void crf1dc_beta_score(crf1d_context_t* ctx)
    int i, t;
    floatval_t *cur = NULL;
    floatval_t *row = ctx->row;
    const floatval_t *next = NULL, *state = NULL, *trans = NULL;
    const int T = ctx->num_items;
    const int L = ctx->num_labels;
    const floatval_t *scale = &ctx->scale_factor[T-1];

    /* Compute the beta scores at (T-1, *). */
    cur = BETA_SCORE(ctx, T-1);
    vecset(cur, *scale, L);

    /* Compute the beta scores at (t, *). */
    for (t = T-2;0 <= t;--t) {
        cur = BETA_SCORE(ctx, t);
        next = BETA_SCORE(ctx, t+1);
        state = EXP_STATE_SCORE(ctx, t+1);

        veccopy(row, next, L);
        vecmul(row, state, L);

        /* Compute the beta score at (t, i). */
        for (i = 0;i < L;++i) {
            trans = EXP_TRANS_SCORE(ctx, i);
            cur[i] = vecdot(trans, row, L);
        vecscale(cur, *scale, L);
static TYPE *getvec(int npad, TYPE padval, int N, int incX)
   TYPE *X, *x;
   int i, n;

   if (N <= 0) return(NULL);
   incX = Mabs(incX);
   n = 2*npad + 1+(N-1)*incX;
   X = malloc( ATL_sizeof*n );
   vecset(n, padval, X);
   #ifdef TCPLX
      npad *= 2;
      incX *= 2;
   x = X + npad;
   for (i=0; i < N; i++, x += incX)
      #ifdef TREAL
         *x = dumb_rand();
         *x   = dumb_rand();
         x[1] = dumb_rand();
文件: main.cpp 项目: geckobike/otp2
static float linetest(const vec3* pos, const vec3* dir, vec3* hitPos, vec3* normal)
	vecset(normal, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);
	float dot = -dir->z;
	if (dot>0.f)
		float distance = pos->z / dot;
		vecaddscale(hitPos, pos, dir, distance);
		return distance;
		vecset(hitPos, 0.f, 0.f, -1000.f);
		return 1000.f;
文件: main.cpp 项目: geckobike/otp2
static void tsuroCardSetAllColours(tsuroCard* card, float r, float g, float b)
	for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
		vecset(&card->colour[i], r, g, b);
// generate the test problem for benchmark 6
// makea generates a sparse matrix with a
// prescribed sparsity distribution
// parameter    type        usage
// input
// n            i           number of cols/rows of matrix
// nz           i           nonzeros as declared array size
// rcond        r*8         condition number
// shift        r*8         main diagonal shift
// output
// a            r*8         array for nonzeros
// colidx       i           col indices
// rowstr       i           row pointers
// workspace
// iv, arow, acol i
// aelt           r*8
static void makea(int n,
                  int nz,
                  double a[],
                  int colidx[],
                  int rowstr[],
                  int firstrow,
                  int lastrow,
                  int firstcol,
                  int lastcol,
                  int arow[],
                  int acol[][NONZER+1],
                  double aelt[][NONZER+1],
                  int iv[])
  int iouter, ivelt, nzv, nn1;
  int ivc[NONZER+1];
  double vc[NONZER+1];

  // nonzer is approximately  (int(sqrt(nnza /n)));

  // nn1 is the smallest power of two not less than n
  nn1 = 1;
  do {
    nn1 = 2 * nn1;
  } while (nn1 < n);

  // Generate nonzero positions and save for the use in sparse.
  for (iouter = 0; iouter < n; iouter++) {
    nzv = NONZER;
    sprnvc(n, nzv, nn1, vc, ivc);
    vecset(n, vc, ivc, &nzv, iouter+1, 0.5);
    arow[iouter] = nzv;
    for (ivelt = 0; ivelt < nzv; ivelt++) {
      acol[iouter][ivelt] = ivc[ivelt] - 1;
      aelt[iouter][ivelt] = vc[ivelt];

  // ... make the sparse matrix from list of elements with duplicates
  //     (iv is used as  workspace)
  sparse(a, colidx, rowstr, n, nz, NONZER, arow, acol, 
         aelt, firstrow, lastrow,
         iv, RCOND, SHIFT);
文件: main.cpp 项目: geckobike/otp2
static void vehicleSubTick(Chassis* c, float dt)
	if (g_step==0) return;
	if (g_step&1) g_step = 0;

	vec3* chassisPos = &c->pose.v[3].v3;
	vec3* x = &c->pose.v[0].v3;
	vec3* y = &c->pose.v[1].v3;
	vec3* z = &c->pose.v[2].v3;

	// This bit is done by the physics engine
		vecaddscale(chassisPos, chassisPos, &c->vel, dt);
		mtx rot;
		matrixRotateByVelocity(&rot, &c->pose, &c->angVel, dt);
		matrixCopy33(&c->pose, &rot);

	// Damp
	vecscale(&c->vel, &c->vel, expf(-dt*1.f));
	vecscale(&c->angVel, &c->angVel, expf(-dt*1.f));

	if (fabsf(c->angVel.x)<0.01f) c->angVel.x = 0.f;
	if (fabsf(c->angVel.y)<0.01f) c->angVel.y = 0.f;
	if (fabsf(c->angVel.z)<0.01f) c->angVel.z = 0.f;

	ClampedImpulse frictionImpulse[numWheels][2];
	c->steer = g_steer;

	//g_steer *= expf(-dt*3.f);
	//g_speed *= expf(-dt*3.f);

	static float latf = 10.f;
	static float angSpeed = 0.f;

	if (g_handBrake>0.f)
		g_handBrake *= expf(-4.f*dt);
		g_speed *= expf(-4.f*dt);
		if (g_handBrake < 0.1f)
			g_handBrake = 0.f;

	// Prepare
	for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++)
		Suspension* s = c->suspension[i];
		Wheel* w = s->wheel;

		// Calculate the world position and offset of the suspension point
		vec3mtx33mulvec3(&s->worldOffset, &c->pose, &s->offset);
		vec3mtx43mulvec3(&s->worldDefaultPos, &c->pose, &s->offset);

		w->pos = s->worldDefaultPos;
		vec3 pointVel = getPointVel(c, &s->worldOffset);
		vecadd(&w->vel, &w->vel, &pointVel);
		float maxFriction0 = 2.0f * dt * c->mass * gravity * (1.f/(float)numWheels);
		clampedImpulseInit(&frictionImpulse[i][0], maxFriction0);

		float latfriction = 10.f;

		float newAngSpeed = vecdot(z, &c->angVel);
		float changeAngSpeed = (newAngSpeed - angSpeed)/dt;
		angSpeed = newAngSpeed;
		printf("changeAngSpeed = %f\n", changeAngSpeed);
		float speed = fabsf(vecdot(y, &c->vel));
		const float base = 0.5f;
		if (g_speed>=0 && i>=2)
			latfriction = 1.f*expf(-5.f*g_handBrake) + base;

			// latfriction = 1.f*expf(-2.f*fabsf(speed*changeAngSpeed)) + base;

			// if (angSpeed*g_steer < -0.1f)
			// {
			// 	latfriction = base;
			// }

			//if (g_steer == 0.f)
			//	latf += (10.f - latf) * (1.f - exp(-0.1f*dt));
			//	latf += (0.1f - latf) * (1.f - exp(-10.f*dt));
			//latfriction = latf;
			latfriction = 10.f;

		float maxFriction1 = latfriction * dt * c->mass * gravity * (1.f/(float)numWheels);
		clampedImpulseInit(&frictionImpulse[i][1], maxFriction1);
		vecset(&s->hitNorm, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);

		float steer = w->maxSteer*c->steer * (1.f + 0.3f*s->offset.x*c->steer);

		vecscale(&w->wheelAxis, x, cosf(steer));
		vecsubscale(&w->wheelAxis, &w->wheelAxis, y, sinf(steer));

		veccross(&w->frictionDir[0], z, &w->wheelAxis);
		w->frictionDir[1] = w->wheelAxis;

		w->angSpeed = -40.f*g_speed;

	#define verbose false
	#define dump if (verbose) printf


	float solverERP = numIterations>1 ? 0.1f : 1.f;
	float changeSolverERP = numIterations>1 ? (1.f - solverERP)/(0.01f+ (float)(numIterations-1)) : 0.f;

	for (int repeat=0; repeat<numIterations; repeat++)
		dump(" == Start Iter == \n");

		for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++)
			Suspension* s = c->suspension[i];
			Wheel* w = s->wheel;
			const bool axisError = true;
			const bool friction = true;
			// Friction
			if (friction)
				vec3 lateralVel;
				vecaddscale(&lateralVel, &w->vel, &s->hitNorm, -vecdot(&s->hitNorm, &w->vel));
				vecaddscale(&lateralVel, &lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[0], +w->angSpeed * w->radius);

					int dir = 0;
					float v = vecdot(&lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[dir]);
					float denom = 1.f/w->mass + w->radius*w->radius*w->invInertia;
					float impulse = clampedImpulseApply(&frictionImpulse[i][dir], - solverERP * v / denom);
					vec3 impulseV;
					vecscale(&impulseV, &w->frictionDir[dir], impulse);
					vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &impulseV, 1.f/w->mass);
					w->angSpeed = w->angSpeed + (impulse * w->radius * w->invInertia);
				if (1)
					int dir=1;
					float v = vecdot(&lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[dir]);
					float denom = 1.f/w->mass;
					float impulse = clampedImpulseApply(&frictionImpulse[i][dir], - solverERP * v / denom);
					vec3 impulseV;
					vecscale(&impulseV, &w->frictionDir[dir], impulse);
					vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &impulseV, 1.f/w->mass);

				//dump("gound collision errorV = %f, vel of wheel after = %f\n", penetration, vecdot(&w->vel, &s->hitNorm));

			if (axisError)	// Axis Error
				vec3 offset;
				vecsub(&offset, &w->pos, chassisPos);
				vec3 pointvel = getPointVel(c, &offset);
				vec3 error;
				vecsub(&error, &pointvel, &w->vel);
				vecaddscale(&error, &error, z, -vecdot(&error, z));

				vec3 norm;
				if (vecsizesq(&error)>0.001f)
					dump("axis error %f\n", vecsize(&error));
					vecnormalise(&norm, &error);

					float denom = computeDenominator(1.f/c->mass, 1.f/c->inertia, &offset, &norm) + 1.f/w->mass;
					vecscale(&error, &error, -solverERP/denom);
					addImpulseAtOffset(&c->vel, &c->angVel, 1.f/c->mass, 1.f/c->inertia, &offset, &error);
					vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &error, -solverERP/w->mass);
				//dump("axis error vel of wheel after = %f, inline = %f\n", vecdot(&w->vel, &s->hitNorm), vecdot(&w->vel, &s->axis));
		solverERP += changeSolverERP;

	for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++)
		Suspension* s = c->suspension[i];
		Wheel* w = s->wheel;
		vec3 pointVel = getPointVel(c, s);
		// Convert suspension wheel speed back to car space
		vecsub(&w->vel, &w->vel, &pointVel);
static floatval_t
    encoder_t *gm,
    dataset_t *ds,
    floatval_t *w,
    logging_t *lg,
    const training_option_t* opt
    int i, s;
    int dec = 0, ok, trials = 1;
    int num = opt->calibration_candidates;
    clock_t clk_begin = clock();
    floatval_t loss = 0.;
    floatval_t init_loss = 0.;
    floatval_t best_loss = DBL_MAX;
    floatval_t eta = opt->calibration_eta;
    floatval_t best_eta = opt->calibration_eta;
    const int N = ds->num_instances;
    const int S = MIN(N, opt->calibration_samples);
    const int K = gm->num_features;
    const floatval_t init_eta = opt->calibration_eta;
    const floatval_t rate = opt->calibration_rate;
    const floatval_t lambda = opt->lambda;

    logging(lg, "Calibrating the learning rate (eta)\n");
    logging(lg, "calibration.eta: %f\n", eta);
    logging(lg, "calibration.rate: %f\n", rate);
    logging(lg, "calibration.samples: %d\n", S);
    logging(lg, "calibration.candidates: %d\n", num);
    logging(lg, "calibration.max_trials: %d\n", opt->calibration_max_trials);

    /* Initialize a permutation that shuffles the instances. */

    /* Initialize feature weights as zero. */
    vecset(w, 0, K);

    /* Compute the initial loss. */
    gm->set_weights(gm, w, 1.);
    init_loss = 0;
    for (i = 0;i < S;++i) {
        floatval_t score;
        const crfsuite_instance_t *inst = dataset_get(ds, i);
        gm->set_instance(gm, inst);
        gm->score(gm, inst->labels, &score);
        init_loss -= score;
        gm->partition_factor(gm, &score);
        init_loss += score;
    init_loss += 0.5 * lambda * vecdot(w, w, K) * N;
    logging(lg, "Initial loss: %f\n", init_loss);

    while (num > 0 || !dec) {
        logging(lg, "Trial #%d (eta = %f): ", trials, eta);

        /* Perform SGD for one epoch. */
            S, 1.0 / (lambda * eta), lambda, 1, 1, 1, 0., &loss);

        /* Make sure that the learning rate decreases the log-likelihood. */
        ok = isfinite(loss) && (loss < init_loss);
        if (ok) {
            logging(lg, "%f\n", loss);
        } else {
            logging(lg, "%f (worse)\n", loss);

        if (isfinite(loss) && loss < best_loss) {
            best_loss = loss;
            best_eta = eta;

        if (!dec) {
            if (ok && 0 < num) {
                eta *= rate;
            } else {
                dec = 1;
                num = opt->calibration_candidates;
                eta = init_eta / rate;
        } else {
            eta /= rate;

        if (opt->calibration_max_trials <= trials) {

    eta = best_eta;
    logging(lg, "Best learning rate (eta): %f\n", eta);
    logging(lg, "Seconds required: %.3f\n", (clock() - clk_begin) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
    logging(lg, "\n");

    return 1.0 / (lambda * eta);
static int l2sgd(
    encoder_t *gm,
    dataset_t *trainset,
    dataset_t *testset,
    floatval_t *w,
    logging_t *lg,
    const int N,
    const floatval_t t0,
    const floatval_t lambda,
    const int num_epochs,
    int calibration,
    int period,
    const floatval_t epsilon,
    floatval_t *ptr_loss
    int i, epoch, ret = 0;
    floatval_t t = 0;
    floatval_t loss = 0, sum_loss = 0;
    floatval_t best_sum_loss = DBL_MAX;
    floatval_t eta, gain, decay = 1.;
    floatval_t improvement = 0.;
    floatval_t norm2 = 0.;
    floatval_t *pf = NULL;
    floatval_t *best_w = NULL;
    clock_t clk_prev, clk_begin = clock();
    const int K = gm->num_features;

    if (!calibration) {
        pf = (floatval_t*)malloc(sizeof(floatval_t) * period);
        best_w = (floatval_t*)calloc(K, sizeof(floatval_t));
        if (pf == NULL || best_w == NULL) {
            goto error_exit;

    /* Initialize the feature weights. */
    vecset(w, 0, K);

    /* Loop for epochs. */
    for (epoch = 1;epoch <= num_epochs;++epoch) {
        clk_prev = clock();

        if (!calibration) {
            logging(lg, "***** Epoch #%d *****\n", epoch);
            /* Shuffle the training instances. */

        /* Loop for instances. */
        sum_loss = 0.;
        for (i = 0;i < N;++i) {
            const crfsuite_instance_t *inst = dataset_get(trainset, i);

            /* Update various factors. */
            eta = 1 / (lambda * (t0 + t));
            decay *= (1.0 - eta * lambda);
            gain = eta / decay;

            /* Compute the loss and gradients for the instance. */
            gm->set_weights(gm, w, decay);
            gm->set_instance(gm, inst);
            gm->objective_and_gradients(gm, &loss, w, gain);

            sum_loss += loss;

        /* Terminate when the loss is abnormal (NaN, -Inf, +Inf). */
        if (!isfinite(loss)) {
            logging(lg, "ERROR: overflow loss\n");
            ret = CRFSUITEERR_OVERFLOW;
            sum_loss = loss;
            goto error_exit;

        /* Scale the feature weights. */
        vecscale(w, decay, K);
        decay = 1.;

        /* Include the L2 norm of feature weights to the objective. */
        /* The factor N is necessary because lambda = 2 * C / N. */
        norm2 = vecdot(w, w, K);
        sum_loss += 0.5 * lambda * norm2 * N;

        /* One epoch finished. */
        if (!calibration) {
            /* Check if the current epoch is the best. */
            if (sum_loss < best_sum_loss) {
                /* Store the feature weights to best_w. */
                best_sum_loss = sum_loss;
                veccopy(best_w, w, K);

            /* We don't test the stopping criterion while period < epoch. */
            if (period < epoch) {
                improvement = (pf[(epoch-1) % period] - sum_loss) / sum_loss;
            } else {
                improvement = epsilon;

            /* Store the current value of the objective function. */
            pf[(epoch-1) % period] = sum_loss;

            logging(lg, "Loss: %f\n", sum_loss);
            if (period < epoch) {
                logging(lg, "Improvement ratio: %f\n", improvement);
            logging(lg, "Feature L2-norm: %f\n", sqrt(norm2));
            logging(lg, "Learning rate (eta): %f\n", eta);
            logging(lg, "Total number of feature updates: %.0f\n", t);
            logging(lg, "Seconds required for this iteration: %.3f\n", (clock() - clk_prev) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

            /* Holdout evaluation if necessary. */
            if (testset != NULL) {
                holdout_evaluation(gm, testset, w, lg);
            logging(lg, "\n");

            /* Check for the stopping criterion. */
            if (improvement < epsilon) {
                ret = 0;

    /* Output the optimization result. */
    if (!calibration) {
        if (ret == 0) {
            if (epoch < num_epochs) {
                logging(lg, "SGD terminated with the stopping criteria\n");
            } else {
                logging(lg, "SGD terminated with the maximum number of iterations\n");
        } else {
            logging(lg, "SGD terminated with error code (%d)\n", ret);

    /* Restore the best weights. */
    if (best_w != NULL) {
        sum_loss = best_sum_loss;
        veccopy(w, best_w, K);

    if (ptr_loss != NULL) {
        *ptr_loss = sum_loss;
    return ret;
文件: main.cpp 项目: geckobike/otp2
static void tsuroReset()
	tsuroPlayer* player = &g_game.player;

	// Set player colour
	vecset(&player->colour, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f);

			g_game.cardIndex = 0;
			player->current.x = 0;
			player->current.y = 3;
			player->current.path = 7;


			// Place
			int n=0;
			for (int j=0; j<tsuroNumCells; j++)
				for (int i=0; i<tsuroNumCells; i++)
					if (n<tsuroNumBaseCards)
						tsuroNode* node = &g_game.nodes[i][j];
						node->used = 1;
						node->card = g_game.deck[n];

			player->current.x = 0;
			player->current.y = 3;
			player->current.path = 7;
			g_game.cardIndex = 0;
			for (int i=0; i<3; i++)

			for (int j=0; j<tsuroNumCells; j++)
				for (int i=0; i<tsuroNumCells; i++)
					g_game.nodes[i][j].used = 0;

	player->animFraction = 0.f;
	player->totalLength = 0.f;
	player->start = player->current;
	player->target = player->current;

	g_game.state = TSURO_STATE_PLAYING;


	g_use = 0;
	g_used = 0;
	g_using = 0;
	g_select = 1;
	g_dragging = 0;
	g_rotate = 0;
	g_select = -1;
文件: cg.c 项目: 8l/rose
c       generate the test problem for benchmark 6
c       makea generates a sparse matrix with a
c       prescribed sparsity distribution
c       parameter    type        usage
c       input
c       n            i           number of cols/rows of matrix
c       nz           i           nonzeros as declared array size
c       rcond        r*8         condition number
c       shift        r*8         main diagonal shift
c       output
c       a            r*8         array for nonzeros
c       colidx       i           col indices
c       rowstr       i           row pointers
c       workspace
c       iv, arow, acol i
c       v, aelt        r*8
static void makea(
    int n,
    int nz,
    double a[],		/* a[1:nz] */
    int colidx[],	/* colidx[1:nz] */
    int rowstr[],	/* rowstr[1:n+1] */
    int nonzer,
    int firstrow,
    int lastrow,
    int firstcol,
    int lastcol,
    double rcond,
    int arow[],		/* arow[1:nz] */
    int acol[],		/* acol[1:nz] */
    double aelt[],	/* aelt[1:nz] */
    double v[],		/* v[1:n+1] */
    int iv[],		/* iv[1:2*n+1] */
    double shift )
    int i, nnza, iouter, ivelt, ivelt1, irow, nzv;

c      nonzer is approximately  (int(sqrt(nnza /n)));

    double size, ratio, scale;
    int jcol;

    size = 1.0;
    ratio = pow(rcond, (1.0 / (double)n));
    nnza = 0;

c  Initialize colidx(n+1 .. 2n) to zero.
c  Used by sprnvc to mark nonzero positions
#pragma omp parallel for 
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
	colidx[n+i] = 0;
    for (iouter = 1; iouter <= n; iouter++) {
	nzv = nonzer;
	sprnvc(n, nzv, v, iv, &(colidx[0]), &(colidx[n]));
	vecset(n, v, iv, &nzv, iouter, 0.5);
	for (ivelt = 1; ivelt <= nzv; ivelt++) {
	    jcol = iv[ivelt];
	    if (jcol >= firstcol && jcol <= lastcol) {
		scale = size * v[ivelt];
		for (ivelt1 = 1; ivelt1 <= nzv; ivelt1++) {
	            irow = iv[ivelt1];
                    if (irow >= firstrow && irow <= lastrow) {
			nnza = nnza + 1;
			if (nnza > nz) {
			    printf("Space for matrix elements exceeded in"
                                   " makea\n");
                            printf("nnza, nzmax = %d, %d\n", nnza, nz);
			    printf("iouter = %d\n", iouter);
			acol[nnza] = jcol;
			arow[nnza] = irow;
			aelt[nnza] = v[ivelt1] * scale;
	size = size * ratio;

c       ... add the identity * rcond to the generated matrix to bound
c           the smallest eigenvalue from below by rcond
    for (i = firstrow; i <= lastrow; i++) {
	if (i >= firstcol && i <= lastcol) {
	    iouter = n + i;
	    nnza = nnza + 1;
	    if (nnza > nz) {
		printf("Space for matrix elements exceeded in makea\n");
		printf("nnza, nzmax = %d, %d\n", nnza, nz);
		printf("iouter = %d\n", iouter);
	    acol[nnza] = i;
	    arow[nnza] = i;
	    aelt[nnza] = rcond - shift;

c       ... make the sparse matrix from list of elements with duplicates
c           (v and iv are used as  workspace)
    sparse(a, colidx, rowstr, n, arow, acol, aelt,
           firstrow, lastrow, v, &(iv[0]), &(iv[n]), nnza);