/* Basic sparse inverse, aka Takahashi inverse. */
SparseMatrix* sparse_inverse_a(const SparseMatrix *L, SparseMatrix *P, int *w)
    int i, j, k, ks, kL, kP; 
    int delw = 0;
    double dinv;

    if (P == NULL) P = allocate_symmetric(L, NULL);
    if (w == NULL) { delw = 1; w = (int*) malloc(P->N * sizeof(int)); }
    validate_matrices(L, P);

    /* Initialise workspace to index diagonal element of each column */
    for (i = 0; i < P->N; ++i) {
        k = P->j[i];         /* get column-start index from j */
        while (P->i[k] != i) /* find diagonal element */
        w[i] = k;   

    /* Compute sparse P */
    j = L->N; /* column index, initialised at one-past-end */
    for (k = L->nz-1; k >= 0; --k, --ks) { /* compute entries in reverse order */

        /* If element (k) is at bottom of column (j-1) in L */
        if (k == L->j[j]-1) {
            ks = P->j[j]-1; /* get index (ks) of bottom of column (j-1) in P */
            dinv = 1.0 / L->x[L->j[--j]]; /* shift to col (--j), and compute dinv */
            assert(j == L->i[L->j[j]]);   /* check entry L->j[j] is the diagonal */

        /* If current element (k) is on diagonal, initialise with dinv, otherwise 0. */
        if (k == L->j[j]) P->x[ks] = dinv;
        else P->x[ks] = 0;

        /* Compute summation part. */
        i = L->i[k];        /* get row index (i) of element (k) */
        kL = L->j[j+1] - 1; /* get bottom row of column (j) in L */
        kP = P->j[i+1] - 1; /* get bottom row of column (i) in P */
        while (L->i[kL] > j && kP > P->j[i]) { /* iterate upwards */
            if (L->i[kL] == P->i[kP])
                P->x[ks] -= L->x[kL--] * P->x[kP--];
            else if (L->i[kL] < P->i[kP])

        /* Multiply by dinv. */
        P->x[ks] *= dinv;

        /* Store symmetric entry. */
        assert(w[i] >= P->j[i]); /* index must remain inside column (i) of P */
        assert(P->i[w[i]] == j); /* symmetric row index must equal column index (j) */
        P->x[w[i]--] = P->x[ks];

    if (delw) free(w);
    return P;
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
	struct timeval start, stop;
	unsigned long long t, asm_tot = 0, asm_inv_tot = 0, c_tot = 0, c_inv_tot = 0, c_2_tot = 0;

	long *A = (long *) malloc((MATRIX_SIZE * MATRIX_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(long));
	long *B = (long *) malloc((MATRIX_SIZE * MATRIX_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(long));
	long *R1 = (long *) malloc((MATRIX_SIZE * MATRIX_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(long));
	long *R2 = (long *) malloc((MATRIX_SIZE * MATRIX_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(long));

	fill_matrix(MATRIX_SIZE, A);
	fill_matrix(MATRIX_SIZE, B);

	int i;
	for (i = 1; i <= NUM_RUNS; ++i)
		//printf("Run %d, %s\n", i, RUN_INFO);
		printf("Run %d\n", i);
		// Assembly
		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
		asm_multiply(A, B, R1);
		gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
		t = ((stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + stop.tv_usec) - start.tv_usec;
		asm_tot += t;
		printf("Asm-func: %llu Microseconds\n", t);

		// C
		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
		c_multiply(A, B, R2);
		gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
		t = ((stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + stop.tv_usec) - start.tv_usec;
		c_tot += t;
		printf("C-func: %llu Microseconds\n", t);

	printf( "Asm-func average: %llu\n", asm_tot / NUM_RUNS);
	printf( "C-func average: %llu\n", c_tot / NUM_RUNS);

	validate_matrices(R1, R2);

	return 0;	
/* Allocate a sparse matrix with non-zero pattern equal to L+L', but without
   initialising any values. */
SparseMatrix* allocate_symmetric(const SparseMatrix *L, SparseMatrix *P)
    int i, k, sum;
    int *jL, *jP;

    if (P == NULL)
        P = create_sparse_matrix(L->N, NZ_SYM(L->nz, L->N));
    validate_matrices(L, P);

    /* Initialise P->j with zeros */
    for (i = 0; i < P->N+1; ++i)
        P->j[i] = 0;

    /* Count number of non-zeros per column, store in P->j */
    jL = L->j;
    jP = P->j + 1; /* offset by 1 to allow in-place calculations later */
    for (i = 0, k = 0; i < L->nz; ++i) {
        if (i >= jL[k+1]) ++k;  /* if (i) in new column, shift (k) to next col */
        ++jP[k];                /* increment count for current column */
        if (k != L->i[i])       /* if non-diagonal term */
            ++jP[L->i[i]];      /* increment count for symmetric column */

    /* Cumulative sum on jP, starting from 0 */
    for (i = 0, sum = 0; i < P->N; ++i) {
        int tmp = jP[i];
        jP[i] = sum;
        sum += tmp;

    /* Compute P->i, using jP for cunning in-place calculation of P->j */
    for (i = 0; i < L->N; ++i) /* for each column (i) in L */
        for (k = jL[i]; k < jL[i+1]; ++k) { 
            int j = L->i[k];        /* get k-th row index (j) */
            P->i[jP[i]++] = j;      /* store row index (j) into col (i) in P */
            if (i != j)             /* if not a diagonal term, make symmetry */
                P->i[jP[j]++] = i;  /* store row index (i) into col (j) in P */

    return P;
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
		long C[] = {2, 1,2,3,4};
		long D[] = {2, 5,6,7,8};
		long R3[5];

		asm_inv_multiply(C, D, R3);
		struct timeval start, stop;
		unsigned long long t, asm_tot = 0, asm_inv_tot = 0, c_tot = 0, c_inv_tot = 0, c_2_tot = 0;
		FILE *f = fopen("testr.txt", "a");

		long *A = (long *) malloc((MATRIX_SIZE * MATRIX_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(long));
		long *B = (long *) malloc((MATRIX_SIZE * MATRIX_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(long));
		long *R1 = (long *) malloc((MATRIX_SIZE * MATRIX_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(long));
		long *R2 = (long *) malloc((MATRIX_SIZE * MATRIX_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(long));
		long *R3 = (long *) malloc((MATRIX_SIZE * MATRIX_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(long));
		long *R4 = (long *) malloc((MATRIX_SIZE * MATRIX_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(long));
		long *R5 = (long *) malloc((MATRIX_SIZE * MATRIX_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(long));

		fill_matrix(MATRIX_SIZE, A);
		fill_matrix(MATRIX_SIZE, B);

		int i;
		for (i = 1; i <= NUM_RUNS; ++i)
			fprintf(f,"Run %d, %s\n", i, RUN_INFO);
			printf("Run %d, %s\n", i, RUN_INFO);
			// Assembly
			gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
			asm_multiply(A, B, R1);
			gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
			t = ((stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + stop.tv_usec) - start.tv_usec;
			asm_tot += t;
			fprintf(f,"Asm-func: %llu Microseconds\n", t);
			printf("Asm-func: %llu Microseconds\n", t);

			// Inverted assembly
			gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
			asm_inv_multiply(A, B, R2);
			gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
			t = ((stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + stop.tv_usec) - start.tv_usec;
			asm_inv_tot += t;
			fprintf(f,"Asm-inv-func: %llu Microseconds\n", t);
			printf("Asm-inv-func: %llu Microseconds\n", t);

			// C
			gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
			c_multiply(A, B, R3);
			gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
			t = ((stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + stop.tv_usec) - start.tv_usec;
			c_tot += t;
			fprintf(f,"C-func: %llu Microseconds\n", t);
			printf("C-func: %llu Microseconds\n", t);

			// Inverted C
			gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
			inv_c_multiply(A, B, R4);
			gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
			t = ((stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + stop.tv_usec) - start.tv_usec;
			c_inv_tot += t;
			fprintf(f,"inv C-func: %llu Microseconds\n\n", t);
			printf("inv C-func: %llu Microseconds\n\n", t);

			// C 2
			gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
			c_multiply_2(A, B, R5);
			gettimeofday(&stop, NULL);
			t = ((stop.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000000 + stop.tv_usec) - start.tv_usec;
			c_2_tot += t;
			fprintf(f,"C2-func: %llu Microseconds\n\n", t);
			printf("C2-func: %llu Microseconds\n\n", t);

		fprintf(f,"Average on  %s\n", RUN_INFO);
		fprintf(f, "Asm-func average: %llu\n", asm_tot / NUM_RUNS);
		fprintf(f, "Asm-inv-func average: %llu\n", asm_inv_tot / NUM_RUNS);
		fprintf(f, "C-func average: %llu\n", c_tot / NUM_RUNS);
		fprintf(f, "C-inv-func average: %llu\n", c_inv_tot / NUM_RUNS);
		fprintf(f, "C2-func average: %llu\n\n________\n", c_2_tot / NUM_RUNS);

		validate_matrices(R1, R2, R3, R4);

	return 0;	
/* Using pointers rather than indexing, but still computing P in column order */
SparseMatrix* sparse_inverse_b(const SparseMatrix *L, SparseMatrix *P, int *w)
    int i, j, kL, kP;
    int freew = 0;
    double dinv;
	const double *pLt, *pLb, *pPt, *pPb;

    /* Allocate memory, if necessary */
    if (P == NULL) P = allocate_symmetric(L, NULL);
    validate_matrices(L, P);
    if (w == NULL) {
        freew = 1;
        w = (int*) malloc(P->N * sizeof(int));

    /* Initialise workspace to index diagonal element for each column */
    for (j = 0; j < P->N; ++j) {
        kP = P->j[j];         /* get start index for col (j) in P */
        while (P->i[kP] != j) /* find diagonal element in col (j) */
        w[j] = kP;

    /* Compute sparse P */
    j = L->N; /* column index, initialised at one-past-end */
    for (kL = L->nz-1; kL >= 0; --kL, --kP) { /* compute entries in reverse order */

        /* Check if element (k) starts new column, ie, k indexes bottom of column (j-1) in L */
        if (kL == L->j[j]-1) {
			kP = P->j[j]-1; /* get index of bottom of column (j-1) in P */
			--j;			/* shift one column left (ie, j = j-1) */

			/* Get pointers for */

            kPj = P->j[j]-1; /* get index of bottom of column (j-1) in P */
            --j; /* shift one column left (ie, j = j-1) */

            /* Cache indices for top and one-past-bottom of column (j) in L */
            kLb = k+1;
            kLt = L->j[j]; 

            /* Compute diagonal term for column j */
            dinv = 1.0 / L->x[kLt];

        /* Column summation part */
        i = L->i[k];       /* get row index (i) of element (k) */
        kPt = P->j[i]+1;   /* get next-after-diagonal in column (i) in P */
        kPb = P->j[i+1];   /* get one-past-bottom of column (i) in P */
        for (kL = kLt+1; kL < kLb; ++kL, ++kPt) {

        /* Multiply by dinv. */
        P->x[kPj] *= dinv;

		/* Store symmetric entry in P */
        P->x[w[i]--] = P->x[kPj]; 
        /* We shift w[i] up by one, ready for next symmetric entry */

    /* Work complete, free workspace if it was created locally */
    if (freew) free(w);
    return P;