文件: regex.c 项目: CoryXie/v7
V7_PRIVATE val_t Regex_ctor(struct v7 *v7, val_t this_obj, val_t args) {
  long argnum = v7_array_length(v7, args);
  if (argnum > 0) {
    val_t ro = to_string(v7, v7_array_get(v7, args, 0));
    size_t re_len, flags_len = 0;
    const char *re = v7_to_string(v7, &ro, &re_len), *flags = NULL;
    struct slre_prog *p = NULL;
    struct v7_regexp *rp;

    (void) this_obj;
    if (argnum > 1) {
      val_t fl = to_string(v7, v7_array_get(v7, args, 1));
      flags = v7_to_string(v7, &fl, &flags_len);
    if (slre_compile(re, re_len, flags, flags_len, &p, 1) != SLRE_OK ||
        p == NULL) {
      throw_exception(v7, TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid regex");
      return v7_create_undefined();
    } else {
      rp = (struct v7_regexp *) malloc(sizeof(*rp));
      rp->regexp_string = v7_create_string(v7, re, re_len, 1);
      rp->compiled_regexp = p;
      rp->lastIndex = 0;

      return v7_pointer_to_value(rp) | V7_TAG_REGEXP;
  return v7_create_regexp(v7, "(?:)", 4, NULL, 0);
static v7_val_t Http_post(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t urlv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  v7_val_t body = v7_array_get(v7, args, 1);
  v7_val_t cb = v7_array_get(v7, args, 2);
  (void) this_obj;
  return Http_call(v7, urlv, body, cb, "POST");
文件: v7_esp.c 项目: fast01/smart.js
ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR static v7_val_t Wifi_setup(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj,
                                             v7_val_t args) {
  struct station_config stationConf;
  v7_val_t ssidv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  v7_val_t passv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 1);
  const char *ssid, *pass;
  size_t ssid_len, pass_len;
  int res;

  if (!v7_is_string(ssidv) || !v7_is_string(passv)) {
    printf("ssid/pass are not strings\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();


  ssid = v7_to_string(v7, &ssidv, &ssid_len);
  pass = v7_to_string(v7, &passv, &pass_len);

  stationConf.bssid_set = 0;
  strncpy((char *) &stationConf.ssid, ssid, 32);
  strncpy((char *) &stationConf.password, pass, 64);

  res = v7_create_boolean(wifi_station_set_config(&stationConf));
  if (!res) {
    printf("Failed to set station config\n");
    return v7_create_boolean(0);

  return v7_create_boolean(wifi_station_connect());
static v7_val_t js_sum(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  double arg0 = v7_to_number(v7_array_get(v7, args, 0));
  double arg1 = v7_to_number(v7_array_get(v7, args, 1));
  double result = sum(arg0, arg1);
  (void) this_obj;  /* unused */
  return v7_create_number(result);
文件: v7_esp.c 项目: fast01/smart.js
/* Currently can only handle one timer */
ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR static v7_val_t set_timeout(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj,
                                              v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t cb = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  v7_val_t msecsv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 1);
  int msecs;

  if (!v7_is_function(cb)) {
    printf("cb is not a function\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  if (!v7_is_double(msecsv)) {
    printf("msecs is not a double\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  msecs = v7_to_double(msecsv);

   * used to convey the callback to the timer handler _and_ to root
   * the function so that the GC doesn't deallocate it.
  v7_set(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), "_js_timeout_handler", 19, 0, cb);
  os_timer_setfn(&js_timeout_timer, js_timeout, NULL);
  os_timer_arm(&js_timeout_timer, msecs, 0);

  return v7_create_undefined();
* Construct a new WebSocket object:
* url: url where to connect to
* protocol: websocket subprotocol
* Example:
* ws = new WebSocket('wss://localhost:1234');
* ws.onopen = function(ev) {
*     print("ON OPEN", ev);
* }
* ws.onclose = function(ev) {
*     print("ON CLOSE", ev);
* }
* ws.onmessage = function(ev) {
*     print("ON MESSAGE", ev);
* }
* ws.onerror = function(ev) {
*     print("ON ERROR", ev);
* }
static v7_val_t sj_ws_ctor(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  struct mg_connection *nc;
  struct user_data *ud;
  v7_val_t urlv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  v7_val_t subprotov = v7_array_get(v7, args, 1);
  (void) this_obj;
  (void) args;

  if (!v7_is_string(urlv)) {
    v7_throw(v7, "invalid ws url string");

  if (v7_is_object(this_obj) && this_obj != v7_get_global_object(v7)) {
    int use_ssl = 0;
    size_t len;
    const char *url = v7_to_string(v7, &urlv, &len);

    if (strncmp(url, "ws://", 5) == 0) {
      url += 5;
    } else if (strncmp(url, "wss://", 6) == 0) {
      url += 6;
      use_ssl = 1;

    nc = mg_connect(&sj_mgr, url, ws_ev_handler);
    if (nc == NULL) v7_throw(v7, "error creating the connection");
    if (use_ssl) {
      mg_set_ssl(nc, NULL, NULL);

    (void) use_ssl;

    ud = calloc(1, sizeof(*ud));
    ud->v7 = v7;
    ud->ws = this_obj;
    nc->user_data = ud;
    v7_own(v7, &ud->ws);

    if (v7_is_string(subprotov)) {
      size_t len;
      const char *proto = v7_to_string(v7, &subprotov, &len);
      ud->proto = strdup(proto);

  } else {
    v7_throw(v7, "WebSocket ctor called without new");

  return v7_create_undefined();
static v7_val_t GPIO_write(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  v7_val_t valv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 1);
  int pin, val;

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv)) {
    printf("non-numeric pin\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  pin = v7_to_number(pinv);
  val = v7_to_number(valv);

  return v7_create_boolean(sj_gpio_write(pin, val) == 0);
static v7_val_t dsleep(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t time_v = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  uint32 time = v7_to_number(time_v);
  v7_val_t flags_v = v7_array_get(v7, args, 1);
  uint8 flags = v7_to_number(flags_v);

  if (!v7_is_number(time_v) || time < 0) return v7_create_boolean(false);
  if (v7_is_number(flags_v)) {
    if (!system_deep_sleep_set_option(flags)) return v7_create_boolean(false);


  return v7_create_boolean(true);
static v7_val_t WebSocket_send(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj,
                               v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t datav = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  v7_val_t ncv = v7_get(v7, this_obj, "_nc", ~0);
  struct mg_connection *nc;
   * TODO(alashkin): check why v7_is_instanceof throws exception
   * in case of string
  int is_blob = !v7_is_string(datav) && v7_is_instanceof(v7, datav, "Blob");

  if (!v7_is_string(datav) && !is_blob) {
    v7_throw(v7, "arg should be string or Blob");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  if (!v7_is_foreign(ncv) ||
      (nc = (struct mg_connection *) v7_to_foreign(ncv)) == NULL) {
    v7_throw(v7, "ws not connected");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  if (is_blob) {
    _WebSocket_send_blob(v7, nc, datav);
  } else {
    _WebSocket_send_string(v7, nc, datav);

  return v7_create_undefined();
文件: json.c 项目: CoryXie/v7
static val_t Json_stringify(struct v7 *v7, val_t this_obj, val_t args) {
  val_t arg0 = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  char buf[100], *p = v7_to_json(v7, arg0, buf, sizeof(buf));
  val_t res = v7_create_string(v7, p, strlen(p), 1);
  (void) this_obj;
  if (p != buf) free(p);
  return res;
static v7_val_t GPIO_setmode(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  v7_val_t modev = v7_array_get(v7, args, 1);
  v7_val_t pullv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 2);
  int pin, mode, pull;

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv) || !v7_is_number(modev) || !v7_is_number(pullv)) {
    printf("Invalid arguments");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  pin = v7_to_number(pinv);
  mode = v7_to_number(modev);
  pull = v7_to_number(pullv);

  return v7_create_boolean(sj_gpio_set_mode(pin, mode, pull) == 0);
static v7_val_t GPIO_setisr(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  v7_val_t typev = v7_array_get(v7, args, 1);
  v7_val_t cb = v7_array_get(v7, args, 2);
  v7_val_t current_cb;

  char prop_name[15];
  int pin, type, len, has_isr, new_isr_provided;

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv) || !v7_is_number(typev)) {
    printf("Invalid arguments\n");
    return v7_create_boolean(0);

  pin = v7_to_number(pinv);
  type = v7_to_number(typev);

  len = snprintf(prop_name, sizeof(prop_name), "_ih_%d", (int) pin);
  current_cb = v7_get(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), prop_name, len);
  has_isr = v7_is_function(current_cb);
  new_isr_provided = v7_is_function(cb);

  if (!has_isr && !new_isr_provided) {
    printf("Missing callback\n");
    return v7_create_boolean(0);

  if (has_isr && new_isr_provided && current_cb != cb) {
    printf("Only one interruption handler is allowed for pin\n");
    return v7_create_boolean(0);

  if (type == 0 && has_isr) {
    v7_set(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), prop_name, len, 0,
  } else if (!has_isr && new_isr_provided) {
    v7_set(v7, v7_get_global_object(v7), prop_name, len, 0, cb);

  if (type != 0 && !s_gpio_intr_installed) {
    s_gpio_intr_installed = 1;

  return v7_create_boolean(sj_gpio_intr_set(pin, type) == 0);
文件: v7_esp.c 项目: fast01/smart.js
ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR static v7_val_t GPIO_out(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj,
                                           v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  v7_val_t valv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 1);
  int pin, val;

  if (!v7_is_double(pinv)) {
    printf("non-numeric pin\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  pin = v7_to_double(pinv);
  val = v7_is_true(v7, valv) ? 1 : 0;

  set_gpio(pin, val);

  return v7_create_undefined();
 * Start dummy TCP generator server.
 * port: tcp port to listen to
static v7_val_t Tcp_gen(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t port = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  if (!v7_is_number(port)) {
    printf("bad port number\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  return v7_create_undefined();
static v7_val_t global_usleep(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t usecsv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  int usecs;
  if (!v7_is_number(usecsv)) {
    printf("usecs is not a double\n\r");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  usecs = v7_to_number(usecsv);
  return v7_create_undefined();
文件: v7_esp.c 项目: fast01/smart.js
ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR static v7_val_t GPIO_in(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj,
                                          v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  int pin;

  if (!v7_is_double(pinv)) {
    printf("non-numeric pin\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  pin = v7_to_double(pinv);
  return v7_create_boolean(read_gpio_pin(pin));
文件: v7_esp.c 项目: fast01/smart.js
ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR static v7_val_t usleep(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj,
                                         v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t usecsv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  int usecs;
  if (!v7_is_double(usecsv)) {
    printf("usecs is not a double\n\r");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  usecs = v7_to_double(usecsv);
  return v7_create_undefined();
static v7_val_t GPIO_read(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  int pin;

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv)) {
    printf("non-numeric pin\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  pin = v7_to_number(pinv);
  return v7_create_number(sj_gpio_read(pin));
 * Prints message to current debug output
v7_val_t Debug_print(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  int i, num_args = v7_array_length(v7, args);

  (void) this_obj;
  for (i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
    v7_fprint(stderr, v7, v7_array_get(v7, args, i));
    fprintf(stderr, " ");
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");

  return v7_create_undefined();
/* HAL functions */
spi_connection sj_spi_create(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t args) {
  struct lnx_spi_connection *conn;
  v7_val_t spi_no_val = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  double spi_no = v7_to_number(spi_no_val);

  if (!v7_is_number(spi_no_val) || spi_no < 0) {
    v7_throw(v7, "Missing arguments for SPI number or wrong type.");

  conn = malloc(sizeof(*conn));
  conn->spi_no = v7_to_number(spi_no);

  return conn;
/* Currently can only handle one timer */
static v7_val_t global_set_timeout(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj,
                                   v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t *cb;
  v7_val_t msecsv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 1);
  int msecs;

  cb = (v7_val_t *) malloc(sizeof(*cb));
  v7_own(v7, cb);
  *cb = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);

  if (!v7_is_function(*cb)) {
    printf("cb is not a function\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  if (!v7_is_number(msecsv)) {
    printf("msecs is not a double\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  msecs = v7_to_number(msecsv);

  sj_set_timeout(msecs, cb);

  return v7_create_undefined();
 * Sets output for debug messages.
 * Available modes are:
 * 0 - no debug output
 * 1 - print debug output to UART0 (V7's console)
 * 2 - print debug output to UART1
static v7_val_t Debug_mode(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  int mode, res;
  v7_val_t output_val = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);

  if (!v7_is_number(output_val)) {
    printf("Output is not a number\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  mode = v7_to_number(output_val);

  uart_debug_init(0, 0);
  res = uart_redirect_debug(mode);

  return v7_create_number(res < 0 ? res : mode);
static enum v7_err isr_cb_proxy(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res) {
  v7_val_t cb = v7_arg(v7, 0);
  v7_val_t args = v7_arg(v7, 1);

  v7_own(v7, &cb);
  v7_own(v7, &args);

  enum v7_err ret = v7_apply(v7, cb, v7_get_global(v7), args, res);

  sj_reenable_intr(v7_get_double(v7, v7_array_get(v7, args, 0)));

  v7_disown(v7, &args);
  v7_disown(v7, &cb);

  return ret;
文件: v7_esp.c 项目: fast01/smart.js
 * Returns the IP address of an interface.
 * Pass either Wifi.STATION or Wifi.SOFTAP
 * Defaults to Wifi.STATION if called without argument.
ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR static v7_val_t Wifi_ip(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj,
                                          v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t arg = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  int err;
  struct ip_info info;
  char ip[17];

  (void) this_obj;
  (void) args;

  err = wifi_get_ip_info(v7_is_double(arg) ? v7_to_double(arg) : 0, &info);
  if (err == 0) {
    v7_throw(v7, "cannot get ip info");
  snprintf(ip, sizeof(ip), IPSTR, IP2STR(&info.ip));
  return v7_create_string(v7, ip, strlen(ip), 1);
static v7_val_t DHT11_read(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  int pin, temp, rh;
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0), result;

  if (!v7_is_number(pinv)) {
    printf("non-numeric pin\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  pin = v7_to_number(pinv);

  if (!dht11_read(pin, &temp, &rh)) {
    return v7_create_null();

  result = v7_create_object(v7);
  v7_own(v7, &result);
  v7_set(v7, result, "temp", 4, 0, v7_create_number(temp));
  v7_set(v7, result, "rh", 2, 0, v7_create_number(rh));
  v7_disown(v7, &result);
  return result;
文件: v7_esp.c 项目: fast01/smart.js
static v7_val_t DHT11_read(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  int pin, temp, rh;
  v7_val_t pinv = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0), result;

  if (!v7_is_double(pinv)) {
    printf("non-numeric pin\n");
    return v7_create_undefined();
  pin = v7_to_double(pinv);

  if (!dht11_read(pin, &temp, &rh)) {
    return v7_create_null();

  result = v7_create_object(v7);
  v7_set(v7, result, "temp", 4, 0, v7_create_number(temp));
  v7_set(v7, result, "rh", 2, 0, v7_create_number(rh));
  /* prevent the object from being potentially GCed */
  v7_set(v7, args, "_tmp", 4, 0, result);
  return result;
int v7_example(void) {
  size_t n;
  const char *domain_str;
  struct v7 *v7 = v7_create();
  v7_val_t domain, port0, config;

  /* Load JSON configuration */
  if (v7_parse_json_file(v7, "config.json", &config) != V7_OK) {
    printf("%s\n", "Cannot load JSON config");
    return 1;

  /* Lookup values in JSON configuration object */
  domain = v7_get(v7, config, "domain", 6);
  port0 = v7_array_get(v7, v7_get(v7, config, "ports", 5), 0);
  domain_str = v7_get_string(v7, &domain, &n);

  printf("Domain: [%.*s], port 0: [%d]\n",
         (int) n, domain_str, (int) v7_get_double(port0));

  return 0;
static v7_val_t WebSocket_send(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj,
                               v7_val_t args) {
  v7_val_t datav = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
  v7_val_t ncv = v7_get(v7, this_obj, "_nc", ~0);
  struct ns_connection *nc;
  const char *data;
  size_t len;

  if (!v7_is_string(datav)) {
    v7_throw(v7, "non string data not implemented");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  if (!v7_is_foreign(ncv) ||
      (nc = (struct ns_connection *) v7_to_foreign(ncv)) == NULL) {
    v7_throw(v7, "ws not connected");
    return v7_create_undefined();

  data = v7_to_string(v7, &datav, &len);
  ns_send_websocket_frame(nc, WEBSOCKET_OP_TEXT, data, len);

  return v7_create_undefined();
static void _WebSocket_send_blob(struct v7 *v7, struct mg_connection *nc,
                                 v7_val_t blob) {
  const char *data;
  size_t len;
  unsigned long alen, i;
  v7_val_t chunks, chunk;

  chunks = v7_get(v7, blob, "a", ~0);
  alen = v7_array_length(v7, chunks);

  for (i = 0; i < alen; i++) {
    int flag = i == alen - 1 ? 0 : WEBSOCKET_DONT_FIN;

    chunk = v7_array_get(v7, chunks, i);
     * This hack allows us to skip the first or the last frame
     * while sending blobs. The effect of it is that it's possible to
     * concatenate more blobs into a single WS message composed of
     * several fragments.
     * WebSocket.send(new Blob(["123", undefined]));
     * WebSocket.send(new Blob([undefined, "456"]));
     * If the last blob component is undefined, the current message is thus
     * left open. In order to continue sending fragments of the same message
     * the next send call should have it's first component undefined.
     * TODO(mkm): find a better API.
    if (!v7_is_undefined(chunk)) {
      data = v7_to_string(v7, &chunk, &len);
      mg_send_websocket_frame(nc, op | flag, data, len);
文件: v7_esp.c 项目: fast01/smart.js
 * Prints message to current debug output
Debug_print(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t this_obj, v7_val_t args) {
  char *p, buf[512];
  int i, num_args = v7_array_length(v7, args);

  (void) this_obj;
  for (i = 0; i < num_args; i++) {
    v7_val_t arg = v7_array_get(v7, args, i);
    if (v7_is_string(arg)) {
      size_t n;
      const char *s = v7_to_string(v7, &arg, &n);
      os_printf("%s", s);
    } else {
      p = v7_to_json(v7, arg, buf, sizeof(buf));
      os_printf("%s", p);
      if (p != buf) {

  return v7_create_null();