matrix_4x4 m44_view_look_at(vector3 position, vector3 target, vector3 up) {

  Taken From:

  vector3 zaxis = v3_normalize( v3_sub(target, position) );
  vector3 xaxis = v3_normalize( v3_cross(up, zaxis) );
  vector3 yaxis = v3_cross(zaxis, xaxis);

  matrix_4x4 view_matrix = m44_id();
  view_matrix.xx = xaxis.x;
  view_matrix.xy = xaxis.y;
  view_matrix.xz = xaxis.z;
  view_matrix.yx = yaxis.x;
  view_matrix.yy = yaxis.y;
  view_matrix.yz = yaxis.z;
  view_matrix.zx = -zaxis.x;
  view_matrix.zy = -zaxis.y;
  view_matrix.zz = -zaxis.z;
  // Also unsure of this.
  view_matrix = m44_mul_m44(view_matrix, m44_translation(v3_neg(position)) );
  return view_matrix;
mat4_t mat4_look_at(v3_t eye, v3_t center, v3_t up) {
	v3_t fwd = { center.x - eye.x, center.y - eye.y, center.z - eye.z };
	fwd = v3_normalize(fwd);

	v3_t right = v3_normalize(v3_cross(fwd, up));
	up = v3_normalize(v3_cross(right, fwd));

	mat4_t v;

	v.m11 = right.x;
	v.m12 = right.y;
	v.m13 = right.z;
	v.m14 = -v3_scalar(right, eye);

	v.m21 = up.x;
	v.m22 = up.y;
	v.m23 = up.z;
	v.m24 = -v3_scalar(up, eye);

	v.m31 = -fwd.x;
	v.m32 = -fwd.y;
	v.m33 = -fwd.z;
	v.m34 = v3_scalar(fwd, eye);

	v.m41 = 0.f;
	v.m42 = 0.f;
	v.m43 = 0.f;
	v.m44 = 1.f;

	return v;
文件: triangle.c 项目: niofis/light
triangle_intersects(const triangle_t *triangle, const ray_t *ray, intersection_t *result)
	const v3_t* edge1;
    const v3_t* edge2;
	v3_t tvec;
	v3_t pvec;
	v3_t qvec;
	float det;
	float inv_det;
	float t;
	float u;
	float v;

	result->hit = 0;

	//v3_sub(&edge1, &triangle->pt2, &triangle->pt1);
	//v3_sub(&edge2, &triangle->pt3, &triangle->pt1);
	edge1 = &triangle->edge1;
	edge2 = &triangle->edge2;

	v3_cross(&pvec, &ray->direction, edge2);

	det = v3_dot(edge1, &pvec);
	//No culling version
	if(det > -EPSILON && det < EPSILON)
		return 0;

	inv_det = 1.0f / det;

	v3_sub(&tvec, &ray->origin, &triangle->v0);

	u = v3_dot(&tvec, &pvec) * inv_det;
	if(u < 0.0f || u > 1.0f)
		return 0;

	v3_cross(&qvec, &tvec, edge1);
	v = v3_dot(&ray->direction, &qvec) * inv_det;
	if(v < 0.0f || u + v > 1.0f + EPSILON) //add EPSILON to offset small precision errors
		return 0;

	t = v3_dot(edge2, &qvec) * inv_det;

    if(t > EPSILON) {
      result->hit = 1;
      result->distance = t;
      return 1;

	v3_copy(&result->normal, &triangle->normal);
	v3_copy(&result->hit_point, &r->direction);
	v3_mul_scalar(&result->hit_point, t);
	v3_add(&result->hit_point, &result->hit_point, &r->origin);
	return 0;
t_mat4		m4_look_at(t_vec3 from, t_vec3 to, t_vec3 up)
	t_vec3	x;
	t_vec3	y;
	t_vec3	z;

	z = v3_muls(v3_norm(v3_sub(to, from)), -1);
	x = v3_norm(v3_cross(up, z));
	y = v3_cross(z, x);
	return (mat4(
				 x.x, x.y, x.z, -v3_dot(from, x),
				 y.x, y.y, y.z, -v3_dot(from, y),
				 z.x, z.y, z.z, -v3_dot(from, z),
				 0,   0,   0,    1
文件: map.c 项目: cheque/s3d
Color bump_map(void *info, Vector3 t, Vector3 n, Vector3 ds, Vector3 dt)
  TextureSrc *src = info;
  Real h = 0.0005;

  Real fo = texture_c1((*src->texfunc)(src->texdata, t));
  Real fu = texture_c1((*src->texfunc)(src->texdata, v3_add(t,v3_make(h,0,0))));
  Real fv = texture_c1((*src->texfunc)(src->texdata, v3_add(t,v3_make(0,h,0))));

  Real du = fderiv(fo, fu, h);
  Real dv = fderiv(fo, fv, h);
  Vector3 u = v3_scale(du, v3_cross(n, dt));
  Vector3 v = v3_scale(-dv, v3_cross(n, ds));

  return v3_add(u, v);
文件: triangle.c 项目: niofis/light
triangle_update(triangle_t* triangle)
	v3_sub(&triangle->edge1, &triangle->v1, &triangle->v0);
	v3_sub(&triangle->edge2, &triangle->v2, &triangle->v0);
	v3_cross(&triangle->normal, &triangle->edge1, &triangle->edge2);
void scotland_update() {
  camera* cam = entity_get("camera");
  light* sun = entity_get("sun");
  static_object* skydome = entity_get("skydome");
  landscape* world = entity_get("world");
  sun_orbit += frame_time() * 0.01;
  sun->position.x = 512 + sin(sun_orbit) * 512;
  sun->position.y = cos(sun_orbit) * 512;
  sun->position.z = 512;
  sun->target = v3(512, 0, 512);
  if (w_held || s_held) {
    vector3 cam_dir = v3_normalize(v3_sub(cam->target, cam->position));
    float speed = 0.5;
    if (!freecam) speed = 0.05;
    if (w_held) {
      cam->position = v3_add(cam->position, v3_mul(cam_dir, speed));
    if (s_held) {
      cam->position = v3_sub(cam->position, v3_mul(cam_dir, speed));
    if (!freecam) {
      float height = terrain_height(world->terrain, v2(cam->position.x, cam->position.z));
      cam->position.y = height + 1;
    cam->target = v3_add(cam->position, cam_dir);
  Uint8 keystate = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL);
  if(keystate & SDL_BUTTON(1)){
    float a1 = -(float)mouse_x * 0.005;
    float a2 = (float)mouse_y * 0.005;
    vector3 cam_dir = v3_normalize(v3_sub(cam->target, cam->position));
    cam_dir.y += -a2;
    vector3 side_dir = v3_normalize(v3_cross(cam_dir, v3(0,1,0)));
    cam_dir = v3_add(cam_dir, v3_mul(side_dir, -a1));
    cam_dir = v3_normalize(cam_dir);
    cam->target = v3_add(cam->position, cam_dir);
  mouse_x = 0;
  mouse_y = 0;
  ui_button* framerate = ui_elem_get("framerate");
  ui_button_set_label(framerate, frame_rate_string());
文件: set.c 项目: cheque/s3d
void makeviewVi(void)
  Vector3 n,u,v,t;

  n = view->normal;
  v = v3_sub(view->up, v3_scale(v3_dot(view->up, n), n));
  if (v3_norm(v) < ROUNDOFF)
    error("view up parallel to view normal");
  v = v3_unit(v);
  u = v3_cross(n, v);
  v = v3_cross(u, n);
  n = v3_scale(-1.0, n);
  t = view->center;

  view->Vinv = m4_ident();
  view->Vinv.r1.x = u.x; view->Vinv.r2.x = u.y; view->Vinv.r3.x = u.z;
  view->Vinv.r1.y = v.x; view->Vinv.r2.y = v.y; view->Vinv.r3.y = v.z;
  view->Vinv.r1.z = n.x; view->Vinv.r2.z = n.y; view->Vinv.r3.z = n.z;
  view->Vinv.r1.w = t.x; view->Vinv.r2.w = t.y; view->Vinv.r3.w = t.z;
文件: sea.c 项目: RicoP/Corange
void sea_update() {

    camera* cam = entity_get("camera");
    light* sun = entity_get("sun");

    wave_time += frame_time();
    static_object* corvette = entity_get("corvette");
    corvette->position.y = (sin(wave_time) + 1) / 2;
    corvette->rotation = v4_quaternion_pitch(sin(wave_time * 1.123) / 50);
    corvette->rotation = v4_quaternion_mul(corvette->rotation, v4_quaternion_yaw(sin(wave_time * 1.254) / 25));
    corvette->rotation = v4_quaternion_mul(corvette->rotation, v4_quaternion_roll(sin(wave_time * 1.355) / 100));

    static_object* center_sphere = entity_get("center_sphere");

    physics_object* balls[100];
    int num_balls;
    entities_get(balls, &num_balls, physics_object);
    for(int i = 0; i < num_balls; i++) {
        physics_object_collide_static(balls[i], center_sphere, frame_time());
        physics_object_collide_static(balls[i], corvette, frame_time());
        physics_object_update(balls[i], frame_time());

    Uint8 keystate = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL);
    if(keystate & SDL_BUTTON(1)) {
        float a1 = -(float)mouse_x * 0.01;
        float a2 = (float)mouse_y * 0.01;

        cam->position = v3_sub(cam->position, cam->target);
        cam->position = m33_mul_v3(m33_rotation_y( a1 ), cam->position );
        cam->position = v3_add(cam->position, cam->target);

        cam->position = v3_sub(cam->position, cam->target);
        vector3 rotation_axis = v3_normalize(v3_cross( v3_sub(cam->position, v3_zero()) , v3(0,1,0) ));
        cam->position = m33_mul_v3(m33_rotation_axis_angle(rotation_axis, a2 ), cam->position );
        cam->position = v3_add(cam->position, cam->target);


    if(keystate & SDL_BUTTON(3)) {
        sun->position.x += (float)mouse_y / 2;
        sun->position.z -= (float)mouse_x / 2;

    mouse_x = 0;
    mouse_y = 0;

    ui_button* framerate = ui_elem_get("framerate");
    ui_button_set_label(framerate, frame_rate_string());

void metaballs_update() {

  camera* cam = entity_get("camera");
  light* sun = entity_get("sun");

  Uint8 keystate = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL);
  if(keystate & SDL_BUTTON(1)){
    float a1 = -(float)mouse_x * frame_time() * 0.25;
    float a2 = (float)mouse_y * frame_time() * 0.25;
    cam->position = v3_sub(cam->position, cam->target);
    cam->position = m33_mul_v3(m33_rotation_y( a1 ), cam->position );
    cam->position = v3_add(cam->position, cam->target);
    cam->position = v3_sub(cam->position, cam->target);
    vector3 rotation_axis = v3_normalize(v3_cross( v3_sub(cam->position, v3_zero()) , v3(0,1,0) ));
    cam->position = m33_mul_v3(m33_rotation_axis_angle(rotation_axis, a2 ), cam->position );
    cam->position = v3_add(cam->position, cam->target);
  if(keystate & SDL_BUTTON(3)){
    sun->position.x += (float)mouse_y / 2;
    sun->position.z -= (float)mouse_x / 2;

  mouse_x = 0;
  mouse_y = 0;

  ui_button* framerate = ui_elem_get("framerate");
  ui_button_set_label(framerate, frame_rate_string());
  marching_cubes_metaball_data( particle_positions_memory(), particles_count() );

  volume_renderer_metaball_data( particle_positions_memory(), particles_count() );
/* Returns true if the image becomes disconnected under the given
 * homography */
int img_disconnected_under_homography(img_t *img, double *H) {
    /* Check if any point in the img maps to infinity under H.  This
     * is true for p if Hp = [x y 0], so if w is the third row of H, 
     * w^T * p = 0.  We check if this line intersects the image */

    v2_t origin = img->origin;
    int w = img->w, h = img->h;

    v3_t line = v3_new(H[6], H[7], H[8]);

    /* The bottom line is where y = Vy(origin) */
    v3_t bottom_line = v3_cross(v3_new(0.0, Vy(origin), 1.0), 
				v3_new(1.0, Vy(origin), 1.0));
    v3_t top_line = v3_cross(v3_new(0.0, Vy(origin) + h - 1, 1.0),
			     v3_new(1.0, Vy(origin) + h - 1, 1.0));
    v3_t left_line = v3_cross(v3_new(Vx(origin), 0.0, 1.0),
			      v3_new(Vx(origin), 1.0, 1.0));
    v3_t right_line = v3_cross(v3_new(Vx(origin) + w - 1, 0.0, 1.0),
			       v3_new(Vx(origin) + w - 1, 1.0, 1.0));

    v3_t isect;
    /* Do four intersection tests */
    isect = v3_homogenize(v3_cross(line, bottom_line));
    if (Vx(isect) > 0 && Vx(isect) < w - 1)
	return 1;
    isect = v3_homogenize(v3_cross(line, top_line));
    if (Vx(isect) > 0 && Vx(isect) < w - 1)
	return 1;

    isect = v3_homogenize(v3_cross(line, left_line));
    if (Vy(isect) > 0 && Vy(isect) < h - 1)
	return 1;

    isect = v3_homogenize(v3_cross(line, right_line));
    if (Vy(isect) > 0 && Vy(isect) < h - 1)
	return 1;

    return 0;
void display_generate_line(int subDiv, t_v3* min, t_v3* max, float sphere_radius, uint8* vb, t_mesh_definition* def, uint16* ib, uint16 start)
	t_v3 direction;
	t_v3 normal;

	v3_set(&normal, 0, 0, 1);
	v3_sub(max, min, &direction);
	v3_norm(&direction, &direction);
	v3_cross(&direction, &normal, &normal);

	normal.x *= sphere_radius;
	normal.y *= sphere_radius;
	normal.z *= sphere_radius;

	float  vs[] = {
		min->x - normal.x, min->y - normal.y, min->z,
		min->x + normal.x, min->y + normal.y, min->z,
		max->x - normal.x, max->y - normal.y, max->z,
		max->x + normal.x, max->y + normal.y, max->z,

	float* vsp = vs;
	int32 i;

	for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		t_v3* v = (t_v3*)(vb + def->vertex_offset);
		t_v3* n = (t_v3*)(vb + def->normal_offset);
		v3_set(v, *vsp, *(vsp + 1), *(vsp + 2));
		vsp += 3;
		if (def->normal_offset != -1)
			v3_set(n, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		vb += def->stride;

	*ib++ = start + 0;
	*ib++ = start + 1;
	*ib++ = start + 3;

	*ib++ = start + 0;
	*ib++ = start + 3;
	*ib++ = start + 2;
//Computes the angular momentum about the general center of mass
void Computation::computeAngularMomentum() {

	double translation[3], rotation[3];
	double R[4][4],Rx[4][4],Ry[4][4],Rz[4][4];
	double mean_w[3];

	Bone * root;
	Mass * mass;

	if(m_pSkeletonList != NULL)

		for (int i = 0; i < numOfSkeletons && i < MAX_SKELS; i++)
			double transform[4][4];

			double r_i_cm[m_pSkeletonList[i]->NUM_BONES_IN_ASF_FILE][3]; //stores previous position of local center of mass in global cs

			root = m_pSkeletonList[i]->getRoot();

			if(m_pMassDistributionList[i] != NULL) {

				//reset angular momentum
				m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[0] = 0.;
				m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[1] = 0.;
				m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[2] = 0.;

				//store old local cm in global cs of each bone:

				for( int k = 0; k < m_pSkeletonList[i]->NUM_BONES_IN_ASF_FILE; k++)
					//store previous position of local cm in global cs in r_i_cm
					r_i_cm[k][0] = m_pSkeletonList[i]->getBone(root, k)->r_i[0];
					r_i_cm[k][1] = m_pSkeletonList[i]->getBone(root, k)->r_i[1];
					r_i_cm[k][2] = m_pSkeletonList[i]->getBone(root, k)->r_i[2];

				//compute current position of lcm in global cs


					//creating Rotation matrix for initial rotation of Skeleton
					rotationX(Rx, rotation[0]);
					rotationY(Ry, rotation[1]);
					rotationZ(Rz, rotation[2]);

					matrix4_mult(Rz, Ry, R);
					matrix4_mult(R, Rx, R);

					matrix4_mult(transform, R, transform);

					transform[0][3] += (MOCAP_SCALE*translation [0]);
					transform[1][3] += (MOCAP_SCALE*translation [1]);
					transform[2][3] += (MOCAP_SCALE*translation [2]);

					traverse(root, i, transform, 'h');

					//TODO delete

					mean_w[0] = 0;
					mean_w[1] = 0;
					mean_w[2] = 0;

					for(int j = 0; j < m_pSkeletonList[i]->NUM_BONES_IN_ASF_FILE; j++) { //for every bone compute: (r_i - r_cm) x m_i(v_i - v_cm) + I_i*w_i

						double rel_pos[3], v_i[3], v_cm[3], v_rel[3], I_G[3][3], w_i[3], local_inertia[3], cross[3], S[3][3], S_transpose[3][3];

						Bone * bone;
						bone = m_pSkeletonList[i]->getBone(root, j);

						if(m_pMassDistributionList[i]->getMass(bone->name) != NULL) {

							mass = m_pMassDistributionList[i]->getMass(bone->name);

							//rel_pos = r_i - r_cm
							rel_pos[0] = bone->r_i[0] - m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm[0];
							rel_pos[1] = bone->r_i[1] - m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm[1];
							rel_pos[2] = bone->r_i[2] - m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm[2];

							//v_i = r_i - r_i_cm
							v_i[0] = (bone->r_i[0] - r_i_cm[j][0]);
							v_i[1] = (bone->r_i[1] - r_i_cm[j][1]);
							v_i[2] = (bone->r_i[2] - r_i_cm[j][2]);

							//if v_i is zero switch flag
							checkLegSwing(v_i, bone, i);

						//	if(mass->mass != 0 && ((strcmp(mass->segName, "rfoot") == 0) || (strcmp(mass->segName, "lfoot") == 0))) printf("v_i_%s: %f %f %f\n",mass->segName, v_i[0], v_i[1], v_i[2]);

							//v_cm = r_cm - r_cm_prev
							v_cm[0] = (m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm[0] - m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm_prev[0]);
							v_cm[1] = (m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm[1] - m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm_prev[1]);
							v_cm[2] = (m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm[2] - m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm_prev[2]);

							//v_rel = v_i - v_cm
							v_rel[0] = v_i[0] - v_cm[0];
							v_rel[1] = v_i[1] - v_cm[1];
							v_rel[2] = v_i[2] - v_cm[2];

							//Inertia tensor

								double Ri[4][4], Ri_transpose[4][4], I_i[4][4];

								//rotation from global to local
								rotationX(Rx, -bone->axis_x);
								rotationY(Ry, -bone->axis_y);
								rotationZ(Rz, -bone->axis_z);

								matrix4_mult(Rz, Ry, Ri);
								matrix4_mult(Ri, Rx, Ri);

								matrix4_transpose(Ri, Ri_transpose);

								I_i[0][0] = mass->Ixx;
								I_i[0][1] = I_i[1][0] =(-1)*mass->Ixy;
								I_i[0][2] = I_i[2][0] = (-1)*mass->Ixz;
								I_i[1][1] = mass->Iyy;
								I_i[1][2] = I_i[2][1] = (-1)*mass->Iyz;
								I_i[2][2] = mass->Izz;
								I_i[0][3] = I_i[1][3] = I_i[2][3] = 0;
								I_i[3][0] = I_i[3][1] = I_i[3][2] = 0;
								I_i[3][3] = 1.0;

								//~I_G = R_i^T * I_i * R_i
								//~I_G is inertia tensor relative to bone's cm in rotation of global cs.

								matrix4_mult(Ri_transpose, I_i, I_i);
								matrix4_mult(I_i, Ri, I_i);

								//parallel axes theorem
								// I_G = I_i + m_i * S^T(rel_pos)* S(rel_pos) with S is skew matrix for cross product

								cross_matrix(rel_pos, S); //works

								matrix3_transpose(S, S_transpose);//works
								matrix3_mult(S_transpose, S, S); //works

								matrix3_scalar_mult(S, mass->mass); //works

								//copy entries into I_G

								for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
									for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
										I_G[x][y] = I_i[x][y] + S[x][y];

								//w_i = R_i^T * ({rx,ry,rz} - {rx_prev, ry_prev, rz_prev});

								w_i[0] = (bone->rx - bone->rx_prev);
								w_i[1] = (bone->ry - bone->ry_prev);
								w_i[2] = (bone->rz - bone->rz_prev);


								if(absolute_value(w_i[0]) > 1.5) w_i[0] = 0;
								if(absolute_value(w_i[1]) > 1.5) w_i[1] = 0;
								if(absolute_value(w_i[2]) > 1.5) w_i[2] = 0;

								mean_w[0] += absolute_value(w_i[0]);
								mean_w[1] += absolute_value(w_i[1]);
								mean_w[2] += absolute_value(w_i[2]);

								vector_rotationXYZ(w_i, bone->axis_x, bone->axis_y, bone->axis_z);

								//local_inertia = I_i*w_i
								matrix3_v3_mult(I_G,w_i, local_inertia);

							//cross = (r_i - r_cm) x m_i(v_i - v_cm)
							v_rel[0] *= m_pMassDistributionList[i]->getMass(bone->name)->mass;
							v_rel[1] *= m_pMassDistributionList[i]->getMass(bone->name)->mass;
							v_rel[2] *= m_pMassDistributionList[i]->getMass(bone->name)->mass;

							v3_cross(rel_pos, v_rel, cross);

							//H is sum of angular momentum of every bone
							m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[0] += (cross[0] + local_inertia[0]);
							m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[1] += (cross[1] + local_inertia[1]);
							m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[2] += (cross[2] + local_inertia[2]);

						} //if end
					}//for bones end


					mean_w[0] /= m_pSkeletonList[i]->NUM_BONES_IN_ASF_FILE;
					mean_w[1] /= m_pSkeletonList[i]->NUM_BONES_IN_ASF_FILE;
					mean_w[2] /= m_pSkeletonList[i]->NUM_BONES_IN_ASF_FILE;

					//normalization N=M*H*V
					// to make H dimensionless, divide by subject's height (in m), subject's mass (in kg) and subject's average velocity(0.012 m/frame or 1.44 m/s)
					double n = m_pSkeletonList[i]->totalMass*m_pSkeletonList[i]->height*(1.44);

					m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[0] /= n;
					m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[1] /= n;
					m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[2] /= n;

					//printf("mean w values: %f %f %f\n", mean_w[0], mean_w[1], mean_w[2]);
					//printf("angular momentum: %f %f %f\n", m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[0],m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[1],m_pSkeletonList[i]->H[2]);
					//printf("position cm: %f %f %f\n", m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm[0], m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm[1], m_pSkeletonList[i]->cm[2]);

			}//if end

		}// for Skeletons end
/* M A I N */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *starfile;
    FILE *posnfile;
    double lat, lon;
    struct star_rec_str star_rec;
    /* time, UTC */
    struct ymdhms tstar  = {PLOTYEAR, PLOTMONTH, PLOTDAY,
                            PLOTHOUR, PLOTMINUTE, PLOTSECOND};
    struct starData stardat;
    double east, north;

    struct v3_str p0x, p0y;
    /* vector normal to ceiling */
    struct v3_str n;

    /* compute normal to ceiling */
    p0x = px;
    v3_sub(&p0x, &p0);
    p0y = py;
    v3_sub(&p0y, &p0);
    n = p0x;
    v3_cross(&n, &p0y);

    /* read in latitude, longitude */
    posnfile = fopen(POSNFILE, "r");
    if (posnfile != NULL) {
        if (read_latlon(posnfile, &lat, &lon) != 0) {
            lat = DFLT_LAT;
            lon = DFLT_LON;
    } else {
        lat = DFLT_LAT;
        lon = DFLT_LON;
#if 1
    printf("lat: %f, lon: %f\n", lat, lon);

    starfile = fopen(STARFILE, "r");
    while (read_star(starfile, &star_rec) != -1) {
        /* dn is anchored in ne corner, ds in se corner */
         * dn is wall measurement using NE anchor point
         * ds is wall measurement using SE anchor point
         * N, S walls measured from east side
         * W wall measured from S side _from_both_anchors_
        double dn, ds;
        char wn, ws;    /* wall on which line terminates */
        double bri;     /* brightness of dot (relative to mag 0) */
        double dia;     /* diameter of dot */
        double dist;    /* observer to dot distance */
        /* unit vector in direction of star, spherical coords */
        struct crd_sph_str u_sph;
        struct v3_str u_crt;    /* same in cartesian coords */

        /* calculate altitude, azimuth */
         * note: these calculations don't quite agree with stellarium's.
         * I suspect it's due to "RA/DE (of date)" calculation
         * (proper motion)
        ephStarPos(&tstar, lat, lon, star_rec.ra, star_rec.dec,
#if 0
        //printf("\nStar %d:\n", star_rec.hip);
        printf("%d,%10.6f,%10.6f\n", star_rec.hip, stardat.az, stardat.alt);

        /* create unit vector in direction of star */
        u_sph.r = 1.0;
        u_sph.phi = ephDegToRad(ephAltToPhi(stardat.alt));
        u_sph.theta = ephDegToRad(ephAzToTheta(stardat.az));
        crd_sph2cart(&u_sph, &u_crt);
        /* distance from origin to dot */
        dist = v3_dist_line_plane(&origin, &u_crt, &p0, &n);

        /* CLEANED UP TO HERE */

        /* skip stars too low (or below horizon) */
        if (stardat.alt < ALT_MIN)

         * convert to cartesian coords:
         *    observer is OBS_TO_CEIL below ceiling
         *    OBS_TO_WALL from middle of east wall
        east = OBS_TO_CEIL * ephSin(stardat.az) / ephTan(stardat.alt);
        north = OBS_TO_CEIL * ephCos(stardat.az) / ephTan(stardat.alt);
        east -= OBS_TO_WALL;
        /* skip those not on ceiling */
        if ((north > ROOM_NS / 2.0) || (north < -ROOM_NS / 2.0)
            || (east > 0) || (east < -ROOM_EW))
#if 0
        printf("%d %6.1f %6.1f %5.2f\n", star_rec.hip,
               east, north, star_rec.vmag);
        if (-east / (ROOM_NS / 2.0 - north) <= ROOM_EW / ROOM_NS) {
            dn = -east * ROOM_NS / (ROOM_NS / 2.0 - north);
            wn = 's';
        } else {
            dn = ROOM_NS - ROOM_EW * (ROOM_NS / 2.0 - north) / -east;
            wn = 'W';

        if (-east / (ROOM_NS / 2.0 + north) <= ROOM_EW / ROOM_NS) {
            ds = -east * ROOM_NS / (ROOM_NS / 2.0 + north);
            ws = 'n';
        } else {
            ds = ROOM_EW * (ROOM_NS / 2.0 + north) / -east;
            ws = 'W';

        /* brightness ratio, relative to mag 0: m = -2.5log_10(F/F0) */
        /* this could be more accurate: 5th root of 100 */
        /* see Wikipedia: apparent magnitude */
        bri = pow(10.0, star_rec.vmag / -2.5);
        /* compensate for distance from observer to dot */
        bri *= dist * dist / (OBS_TO_CEIL * OBS_TO_CEIL);
        /* compensate for view angle */
        bri /= ephSin(stardat.alt);
        /* brightness proportional to square of diameter */
        dia = DIA_0 * sqrt(bri);
#if 1
        printf("%6d %5.2f %010.6f %09.6f %6.1f %6.1f %05.1f %c %05.1f %c %4.1f 0\n",
               star_rec.hip, star_rec.vmag,
               stardat.az, stardat.alt,
               east, north,
               dn, wn, ds, ws, dia);
文件: glwidget.cpp 项目: cheque/s3d
void GLWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
    Matrix4 M;
    Vector3 Dir;
    switch (event->key()) {
    case Qt::Key_Q:
    case Qt::Key_A:
        M = m4_rotate('y', 0.5);
        scene->view->center = v3_m4mult(scene->view->center,M);
        scene->view->normal = v3_m4mult(scene->view->normal,M);
    case Qt::Key_D:
        M = m4_rotate('y', -0.5);
        scene->view->center = v3_m4mult(scene->view->center,M);
        scene->view->normal = v3_m4mult(scene->view->normal,M);
    case Qt::Key_W:
        M = m4_rotate('x', 0.5);
        scene->view->center = v3_m4mult(scene->view->center,M);
        scene->view->up = v3_m4mult(scene->view->up,M);
        scene->view->normal = v3_m4mult(scene->view->normal,M);
    case Qt::Key_S:
        M = m4_rotate('x', -0.5);
        scene->view->center = v3_m4mult(scene->view->center,M);
        scene->view->up = v3_m4mult(scene->view->up,M);
        scene->view->normal = v3_m4mult(scene->view->normal,M);
    case Qt::Key_Left:
        Dir = v3_cross(scene->view->up,scene->view->normal);
        scene->view->center = v3_add(scene->view->center,v3_scale(0.5,Dir));
    case Qt::Key_Right:
        Dir = v3_cross(scene->view->up,scene->view->normal);
        scene->view->center = v3_sub(scene->view->center,v3_scale(0.5,Dir));
    case Qt::Key_Up:
        scene->view->center = v3_add(scene->view->center,v3_scale(0.5,scene->view->up));
    case Qt::Key_Down:
        scene->view->center = v3_sub(scene->view->center,v3_scale(0.5,scene->view->up));

    case Qt::Key_Escape:
    case Qt::Key_R:
        if (!lastfile.isEmpty())
	camera_t * const c,
	v3_t eye,
	v3_t lookat,
	v3_t up,
	float fov
	// compute the basis for the camera
	// negative look direction from eye to destination
	v3_t w = v3_norm(v3_sub(eye, lookat));

	// compute the side axis
	v3_t u = v3_norm(v3_cross(up, w));

	// and the "up" normal
	v3_t v = v3_norm(v3_cross(w, u));

	m44_t cam = {{
		{ u.p[0], u.p[1], u.p[2], -v3_dot(u,eye) },
		{ v.p[0], v.p[1], v.p[2], -v3_dot(v,eye) },
		{ w.p[0], w.p[1], w.p[2], -v3_dot(w,eye) },
		{ 0,      0,      0,      1 },

	fprintf(stderr, "Camera:\n");
	for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
		for(int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++)
			fprintf(stderr, " %+5.3f", cam.m[i][j]);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");

	// now compute the perspective projection matrix
if(1) {
	float s = 1000.0 / tan(fov * M_PI / 180 / 2);
	c->near = 1;
	c->far = 200;
	float f1 = - c->far / (c->far - c->near);
	float f2 = - c->far * c->near / (c->far - c->near);

	m44_t pers = {{
		{ s, 0, 0, 0 },
		{ 0, s, 0, 0 },
		{ 0, 0, f2, -1 },
		{ 0, 0, f1, 0 },

	fprintf(stderr, "Perspective:\n");
	for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
		for(int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++)
			fprintf(stderr, " %+5.3f", pers.m[i][j]);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	m44_mult(&c->r, &pers, &cam);
} else {
	// no perspective
	m44_t pers = {{
		{ 1, 0, 0, 0 },
		{ 0, 1, 0, 0 },
		{ 0, 0, 1, 0 },
		{ 0, 0, 0, 1 },
	// and apply it to the camera matrix to generate transform
	m44_mult(&c->r, &pers, &cam);

	fprintf(stderr, "Cam*Pers\n");
	for(int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
		for(int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++)
			fprintf(stderr, " %+5.3f", c->r.m[i][j]);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");
