文件: qt4.cpp 项目: cobr123/qtVlc
static int WindowOpen( vlc_object_t *p_obj )
    vout_window_t *p_wnd = (vout_window_t*)p_obj;

    /* */
    if( p_wnd->cfg->is_standalone )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
#if defined (Q_WS_X11)
    if( var_InheritBool( p_obj, "video-wallpaper" ) )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    vlc_value_t val;
    if( var_Inherit( p_obj, "qt4-iface", VLC_VAR_ADDRESS, &val ) )
        val.p_address = NULL;

    intf_thread_t *p_intf = (intf_thread_t *)val.p_address;

    if( !p_intf )
    {   /* If another interface is used, this plugin cannot work */
        msg_Dbg( p_obj, "Qt4 interface not found" );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    QMutexLocker locker (&lock);
    if (unlikely(!active))
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    MainInterface *p_mi = p_intf->p_sys->p_mi;
    msg_Dbg( p_obj, "requesting video..." );

    int i_x = p_wnd->cfg->x;
    int i_y = p_wnd->cfg->y;
    unsigned i_width = p_wnd->cfg->width;
    unsigned i_height = p_wnd->cfg->height;

#if defined (Q_WS_X11)
    p_wnd->handle.xid = p_mi->getVideo( &i_x, &i_y, &i_width, &i_height );
    if( !p_wnd->handle.xid )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    p_wnd->display.x11 = x11_display;

#elif defined (Q_WS_WIN)
    p_wnd->handle.hwnd = p_mi->getVideo( &i_x, &i_y, &i_width, &i_height );
    if( !p_wnd->handle.hwnd )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
# error FIXME

    p_wnd->control = WindowControl;
    p_wnd->sys = (vout_window_sys_t*)p_mi;
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
文件: variables.c 项目: BossKing/vlc
static int vlclua_var_inherit( lua_State *L )
    vlc_value_t val;
    vlc_object_t *p_obj;
    if( lua_type( L, 1 ) == LUA_TNIL )
        p_obj = vlclua_get_this( L );
        vlc_object_t **pp_obj = luaL_checkudata( L, 1, "vlc_object" );
        p_obj = *pp_obj;
    const char *psz_var = luaL_checkstring( L, 2 );

    int i_type = config_GetType( p_obj, psz_var );
    if( var_Inherit( p_obj, psz_var, i_type, &val ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
        return 0;

    lua_pop( L, 2 );
    return vlclua_pushvalue( L, i_type, val, true );
 * Initialize a vlc variable
 * We hash the given string and insert it into the sorted list. The insertion
 * may require slow memory copies, but think about what we gain in the log(n)
 * lookup phase when setting/getting the variable value!
 * \param p_this The object in which to create the variable
 * \param psz_name The name of the variable
 * \param i_type The variables type. Must be one of \ref var_type combined with
 *               zero or more \ref var_flags
int var_Create( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_name, int i_type )
    assert( p_this );

    variable_t *p_var = calloc( 1, sizeof( *p_var ) );
    if( p_var == NULL )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    p_var->psz_name = strdup( psz_name );
    p_var->psz_text = NULL;

    p_var->i_type = i_type & ~VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT;

    p_var->i_usage = 1;

    p_var->choices.i_count = 0;
    p_var->choices.p_values = NULL;
    p_var->choices_text.i_count = 0;
    p_var->choices_text.p_values = NULL;

    p_var->b_incallback = false;
    p_var->value_callbacks = (callback_table_t){ 0 };

    /* Always initialize the variable, even if it is a list variable; this
     * will lead to errors if the variable is not initialized, but it will
     * not cause crashes in the variable handling. */
    switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_CLASS )
        case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
            p_var->ops = &bool_ops;
            p_var->val.b_bool = false;
        case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
            p_var->ops = &int_ops;
            p_var->val.i_int = 0;
            p_var->min.i_int = INT64_MIN;
            p_var->max.i_int = INT64_MAX;
        case VLC_VAR_STRING:
            p_var->ops = &string_ops;
            p_var->val.psz_string = NULL;
        case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
            p_var->ops = &float_ops;
            p_var->val.f_float = 0.f;
            p_var->min.f_float = -FLT_MAX;
            p_var->max.f_float = FLT_MAX;
        case VLC_VAR_COORDS:
            p_var->ops = &coords_ops;
            p_var->val.coords.x = p_var->val.coords.y = 0;
        case VLC_VAR_ADDRESS:
            p_var->ops = &addr_ops;
            p_var->val.p_address = NULL;
        case VLC_VAR_VOID:
            p_var->ops = &void_ops;
            vlc_assert_unreachable ();

    if (i_type & VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT)
        var_Inherit(p_this, psz_name, i_type, &p_var->val);

    vlc_object_internals_t *p_priv = vlc_internals( p_this );
    variable_t **pp_var, *p_oldvar;
    int ret = VLC_SUCCESS;

    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_priv->var_lock );

    pp_var = tsearch( p_var, &p_priv->var_root, varcmp );
    if( unlikely(pp_var == NULL) )
        ret = VLC_ENOMEM;
    else if( (p_oldvar = *pp_var) == p_var ) /* Variable create */
        p_var = NULL; /* Variable created */
    else /* Variable already exists */
        assert (((i_type ^ p_oldvar->i_type) & VLC_VAR_CLASS) == 0);
        p_oldvar->i_type |= i_type & VLC_VAR_ISCOMMAND;
    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_priv->var_lock );

    /* If we did not need to create a new variable, free everything... */
    if( p_var != NULL )
        Destroy( p_var );
    return ret;
 * Initialize a vlc variable
 * We hash the given string and insert it into the sorted list. The insertion
 * may require slow memory copies, but think about what we gain in the log(n)
 * lookup phase when setting/getting the variable value!
 * \param p_this The object in which to create the variable
 * \param psz_name The name of the variable
 * \param i_type The variables type. Must be one of \ref var_type combined with
 *               zero or more \ref var_flags
int var_Create( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_name, int i_type )
    assert( p_this );

    variable_t *p_var = calloc( 1, sizeof( *p_var ) );
    if( p_var == NULL )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    p_var->psz_name = strdup( psz_name );
    p_var->psz_text = NULL;

    p_var->i_type = i_type & ~VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT;

    p_var->i_usage = 1;

    p_var->i_default = -1;
    p_var->choices.i_count = 0;
    p_var->choices.p_values = NULL;
    p_var->choices_text.i_count = 0;
    p_var->choices_text.p_values = NULL;

    p_var->b_incallback = false;
    p_var->i_entries = 0;
    p_var->p_entries = NULL;

    /* Always initialize the variable, even if it is a list variable; this
     * will lead to errors if the variable is not initialized, but it will
     * not cause crashes in the variable handling. */
    switch( i_type & VLC_VAR_CLASS )
        case VLC_VAR_BOOL:
            p_var->ops = &bool_ops;
            p_var->val.b_bool = false;
        case VLC_VAR_INTEGER:
            p_var->ops = &int_ops;
            p_var->val.i_int = 0;
        case VLC_VAR_STRING:
            p_var->ops = &string_ops;
            p_var->val.psz_string = NULL;
        case VLC_VAR_FLOAT:
            p_var->ops = &float_ops;
            p_var->val.f_float = 0.0;
        case VLC_VAR_TIME:
            p_var->ops = &time_ops;
            p_var->val.i_time = 0;
        case VLC_VAR_COORDS:
            p_var->ops = &coords_ops;
            p_var->val.coords.x = p_var->val.coords.y = 0;
        case VLC_VAR_ADDRESS:
            p_var->ops = &addr_ops;
            p_var->val.p_address = NULL;
            p_var->ops = &void_ops;
#ifndef NDEBUG
            if( (i_type & VLC_VAR_CLASS) != VLC_VAR_VOID )
                msg_Err( p_this, "Creating the variable '%s' without a type",
                          psz_name );

    if( i_type & VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT )
        if( var_Inherit( p_this, psz_name, i_type, &p_var->val ) )
            msg_Err( p_this, "cannot inherit value for %s", psz_name );
        else if( i_type & VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE )
            /* We must add the inherited value to our choice list */
            p_var->i_default = 0;

            INSERT_ELEM( p_var->choices.p_values, p_var->choices.i_count,
                         0, p_var->val );
            INSERT_ELEM( p_var->choices_text.p_values,
                         p_var->choices_text.i_count, 0, p_var->val );
            p_var->ops->pf_dup( &p_var->choices.p_values[0] );
            p_var->choices_text.p_values[0].psz_string = NULL;

    vlc_object_internals_t *p_priv = vlc_internals( p_this );
    variable_t **pp_var, *p_oldvar;
    int ret = VLC_SUCCESS;

    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_priv->var_lock );

    pp_var = tsearch( p_var, &p_priv->var_root, varcmp );
    if( unlikely(pp_var == NULL) )
        ret = VLC_ENOMEM;
    else if( (p_oldvar = *pp_var) == p_var )
        p_var = NULL;
    else if( unlikely((i_type ^ p_oldvar->i_type) & VLC_VAR_CLASS) )
    {    /* If the types differ, variable creation failed. */
         msg_Err( p_this, "Variable '%s' (0x%04x) already exist "
                  "but with a different type (0x%04x)",
                  psz_name, p_oldvar->i_type, i_type );
         ret = VLC_EBADVAR;
        p_oldvar->i_type |= i_type & (VLC_VAR_ISCOMMAND|VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE);
    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_priv->var_lock );

    /* If we did not need to create a new variable, free everything... */
    if( p_var != NULL )
        Destroy( p_var );
    return ret;