void GPUTileStorage::generateMipMap()
    if (changes) {
        int level = 1;
        int width = tileSize / 2;
        while (width >= 1) {
            fbo->setViewport(vec4i(0, 0, width, width));
            for (unsigned int n = 0; n < textures.size(); ++n) {
                fbo->setTextureBuffer(BufferId(1 << n), textures[n], level, -1);
            for (unsigned int n = 0; n < textures.size(); ++n) {
                fbo->setDrawBuffer(BufferId(1 << n));
                set<GPUSlot*>::iterator i = dirtySlots[n].begin();
                while (i != dirtySlots[n].end()) {
                    GPUSlot *s = *i;
                    mipmapParams->set(vec4i(s->index, s->l, level - 1, width));
            width /= 2;
            level += 1;
        for (unsigned int n = 0; n < textures.size(); ++n) {
        changes = false;
void Spritesheet::draw()
    used = 0;
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, image.id );
    for ( LDEuint s = 0; s < frames.size(); ++s )
        LDErectp( image.size,
                 vec4i( frames[s].pos.x, frames[s].pos.y, frames[s].size.x, frames[s].size.y),
                 vec4i( frames[s].pos_window.x + frames[s].margin.x, frames[s].pos_window.y + frames[s].margin.y, frames[s].size_100.x, frames[s].size_100.y) );
    for ( LDEuint s = 0; s < frames.size(); ++s )
        // Test coi
        if ( cursor_pos.x >= window_pos.x + frames[s].pos_window.x && cursor_pos.x <= window_pos.x + frames[s].pos_window.x + 100 &&
            cursor_pos.y >= window_pos.y + frames[s].pos_window.y && cursor_pos.y <= window_pos.y + frames[s].pos_window.y + 100 && test_coi )
            glColor3f( 0, 1, 0 );
            used = 1;
            // If left clicked on that one
            for ( LDEuint i = 0; i < mouse.size(); ++i )
                if ( mouse[i].left && mouse[i].down )
                    selected = s;
                    mouse_down = 1;
            glColor4f( 1, 1, 1, 0.3 );
        LDErectw( frames[s].pos_window.x, frames[s].pos_window.y, 100, 100);
    // If left clicked on that one
    for ( LDEuint i = 0; i < mouse.size(); ++i )
        if ( mouse[i].left && !mouse[i].down )
            selected = -1;
            mouse_down = 0;
    mouse.erase( mouse.begin(), mouse.end() );
static inline void
drawtri_horse(Image *img, Rect *r, short *a, short *b, short *c, uchar *color)
	v4int abp_y, bcp_y, cap_y, abp, bcp, cap;
	v4int abp_dx, bcp_dx, cap_dx;
	v4int abp_dy, bcp_dy, cap_dy;
	v4int mask;

	short u0, v0;

	enum { ustep = 2, vstep = 2 };

	abp_dx = vec4ir(ori2i_dx(a, b));
	bcp_dx = vec4ir(ori2i_dx(b, c));
	cap_dx = vec4ir(ori2i_dx(c, a));

	abp_dy = vec4ir(ori2i_dy(a, b));
	bcp_dy = vec4ir(ori2i_dy(b, c));
	cap_dy = vec4ir(ori2i_dy(c, a));

	short p[2] = { r->u0, r->v0 };
	abp_y = vec4ir(ori2i(a, b, p)) + vec4i(0, abp_dx[0], abp_dy[0], abp_dx[0]+abp_dy[0]);
	bcp_y = vec4ir(ori2i(b, c, p)) + vec4i(0, bcp_dx[0], bcp_dy[0], bcp_dx[0]+bcp_dy[0]);
	cap_y = vec4ir(ori2i(c, a, p)) + vec4i(0, cap_dx[0], cap_dy[0], cap_dx[0]+cap_dy[0]);

	abp_y += topleft(a, b);
	bcp_y += topleft(b, c);
	cap_y += topleft(c, a);

	abp_dx = abp_dx * ustep;
	bcp_dx = bcp_dx * ustep;
	cap_dx = cap_dx * ustep;

	abp_dy = abp_dy * vstep;
	bcp_dy = bcp_dy * vstep;
	cap_dy = cap_dy * vstep;

	for(v0 = r->v0; v0 < r->vend; v0 += vstep){
		abp = abp_y;
		bcp = bcp_y;
		cap = cap_y;
		for(u0 = r->u0; u0 < r->uend; u0 += ustep){
			mask = (abp | bcp | cap) >> 31;
			if((mask[0]&mask[1]&mask[2]&mask[3]) == 0){
				mask |= vec4i(0, -(u0 == r->uend-1), 0, -(u0 == r->uend-1));
				mask |= vec4i(0, 0, -(v0 == r->vend-1), -(v0 == r->vend-1));
				fragment(img, u0, v0, *(u32int*)color, mask);
			abp += abp_dx;
			bcp += bcp_dx;
			cap += cap_dx;
		abp_y += abp_dy;
		bcp_y += bcp_dy;
		cap_y += cap_dy;
/// Tesselate Mesh one time
/// @param mesh The Mesh to tesselate
/// @return The tesselated Mesh
Mesh* _tesselate_mesh_once(Mesh* mesh) {
    auto tesselation = new Mesh();

    // Set up the hashtable for adjacency
    auto adj = EdgeHashTable(mesh->triangle, mesh->quad);

    // Add vertices to the tessellation
    tesselation->pos = mesh->pos;
    // tesselation->norm = mesh->norm;
    // tesselation->texcoord = mesh->texcoord;

    // Add edge vertices to the tessellation
    int evo = tesselation->pos.size();
    for(auto e : adj.edges) {
        // if(not tesselation->norm.empty()) tesselation->norm.push_back(normalize(mesh->norm[e.x]*0.5+mesh->norm[e.y]*0.5));
        // if(not tesselation->texcoord.empty()) tesselation->texcoord.push_back(mesh->texcoord[e.x]*0.5+mesh->texcoord[e.y]*0.5);

    // Add face vertices to the tessellation
    int fvo = tesselation->pos.size();
    for(auto f : mesh->quad) {
        // if(not tesselation->texcoord.empty()) tesselation->texcoord.push_back(mesh->texcoord[f.x]*0.25+mesh->texcoord[f.y]*0.25+mesh->texcoord[f.z]*0.25+mesh->texcoord[f.w]*0.25);

    // Add triangles to the tessellation
    for(auto f : mesh->triangle) {
        auto ve = vec3i(adj.edge(f.x, f.y),adj.edge(f.y, f.z),adj.edge(f.z, f.x))+vec3i(evo,evo,evo);

    // Add quads to the tessellation
    for(int fid = 0; fid < mesh->quad.size(); fid ++) {
        auto f = mesh->quad[fid];
        auto ve = vec4i(adj.edge(f.x, f.y),adj.edge(f.y, f.z),adj.edge(f.z, f.w),adj.edge(f.w, f.x))+vec4i(evo,evo,evo,evo);
        auto vf = fid+fvo;

    // Add lines to the tessellation
    if(mesh->_tesselation_lines.size() > 0) {
        for(auto l : mesh->_tesselation_lines) {
            int ve = adj.edge(l.x, l.y)+evo;

    return tesselation;
/// Tesselate parametric Shape (two parameters)
/// @param shape_frame Function that returns the frame of the Shape at the given vec2f coordinate
/// @param ur Number of divisions along first parameter
/// @param vr Number of divisions along second parameter
/// @param ccw Specifies whether faces are to be generated counter-clockwise or clockwise
/// @param smooth Specifies whether the tesselated surface is to have smooth normals
/// @return The tesselated shape
Shape* _tesselate_shape_uniform(const function<frame3f (const vec2f&)> shape_frame,
                                int ur, int vr, bool ccw, bool smooth) {
    auto tesselation = new Mesh();
    auto line = vector<vec2i>();
    for(int i = 0; i <= ur; i ++) {
        for(int j = 0; j <= vr; j ++) {
            float u = i / float(ur);
            float v = j / float(vr);
            vec2f uv = vec2f(u,v);
            auto f = shape_frame(uv);
            if(smooth) tesselation->norm.push_back(f.z);
    for(int i = 0; i < ur; i ++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < vr; j ++) {
            vec4i f = vec4i((i+0)*(vr+1)+(j+0),(i+0)*(vr+1)+(j+1),(i+1)*(vr+1)+(j+1),(i+1)*(vr+1)+(j+0));
            if(not ccw) { swap(f.y,f.w); }
    return tesselation;
    vec4i Material::getParam(const char *name, vec4i defaultVal) 
      ParamMap::iterator it = params.find(name);
      if (it != params.end()) {
        assert( it->second->type == Param::INT_4 && "Param type mismatch" );
        return vec4i(it->second->i[0], it->second->i[1], it->second->i[2], it->second->i[3]);

      return defaultVal;
void TestLinAlg()
    // Instantiate templates, check sizes, make sure operators compile etc.

    static_assert(sizeof(Vec2f)     == 8  , "Vec2f size test failed"    );
    static_assert(sizeof(Vec3f)     == 12 , "Vec3f size test failed"    );
    static_assert(sizeof(Vec4f)     == 16 , "Vec4f size test failed"    );
    static_assert(sizeof(Vec2d)     == 16 , "Vec2d size test failed"    );
    static_assert(sizeof(Vec3d)     == 24 , "Vec3d size test failed"    );
    static_assert(sizeof(Vec4d)     == 32 , "Vec4d size test failed"    );
    static_assert(sizeof(Vec2i)     == 8  , "Vec2i size test failed"    );
    static_assert(sizeof(Vec3i)     == 12 , "Vec3i size test failed"    );
    static_assert(sizeof(Vec4i)     == 16 , "Vec4i size test failed"    );
    static_assert(sizeof(Vec2ui)    == 8  , "Vec2ui size test failed"   );
    static_assert(sizeof(Vec3ui)    == 12 , "Vec3ui size test failed"   );
    static_assert(sizeof(Vec4ui)    == 16 , "Vec4ui size test failed"   );
    static_assert(sizeof(Matrix44f) == 64 , "Matrix44f size test failed");
    static_assert(sizeof(Matrix44d) == 128, "Matrix44d size test failed");

    Vec2f vec2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
    Vec3f vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    Vec4f vec4f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    Vec2d vec2d(0.0, 0.0);
    Vec3d vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Vec4d vec4d(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Vec2i vec2i(-1, -1);
    Vec3i vec3i(-1, -1, -1);
    Vec4i vec4i(-1, -1, -1, -1);
    Vec2ui vec2ui(0, 0);
    Vec3ui vec3ui(0, 0, 0);
    Vec4ui vec4ui(0, 0, 0, 0);
    float f = 0.0f;
    bool b = false;

    b = (vec3f == vec3f);
    b = (vec3f != vec3f);
    vec3f = Vec3f(1.0f) + Vec3f(2.0f);
    vec3f = Vec3f(1.0f) - Vec3f(2.0f);
    vec3f = Vec3f(1.0f) * Vec3f(2.0f);
    vec3f = Vec3f(1.0f) / Vec3f(2.0f);
    vec3f = Vec3f(1.0f) * f;
    vec3f = f * Vec3f(1.0f);
    vec3f = Vec3f(1.0f) / f;
    vec3f = -Vec3f(1.0f);
    vec3f += Vec3f(1.0f);
    vec3f -= Vec3f(1.0f);
    vec3f *= Vec3f(1.0f);
    vec3f /= Vec3f(1.0f);
    vec3f *= f;
    vec3f /= f;
    f = vec3f[0];
    vec3f[0] = f;
    f = Length(vec3f);
    f = LengthSquared(vec3f);
    vec3f = Normalize(vec3f);
    f = Dot(Vec3f(1.0f), Vec3f(2.0f));
    vec3f = Vec3f(1.0f) ^ Vec3f(2.0f);

    Matrix44f matf;
    Matrix44d matd;
    b = matf == matf;
    matf = matf * matf;
    matf.BuildLookAtMatrix(Vec3f(0.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f), Vec3f(0.0f));
    matf.BuildProjection(90.0f, 4.0f / 3.0f, 1.0f, 1000.0f);
    Vec3f out;
    matf.Transf3x3(vec3f, out);
    matf.Transf4x4(vec3f, out);
vec4i SceneGraph::viewport() const {
	GLint vp[4];
	glGetIntegerv( GL_VIEWPORT, vp);
	return vec4i(&vp[0]);
/// Apply subdivision surface rules on subdiv
/// @param subdiv The mesh to subdivide
/// @return The subdivided mesh
Subdiv* _tesselate_subdiv_once(Subdiv* subdiv) {
    auto tesselation = new Subdiv();
    // linear subdivision like triangle mesh
    // adjacency
    auto adj = EdgeHashTable(subdiv->triangle,subdiv->quad);
    // add vertices
    tesselation->pos = subdiv->pos;
    tesselation->texcoord = subdiv->texcoord;
    // add edge vertices
    int evo = tesselation->pos.size();
    for(auto e : adj.edges) {
        if(not tesselation->texcoord.empty()) tesselation->texcoord.push_back(subdiv->texcoord[e.x]*0.5+subdiv->texcoord[e.y]*0.5);
    // add face vertices
    int fvo = tesselation->pos.size();
    for(auto f : subdiv->quad) {
        if(not tesselation->texcoord.empty()) tesselation->texcoord.push_back(subdiv->texcoord[f.x]*0.25+subdiv->texcoord[f.y]*0.25+subdiv->texcoord[f.z]*0.25+subdiv->texcoord[f.w]*0.25);
    // add triangles
    for(auto f : subdiv->triangle) {
        auto ve = vec3i(adj.edge(f.x, f.y),adj.edge(f.y, f.z),adj.edge(f.z, f.x))+vec3i(evo,evo,evo);
    // add quads
    for(int fid = 0; fid < subdiv->quad.size(); fid ++) {
        auto f = subdiv->quad[fid];
        auto ve = vec4i(adj.edge(f.x, f.y),adj.edge(f.y, f.z),adj.edge(f.z, f.w),adj.edge(f.w, f.x))+vec4i(evo,evo,evo,evo);
        auto vf = fid+fvo;
    // creases
    tesselation->crease_vertex = subdiv->crease_vertex;
    for(auto e : subdiv->crease_edge) {
        tesselation->crease_edge.push_back({e.x,evo+adj.edge(e.x, e.y)});
        tesselation->crease_edge.push_back({evo+adj.edge(e.x, e.y),e.y});
    // add lines
    if(subdiv->_tesselation_lines.size() > 0) {
        for(auto l : subdiv->_tesselation_lines) {
            int ve = adj.edge(l.x, l.y)+evo;
    // mark creases
    auto cvertex = vector<bool>(tesselation->pos.size(),false);
    auto cedge = vector<bool>(tesselation->pos.size(),false);
    for(auto vid : tesselation->crease_vertex) cvertex[vid] = true;
    for(auto e : tesselation->crease_edge) for(auto vid : e) cedge[vid] = true;
    // averaging
    auto npos = vector<vec3f>(tesselation->pos.size(),zero3f);
    auto ntexcoord = vector<vec2f>(tesselation->texcoord.size(),zero2f);
    auto weight = vector<float>(tesselation->pos.size(),0);
    auto nquad = vector<int>(tesselation->pos.size(),0);
    auto ntriangle = vector<int>(tesselation->pos.size(),0);
    for(auto f : tesselation->quad) {
        for(auto vid : f) {
            if(cedge[vid] or cvertex[vid]) continue;
            auto w = pi/2;
            npos[vid] += (tesselation->pos[f.x]+tesselation->pos[f.y]+tesselation->pos[f.z]+tesselation->pos[f.w])*w/4;
            if(not ntexcoord.empty()) ntexcoord[vid] += (tesselation->texcoord[f.x]+tesselation->texcoord[f.y]+tesselation->texcoord[f.z]+tesselation->texcoord[f.w])*w/4;
            weight[vid] += w;
            nquad[vid] ++;
    for(auto f : tesselation->triangle) {
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
            auto vid = f[i]; auto vid1 = f[(i+1)%3]; auto vid2 = f[(i+2)%3];
            if(cedge[vid] or cvertex[vid]) continue;
            auto w = pi/3;
            npos[vid] += (tesselation->pos[vid]/4+tesselation->pos[vid1]*(3/8.0)+tesselation->pos[vid2]*(3/8.0))*w;
            if(not ntexcoord.empty()) ntexcoord[vid] += (tesselation->texcoord[vid]/4+tesselation->texcoord[vid1]*(3/8.0)+tesselation->texcoord[vid2]*(3/8.0))*w;
            weight[vid] += w;
            ntriangle[vid] ++;
    // handle creases
    for(auto e : tesselation->crease_edge) {
        for(auto vid : e) {
            if(cvertex[vid]) continue;
            npos[vid] += (tesselation->pos[e.x]+tesselation->pos[e.y])/2;
            if(not ntexcoord.empty()) ntexcoord[vid] += (tesselation->texcoord[vid]+tesselation->texcoord[vid])/2;
            weight[vid] += 1;
    for(auto vid : tesselation->crease_vertex) {
        npos[vid] += tesselation->pos[vid];
        if(not ntexcoord.empty()) ntexcoord[vid] += tesselation->texcoord[vid];
        weight[vid] += 1;
    // normalization
    for(auto i : range(tesselation->pos.size())) {
        npos[i] /= weight[i];
        if(not ntexcoord.empty()) ntexcoord[i] /= weight[i];
    // correction
    for(auto i : range(tesselation->pos.size())) {
        if(cedge[i] or cvertex[i]) continue;
        float w = 0;
        if(tesselation->quad.empty()) w = 5/3.0 - (8/3.0)*pow(3/8.0+1/4.0*cos(2*pi/ntriangle[i]),2);
        else if(tesselation->triangle.empty()) w = 4.0f / nquad[i];
        else w = (nquad[i] == 0 and ntriangle[i] == 3) ? 1.5f : 12.0f / (3 * nquad[i] + 2 * ntriangle[i]);
        npos[i] = tesselation->pos[i] + (npos[i] - tesselation->pos[i])*w;
        if(not ntexcoord.empty()) ntexcoord[i] = tesselation->texcoord[i] + (ntexcoord[i] - tesselation->texcoord[i])*w;
    // set tesselation back
    tesselation->pos = npos;
    tesselation->texcoord = ntexcoord;
    return tesselation;
/// Apply Catmull-Clark subdivision surface rules on subdiv
/// @param subdiv The mesh to subdivide
/// @return The subdivided mesh
CatmullClarkSubdiv* _tesselate_catmullclark_once(CatmullClarkSubdiv* subdiv) {
    auto tesselation = new CatmullClarkSubdiv();

    // Set up the hash table for adjacency
    auto adj = EdgeHashTable(vector<vec3i>(), subdiv->quad);

    // Add vertices to the tessellation
    tesselation->pos = subdiv->pos;
    // tesselation->texcoord = subdiv->texcoord;

    // Add edge vertices to the tessellation
    int evo = tesselation->pos.size();
    for(auto e : adj.edges) {
        // if(not tesselation->texcoord.empty()) tesselation->texcoord.push_back(subdiv->texcoord[e.x]*0.5+subdiv->texcoord[e.y]*0.5);

    // Add face vertices to the tessellation
    int fvo = tesselation->pos.size();
    for(auto f : subdiv->quad) {
        // if(not tesselation->texcoord.empty()) tesselation->texcoord.push_back(subdiv->texcoord[f.x]*0.25+subdiv->texcoord[f.y]*0.25+subdiv->texcoord[f.z]*0.25+subdiv->texcoord[f.w]*0.25);

    // Add quads to the tessellation
    for(int fid = 0; fid < subdiv->quad.size(); fid ++) {
        auto f = subdiv->quad[fid];
        auto ve = vec4i(adj.edge(f.x, f.y),adj.edge(f.y, f.z),adj.edge(f.z, f.w),adj.edge(f.w, f.x))+vec4i(evo,evo,evo,evo);
        auto vf = fid+fvo;

    // Perform the averaging step, as described in the lecture notes
    auto avg_v = vector<vec3f>(tesselation->pos.size(), zero3f);
    auto avg_n = vector<int>(tesselation->pos.size(), 0);
    for(auto f : tesselation->quad) {
        auto c = tesselation->pos[f.x]*0.25 + tesselation->pos[f.y]*0.25 + tesselation->pos[f.z]*0.25 + tesselation->pos[f.w]*0.25;
        for(auto vid : f) {
            avg_v[vid] += c;
            avg_n[vid] += 1;
    for(auto vid : range(avg_n.size())) {
        avg_v[vid] /= avg_n[vid];

    // Perform the correction step, as described in the lecture notes
    for(auto vid : range(tesselation->pos.size()))
        avg_v[vid] = tesselation->pos[vid] + ((avg_v[vid] - tesselation->pos[vid]) * (4.0/avg_n[vid]));

    // Add lines to the tessellation
    if(subdiv->_tesselation_lines.size() > 0) {
        for(auto l : subdiv->_tesselation_lines) {
            int ve = adj.edge(l.x, l.y)+evo;

    // Add the new vertices to the tessellation
    tesselation->pos = avg_v;

    return tesselation;
static inline v4int
vec4ir(int v)
	return vec4i(v, v, v, v);
 static std::shared_ptr<qube<T>> get( size_t x, size_t y, size_t z, size_t c )
     return instance.get( vec4i(x,y,z,c) );
文件: buildchip.cpp 项目: mweiguo/sgt
void initMaterials ()
    gmat = new SLCMaterial ( "material");
    gmat->foreground_color = vec4i(155, 0, 0, 255);
    gmat->background_color = vec4i(255, 255, 255, 255);
    gmat->linetype = 0xFFFF;//SLCMaterial::LINETYPE_SOLID;
    gmat->linewidth = 1;
    gmat->fontfilename = "simsun.ttc";
    gmat->texturefilename = "hands.jpg";
    nodes.push_back ( gmat );

    gmat1 = new SLCMaterial ( "material1");
    gmat1->foreground_color = vec4i(0, 0, 155, 255);
    gmat1->background_color = vec4i(190, 213, 235, 255);
    gmat1->linetype = 0xFFFF;//SLCMaterial::LINETYPE_SOLID;
    gmat1->linewidth = 1;
    gmat1->fontfilename = "simsun.ttc";
    gmat1->texturefilename = "hands.jpg";
    nodes.push_back ( gmat1 );

    gmatLine0 = new SLCMaterial ( "materialLine0");
    gmatLine0->foreground_color = vec4i(0, 0, 155, 255);
    gmatLine0->background_color = vec4i(250, 250, 250, 255);
    gmatLine0->linetype = 0xFFFF;//SLCMaterial::LINETYPE_SOLID;
    gmatLine0->linewidth = 10000;
    gmatLine0->fontfilename = "simsun.ttc";
    gmatLine0->texturefilename = "hands.jpg";
    nodes.push_back ( gmatLine0 );

    gmatLine = new SLCMaterial ( "materialLine");
    gmatLine->foreground_color = vec4i(0, 0, 155, 255);
    gmatLine->background_color = vec4i(255, 255, 252, 255);
    gmatLine->linetype = 0xFFFF;//SLCMaterial::LINETYPE_SOLID;
    gmatLine->linewidth = 4000;
    gmatLine->fontfilename = "simsun.ttc";
    gmatLine->texturefilename = "hands.jpg";
    nodes.push_back ( gmatLine );

    gmatLine2 = new SLCMaterial ( "materialLine2");
    gmatLine2->foreground_color = vec4i(0, 0, 155, 255);
    gmatLine2->background_color = vec4i(255, 255, 254, 255);
    gmatLine2->linetype = 0xFFFF;//SLCMaterial::LINETYPE_SOLID;
    gmatLine2->linewidth = 2000;
    gmatLine2->fontfilename = "simsun.ttc";
    gmatLine2->texturefilename = "hands.jpg";
    nodes.push_back ( gmatLine2 );

    gmatLine3 = new SLCMaterial ( "materialLine3");
    gmatLine3->foreground_color = vec4i(0, 0, 155, 255);
    gmatLine3->background_color = vec4i(255, 255, 250, 255);
    gmatLine3->linetype = 0xFFFF;//SLCMaterial::LINETYPE_SOLID;
    gmatLine3->linewidth = 1000;
    gmatLine3->fontfilename = "simsun.ttc";
    gmatLine3->texturefilename = "hands.jpg";
    nodes.push_back ( gmatLine3 );
namespace cube {

template <typename T>
mat3x3<T>::mat3x3(const vec3<T> &n) {
    vy = n;
    if (abs(n.x) >= abs(n.y)) {
        const auto inv = rcp(sqrt(n.x*n.x + n.z*n.z));
        vx = vec3<T>(-n.z*inv, zero, n.x*inv);
    } else {
        const auto inv = rcp(sqrt(n.y*n.y + n.z*n.z));
        vx = vec3<T>(zero, n.z*inv, -n.y*inv);
    vx = normalize(vx);
    vy = normalize(vy);
    vz = cross(vy,vx);
template mat3x3<float>::mat3x3(const vec3f &n);

template <typename T>
mat4x4<T> mat4x4<T>::inverse(void) const {
    mat4x4<T> inv;
    inv.vx.x = vy.y*vz.z*vw.w - vy.y*vz.w*vw.z - vz.y*vy.z*vw.w
               + vz.y*vy.w*vw.z + vw.y*vy.z*vz.w - vw.y*vy.w*vz.z;
    inv.vy.x = -vy.x*vz.z*vw.w + vy.x*vz.w*vw.z + vz.x*vy.z*vw.w
               - vz.x*vy.w*vw.z - vw.x*vy.z*vz.w + vw.x*vy.w*vz.z;
    inv.vz.x = vy.x*vz.y*vw.w - vy.x*vz.w*vw.y - vz.x*vy.y*vw.w
               + vz.x*vy.w*vw.y + vw.x*vy.y*vz.w - vw.x*vy.w*vz.y;
    inv.vw.x = -vy.x*vz.y*vw.z + vy.x*vz.z*vw.y + vz.x*vy.y*vw.z
               - vz.x*vy.z*vw.y - vw.x*vy.y*vz.z + vw.x*vy.z*vz.y;
    inv.vx.y = -vx.y*vz.z*vw.w + vx.y*vz.w*vw.z + vz.y*vx.z*vw.w
               - vz.y*vx.w*vw.z - vw.y*vx.z*vz.w + vw.y*vx.w*vz.z;
    inv.vy.y = vx.x*vz.z*vw.w - vx.x*vz.w*vw.z - vz.x*vx.z*vw.w
               + vz.x*vx.w*vw.z + vw.x*vx.z*vz.w - vw.x*vx.w*vz.z;
    inv.vz.y = -vx.x*vz.y*vw.w + vx.x*vz.w*vw.y + vz.x*vx.y*vw.w
               - vz.x*vx.w*vw.y - vw.x*vx.y*vz.w + vw.x*vx.w*vz.y;
    inv.vw.y = vx.x*vz.y*vw.z - vx.x*vz.z*vw.y - vz.x*vx.y*vw.z
               + vz.x*vx.z*vw.y + vw.x*vx.y*vz.z - vw.x*vx.z*vz.y;
    inv.vx.z = vx.y*vy.z*vw.w - vx.y*vy.w*vw.z - vy.y*vx.z*vw.w
               + vy.y*vx.w*vw.z + vw.y*vx.z*vy.w - vw.y*vx.w*vy.z;
    inv.vy.z = -vx.x*vy.z*vw.w + vx.x*vy.w*vw.z + vy.x*vx.z*vw.w
               - vy.x*vx.w*vw.z - vw.x*vx.z*vy.w + vw.x*vx.w*vy.z;
    inv.vz.z = vx.x*vy.y*vw.w - vx.x*vy.w*vw.y - vy.x*vx.y*vw.w
               + vy.x*vx.w*vw.y + vw.x*vx.y*vy.w - vw.x*vx.w*vy.y;
    inv.vw.z = -vx.x*vy.y*vw.z + vx.x*vy.z*vw.y + vy.x*vx.y*vw.z
               - vy.x*vx.z*vw.y - vw.x*vx.y*vy.z + vw.x*vx.z*vy.y;
    inv.vx.w = -vx.y*vy.z*vz.w + vx.y*vy.w*vz.z + vy.y*vx.z*vz.w
               - vy.y*vx.w*vz.z - vz.y*vx.z*vy.w + vz.y*vx.w*vy.z;
    inv.vy.w = vx.x*vy.z*vz.w - vx.x*vy.w*vz.z - vy.x*vx.z*vz.w
               + vy.x*vx.w*vz.z + vz.x*vx.z*vy.w - vz.x*vx.w*vy.z;
    inv.vz.w = -vx.x*vy.y*vz.w + vx.x*vy.w*vz.y + vy.x*vx.y*vz.w
               - vy.x*vx.w*vz.y - vz.x*vx.y*vy.w + vz.x*vx.w*vy.y;
    inv.vw.w = vx.x*vy.y*vz.z - vx.x*vy.z*vz.y - vy.x*vx.y*vz.z
               + vy.x*vx.z*vz.y + vz.x*vx.y*vy.z - vz.x*vx.z*vy.y;
    return inv / (vx.x*inv.vx.x + vx.y*inv.vy.x + vx.z*inv.vz.x + vx.w*inv.vw.x);
template mat4x4<float> mat4x4<float>::inverse(void) const;

const vec3f axis[] = {vec3f(1.f,0.f,0.f), vec3f(0.f,1.f,0.f), vec3f(0.f,0.f,1.f)};
const vec3i iaxis[] = {vec3i(1,0,0), vec3i(0,1,0), vec3f(0,0,1)};
const vec3f white(1.f,1.f,1.f), yellow(1.f,1.f,0.f), purple(1.f,0.f,1.f), cyan(0.f,1.f,1.f);

const vec3i cubeiverts[8] = {
    vec3i(0,0,0)/*0*/, vec3i(0,0,1)/*1*/, vec3i(0,1,1)/*2*/, vec3i(0,1,0)/*3*/,
    vec3i(1,0,0)/*4*/, vec3i(1,0,1)/*5*/, vec3i(1,1,1)/*6*/, vec3i(1,1,0)/*7*/
const vec3f cubefverts[8] = {
    vec3f(0.f,0.f,0.f)/*0*/, vec3f(0.f,0.f,1.f)/*1*/, vec3f(0.f,1.f,1.f)/*2*/, vec3f(0.f,1.f,0.f)/*3*/,
    vec3f(1.f,0.f,0.f)/*4*/, vec3f(1.f,0.f,1.f)/*5*/, vec3f(1.f,1.f,1.f)/*6*/, vec3f(1.f,1.f,0.f)/*7*/
const vec3i cubetris[12] = {
    vec3i(0,1,2), vec3i(0,2,3), vec3i(4,7,6), vec3i(4,6,5), // -x,+x triangles
    vec3i(0,4,5), vec3i(0,5,1), vec3i(2,6,7), vec3i(2,7,3), // -y,+y triangles
    vec3i(3,7,4), vec3i(3,4,0), vec3i(1,5,6), vec3i(1,6,2)  // -z,+z triangles
const vec3i cubenorms[6] = {
    vec3i(-1,0,0), vec3i(+1,0,0),
    vec3i(0,-1,0), vec3i(0,+1,0),
    vec3i(0,0,-1), vec3i(0,0,+1)
const vec2i cubeedges[12] = {
const vec4i cubequads[6] = {
    vec4i(0,1,2,3), vec4i(4,7,6,5),
    vec4i(0,4,5,1), vec4i(2,6,7,3),
    vec4i(3,7,4,0), vec4i(1,5,6,2)

camera::camera(vec3f org, vec3f up, vec3f view, float fov, float ratio) :
    org(org), up(up), view(view), fov(fov), ratio(ratio)
    const float left = -ratio * 0.5f;
    const float top = 0.5f;
    dist = 0.5f / tan(fov * float(pi) / 360.f);
    view = normalize(view);
    up = normalize(up);
    xaxis = cross(view, up);
    xaxis = normalize(xaxis);
    zaxis = cross(view, xaxis);
    zaxis = normalize(zaxis);
    imgplaneorg = dist*view + left*xaxis - top*zaxis;
    xaxis *= ratio;

} // namespace cube