void t_draw_progressbar_16(struct usplash_theme *theme, int percentage) {
    int w = (pixmap_throbber_back_16.width * percentage / 100);
    usplash_put(theme->progressbar_x, theme->progressbar_y, &pixmap_throbber_back_16);
    if (percentage == 0)
    if (percentage < 0)
        usplash_put_part(theme->progressbar_x - w, theme->progressbar_y, pixmap_throbber_back_16.width + w,
                         pixmap_throbber_back_16.height, &pixmap_throbber_fore_16, -w, 0);
        usplash_put_part(theme->progressbar_x, theme->progressbar_y, w, pixmap_throbber_back_16.height, 
                         &pixmap_throbber_fore_16, 0, 0);
 * Animate the spinner
 *  helper function to aid in animation of spinner
void spinner(struct usplash_theme* theme) {
	current_step = current_step + 1;
	int x0 = (spinner_part_width * current_step) - spinner_part_width;
	int y0 = 0;
	// if current step > number of images in the spinner, then reset to beginning (at end or circular spinner)
	if(current_step >= spinner_num_steps) {
		current_step = 0;
	// call usplash_put_part for the small or large spinner image
	usplash_put_part(spinner_x, spinner_y, spinner_part_width, spinner_height, &pixmap_xbmc_spinner, x0, y0);
void t_animate_step_16(struct usplash_theme* theme, int pulsating) {

    static int pulsate_step = 0;
    static int pulse_width = 28;
    static int step_width = 2;
    static int num_steps = 0;
    int x1;
    num_steps = (pixmap_throbber_fore.width - pulse_width)/2;

    if (pulsating) {
        t_draw_progressbar_16(theme, 0);
        if(pulsate_step < num_steps/2+1)
	        x1 = 2 * step_width * pulsate_step;
	        x1 = pixmap_throbber_fore.width - pulse_width - 2 * step_width * (pulsate_step - num_steps/2+1);

        usplash_put_part(theme->progressbar_x + x1, theme->progressbar_y, pulse_width,
                         pixmap_throbber_fore_16.height, &pixmap_throbber_fore_16, x1, 0);

        pulsate_step = (pulsate_step + 1) % num_steps;