void	CqTeapot::Bound(CqBound* bound) const
	CqVector3D vecMin( -3.000, -2.0, 0.0 );
	CqVector3D vecMax( 3.525, 2.0, ( m_CrowBase ? 3.15 : 3.15 - 0.15 /* remove bottom */ ) );

	bound->vecMin() = vecMin;
	bound->vecMax() = vecMax;
	bound->Transform( m_matTx );
	AdjustBoundForTransformationMotion( bound );
void Mesh_Bounds(Model *pModel, Vec4 &vecBound)
	i32 i;
	i32 j;

	Vec3 vecMax(0.f,0.f,0.f);
	Vec3 vecMin(0.f,0.f,0.f);
	float *pVert=pModel->p_fVerts;

// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pPatch - 
//			*pPoints - 
//			&vecNormal - 
//			flArea - 
bool CVRADDispColl::InitPatch( int iPatch, int iParentPatch, int iChild, Vector *pPoints, int *pIndices, float &flArea )
	// Get the current patch.
	CPatch *pPatch = &g_Patches[iPatch];
	if ( !pPatch )
		return false;

	// Clear the patch data.
	memset( pPatch, 0, sizeof( CPatch ) );

	// Setup the parent if we are not the parent.
	CPatch *pParentPatch = NULL;
	if ( iParentPatch != g_Patches.InvalidIndex() )
		// Get the parent patch.
		pParentPatch = &g_Patches[iParentPatch];
		if ( !pParentPatch )
			return false;

	// Attach the face to the correct lists.
	if ( !pParentPatch )
		// This is a parent.
		pPatch->ndxNext = g_FacePatches.Element( GetParentIndex() );
		g_FacePatches[GetParentIndex()] = iPatch;
		pPatch->faceNumber = GetParentIndex();
		pPatch->ndxNext = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
		pPatch->faceNumber = pParentPatch->faceNumber;

		// Attach to the parent patch.
		if ( iChild == 0 )
			pParentPatch->child1 = iPatch;
			pParentPatch->child2 = iPatch;

	// Initialize parent and children indices.
	pPatch->child1 = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->child2 = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->ndxNextClusterChild = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->ndxNextParent = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->parent = iParentPatch;

	// Get triangle edges.
	Vector vecEdges[3];
	vecEdges[0] = pPoints[1] - pPoints[0];
	vecEdges[1] = pPoints[2] - pPoints[0];
	vecEdges[2] = pPoints[2] - pPoints[1];

	// Find the longest edge.
//	float flEdgeLength = 0.0f;
//	for ( int iEdge = 0; iEdge < 3; ++iEdge )
//	{
//		if ( flEdgeLength < vecEdges[iEdge].Length() )
//		{
//			flEdgeLength = vecEdges[iEdge].Length();
//		}
//	}

	// Calculate the triangle normal and area.
	Vector vecNormal = vecEdges[1].Cross( vecEdges[0] );
	flArea = VectorNormalize( vecNormal );
	flArea *= 0.5f;

	// Initialize the patch scale.
	pPatch->scale[0] = pPatch->scale[1] = 1.0f;

	// Set the patch chop - minchop (that is what the minimum area is based on).
	pPatch->chop = dispchop;

	// Displacements are not sky!
	pPatch->sky = false;

	// Copy the winding.
	Vector vecCenter( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
	pPatch->winding = AllocWinding( 3 );
	pPatch->winding->numpoints = 3;
	for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 3; ++iPoint )
		VectorCopy( pPoints[iPoint], pPatch->winding->p[iPoint] );
		VectorAdd( pPoints[iPoint], vecCenter, vecCenter );

		pPatch->indices[iPoint] = static_cast<short>( pIndices[iPoint] );

	// Set the origin and normal.
	VectorScale( vecCenter, ( 1.0f / 3.0f ), vecCenter );
	VectorCopy( vecCenter, pPatch->origin );
	VectorCopy( vecNormal, pPatch->normal );

	// Create the plane.
	pPatch->plane = new dplane_t;
	if ( !pPatch->plane )
		return false;

	VectorCopy( vecNormal, pPatch->plane->normal );
	pPatch->plane->dist = vecNormal.Dot( pPoints[0] );
	pPatch->plane->type = PlaneTypeForNormal( pPatch->plane->normal );
	pPatch->planeDist = pPatch->plane->dist;

	// Set the area.
	pPatch->area = flArea;

	// Calculate the mins/maxs.
	Vector vecMin( FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX );
	Vector vecMax( FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN );
	for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 3; ++iPoint )
		for ( int iAxis = 0; iAxis < 3; ++iAxis )
			vecMin[iAxis] = MIN( vecMin[iAxis], pPoints[iPoint][iAxis] );
			vecMax[iAxis] = MAX( vecMax[iAxis], pPoints[iPoint][iAxis] );

	VectorCopy( vecMin, pPatch->mins );
	VectorCopy( vecMax, pPatch->maxs );

	if ( !pParentPatch )
		VectorCopy( vecMin, pPatch->face_mins );
		VectorCopy( vecMax, pPatch->face_maxs );
		VectorCopy( pParentPatch->face_mins, pPatch->face_mins );
		VectorCopy( pParentPatch->face_maxs, pPatch->face_maxs );

	// Check for bumpmap.
	dface_t *pFace = dfaces + pPatch->faceNumber;
	texinfo_t *pTexInfo = &texinfo[pFace->texinfo];
	pPatch->needsBumpmap = pTexInfo->flags & SURF_BUMPLIGHT ? true : false;

	// Misc...
	pPatch->m_IterationKey = 0;

	// Get the base light for the face.
	if ( !pParentPatch )
		BaseLightForFace( &g_pFaces[pPatch->faceNumber], pPatch->baselight, &pPatch->basearea, pPatch->reflectivity );
		VectorCopy( pParentPatch->baselight, pPatch->baselight );
		pPatch->basearea = pParentPatch->basearea;
		pPatch->reflectivity = pParentPatch->reflectivity;

	return true;
// Purpose: 
// Input  : iPatch - 
//			iParentPatch - 
//			iChild - 
//			*pPoints - 
//			*pIndices - 
//			&flArea - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CVRADDispColl::InitParentPatch( int iPatch, Vector *pPoints, float &flArea )
	// Get the current patch.
	CPatch *pPatch = &g_Patches[iPatch];
	if ( !pPatch )
		return false;

	// Clear the patch data.
	memset( pPatch, 0, sizeof( CPatch ) );

	// This is a parent.
	pPatch->ndxNext = g_FacePatches.Element( GetParentIndex() );
	g_FacePatches[GetParentIndex()] = iPatch;
	pPatch->faceNumber = GetParentIndex();

	// Initialize parent and children indices.
	pPatch->child1 = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->child2 = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->parent = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->ndxNextClusterChild = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->ndxNextParent = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();

	Vector vecEdges[2];
	vecEdges[0] = pPoints[1] - pPoints[0];
	vecEdges[1] = pPoints[3] - pPoints[0];

	// Calculate the triangle normal and area.
	Vector vecNormal = vecEdges[1].Cross( vecEdges[0] );
	flArea = VectorNormalize( vecNormal );

	// Initialize the patch scale.
	pPatch->scale[0] = pPatch->scale[1] = 1.0f;

	// Set the patch chop - minchop (that is what the minimum area is based on).
	pPatch->chop = dispchop;

	// Displacements are not sky!
	pPatch->sky = false;

	// Copy the winding.
	Vector vecCenter( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
	pPatch->winding = AllocWinding( 4 );
	pPatch->winding->numpoints = 4;
	for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 4; ++iPoint )
		VectorCopy( pPoints[iPoint], pPatch->winding->p[iPoint] );
		VectorAdd( pPoints[iPoint], vecCenter, vecCenter );

	// Set the origin and normal.
	VectorScale( vecCenter, ( 1.0f / 4.0f ), vecCenter );
	VectorCopy( vecCenter, pPatch->origin );
	VectorCopy( vecNormal, pPatch->normal );

	// Create the plane.
	pPatch->plane = new dplane_t;
	if ( !pPatch->plane )
		return false;

	VectorCopy( vecNormal, pPatch->plane->normal );
	pPatch->plane->dist = vecNormal.Dot( pPoints[0] );
	pPatch->plane->type = PlaneTypeForNormal( pPatch->plane->normal );
	pPatch->planeDist = pPatch->plane->dist;

	// Set the area.
	pPatch->area = flArea;

	// Calculate the mins/maxs.
	Vector vecMin( FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX );
	Vector vecMax( FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN );
	for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 4; ++iPoint )
		for ( int iAxis = 0; iAxis < 3; ++iAxis )
			vecMin[iAxis] = MIN( vecMin[iAxis], pPoints[iPoint][iAxis] );
			vecMax[iAxis] = MAX( vecMax[iAxis], pPoints[iPoint][iAxis] );

	VectorCopy( vecMin, pPatch->mins );
	VectorCopy( vecMax, pPatch->maxs );
	VectorCopy( vecMin, pPatch->face_mins );
	VectorCopy( vecMax, pPatch->face_maxs );

	// Check for bumpmap.
	dface_t *pFace = dfaces + pPatch->faceNumber;
	texinfo_t *pTexInfo = &texinfo[pFace->texinfo];
	pPatch->needsBumpmap = pTexInfo->flags & SURF_BUMPLIGHT ? true : false;

	// Misc...
	pPatch->m_IterationKey = 0;

	// Calculate the base light, area, and reflectivity.
	BaseLightForFace( &g_pFaces[pPatch->faceNumber], pPatch->baselight, &pPatch->basearea, pPatch->reflectivity );

	return true;