CasePropsBuilder::addClosureMapping(UChar32 src, UChar32 dest, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }

    if(beVerbose) {
        printf("add closure mapping U+%04lx->U+%04lx\n",
                (unsigned long)src, (unsigned long)dest);

    uint32_t value=utrie2_get32(pTrie, src);
    if((value&UCASE_EXCEPTION)==0) {
         * decode value into p2 (enough for makeException() to work properly),
         * add the closure mapping,
         * and set the new exception for src
        value=makeExcProps(src, value, errorCode);
        utrie2_set32(pTrie, src, value, &errorCode);
        if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "genprops error: unable to set case mapping values, code: %s\n",
/* get an existing Norm unit */
Norm *Normalizer2DataBuilder::getNorm(UChar32 c) {
    uint32_t i=utrie2_get32(normTrie, c);
    if(i==0) {
        return NULL;
    return norms+i;
//  wholeScriptCheck()
//      Input text is already normalized to NFD
//      Return the set of scripts, each of which can represent something that is
//             confusable with the input text.  The script of the input text
//             is included; input consisting of characters from a single script will
//             always produce a result consisting of a set containing that script.
void SpoofImpl::wholeScriptCheck(
    const UChar *text, int32_t length, ScriptSet *result, UErrorCode &status) const {

    int32_t       inputIdx = 0;
    UChar32       c;

    UTrie2 *table =
        (fChecks & USPOOF_ANY_CASE) ? fSpoofData->fAnyCaseTrie : fSpoofData->fLowerCaseTrie;
    while (inputIdx < length) {
        U16_NEXT(text, inputIdx, length, c);
        uint32_t index = utrie2_get32(table, c);
        if (index == 0) {
            // No confusables in another script for this char.
            // TODO:  we should change the data to have sets with just the single script
            //        bit for the script of this char.  Gets rid of this special case.
            //        Until then, grab the script from the char and intersect it with the set.
            UScriptCode cpScript = uscript_getScript(c, &status);
            U_ASSERT(cpScript > USCRIPT_INHERITED);
        } else if (index == 1) {
            // Script == Common or Inherited.  Nothing to do.
        } else {
 * get or create a Norm unit;
 * get or create the intermediate trie entries for it as well
Norm *Normalizer2DataBuilder::createNorm(UChar32 c) {
    uint32_t i=utrie2_get32(normTrie, c);
    if(i!=0) {
        return norms+i;
    } else {
        /* allocate Norm */
        Norm *p=allocNorm();
        IcuToolErrorCode errorCode("gennorm2/createNorm()");
        utrie2_set32(normTrie, c, (uint32_t)(p-norms), errorCode);
        return p;
 * Find missing case mapping relationships and add mappings for case closure.
 * This function starts from an "original" code point and recursively
 * finds its case mappings and the case mappings of where it maps to.
 * The recursion depth is capped at 3 nested calls of this function.
 * In each call, the current code point is c, and the function enumerates
 * all of c's simple (single-code point) case mappings.
 * prev is the code point that case-mapped to c.
 * prev2 is the code point that case-mapped to prev.
 * The initial function call has prev2<0, prev<0, and c==orig
 * (marking no code points).
 * It enumerates c's case mappings and recurses without further action.
 * The second-level function call has prev2<0, prev==orig, and c is
 * the destination code point of one of prev's case mappings.
 * The function checks if any of c's case mappings go back to orig
 * and adds a closure mapping if not.
 * In other words, it turns a case mapping relationship of
 *   orig->c
 * into
 *   orig<->c
 * The third-level function call has prev2==orig, prev>=0, and c is
 * the destination code point of one of prev's case mappings.
 * (And prev is the destination of one of prev2's case mappings.)
 * The function checks if any of c's case mappings go back to orig
 * and adds a closure mapping if not.
 * In other words, it turns case mapping relationships of
 *   orig->prev->c or orig->prev<->c
 * into
 *   orig->prev->c->orig or orig->prev<->c->orig
 * etc.
 * (Graphically, this closes a triangle.)
 * With repeated application on all code points until no more closure mappings
 * are added, all case equivalence groups get complete mappings.
 * That is, in each group of code points with case relationships
 * each code point will in the end have some mapping to each other
 * code point in the group.
 * @return TRUE if a closure mapping was added
CasePropsBuilder::addClosure(UChar32 orig, UChar32 prev2, UChar32 prev, UChar32 c, uint32_t value,
                             UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return FALSE; }

    UChar32 next;
    UBool someMappingsAdded=FALSE;

    if(c!=orig) {
        /* get the properties for c */
        value=utrie2_get32(pTrie, c);
    /* else if c==orig then c's value was passed in */

    if(value&UCASE_EXCEPTION) {
        UnicodeSet set;

        ExcProps &ep=*excProps[value>>UGENCASE_EXC_SHIFT];
        UniProps &p=ep.props;

         * marker for whether any of c's mappings goes to orig
         * c==orig: prevent adding a closure mapping when getting orig's own, direct mappings
        UBool mapsToOrig=(UBool)(c==orig);

        /* collect c's case mapping destinations in set[] */
        if((next=p.suc)>=0 && next!=c) {
        if((next=p.slc)>=0 && next!=c) {
        if(p.suc!=(next=p.stc) && next!=c) {
        if((next=p.scf)>=0 && next!=c) {

        /* add c's current closure mappings to set */

        /* process all code points to which c case-maps */
        UnicodeSetIterator iter(set);
        while(iter.next()) {
            next=iter.getCodepoint(); /* next!=c */

            if(next==orig) {
                mapsToOrig=TRUE; /* remember that we map to orig */
            } else if(prev2<0 && next!=prev) {
                 * recurse unless
                 * we have reached maximum depth (prev2>=0) or
                 * this is a mapping to one of the previous code points (orig, prev, c)
                someMappingsAdded|=addClosure(orig, prev, c, next, 0, errorCode);

        if(!mapsToOrig) {
            addClosureMapping(c, orig, errorCode);
            return TRUE;
    } else {
const Norm &Normalizer2DataBuilder::getNormRef(UChar32 c) const {
    return norms[utrie2_get32(normTrie, c)];
//  Build the Whole Script Confusable data
//     TODO:  Reorganize.  Either get rid of the WSConfusableDataBuilder class,
//                         because everything is local to this one build function anyhow,
//                           OR
//                         break this function into more reasonably sized pieces, with
//                         state in WSConfusableDataBuilder.
void buildWSConfusableData(SpoofImpl *spImpl, const char * confusablesWS,
          int32_t confusablesWSLen, UParseError *pe, UErrorCode &status) 
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    URegularExpression *parseRegexp = NULL;
    int32_t             inputLen    = 0;
    UChar              *input       = NULL;
    int32_t             lineNum     = 0;
    UVector            *scriptSets        = NULL;
    uint32_t            rtScriptSetsCount = 2;

    UTrie2             *anyCaseTrie   = NULL;
    UTrie2             *lowerCaseTrie = NULL;

    anyCaseTrie = utrie2_open(0, 0, &status);
    lowerCaseTrie = utrie2_open(0, 0, &status);

    // The scriptSets vector provides a mapping from TRIE values to the set of scripts.
    // Reserved TRIE values:
    //   0:  Code point has no whole script confusables.
    //   1:  Code point is of script Common or Inherited.
    //       These code points do not participate in whole script confusable detection.
    //       (This is logically equivalent to saying that they contain confusables in
    //        all scripts)
    // Because Trie values are indexes into the ScriptSets vector, pre-fill
    // vector positions 0 and 1 to avoid conflicts with the reserved values.
    scriptSets = new UVector(status);
    if (scriptSets == NULL) {
        goto cleanup;
    scriptSets->addElement((void *)NULL, status);
    scriptSets->addElement((void *)NULL, status);

    // Convert the user input data from UTF-8 to UChar (UTF-16)
    u_strFromUTF8(NULL, 0, &inputLen, confusablesWS, confusablesWSLen, &status);
    if (status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
        goto cleanup;
    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    input = static_cast<UChar *>(uprv_malloc((inputLen+1) * sizeof(UChar)));
    if (input == NULL) {
        goto cleanup;
    u_strFromUTF8(input, inputLen+1, NULL, confusablesWS, confusablesWSLen, &status);

    parseRegexp = uregex_openC(parseExp, 0, NULL, &status);
    // Zap any Byte Order Mark at the start of input.  Changing it to a space is benign
    //   given the syntax of the input.
    if (*input == 0xfeff) {
        *input = 0x20;

    // Parse the input, one line per iteration of this loop.
    uregex_setText(parseRegexp, input, inputLen, &status);
    while (uregex_findNext(parseRegexp, &status)) {
        UChar  line[200];
        uregex_group(parseRegexp, 0, line, 200, &status);
        if (uregex_start(parseRegexp, 1, &status) >= 0) {
            // this was a blank or comment line.
        if (uregex_start(parseRegexp, 8, &status) >= 0) {
            // input file syntax error.
            status = U_PARSE_ERROR;
            goto cleanup;
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            goto cleanup;

        // Pick up the start and optional range end code points from the parsed line.
        UChar32  startCodePoint = SpoofImpl::ScanHex(
            input, uregex_start(parseRegexp, 2, &status), uregex_end(parseRegexp, 2, &status), status);
        UChar32  endCodePoint = startCodePoint;
        if (uregex_start(parseRegexp, 3, &status) >=0) {
            endCodePoint = SpoofImpl::ScanHex(
                input, uregex_start(parseRegexp, 3, &status), uregex_end(parseRegexp, 3, &status), status);

        // Extract the two script names from the source line.  We need these in an 8 bit
        //   default encoding (will be EBCDIC on IBM mainframes) in order to pass them on
        //   to the ICU u_getPropertyValueEnum() function.  Ugh.
        char  srcScriptName[20];
        char  targScriptName[20];
        extractGroup(parseRegexp, 4, srcScriptName, sizeof(srcScriptName), status);
        extractGroup(parseRegexp, 5, targScriptName, sizeof(targScriptName), status);
        UScriptCode srcScript  =
            static_cast<UScriptCode>(u_getPropertyValueEnum(UCHAR_SCRIPT, srcScriptName));
        UScriptCode targScript =
            static_cast<UScriptCode>(u_getPropertyValueEnum(UCHAR_SCRIPT, targScriptName));
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            goto cleanup;
        if (srcScript == USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE || targScript == USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE) {
            status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
            goto cleanup;

        // select the table - (A) any case or (L) lower case only
        UTrie2 *table = anyCaseTrie;
        if (uregex_start(parseRegexp, 7, &status) >= 0) {
            table = lowerCaseTrie;

        // Build the set of scripts containing confusable characters for
        //   the code point(s) specified in this input line.
        // Sanity check that the script of the source code point is the same
        //   as the source script indicated in the input file.  Failure of this check is
        //   an error in the input file.
        // Include the source script in the set (needed for Mixed Script Confusable detection).
        UChar32 cp;
        for (cp=startCodePoint; cp<=endCodePoint; cp++) {
            int32_t setIndex = utrie2_get32(table, cp);
            BuilderScriptSet *bsset = NULL;
            if (setIndex > 0) {
                U_ASSERT(setIndex < scriptSets->size());
                bsset = static_cast<BuilderScriptSet *>(scriptSets->elementAt(setIndex));
            } else {
                bsset = new BuilderScriptSet();
                if (bsset == NULL) {
                    status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                    goto cleanup;
                bsset->codePoint = cp;
                bsset->trie = table;
                bsset->sset = new ScriptSet();
                setIndex = scriptSets->size();
                bsset->index = setIndex;
                bsset->rindex = 0;
                if (bsset->sset == NULL) {
                    status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                    goto cleanup;
                scriptSets->addElement(bsset, status);
                utrie2_set32(table, cp, setIndex, &status);

            if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
                goto cleanup;
            UScriptCode cpScript = uscript_getScript(cp, &status);
            if (cpScript != srcScript) {
                status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
                goto cleanup;

    // Eliminate duplicate script sets.  At this point we have a separate
    // script set for every code point that had data in the input file.
    // We eliminate underlying ScriptSet objects, not the BuildScriptSets that wrap them
    // printf("Number of scriptSets: %d\n", scriptSets->size());
        int32_t duplicateCount = 0;
        rtScriptSetsCount = 2;
        for (int32_t outeri=2; outeri<scriptSets->size(); outeri++) {
            BuilderScriptSet *outerSet = static_cast<BuilderScriptSet *>(scriptSets->elementAt(outeri));
            if (outerSet->index != static_cast<uint32_t>(outeri)) {
                // This set was already identified as a duplicate.
                //   It will not be allocated a position in the runtime array of ScriptSets.
            outerSet->rindex = rtScriptSetsCount++;
            for (int32_t inneri=outeri+1; inneri<scriptSets->size(); inneri++) {
                BuilderScriptSet *innerSet = static_cast<BuilderScriptSet *>(scriptSets->elementAt(inneri));
                if (*(outerSet->sset) == *(innerSet->sset) && outerSet->sset != innerSet->sset) {
                    delete innerSet->sset;
                    innerSet->scriptSetOwned = FALSE;
                    innerSet->sset = outerSet->sset;
                    innerSet->index = outeri;
                    innerSet->rindex = outerSet->rindex;
                // But this doesn't get all.  We need to fix the TRIE.
        // printf("Number of distinct script sets: %d\n", rtScriptSetsCount);


    // Update the Trie values to be reflect the run time script indexes (after duplicate merging).
    //    (Trie Values 0 and 1 are reserved, and the corresponding slots in scriptSets
    //     are unused, which is why the loop index starts at 2.)
        for (int32_t i=2; i<scriptSets->size(); i++) {
            BuilderScriptSet *bSet = static_cast<BuilderScriptSet *>(scriptSets->elementAt(i));
            if (bSet->rindex != (uint32_t)i) {
                utrie2_set32(bSet->trie, bSet->codePoint, bSet->rindex, &status);

    // For code points with script==Common or script==Inherited,
    //   Set the reserved value of 1 into both Tries.  These characters do not participate
    //   in Whole Script Confusable detection; this reserved value is the means
    //   by which they are detected.
        UnicodeSet ignoreSet;
        ignoreSet.applyIntPropertyValue(UCHAR_SCRIPT, USCRIPT_COMMON, status);
        UnicodeSet inheritedSet;
        inheritedSet.applyIntPropertyValue(UCHAR_SCRIPT, USCRIPT_INHERITED, status);
        for (int32_t rn=0; rn<ignoreSet.getRangeCount(); rn++) {
            UChar32 rangeStart = ignoreSet.getRangeStart(rn);
            UChar32 rangeEnd   = ignoreSet.getRangeEnd(rn);
            utrie2_setRange32(anyCaseTrie,   rangeStart, rangeEnd, 1, TRUE, &status);
            utrie2_setRange32(lowerCaseTrie, rangeStart, rangeEnd, 1, TRUE, &status);

    // Serialize the data to the Spoof Detector
        utrie2_freeze(anyCaseTrie,   UTRIE2_16_VALUE_BITS, &status);
        int32_t size = utrie2_serialize(anyCaseTrie, NULL, 0, &status);
        // printf("Any case Trie size: %d\n", size);
        if (status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
            goto cleanup;
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        spImpl->fSpoofData->fRawData->fAnyCaseTrie = spImpl->fSpoofData->fMemLimit;
        spImpl->fSpoofData->fRawData->fAnyCaseTrieLength = size;
        spImpl->fSpoofData->fAnyCaseTrie = anyCaseTrie;
        void *where = spImpl->fSpoofData->reserveSpace(size, status);
        utrie2_serialize(anyCaseTrie, where, size, &status);
        utrie2_freeze(lowerCaseTrie, UTRIE2_16_VALUE_BITS, &status);
        size = utrie2_serialize(lowerCaseTrie, NULL, 0, &status);
        // printf("Lower case Trie size: %d\n", size);
        if (status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR) {
            goto cleanup;
        status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        spImpl->fSpoofData->fRawData->fLowerCaseTrie = spImpl->fSpoofData->fMemLimit;
        spImpl->fSpoofData->fRawData->fLowerCaseTrieLength = size;
        spImpl->fSpoofData->fLowerCaseTrie = lowerCaseTrie;
        where = spImpl->fSpoofData->reserveSpace(size, status);
        utrie2_serialize(lowerCaseTrie, where, size, &status);

        spImpl->fSpoofData->fRawData->fScriptSets = spImpl->fSpoofData->fMemLimit;
        spImpl->fSpoofData->fRawData->fScriptSetsLength = rtScriptSetsCount;
        ScriptSet *rtScriptSets =  static_cast<ScriptSet *>
            (spImpl->fSpoofData->reserveSpace(rtScriptSetsCount * sizeof(ScriptSet), status));
        uint32_t rindex = 2;
        for (int32_t i=2; i<scriptSets->size(); i++) {
            BuilderScriptSet *bSet = static_cast<BuilderScriptSet *>(scriptSets->elementAt(i));
            if (bSet->rindex < rindex) {
                // We have already copied this script set to the serialized data.
            U_ASSERT(rindex == bSet->rindex);
            rtScriptSets[rindex] = *bSet->sset;   // Assignment of a ScriptSet just copies the bits.

    // Open new utrie2s from the serialized data.  We don't want to keep the ones
    //   we just built because we would then have two copies of the data, one internal to
    //   the utries that we have already constructed, and one in the serialized data area.
    //   An alternative would be to not pre-serialize the Trie data, but that makes the
    //   spoof detector data different, depending on how the detector was constructed.
    //   It's simpler to keep the data always the same.
    spImpl->fSpoofData->fAnyCaseTrie = utrie2_openFromSerialized(
            (const char *)spImpl->fSpoofData->fRawData + spImpl->fSpoofData->fRawData->fAnyCaseTrie,

    spImpl->fSpoofData->fLowerCaseTrie = utrie2_openFromSerialized(
            (const char *)spImpl->fSpoofData->fRawData + spImpl->fSpoofData->fRawData->fLowerCaseTrie,


    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        pe->line = lineNum;

    int32_t i;
    for (i=0; i<scriptSets->size(); i++) {
        BuilderScriptSet *bsset = static_cast<BuilderScriptSet *>(scriptSets->elementAt(i));
        delete bsset;
    delete scriptSets;