void GraphicWindow::line(double xfrom, double yfrom, double xto,
   double yto) 
   XSetForeground(display, xgc, BlackPixel(display, screen_num));
   XDrawLine(display, win, xgc, user_to_disp_x(xfrom), user_to_disp_y(yfrom),
      user_to_disp_x(xto), user_to_disp_y(yto));
   XDrawLine(display, _ppm, xgc, user_to_disp_x(xfrom),
      user_to_disp_y(yfrom), user_to_disp_x(xto), user_to_disp_y(yto));
void GraphicWindow::text(string t, double x, double y)
   int dx = user_to_disp_x(x);
   int dy = user_to_disp_y(y);
   for (int i = 0; i < t.length(); i++) set(dx + i, dy, t[i]);
   dirty = true;
void GraphicWindow::point(double x, double y)
   int cx = user_to_disp_x(x);
   int cy = user_to_disp_y(y);
   set(cx, cy);
   dirty = true;
void GraphicWindow::line(double xfrom, double yfrom, double xto, double yto)
   int x1 = user_to_disp_x(xfrom);
   int x2 = user_to_disp_x(xto);
   int y1 = user_to_disp_y(yfrom);
   int y2 = user_to_disp_y(yto);
   int dx = x2 - x1;
   int dy = y2 - y1;
   if (abs(dy) < abs(dx)) // |slope| < 1
      if (dx < 0) 
         int temp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = temp;
         temp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = temp;
         dx = -dx; dy = -dy;
      double y = y1 + 0.5;
      for (int x = x1; x != x2; x++)
         set(x, int(y));
         y += double(dy) / double(dx);
      if (dy < 0) 
         int temp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = temp;
         temp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = temp;
         dx = -dx; dy = -dy;
      double x = x1 + 0.5;
      for (int y = y1; y != y2; y++)
         set(int(x), y);
         x += double(dx) / double(dy);
   set(x2, y2);

   dirty = true;
void GraphicWindow::point(double x, double y)
   const int POINT_RADIUS = 3;
   int disp_x = user_to_disp_x(x);
   int disp_y = user_to_disp_y(y);

   XSetForeground(display, xgc, BlackPixel(display, screen_num));
   XDrawArc(display, win, xgc, disp_x - POINT_RADIUS, disp_y - POINT_RADIUS,
      2 * POINT_RADIUS, 2 * POINT_RADIUS, 0 , 360 * 64);
   XDrawArc(display, _ppm, xgc, disp_x - POINT_RADIUS,
      disp_y - POINT_RADIUS, 2 * POINT_RADIUS, 2 * POINT_RADIUS, 0 , 360 * 64);
void GraphicWindow::text(const char t[], double x, double y)
   int direction, ascent, descent;
   XCharStruct overall;
   XTextExtents(_fontinfo_ptr, t, strlen(t), &direction, &ascent, &descent, &overall);

   int disp_x = user_to_disp_x(x);
   int disp_y = user_to_disp_y(y) + ascent;

   XSetForeground(display, xgc, BlackPixel(display, screen_num));
   XDrawString(display, win, xgc, disp_x, disp_y, t, strlen(t));
   XDrawString(display, _ppm, xgc, disp_x, disp_y, 
      t, strlen(t));
void GraphicWindow::ellipse(double center_x, double center_y, double ra, double rb)
   int cx = user_to_disp_x(center_x);
   int cy = user_to_disp_y(center_y);
   double a = fabs(user_to_disp_dx(ra));
   double b = fabs(user_to_disp_dy(rb));
   int x = 0;
   int y = (int)(b + 0.5);
   double d1 = b * b - a * a * b + a * a / 4;
   set4(x, y, cx, cy);
   while (a * a * (y - 0.5) > b * b * (x + 1))
      if (d1 < 0)
         d1 += b * b * (2 * x + 3);
         d1 += b * b * (2 * x + 3) + a * a * (-2 * y + 2);
      set4(x, y, cx, cy);
   double d2 = b * b * (x + 0.5) * (x + 0.5) + a * a * (y - 1) * (y - 1) - a * a * b * b;
   while (y > 0)
      if (d2 < 0)
         d2 += b * b * (2 * x + 2) + a * a * (-2 * y + 3);
         d2 += a * a * (-2 * y + 3);
      set4(x, y, cx, cy);

   dirty = true;
void GraphicWindow::ellipse(double x, double y, double ra, double rb)
   int disp_x = user_to_disp_x(x);
   int disp_y = user_to_disp_y(y);
   int disp_rx = abs(user_to_disp_dx(ra));
   int disp_ry = abs(user_to_disp_dy(rb));

   XSetForeground(display, xgc, BlackPixel(display, screen_num));
   XDrawArc(display, win, 
      xgc,               // the drawable
      disp_x - disp_rx,  // the x coord of upperleft corner of bounding rect
      disp_y - disp_ry,  // the y coord of upperleft corner of bounding rect
      disp_rx * 2,       // the major axis length
      disp_ry * 2,       // the minor axis length
      0,                 // offset from 3 o'clock  
      360 * 64);         // complete circle (360 degrees * 64 clicks per degree)
   XDrawArc(display, _ppm, xgc, disp_x - disp_rx, 
   disp_y - disp_ry, disp_rx * 2, disp_ry * 2, 0, 360 * 64);