void Frustum::Extract(const Matrix44f &view, const Projection &proj) {
  static const int LBN = kLBNCorner, LTN = kLTNCorner, LBF = kLBFCorner,
                   LTF = kLTFCorner, RBN = kRBNCorner, RTN = kRTNCorner,
                   RBF = kRBFCorner, RTF = kRTFCorner;

  const float lnear = -proj.get_near();
  const float lfar = -proj.get_far();
  const Vec3f nearNorm(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
  const Vec3f farNorm(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

  // kLeftPlane plane
  const Vec3f ltn(proj.get_left(), proj.get_top(), lnear),
      lbn(proj.get_left(), proj.get_bottom(), lnear),
      ltf(proj.get_far_left(), proj.get_far_top(), lfar),
      lbf(proj.get_far_left(), proj.get_far_bottom(), lfar);

  const Vec3f leftNorm = vecNormal(
      vecCross(lbn - ltn, ltf - ltn));

  // kRightPlane plane
  const Vec3f rtn(proj.get_right(), proj.get_top(), lnear), // right top near
      rbn(proj.get_right(), proj.get_bottom(), lnear), // right bottom near
      rtf(proj.get_far_right(), proj.get_far_top(), lfar); // right top far

  const Vec3f rightNorm = vecNormal(vecCross(rtf - rtn, rbn - rtn));

  // kTopPlane plane
  const Vec3f topNorm = vecNormal(vecCross(ltf - ltn, rtn - ltn));

  // kBottomPlane plane lbn rbf
  const Vec3f rbf(proj.get_far_right(), proj.get_far_bottom(), lfar);
  const Vec3f botNorm = vecNormal(vecCross(rbf - rbn, lbn - rbn));

  Matrix44f viewSpace, viewSpaceN;
  matrixInverse(view, &viewSpace);

  viewSpaceN = matrixTranspose(view);

  m_conners[LBN] = lbn * viewSpace;
  m_conners[LTN] = ltn * viewSpace;
  m_conners[LBF] = lbf * viewSpace;
  m_conners[LTF] = ltf * viewSpace;
  m_conners[RBN] = rbn * viewSpace;
  m_conners[RTN] = rtn * viewSpace;
  m_conners[RBF] = rbf * viewSpace;
  m_conners[RTF] = rtf * viewSpace;

  m_planes[kLeftPlane] = Planef(leftNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[LTN]);
  m_planes[kRightPlane] = Planef(rightNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[RTN]);
  m_planes[kTopPlane] = Planef(topNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[RTN]);
  m_planes[kBottomPlane] = Planef(botNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[LBN]);
  m_planes[kNearPlane] = Planef(nearNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[LBN]);
  m_planes[kFarPlane] = Planef(farNorm * viewSpaceN, m_conners[RTF]);
float CProteinSurfaceBase::CalcAdjacentCurvature(int iVertex, float &sumCurvature, int depth, int depthLimit, CSTLLONGArray & arrayPoint )
	if ( m_ArrayArrayAdjacentVertex.size() == 0 )

	CSTLLONGArray & adjacentIndexArray = m_ArrayArrayAdjacentVertex[iVertex];

	int lengthOfAdjacentIndexArrayLength = adjacentIndexArray.size();

	CSTLLONGArray::iterator iterator;


	float dotProduct = 0.0;
	for ( iterator= adjacentIndexArray.begin( ); iterator != adjacentIndexArray.end( ); iterator++ )
		long iAdjacentVertex = (*iterator);
		D3DXVECTOR3	edgeVec( m_arrayVertex[iAdjacentVertex] - m_arrayVertex[iVertex] );
		D3DXVec3Normalize( &edgeVec, &edgeVec );

		D3DXVECTOR3	vecNormal(m_arrayNormal[iVertex] );
		D3DXVec3Normalize( &vecNormal, &vecNormal );

		dotProduct += D3DXVec3Dot(&edgeVec, &vecNormal);

		if ( depth < depthLimit )
			//    이미 계산했는지를 조사.
			BOOL bFind = FALSE;
			for ( int i = 0 ; i < arrayPoint.size() ; i++ )
				if ( arrayPoint[i] == iAdjacentVertex )
					bFind = TRUE;

			if ( bFind == FALSE )
				CalcAdjacentCurvature ( iAdjacentVertex, sumCurvature, depth+1, depthLimit, arrayPoint );

	sumCurvature += dotProduct;
	return sumCurvature;
    float sphereTriangleCollision(
        const BoundingSphere &sphere,
        const Vec3f &dir,
        const Vec3f &p0, const Vec3f &p1,
        const Vec3f &p2, Vec3f *contactPoint)
        Planef trigPlane(p0, p1, p2);
        float d = vecDot(dir, trigPlane.normal);
        float minDist = NoIntersection;

        if  ( vecDot(dir, trigPlane.normal) > 0.0 )
            return NoIntersection;
        if ( d == 0.0f )
            if ( trigPlane.distance(sphere.center()) < sphere.radius() )
                return NoIntersection;
            const Vec3f orign = sphere.center()
                - sphere.radius()*vecNormal(trigPlane.normal);
            const float t = -(trigPlane.d + vecDot(orign, trigPlane.normal)) / d;

            if ( t >= 0.0f )
                const Vec3f planePoint = orign + dir * t;
                if ( pointInTriangle(planePoint,
                                     p0, p1, p2) )
                    *contactPoint = planePoint;
                    return t;

        float dist = spherePointDistance(sphere, dir, p0);
        if ( dist < minDist )
            minDist = dist;
            *contactPoint = p0;

        dist = spherePointDistance(sphere, dir, p1);
        if ( dist < minDist )
            minDist = dist;
            *contactPoint = p1;

        dist = spherePointDistance(sphere, dir, p2);
        if ( dist < minDist )
            minDist = dist;
            *contactPoint = p2;

        Vec3f edgeContactPoint;
        dist = sphereEdgeDistance(sphere, dir, p1, p0, &edgeContactPoint);
        if ( dist < minDist )
            minDist = dist;
            *contactPoint = edgeContactPoint;

        dist = sphereEdgeDistance(sphere, dir, p2, p1, &edgeContactPoint);
        if ( dist < minDist )
            minDist = dist;
            *contactPoint = edgeContactPoint;

        dist = sphereEdgeDistance(sphere, dir, p0, p2, &edgeContactPoint);
        if ( dist < minDist )
            minDist = dist;
            *contactPoint = edgeContactPoint;

        return minDist;
文件: normal.cpp 项目: BSVino/SMAK
void CNormalGenerator::NormalizeHeightValue(size_t x, size_t y)
	if (!m_avecTextureTexels.size())

	float flHiScale = ((m_iNormal2Width+m_iNormal2Height)/2.0f)/200.0f * m_flNormalTextureDepth;
	float flMidScale = ((m_iNormal2Width+m_iNormal2Height)/2.0f)/100.0f * m_flNormalTextureDepth;
	float flLowScale = ((m_iNormal2Width+m_iNormal2Height)/2.0f)/50.0f * m_flNormalTextureDepth;

	size_t iTexel;
	Texel(x, y, iTexel, m_iNormal2Width, m_iNormal2Height, false);

	tvector<Vector> avecHeights;

	float flHeight = m_avecTextureTexels[iTexel].Average() * flHiScale;
	float flMidPass = m_aflMidPassTexels[iTexel] * flMidScale;
	float flLowPass = m_aflLowPassTexels[iTexel] * flLowScale;

	Vector vecCenter((float)x, (float)y, flHeight*m_flNormalTextureHiDepth + flMidPass*m_flNormalTextureMidDepth + flLowPass*m_flNormalTextureLoDepth);
	Vector vecNormal(0,0,0);

	if (Texel(x+1, y, iTexel, m_iNormal2Width, m_iNormal2Height, false))
		flHeight = m_avecTextureTexels[iTexel].Average() * flHiScale;
		flMidPass = m_aflMidPassTexels[iTexel] * flMidScale;
		flLowPass = m_aflLowPassTexels[iTexel] * flLowScale;
		Vector vecNeighbor(x+1.0f, (float)y, flHeight*m_flNormalTextureHiDepth + flMidPass*m_flNormalTextureMidDepth + flLowPass*m_flNormalTextureLoDepth);
		vecNormal += (vecNeighbor-vecCenter).Normalized().Cross(Vector(0, 1, 0));

	if (Texel(x-1, y, iTexel, m_iNormal2Width, m_iNormal2Height, false))
		flHeight = m_avecTextureTexels[iTexel].Average() * flHiScale;
		flMidPass = m_aflMidPassTexels[iTexel] * flMidScale;
		flLowPass = m_aflLowPassTexels[iTexel] * flLowScale;
		Vector vecNeighbor(x-1.0f, (float)y, flHeight*m_flNormalTextureHiDepth + flMidPass*m_flNormalTextureMidDepth + flLowPass*m_flNormalTextureLoDepth);
		vecNormal += (vecNeighbor-vecCenter).Normalized().Cross(Vector(0, -1, 0));

	if (Texel(x, y+1, iTexel, m_iNormal2Width, m_iNormal2Height, false))
		flHeight = m_avecTextureTexels[iTexel].Average() * flHiScale;
		flMidPass = m_aflMidPassTexels[iTexel] * flMidScale;
		flLowPass = m_aflLowPassTexels[iTexel] * flLowScale;
		Vector vecNeighbor((float)x, y+1.0f, flHeight*m_flNormalTextureHiDepth + flMidPass*m_flNormalTextureMidDepth + flLowPass*m_flNormalTextureLoDepth);
		vecNormal += (vecNeighbor-vecCenter).Normalized().Cross(Vector(-1, 0, 0));

	if (Texel(x, y-1, iTexel, m_iNormal2Width, m_iNormal2Height, false))
		flHeight = m_avecTextureTexels[iTexel].Average() * flHiScale;
		flMidPass = m_aflMidPassTexels[iTexel] * flMidScale;
		flLowPass = m_aflLowPassTexels[iTexel] * flLowScale;
		Vector vecNeighbor((float)x, y-1.0f, flHeight*m_flNormalTextureHiDepth + flMidPass*m_flNormalTextureMidDepth + flLowPass*m_flNormalTextureLoDepth);
		vecNormal += (vecNeighbor-vecCenter).Normalized().Cross(Vector(1, 0, 0));


	for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		vecNormal[i] = RemapVal(vecNormal[i], -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.99f);	// Don't use 1.0 because of integer overflow.

	// Don't need to lock the data because we're guaranteed never to access the same texel twice due to the generation method.
	m_avecNormal2Texels[iTexel] = vecNormal;