterator it; bool foundGPGKeys = false; if (!mOnlyGenerateIdentity) { if (RsAccounts::GetPGPLogins(pgpIds)) { for(it = pgpIds.begin(); it != pgpIds.end(); ++it) { QVariant userData(QString::fromStdString( (*it).toStdString() )); std::string name, email; RsAccounts::GetPGPLoginDetails(*it, name, email); std::cerr << "Adding PGPUser: "******" id: " << *it << std::endl; QString gid = QString::fromStdString( (*it).toStdString()).right(8) ; ui.genPGPuser->addItem(QString::fromUtf8(name.c_str()) + " <" + QString::fromUtf8(email.c_str()) + "> (" + gid + ")", userData); foundGPGKeys = true; } } } if (foundGPGKeys) { ui.no_gpg_key_label->hide(); ui.new_gpg_key_checkbox->setChecked(false); setWindowTitle(tr("Create new node")); ui.genButton2->setText(tr("Generate new node")); ui.headerFrame->setHeaderText(tr("Create a new node")); genNewGPGKey = false; } else { ui.no_gpg_key_label->setVisible(!mOnlyGenerateIdentity); ui.new_gpg_key_checkbox->setChecked(true); ui.new_gpg_key_checkbox->setEnabled(true); setWindowTitle(tr("Create new Identity")); ui.genButton2->setText(tr("Generate new Identity")); ui.headerFrame->setHeaderText(tr("Create a new Identity")); genNewGPGKey = true; } QString text; /*= ui.header_label->text() + "\n";*/ text += tr("You can create a new identity with this form."); if (mOnlyGenerateIdentity) { ui.new_gpg_key_checkbox->setChecked(true); ui.new_gpg_key_checkbox->hide(); ui.genprofileinfo_label->hide(); } else { text += "\n"; text += tr("Alternatively you can use an existing identity. Just uncheck \"Create a new identity\""); } ui.header_label->setText(text); newGPGKeyGenUiSetup(); updateUiSetup(); }
void QuetzalChoiceDialog::callBack(PurpleRequestChoiceCb cb) { if (!cb) return; foreach (QRadioButton *button, m_radios) { if (button->isChecked()) cb(userData(), button->property("choiceId").toInt()); } }
Message::Message(char cmd, unsigned short val) { header(START_12); length(2 + 2 + 2); id(cmd); type(SF_ARGINT); *(unsigned short*)userData() = val; checksum(calcChecksum()); }
/*! Returns the client data associated to \a key. \sa setClientData(), resetClientData() \since 1.1 */ QVariant QServiceContext::clientData(const QString& key) const { #ifndef QT_NO_USERDATA ServiceContextClientData* data = static_cast<ServiceContextClientData*>(userData(CLIENT_DATA_INDEX)); return data->clientData.value(key); #else return QVariant(); #endif }
void GenCertDialog::init() { std::cerr << "Finding PGPUsers" << std::endl; ui.genPGPuser->clear() ; std::list<std::string> pgpIds; std::list<std::string>::iterator it; bool foundGPGKeys = false; if (!mOnlyGenerateIdentity) { if (RsInit::GetPGPLogins(pgpIds)) { for(it = pgpIds.begin(); it != pgpIds.end(); it++) { QVariant userData(QString::fromStdString(*it)); std::string name, email; RsInit::GetPGPLoginDetails(*it, name, email); std::cerr << "Adding PGPUser: "******" id: " << *it << std::endl; QString gid = QString::fromStdString(*it).right(8) ; ui.genPGPuser->addItem(QString::fromUtf8(name.c_str()) + " <" + QString::fromUtf8(email.c_str()) + "> (" + gid + ")", userData); foundGPGKeys = true; } } } if (foundGPGKeys) { ui.no_gpg_key_label->hide(); ui.new_gpg_key_checkbox->setChecked(false); setWindowTitle(tr("Create new Location")); ui.genButton->setText(tr("Generate new Location")); ui.headerFrame->setHeaderText(tr("Create a new Location")); genNewGPGKey = false; } else { ui.no_gpg_key_label->setVisible(!mOnlyGenerateIdentity); ui.new_gpg_key_checkbox->setChecked(true); ui.new_gpg_key_checkbox->setEnabled(true); setWindowTitle(tr("Create new Identity")); ui.genButton->setText(tr("Generate new Identity")); ui.headerFrame->setHeaderText(tr("Create a new Identity")); genNewGPGKey = true; } QString text = ui.header_label->text() + "\n"; if (mOnlyGenerateIdentity) { ui.new_gpg_key_checkbox->setChecked(true); ui.new_gpg_key_checkbox->hide(); ui.genprofileinfo_label->hide(); text += tr("You can create a new identity with this form."); } else { text += tr("You can use an existing identity (i.e. a PGP key pair), from the list below, or create a new one with this form."); } ui.header_label->setText(text); newGPGKeyGenUiSetup(); }
GA1DArrayGenome<T>:: GA1DArrayGenome(unsigned int length, GAGenome::Evaluator f, void * u) : GAArray<T>(length), GAGenome(DEFAULT_1DARRAY_INITIALIZER, DEFAULT_1DARRAY_MUTATOR, DEFAULT_1DARRAY_COMPARATOR) { evaluator(f); userData(u); nx=minX=maxX=length; crossover(DEFAULT_1DARRAY_CROSSOVER); }
// Set all the initial values to NULL or zero, then allocate the space we'll // need (using the resize method). We do NOT call the initialize method at // this point - initialization must be done explicitly by the user of the // genome (eg when the population is created or reset). If we called the // initializer routine here then we could end up with multiple initializations // and/or calls to dummy initializers (for example when the genome is // created with a dummy initializer and the initializer is assigned later on). GA1DBinaryStringGenome:: GA1DBinaryStringGenome(unsigned int len, GAGenome::Evaluator f, void * u) : GABinaryString(len), GAGenome(DEFAULT_1DBINSTR_INITIALIZER, DEFAULT_1DBINSTR_MUTATOR, DEFAULT_1DBINSTR_COMPARATOR) { evaluator(f); userData(u); crossover(DEFAULT_1DBINSTR_CROSSOVER); // assign the default sexual crossover nx=minX=maxX=0; resize(len); }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Genome class definition ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GA2DBinaryStringGenome:: GA2DBinaryStringGenome(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GAGenome::Evaluator f, void * u) : GABinaryString(width*height), GAGenome(DEFAULT_2DBINSTR_INITIALIZER, DEFAULT_2DBINSTR_MUTATOR, DEFAULT_2DBINSTR_COMPARATOR) { evaluator(f); userData(u); crossover(DEFAULT_2DBINSTR_CROSSOVER); nx=minX=maxX=0; ny=minY=maxY=0; resize(width, height); }
void ChangeListLevelCommand::undo() { KoTextCommandBase::undo(); UndoRedoFinalizer finalizer(this); for (int i = 0; i < m_blocks.size(); ++i) { if (m_blocks.at(i).textList()) m_lists.value(i)->updateStoredList(m_blocks.at(i)); QTextBlock currentBlock(m_blocks.at(i)); KoTextBlockData userData(currentBlock); userData.setCounterWidth(-1.0); } }
GA3DArrayGenome<T>:: GA3DArrayGenome(unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int d, GAGenome::Evaluator f, void * u) : GAArray<T>(w*h*d), GAGenome(DEFAULT_3DARRAY_INITIALIZER, DEFAULT_3DARRAY_MUTATOR, DEFAULT_3DARRAY_COMPARATOR) { evaluator(f); userData(u); crossover(DEFAULT_3DARRAY_CROSSOVER); nx=minX=maxX=w; ny=minY=maxY=h; nz=minZ=maxZ=d; }
void TweetJob::result(KJob *job) { kDebug() << "job returned " << m_url; kDebug() << "Job returned... e:" << job->errorText(); //kDebug() << "Job returned data:" << m_data; if (m_operation.startsWith("friendships")) { kDebug() << "emitting userdata"; emit userData(m_data); } setError(job->error()); setErrorText(job->errorText()); setResult(!job->error()); m_data.clear(); }
void ParseLEF(HDesign& design) { ConfigContext ctx(design.cfg.OpenContext("LEFParser")); if(!design.HasTechInfo()) design.SetTechInfo(); LEFParserData userData(&design); userData.rlBuilder.LayersStart( design.cfg.ValueOf(".startLayersCount", 6)); userData.mtBuilder.MacroTypesStart( design.cfg.ValueOf(".startMacrosCount", 42), design.cfg.ValueOf(".startPinsCount", 224)); userData.stBuilder.SitesStart( design.cfg.ValueOf(".startSitesCount", 1)); lefrSetMacroBeginCbk(macroBeginCB); lefrSetMacroCbk(macroCB); lefrSetMacroEndCbk(macroEndCB); lefrSetPinCbk(pinCB); lefrSetLayerCbk(layerCB); lefrSetSiteCbk(siteCB); lefrSetMallocFunction(mallocCB); lefrSetReallocFunction(reallocCB); lefrSetFreeFunction(freeCB); lefrSetCaseSensitivity(false); lefrSetRelaxMode(); lefrSetShiftCase(); // will shift name to uppercase if caseinsensitive // is set to off or not set static int __init_reader_code = lefrInit(); lefrReset(); FILE* lefFile = fopen(design.cfg.ValueOf("benchmark.lef"),"r"); CRITICAL_ASSERT(lefFile != NULL); ALERT("LEF file %s parsing started...", (const char*)design.cfg.ValueOf("benchmark.lef")); int lefReaderStatus = lefrRead(lefFile, design.cfg.ValueOf("benchmark.lef"), (void*)(&userData)); ASSERT(lefReaderStatus == PARSE_OK); fclose(lefFile); lefrReleaseNResetMemory(); ALERT("LEF parsing finished."); }
OnlineTracker::UpdateResult AnilistDotCoTracker::updateinOnlineTrackerOrAdd(const TvShow *show, const QString &type) const { Entry e; e.anime.id = show->getRemoteId(identifierKey()); e.episodes_watched = show->episodeList().highestWatchedEpisodeNumber(0); e.rewatched = show->getRewatchCount(); QUrl url = (QStringList() << "https://anilist.co/api/animelist" << "?id=" << QString::number(e.anime.id) << "&list_status=" << watchStatusToString(show->getStatus()) // << "&score_raw=" << e->score_raw << "&episodes_watched=" << QString::number(e.watchedEpisodes()) << "&rewatched=" << QString::number(e.rewatched)).join(""); // << "&score=" << e->score // (See bottom of page - List score types) // << "¬es=" << e->notes // << "&advanced_rating_scores=" << e->advanced_rating_scores // << "&custom_lists=" << e->custom_lists // << "&hidden_default=" << e->hidden_default // qDebug() << url.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded); // qDebug() << show->episodeList().numberOfEpisodes() << "/" // << show->episodeList().highestWatchedEpisodeNumber(0) // << TvShow::watchStatusToString(show->getStatus()) // << show->getRemoteId(identifierKey()) // << show->name(); CurlResult userData(NULL); CURL* handle = credentials.curlClient(lock, url.toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded).toStdString().c_str(), userData); if (type == "add") { // curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, true); // curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, 0); // curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); } else { curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT"); } CURLcode error = curl_easy_perform(handle); curl_easy_cleanup(handle); if (error || userData.data.str().size() < 2) { qDebug() << "received error" << error << "for anilist.co tracker " << type << " with this message:\n"; userData.print(); return OnlineTracker::failedDueToNetwork; } else { qDebug() << "success" << error << "for anilist.co tracker " << type << " with this message:\n"; userData.print(); return OnlineTracker::success; } }
bool AnilistDotCoTracker::User::fetchCurrentlyLoggedInUser(const OnlineCredentials& credentials, OnlineCredentials::TimeLock& lock) { CurlResult userData(NULL); CURL* handle = credentials.curlClient(lock, "https://anilist.co/api/user", userData); CURLcode error = curl_easy_perform(handle); curl_easy_cleanup(handle); if (error || userData.data.str().size() < 2) { qDebug() << "received error" << error << "for anilist.co user fetch with this message:\n"; userData.print(); } else { userData.print(); nw::JsonReader jr(userData.data); this->describe(jr); jr.close(); } return this->id > 0; }
bool PictureShape::loadOdf(const KoXmlElement &element, KoShapeLoadingContext &context) { loadOdfAttributes(element, context, OdfAllAttributes); if (loadOdfFrame(element, context)) { // load contour (clip) KoImageData *imageData = qobject_cast<KoImageData*>(userData()); QSizeF scaleFactor(size().width() / imageData->imageSize().width(), size().height() / imageData->imageSize().height()); loadOdfClipContour(element, context, scaleFactor); // this is needed so that the image is already normalized when calling waitUntilReady e.g. by cstester m_clippingRect.normalize(imageData->imageSize()); return true; } return false; }
void QuetzalFieldsDialog::onClicked(int button) { debug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << button; PurpleRequestFieldsCb cb = button == 0 ? m_ok_cb : m_cancel_cb; if (button == 0) { const QList<DataItem> items = form()->item().subitems(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { const DataItem &item = items.at(i); QByteArray id = item.name().toUtf8(); PurpleRequestField *field = purple_request_fields_get_field(m_fields, id.constData()); switch (purple_request_field_get_type(field)) { case PURPLE_REQUEST_FIELD_STRING: purple_request_field_string_set_value(field, item.data().toString().toUtf8().constData()); break; case PURPLE_REQUEST_FIELD_INTEGER: purple_request_field_int_set_value(field, item.data().toInt()); break; case PURPLE_REQUEST_FIELD_BOOLEAN: purple_request_field_bool_set_value(field, item.data().toBool()); break; case PURPLE_REQUEST_FIELD_CHOICE: { QStringList alternatives = item.property("alternatives", QStringList()); purple_request_field_choice_set_value(field, alternatives.indexOf(item.data().toString())); } break; case PURPLE_REQUEST_FIELD_LIST: break; case PURPLE_REQUEST_FIELD_ACCOUNT: break; case PURPLE_REQUEST_FIELD_IMAGE: case PURPLE_REQUEST_FIELD_LABEL: case PURPLE_REQUEST_FIELD_NONE: default: continue; } } } cb(userData(), m_fields); quetzal_request_close(PURPLE_REQUEST_FIELDS, this); }