ALERROR CMemoryReadStream::Read (char *pData, int iLength, int *retiBytesRead) // Read { ASSERT(m_iPos >= 0); // This happens if we don't Open the stream first ASSERT(iLength >= 0); ALERROR error = NOERROR; // If we don't have enough data left, read out what we can if (m_iPos + iLength > m_iDataSize) { iLength = m_iDataSize - m_iPos; error = ERR_ENDOFFILE; } // Copy the stuff over if (pData) utlMemCopy(m_pData + m_iPos, pData, iLength); m_iPos += iLength; if (retiBytesRead) *retiBytesRead = iLength; return error; }
CIntArray &CIntArray::operator= (const CIntArray &Obj) // CIntArray operator= { if (m_pData) MemFree(m_pData); if (Obj.m_pData) { m_iAllocSize = Obj.m_iAllocSize; m_iLength = Obj.m_iLength; m_pData = (int *)::MemAlloc(sizeof(int) * (Obj.m_iAllocSize)); utlMemCopy((char *)Obj.m_pData, (char *)m_pData, sizeof(int) * m_iLength); } else { m_iAllocSize = 0; m_iLength = 0; m_pData = NULL; } return *this; }
ALERROR CDataFile::ReadBuffer (DWORD dwFilePos, DWORD dwLen, void *pBuffer) // ReadBuffer // // This is an internal function that reads from the database to a buffer { if (m_pFile) { if (dwFilePos + dwLen > (DWORD)m_pFile->GetLength()) return ERR_FAIL; char *pPos = m_pFile->GetPointer(dwFilePos, dwLen); utlMemCopy(pPos, (char *)pBuffer, dwLen); } else if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Set the proper position if (::SetFilePointer(m_hFile, dwFilePos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xFFFFFFFF) return ERR_FAIL; // Read DWORD dwRead; if (!::ReadFile(m_hFile, pBuffer, dwLen, &dwRead, NULL) || dwRead != dwLen) return ERR_FAIL; } else ASSERT(false); return NOERROR; }
void CAeonRowValue::SetValue (CDatum dValue) // SetValue // // Sets the value of a 0D row { CMemoryBuffer Buffer(4096); dValue.Serialize(CDatum::formatAEONScript, Buffer); // Allocate a new block DWORD dwSizeUp = AlignUp(Buffer.GetLength(), (int)sizeof(DWORD)); DWORD dwNewFixedBlockAlloc = sizeof(SItemHeader) + sizeof(SItemHeader) + dwSizeUp; void *pNewFixedBlock = new char [dwNewFixedBlockAlloc]; // Init SItemHeader *pHeader = (SItemHeader *)pNewFixedBlock; pHeader->dwSize = sizeof(SItemHeader) + dwSizeUp; SItemHeader *pItem = (SItemHeader *)&pHeader[1]; pItem->dwSize = Buffer.GetLength(); utlMemCopy(Buffer.GetPointer(), &pItem[1], Buffer.GetLength()); // Replace if (m_pFixedBlock && m_dwFixedBlockAlloc) delete m_pFixedBlock; m_pFixedBlock = pNewFixedBlock; m_dwFixedBlockAlloc = dwNewFixedBlockAlloc; }
void CComplexBinary::Append (CDatum dDatum) // Append // // Appends data { const CString &sNewData = dDatum; if (sNewData.GetLength() == 0) return; // Compute the new length int iOldLen = GetLength(); int iNewLen = iOldLen + sNewData.GetLength(); // Allocate a new buffer char *pNewBuffer = new char [sizeof(DWORD) + iNewLen + 1]; char *pPos = pNewBuffer; *(DWORD *)pPos = iNewLen; pPos += sizeof(DWORD); // Copy the original data if (iOldLen) { utlMemCopy(m_pData, pPos, iOldLen); pPos += iOldLen; } // Copy the new data utlMemCopy(sNewData.GetParsePointer(), pPos, sNewData.GetLength()); pPos += sNewData.GetLength(); // NULL-terminator *pPos++ = '\0'; // Free our original buffer and swap if (m_pData) delete [] GetBuffer(); m_pData = pNewBuffer + sizeof(DWORD); }
int CBufferedIO::Read (void *pData, int iLength) // Read // // Reads { char *pDest = (char *)pData; int iDestLeft = iLength; while (iDestLeft > 0) { // If we have data in our buffer, read data from there. if (m_bReadBuffer && m_iBufferPos < m_iBufferLen) { int iWrite = Min(iDestLeft, m_iBufferLen - m_iBufferPos); utlMemCopy(m_pBuffer + m_iBufferPos, pDest, iWrite); m_iBufferPos += iWrite; pDest += iWrite; iDestLeft -= iWrite; } // Otherwise, we need to read from the source stream else { Flush(); // Read as much as we can. m_iBufferStart = m_Stream.GetPos(); m_iBufferLen = Min(m_iBufferAlloc, m_Stream.GetStreamLength() - m_iBufferStart); m_Stream.Read(m_pBuffer, m_iBufferLen); m_iBufferPos = 0; // If we don't have more, then we're at the end of the stream. if (m_iBufferLen == 0) return (int)(pDest - (char *)pData); // Otherwise, continue reading m_bReadBuffer = true; continue; } } // Done return iLength; }
int CWORM::Write (void *pData, int iLength) // Write // // Write to the WORM, returns bytes written { Commit((m_pPointer - m_pBlock) + iLength); utlMemCopy(pData, m_pPointer, iLength); m_pPointer += iLength; m_iCurrentSize = max(m_iCurrentSize, m_pPointer - m_pBlock); return iLength; }
int CWORM::Read (void *pData, int iLength) // Read // // Read from the WORM, returns bytes read { int iLeft = m_iCurrentSize - (m_pPointer - m_pBlock); int iRead = min(iLeft, iLength); utlMemCopy(m_pPointer, pData, iRead); m_pPointer += iRead; return iRead; }
int CBufferedIO::Write (void *pData, int iLength) // Write // // Writes { char *pDest = (char *)pData; int iDestLeft = iLength; if (m_bReadBuffer) Flush(); while (iDestLeft > 0) { // If we can write to our buffer, do it. if (m_iBufferPos < m_iBufferAlloc) { int iWrite = Min(iDestLeft, m_iBufferAlloc - m_iBufferPos); utlMemCopy(pDest, m_pBuffer + m_iBufferPos, iWrite); m_iBufferPos += iWrite; pDest += iWrite; iDestLeft -= iWrite; m_iBufferLen = Max(m_iBufferPos, m_iBufferLen); m_bWriteBuffer = true; } // Otherwise, write out the buffer to the stream else { int iWritten = m_Stream.Write(m_pBuffer, m_iBufferAlloc); if (iWritten != m_iBufferAlloc) return (int)(pDest - (char *)pData); m_iBufferPos = 0; m_iBufferLen = 0; m_bWriteBuffer = false; continue; } } // Done return iLength; }
IComplexDatum *CComplexBinary::Clone (void) const // Clone // // Creates a clone { CComplexBinary *pDest = new CComplexBinary; if (m_pData) { int iAllocLen = sizeof(DWORD) + GetLength() + 1; pDest->m_pData = new char [iAllocLen]; utlMemCopy(m_pData, pDest->m_pData, iAllocLen); } return pDest; }
void CAeonRowValue::Copy (const CAeonRowValue &Src) // Copy // // Assumes that we are clean { if (Src.m_pFixedBlock) { m_dwFixedBlockAlloc = Src.m_dwFixedBlockAlloc; m_pFixedBlock = new char [m_dwFixedBlockAlloc]; utlMemCopy(Src.m_pFixedBlock, m_pFixedBlock, GetFixedBlockSize()); } else { m_pFixedBlock = NULL; m_dwFixedBlockAlloc = 0; } }
ALERROR CDataFile::ReadBuffer (DWORD dwFilePos, DWORD dwLen, void *pBuffer) // ReadBuffer // // This is an internal function that reads from the database to a buffer { if (m_pFile) { if (dwFilePos + dwLen > (DWORD)m_pFile->GetLength()) { ::kernelDebugLogMessage("I/O Error [%s]: Not enough data in file.", m_sFilename); return ERR_FAIL; } char *pPos = m_pFile->GetPointer(dwFilePos, dwLen); utlMemCopy(pPos, (char *)pBuffer, dwLen); } else if (m_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Set the proper position if (::SetFilePointer(m_hFile, dwFilePos, NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { ::kernelDebugLogMessage("I/O Error [%s]: Cannot seek to %d.", m_sFilename, dwFilePos); return ERR_FAIL; } // Read DWORD dwRead; if (!::ReadFile(m_hFile, pBuffer, dwLen, &dwRead, NULL) || dwRead != dwLen) { ::kernelDebugLogMessage("I/O Error [%s]: Cannot read %d bytes at %d.", m_sFilename, dwLen, dwFilePos); return ERR_FAIL; } } else ASSERT(false); return NOERROR; }
ALERROR CDataFile::GrowEntryTable (int *retiEntry) // GrowEntryTable // // Grows the entry table and returns the first newly allocated free entry { int iNewEntryTableCount = m_iEntryTableCount + ENTRY_TABLE_GRANULARITY; int iNewEntryTableSize = iNewEntryTableCount * sizeof(ENTRYSTRUCT); PENTRYSTRUCT pNewEntryTable; int i; pNewEntryTable = (PENTRYSTRUCT)MemAlloc(iNewEntryTableSize); if (pNewEntryTable == NULL) return ERR_MEMORY; // Copy over the old table utlMemCopy((char *)m_pEntryTable, (char *)pNewEntryTable, (DWORD)m_iEntryTableCount * sizeof(ENTRYSTRUCT)); // Initialize the rest of the table for (i = m_iEntryTableCount; i < iNewEntryTableCount; i++) pNewEntryTable[i].dwBlock = FREE_ENTRY; // Set the next free entry if (retiEntry) *retiEntry = m_iEntryTableCount; // Do the move MemFree(m_pEntryTable); m_pEntryTable = pNewEntryTable; m_iEntryTableCount = iNewEntryTableCount; m_fEntryTableModified = TRUE; return NOERROR; }
ALERROR ReadDIBInfo (IReadBlock *pBlock, HANDLE *rethDIB, int *retiBitsOffset, BITMAPINFOHEADER *retbi) // ReadDIBInfo // // Reads the DIB info from a block of memory { int iLen = pBlock->GetLength(); char *pPos = pBlock->GetPointer(0, iLen); char *pEnd = pPos + iLen; BITMAPFILEHEADER bf; BITMAPINFOHEADER bi; int iBitmapInfoOffset; // Read in the type WORD if (pPos + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(DWORD) > pEnd) return ERR_FAIL; utlMemCopy(pPos, (char *)&bf.bfType, sizeof(WORD)); pPos += sizeof(WORD); // Read in the next three DWORDs utlMemCopy(pPos, (char *)&bf.bfSize, sizeof(DWORD) * 3); pPos += sizeof(DWORD) * 3; // Do we have an RC HEADER? if (bf.bfType != BFT_BITMAP) { bf.bfOffBits = 0; pPos = pBlock->GetPointer(0, iLen); iBitmapInfoOffset = 0; } else iBitmapInfoOffset = sizeof(WORD) + 3 * sizeof(DWORD); // Read the info header if (pPos + sizeof(bi) > pEnd) return ERR_FAIL; utlMemCopy(pPos, (char *)&bi, sizeof(bi)); pPos += sizeof(bi); DWORD dwNumColors = dibNumColors(&bi); // Check the nature of the info block and extract the field // information accordingly. Convert to a BITMAPINFOHEADER, // if necessary. int iSize = (int)bi.biSize; switch (iSize) { case sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER): break; case sizeof(BITMAPCOREHEADER): { BITMAPCOREHEADER bc = *(BITMAPCOREHEADER *)&bi; DWORD dwWidth = (DWORD)bc.bcWidth; DWORD dwHeight = (DWORD)bc.bcHeight; WORD wPlanes = bc.bcPlanes; WORD wBitCount = bc.bcBitCount; bi.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bi.biWidth = dwWidth; bi.biHeight = dwHeight; bi.biPlanes = wPlanes; bi.biBitCount = wBitCount; bi.biCompression = BI_RGB; bi.biSizeImage = 0; bi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bi.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bi.biClrUsed = dwNumColors; bi.biClrImportant = dwNumColors; pPos += (int)(sizeof BITMAPCOREHEADER) - (int)(sizeof BITMAPINFOHEADER); break; } // Not a DIB! default: return ERR_FAIL; } // Fill in some default values if they are zero if (bi.biSizeImage == 0) bi.biSizeImage = WIDTHBYTES((DWORD)bi.biWidth * bi.biBitCount) * bi.biHeight; if (bi.biClrUsed == 0) bi.biClrUsed = dwNumColors; // Allocate memory for the BITMAPINFO struct and the color table HANDLE hbi = GlobalAlloc(GHND, (LONG)bi.biSize + dwNumColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); if (!hbi) return ERR_MEMORY; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi = (BITMAPINFOHEADER *)GlobalLock(hbi); *lpbi = bi; // Get the pointer to the color table RGBQUAD *pRGB = (RGBQUAD *)((char *)lpbi + bi.biSize); if (dwNumColors) { if (iSize == sizeof(BITMAPCOREHEADER)) { // Convert an old color table (3 byte RGBTRIPLEs) to a // new table (4 byte RGBQUADs) if (pPos + dwNumColors * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE) > pEnd) return ERR_FAIL; utlMemCopy(pPos, (char *)pRGB, dwNumColors * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE)); pPos += dwNumColors * sizeof(RGBTRIPLE); for (int i = dwNumColors - 1; i >= 0; i--) { RGBQUAD rgb; rgb.rgbRed = ((RGBTRIPLE *)pRGB)[i].rgbtRed; rgb.rgbGreen = ((RGBTRIPLE *)pRGB)[i].rgbtGreen; rgb.rgbBlue = ((RGBTRIPLE *)pRGB)[i].rgbtBlue; rgb.rgbReserved = (BYTE)0; pRGB[i] = rgb; } } else { if (pPos + dwNumColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD) > pEnd) return ERR_FAIL; utlMemCopy(pPos, (char *)pRGB, dwNumColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); pPos += dwNumColors * sizeof(RGBQUAD); } } // Done if (bf.bfOffBits) *retiBitsOffset = bf.bfOffBits; else *retiBitsOffset = pPos - pBlock->GetPointer(0, 1); if (retbi) *retbi = bi; GlobalUnlock(hbi); *rethDIB = (HBITMAP)hbi; return NOERROR; }
ALERROR CMemoryWriteStream::Write (char *pData, int iLength, int *retiBytesWritten) // Write // // Writes the given bytes to the file. If this call returns NOERROR, it is // guaranteed that the requested number of bytes were written. { // Make sure we called Create ASSERT(m_pBlock); ASSERT(iLength >= 0); // Commit the required space if (m_iCurrentSize + iLength > m_iCommittedSize) { int iAdditionalSize; // Figure out how much to add iAdditionalSize = AlignUp(m_iCurrentSize + iLength, ALLOC_SIZE) - m_iCommittedSize; // Figure out if we're over the limit. We cannot rely on VirtualAlloc // to keep track of our maximum reservation if (m_iCommittedSize + iAdditionalSize > m_iMaxSize) { // Allocate a new, bigger virtual block int iNewMaxSize = (m_iMaxSize < 0x3fff0000 ? m_iMaxSize * 2 : 0x7fff0000); char *pNewBlock = (char *)::VirtualAlloc(NULL, iNewMaxSize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS); if (pNewBlock == NULL) { ::kernelDebugLogMessage("Out of Memory: VirtualAlloc failed reserving %d bytes.", iNewMaxSize); return ERR_MEMORY; } // Commit and copy the new block if (m_iCommittedSize > 0) { if (::VirtualAlloc(pNewBlock, m_iCommittedSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) == NULL) { ::kernelDebugLogMessage("Out of Memory: VirtualAlloc failed committing %d bytes.", m_iCommittedSize); return ERR_MEMORY; } // Copy over to the new block utlMemCopy(m_pBlock, pNewBlock, m_iCommittedSize); // Free the old block ::VirtualFree(m_pBlock, m_iCommittedSize, MEM_DECOMMIT); } // Free original ::VirtualFree(m_pBlock, 0, MEM_RELEASE); // Flip over m_pBlock = pNewBlock; m_iMaxSize = iNewMaxSize; } // Commit if (VirtualAlloc(m_pBlock + m_iCommittedSize, iAdditionalSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) == NULL) { ::kernelDebugLogMessage("Out of Memory: VirtualAlloc failed committing %d bytes.", m_iCommittedSize + iAdditionalSize); return ERR_MEMORY; } m_iCommittedSize += iAdditionalSize; } // Copy the stuff over if (pData) utlMemCopy(pData, m_pBlock + m_iCurrentSize, iLength); m_iCurrentSize += iLength; if (retiBytesWritten) *retiBytesWritten = iLength; return NOERROR; }
void CG8bitSparseImage::Copy (const CG8bitSparseImage &Src) // Copy // // Copy { int i, j; switch (Src.m_Tiles.GetType()) { case typeByte: m_Tiles.SetByte(Src.m_Tiles.GetByte()); m_xTileCount = 0; m_yTileCount = 0; break; case typeNodeArray: { int iTileCount = Src.m_xTileCount * Src.m_yTileCount; CNode *SrcNodes = Src.m_Tiles.GetNodeArray(); m_Tiles.SetNodeArray(iTileCount); CNode *DestNodes = m_Tiles.GetNodeArray(); for (i = 0; i < iTileCount; i++) { switch (SrcNodes[i].GetType()) { // The entire tile is a single value. case typeByte: DestNodes[i].SetByte(SrcNodes[i].GetByte()); break; // The tile is an array of rows, each of which may be // either a BYTE array or a value. case typeNodeArray: { CNode *SrcRows = SrcNodes[i].GetNodeArray(); DestNodes[i].SetNodeArray(Src.m_cyTile); CNode *DestRows = DestNodes[i].GetNodeArray(); for (j = 0; j < Src.m_cyTile; j++) { switch (SrcRows[j].GetType()) { case typeByte: DestRows[j].SetByte(SrcRows[j].GetByte()); break; case typeByteArray: { DestRows[j].SetByteArray(m_cxTile); utlMemCopy((char *)DestRows[j].GetByteArray(), (char *)SrcRows[j].GetByteArray(), m_cxTile); break; } default: ASSERT(false); } } break; } default: ASSERT(false); } } m_xTileCount = Src.m_xTileCount; m_yTileCount = Src.m_yTileCount; break; } default: ASSERT(false); } m_cxTile = Src.m_cxTile; m_cyTile = Src.m_cyTile; m_cxWidth = Src.m_cxWidth; m_cyHeight = Src.m_cyHeight; m_rcClip = Src.m_rcClip; }
void CFractureEffect::InitParticleArray (void) // InitParticleArray // // Initializes the particle array based on cell size and the image { ASSERT(m_pParticles == NULL); ASSERT(m_iCellSize >= 1); // Get the source image and metrics CG16bitImage &Source = m_Image.GetImage(NULL_STR); int xCenter, yCenter; RECT rcSource = m_Image.GetImageRect(m_iImageTick, m_iImageRotation, &xCenter, &yCenter); // Allocate a structure for particles int iAlloc = ALLOC_GRANULARITY; m_pParticles = new SParticle [iAlloc]; m_iParticleCount = 0; int y =; while (y + m_iCellSize <= rcSource.bottom) { int x = rcSource.left; while (x + m_iCellSize <= rcSource.right) { // Initialize the entry if (true) { // Add an entry to the array if (m_iParticleCount + 1 == iAlloc) { iAlloc += ALLOC_GRANULARITY; SParticle *pNewArray = new SParticle [iAlloc]; utlMemCopy((char *)m_pParticles, (char *)pNewArray, sizeof(SParticle) * m_iParticleCount); delete [] m_pParticles; m_pParticles = pNewArray; } SParticle *pNewParticle = &m_pParticles[m_iParticleCount++]; // Initialize position pNewParticle->x = (x - xCenter) * FIXED_POINT; pNewParticle->y = (y - yCenter) * FIXED_POINT; // Velocity of each particle is away from the center CVector vAway(pNewParticle->x, pNewParticle->y); vAway = vAway.Normal() * (Metric)mathRandom(0, FIXED_POINT * 4); pNewParticle->xV = (int)vAway.GetX(); pNewParticle->yV = (int)vAway.GetY(); // Other pNewParticle->iTicks = 0; pNewParticle->xSrc = x; pNewParticle->ySrc = y; pNewParticle->iShape = 0; } x += m_iCellSize; } y += m_iCellSize; } }