// @from http://listengine.tuxfamily.org/lists.tuxfamily.org/eigen/2010/01/msg00173.html
static bool pinv(const Eigen::Matrix2d& a, Eigen::Matrix2d& a_pinv)
    // see : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore-Penrose_pseudoinverse#The_general_case_and_the_SVD_method

    if (a.rows() < a.cols())
        return false;

    // SVD
    Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::Matrix2d> svdA(a, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
    Eigen::Vector2d vSingular = svdA.singularValues();

    // Build a diagonal matrix with the Inverted Singular values
    // The pseudo inverted singular matrix is easy to compute :
    // is formed by replacing every nonzero entry by its reciprocal (inversing).
    Eigen::Vector2d vPseudoInvertedSingular(svdA.matrixV().cols(),1);

    for (int iRow = 0; iRow < vSingular.rows(); iRow++)
        if (fabs(vSingular(iRow)) <= 1e-10) // Todo : Put epsilon in parameter
            vPseudoInvertedSingular(iRow, 0) = 0.;
            vPseudoInvertedSingular(iRow, 0) = 1. / vSingular(iRow);

    // A little optimization here
    Eigen::Matrix2d mAdjointU = svdA.matrixU().adjoint().block(0, 0, vSingular.rows(), svdA.matrixU().adjoint().cols());

    // Pseudo-Inversion : V * S * U'
    a_pinv = (svdA.matrixV() * vPseudoInvertedSingular.asDiagonal()) * mAdjointU;

    return true;
文件: Math.cpp 项目: CrazyHeex/woo
bool MatrixXr_pseudoInverse(const MatrixXr &a, MatrixXr &a_pinv, double epsilon) {

    // see : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore-Penrose_pseudoinverse#The_general_case_and_the_SVD_method
    if ( a.rows()<a.cols() ) return false;

    // SVD
    Eigen::JacobiSVD<MatrixXr> svdA;
    MatrixXr vSingular = svdA.singularValues();

    // Build a diagonal matrix with the Inverted Singular values
    // The pseudo inverted singular matrix is easy to compute :
    // is formed by replacing every nonzero entry by its reciprocal (inversing).
    VectorXr vPseudoInvertedSingular(svdA.matrixV().cols(),1);

    for (int iRow =0; iRow<vSingular.rows(); iRow++) {
        if(fabs(vSingular(iRow))<=epsilon) vPseudoInvertedSingular(iRow,0)=0.;
        else vPseudoInvertedSingular(iRow,0)=1./vSingular(iRow);

    // A little optimization here
    MatrixXr mAdjointU = svdA.matrixU().adjoint().block(0,0,vSingular.rows(),svdA.matrixU().adjoint().cols());

    // Pseudo-Inversion : V * S * U'
    a_pinv = (svdA.matrixV() *  vPseudoInvertedSingular.asDiagonal()) * mAdjointU;

    return true;
// Derived from code by Yohann Solaro ( http://listengine.tuxfamily.org/lists.tuxfamily.org/eigen/2010/01/msg00187.html )
// see : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore-Penrose_pseudoinverse#The_general_case_and_the_SVD_method
Eigen::MatrixXd pinv( const Eigen::MatrixXd &b, double rcond )
  // TODO: Figure out why it wants fewer rows than columns
  // if ( a.rows()<a.cols() )
  // return false;
  bool flip = false;
  Eigen::MatrixXd a;
  if( a.rows() < a.cols() )
    a = b.transpose();
    flip = true;
    a = b;
  // SVD
  Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXd> svdA;
  svdA.compute( a, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeThinV );
  Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::MatrixXd>::SingularValuesType vSingular = svdA.singularValues();
  // Build a diagonal matrix with the Inverted Singular values
  // The pseudo inverted singular matrix is easy to compute :
  // is formed by replacing every nonzero entry by its reciprocal (inversing).
  Eigen::VectorXd vPseudoInvertedSingular( svdA.matrixV().cols() );

  for (int iRow=0; iRow<vSingular.rows(); iRow++)
    if ( fabs(vSingular(iRow)) <= rcond )
  // A little optimization here
  Eigen::MatrixXd mAdjointU = svdA.matrixU().adjoint().block( 0, 0, vSingular.rows(), svdA.matrixU().adjoint().cols() );
  // Pseudo-Inversion : V * S * U'
  Eigen::MatrixXd a_pinv = (svdA.matrixV() * vPseudoInvertedSingular.asDiagonal()) * mAdjointU;
  if( flip )
    a = a.transpose();
    a_pinv = a_pinv.transpose();
  return a_pinv;
// Derived from code by Yohann Solaro ( http://listengine.tuxfamily.org/lists.tuxfamily.org/eigen/2010/01/msg00187.html )
void pinv(const MatrixXd &b, MatrixXd &a_pinv)
    // see : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore-Penrose_pseudoinverse#The_general_case_and_the_SVD_method

    // TODO: Figure out why it wants fewer rows than columns
//    if ( a.rows()<a.cols() )
//        return false;
    bool flip = false;
    MatrixXd a;
    if( a.rows() < a.cols() )
        a = b.transpose();
        flip = true;
        a = b;

    // SVD
    JacobiSVD< MatrixXd > svdA;
    svdA.compute(a, ComputeFullU | ComputeThinV);

    JacobiSVD<MatrixXd>::SingularValuesType vSingular = svdA.singularValues();

    // Build a diagonal matrix with the Inverted Singular values
    // The pseudo inverted singular matrix is easy to compute :
    // is formed by replacing every nonzero entry by its reciprocal (inversing).
    VectorXd vPseudoInvertedSingular(svdA.matrixV().cols());

    for (int iRow =0; iRow<vSingular.rows(); iRow++)
        if ( fabs(vSingular(iRow))<=1e-10 ) // Todo : Put epsilon in parameter


    // A little optimization here
    MatrixXd mAdjointU = svdA.matrixU().adjoint().block(0,0,vSingular.rows(),svdA.matrixU().adjoint().cols());

    // Pseudo-Inversion : V * S * U'
    a_pinv = (svdA.matrixV() *  vPseudoInvertedSingular.asDiagonal()) * mAdjointU;

        a = a.transpose();
        a_pinv = a_pinv.transpose();