文件: light.c 项目: lnieto-m/RT
static t_vector	calcul_normal2(t_env *rt, t_figure object, t_vector light_ray,
	t_vector n)
	t_vector	tmp;
	t_vector	tmp2;

	if (object.name == TRIANGLE || object.name == QUADRILATERAL
		|| object.name == CUBE)
		tmp = vecsub(&object.a, &object.b);
		tmp2 = vecsub(&object.a, &object.c);
		n = vecprod(&tmp, &tmp2);
	if (object.name == ELLIPSOIDE)
		vecscale(&n, 0.5);
	if (object.name == TORUS)
		n = normal_torus(rt->inter, object);
	if (object.name == PARABOL)
		n = normale_parab(rt->inter);
	rt->angle = vecdot(&n, &light_ray) / (sqrt(light_ray.x * light_ray.x
		+ light_ray.y * light_ray.y + light_ray.z * light_ray.z) * sqrt(n.x
		* n.x + n.y * n.y + n.z * n.z));
	return (n);
int			quadrilateral(t_vector r, t_figure tri, double *t, t_vector eye)
	t_vector	ab;
	t_vector	ac;
	t_vector	d;
	double		sol;
	t_vector	equ;

	ab = vecsub(&tri.a, &tri.b);
	ac = vecsub(&tri.a, &tri.c);
	if ((sol = ab.z * r.y * ac.x - ab.y * r.z * ac.x - r.x * ab.z * ac.y
		- r.y * ab.x * ac.z + r.z * ab.x * ac.y + r.x * ab.y * ac.z) == 0.00001)
		return (0);
	d = vecsub(&tri.a, &eye);
	equ.x = -1 * (-1 * r.x * ab.y * d.z - r.z * ab.x * d.y + ab.y * r.z * d.x
		+ r.x * ab.z * d.y + r.y * ab.x * d.z - ab.z * r.y * d.x) / sol;
	equ.y = (-1 * r.y * d.x * ac.z + r.y * ac.x * d.z - ac.x * r.z * d.y
		+ d.x * r.z * ac.y - r.x * ac.y * d.z + r.x * d.y * ac.z) / sol;
	equ.z = -1 * (-1 * d.x * ab.z * ac.y + d.x * ab.y * ac.z + ab.x * ac.y * d.z
		- ab.x * d.y * ac.z - ac.x * ab.y * d.z + ac.x * ab.z * d.y) / sol;
	if (equ.y > 0.00001 && equ.x > 0.00001 && equ.y <= 1 && equ.x <= 1
		&& equ.z < *t && equ.z > 0.00001)
		*t = equ.z;
		return (1);
	return (0);
/** Computes the local area force (Dupin2007 eqn. 15) and adds this
    force to the particle forces (see \ref tclcommand_inter). 
    @param p1,p2,p3     Pointers to triangle particles.
    @param iaparams  elastic area modulus ka, initial area A0 (see \ref tclcommand_inter).
    @param force1 returns force of particle 1
    @param force2 returns force of particle 2
    @param force3 returns force of particle 3
    @return 0
inline int calc_area_force_local(Particle *p1, Particle *p2, Particle *p3,
			      Bonded_ia_parameters *iaparams, double force1[3], double force2[3], double force3[3]) //first-fold-then-the-same approach
	int k;	
	double A, aa, h[3], rh[3], hn;
	double p11[3],p22[3],p33[3];
	int img[3];
	memcpy(p11, p1->r.p, 3*sizeof(double));
	memcpy(img, p1->l.i, 3*sizeof(int));
	fold_position(p11, img);
	memcpy(p22, p2->r.p, 3*sizeof(double));
	memcpy(img, p2->l.i, 3*sizeof(int));
	fold_position(p22, img);

	memcpy(p33, p3->r.p, 3*sizeof(double));
	memcpy(img, p3->l.i, 3*sizeof(int));
	fold_position(p33, img);

	for(k=0;k<3;k++) h[k]=1.0/3.0 *(p11[k]+p22[k]+p33[k]);
	//volume+=A * -n[2]/dn * h[2];
	aa=(A - iaparams->p.area_force_local.A0_l)/iaparams->p.area_force_local.A0_l;
	//aminusb(3,h,p11,rh);				// area_forces for each triangle node
	vecsub(h,p11,rh);				// area_forces for each triangle node
	for(k=0;k<3;k++) {
		force1[k] =  iaparams->p.area_force_local.ka_l * aa * rh[k]/hn;
	//aminusb(3,h,p22,rh);				// area_forces for each triangle node
	vecsub(h,p22,rh);				// area_forces for each triangle node
	for(k=0;k<3;k++) {
		force2[k] =  iaparams->p.area_force_local.ka_l * aa * rh[k]/hn;
	//aminusb(3,h,p33,rh);				// area_forces for each triangle node
	vecsub(h,p33,rh);				// area_forces for each triangle node
	for(k=0;k<3;k++) {
		force3[k] =  iaparams->p.area_force_local.ka_l * aa * rh[k]/hn;
  return 0;
void SRS::SolveAim(float psi_angle, Matrix  R1)
    float h1[3], N[3], angle;
    Matrix S0, S1;

    // Get the final hand position 
    evalcircle(c, u, v, radius, psi_angle, h1);

    // Rotate ee_r1 to h1
    crossproduct(N, ee_r1, h1);
    angle = angle_between_vectors(ee_r1, h1, N);
    rotation_axis_to_matrix(N, angle, S0);

    // Now rotate a0 to a
    float a[3], a0[3];

    vecsub(a, (float*)ee, h1);
    vecmult0(a0, (float*)axis, S1);

    cpvector(N, h1);
    angle = angle_between_vectors(a0, a, N);
    rotation_axis_to_matrix(N, angle, S1);

    hmatmult(R1, S0, S1);
// p = Projection of u onto plane whose normal is n
void project_plane(float p[3], float u[3], float n[3])
    float un[3];

    project(un, u, n);
    vecsub(p, u, un);
float vecdist(const float t[], const float t2[])
    float t3[3];

    vecsub(t3, (float*)t, (float*)t2);
    return _sqrt(DOT(t3,t3));
文件: light.c 项目: lnieto-m/RT
static t_vector	calcul_normal(t_env *rt, t_figure object, t_vector light_ray)
	t_vector	n;

	n = vecsub(&rt->tmp_center, &rt->tmp_inter);
	n.y = (object.name == CYLINDER || object.name == L_CYLINDER
		|| object.name == CONE || object.name == HYPERBOL
		|| object.name == L_CONE) ? (0) : (n.y);
	n = (object.name == PLANE) ? (rt->tmp_center) : (n);
	if ((rt->disk_s == 2 && object.name == L_SPHERE) || (rt->disk_cy == 2
		&& object.name == L_CYLINDER)
		|| (rt->disk_co == 2 && object.name == L_CONE))
		n.x = 0;
		n.y = 1;
		n.z = 0;
	if ((rt->disk_cy == 3 && object.name == L_CYLINDER)
	|| (rt->disk_co == 3 && object.name == L_CONE))
		n.x = 0;
		n.y = -1;
		n.z = 0;
	return (calcul_normal2(rt, object, light_ray, n));
文件: reflections.c 项目: lnieto-m/RT
static void	calcul_reflec(t_env *rt, t_vector *n, t_vector *tmp_reflect,
	t_vector *ray)
	if (rt->object[rt->i2].name != PLANE)
		*n = vecsub(&rt->object[rt->i2].center, &rt->inter);
		*n = rt->object[rt->i2].center;
	if ((rt->disk_s == 2 && rt->object[rt->i2].name == L_SPHERE) ||
	(rt->disk_cy == 2 && rt->object[rt->i2].name == L_CYLINDER))
		n->x = 0;
		n->y = 1;
		n->z = 0;
	if (rt->disk_cy == 3 && rt->object[rt->i2].name == L_CYLINDER)
		n->x = 0;
		n->y = -1;
		n->z = 0;
	tmp_reflect->x = ray->x;
	tmp_reflect->y = ray->y;
	tmp_reflect->z = ray->z;
	ray->x = -2 * n->x * vecdot(n, tmp_reflect) + tmp_reflect->x;
	ray->y = -2 * n->y * vecdot(n, tmp_reflect) + tmp_reflect->y;
	ray->z = -2 * n->z * vecdot(n, tmp_reflect) + tmp_reflect->z;
float get_circle_equation(const float ee[3], 
			  const float axis[3],
			  const float pos_axis[3],
			  float upper_len,
			  float lower_len,
			  float c[3],
			  float u[3],
			  float v[3],
			  float n[3])
    float wn = norm((float *)ee);
    float radius;

    cpvector(n, ee);

    // Use law of cosines to get angle between first spherical joint
    // and revolute joint

    float alpha; 

    if (!law_of_cosines(wn, upper_len, lower_len, alpha))
	return 0;

    // center of circle (origin is location of first S joint)
    vecscalarmult(c, n, _cos(alpha) * upper_len);

    radius = _sin(alpha) * upper_len;

    float temp[3];

    // A little kludgy. If the goal is behind the joint instead
    // of in front of it, we reverse the angle measurement by
    // inverting the normal vector

    if (DOT(n,pos_axis) < 0.0)

    vecscalarmult(temp, n, DOT(axis,n));
    vecsub(u, (float *)axis, temp);

    crossproduct(v, n, u);
#if 0
    printf("Circle equation\n");
    printf("c = [%lf,%lf,%lf]\n", c[0], c[1], c[2]);
    printf("u = [%lf,%lf,%lf]\n", u[0], u[1], u[2]);
    printf("v = [%lf,%lf,%lf]\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]);
    printf("n = [%lf,%lf,%lf]\n", n[0], n[1], n[2]);
    printf("r = %lf\n", radius);
    return radius;
/** Velocity correction vectors are computed*/
void compute_vel_corr_vec(int *repeat_)
  Bonded_ia_parameters *ia_params;
  int i, j, k, c, np;
  Cell *cell;
  Particle *p, *p1, *p2;
  double v_ij[3], r_ij[3], K, vel_corr;

  for (c = 0; c < local_cells.n; c++)
      cell = local_cells.cell[c];
      p  = cell->part;
      np = cell->n;
      for(i = 0; i < np; i++) {
        p1 = &p[i];
	    ia_params = &bonded_ia_params[p1->bl.e[k++]];
	    if( ia_params->type == BONDED_IA_RIGID_BOND )
		p2 = local_particles[p1->bl.e[k++]];
		if (!p2) {
		  char *errtxt = runtime_error(128 + 2*ES_INTEGER_SPACE);
		  ERROR_SPRINTF(errtxt,"{054 rigid bond broken between particles %d and %d (particles not stored on the same node)} ",
			  p1->p.identity, p1->bl.e[k-1]);

		vecsub(p1->m.v, p2->m.v, v_ij);
                get_mi_vector(r_ij, p1->r.p, p2->r.p);
		if(fabs(scalar(v_ij, r_ij)) > ia_params->p.rigid_bond.v_tol)
		  K = scalar(v_ij, r_ij)/ia_params->p.rigid_bond.d2;
#ifdef MASS
		  K /= (PMASS(*p1) + PMASS(*p2));
		  K /= 2.0;
		for (j=0;j<3;j++)
		    vel_corr = K*r_ij[j];
		    p1->f.f[j] -= vel_corr*PMASS(*p2);
		    p2->f.f[j] += vel_corr*PMASS(*p1);
		  *repeat_ = *repeat_ + 1 ;
	      k += ia_params->num;
	  } //while loop
      } //for i loop
    } //for c loop
// R1 is the rotation matrix that takes the position of the
// R jt and the last S jt in the R1 frame to their locations
// in the global frame
void SRS::SolveR1(float angle, Matrix  R1)
    float p[3];

    evaluate_circle(angle, p);
    solve_R1(p_r1, ee_r1, p, ee, reciprocal_upper_len, R1);

    float t1[3], t2[3];
    vecsub(t1, p_r1, ee_r1);
    vecsub(t2, p, ee);

    printf("Elbow distance error is %lf\n", 
	   DOT(p_r1, p_r1) - DOT(p,p));
    printf("EE distance error is %lf\n", 
	   DOT(ee,ee) - DOT(ee_r1,ee_r1));
    printf("Distance between elbow and wrist error is %lf\n", 
	   DOT(t1,t1) - DOT(t2,t2));
float SRS::PosToAngle(const float p[3]) 
    // Find vector from center of circle to pos and project it onto circle
    float cp[3], pp[3];

    vecsub(cp, (float *) p, c);
    project_plane(pp , cp, n);

    // Find angle between u and pp. This is the swivel angle
    return angle_between_vectors(u, pp, n); 
/** Velocity correction vectors are computed*/
void compute_vel_corr_vec(int *repeat_)
  Bonded_ia_parameters *ia_params;
  int i, j, k, c, np;
  Cell *cell;
  Particle *p, *p1, *p2;
  double v_ij[3], r_ij[3], K, vel_corr;

  for (c = 0; c < local_cells.n; c++)
      cell = local_cells.cell[c];
      p  = cell->part;
      np = cell->n;
      for(i = 0; i < np; i++) {
        p1 = &p[i];
	    ia_params = &bonded_ia_params[p1->bl.e[k++]];
	    if( ia_params->type == BONDED_IA_RIGID_BOND )
		p2 = local_particles[p1->bl.e[k++]];
        if (!p2) {
            runtimeErrorMsg() <<"rigid bond broken between particles " << p1->p.identity << " and " << p1->bl.e[k-1] << " (particles not stored on the same node)";

		vecsub(p1->m.v, p2->m.v, v_ij);
                get_mi_vector(r_ij, p1->r.p, p2->r.p);
		if(fabs(scalar(v_ij, r_ij)) > ia_params->p.rigid_bond.v_tol)
		  K = scalar(v_ij, r_ij)/ia_params->p.rigid_bond.d2;
#ifdef MASS
		  K /= ((*p1).p.mass + (*p2).p.mass);
		  K /= 2.0;
		for (j=0;j<3;j++)
		    vel_corr = K*r_ij[j];
		    p1->f.f[j] -= vel_corr*(*p2).p.mass;
		    p2->f.f[j] += vel_corr*(*p1).p.mass;
		  *repeat_ = *repeat_ + 1 ;
	      k += ia_params->num;
	  } //while loop
      } //for i loop
    } //for c loop
/* TODO: this function is not used anywhere. To be removed? */
double calc_mol_hydro_radius(Molecule mol) 
  int i, j, id1, id2;
  double rh=0.0, diff_vec[3];

  for(i=0; i<mol.part.n; i++) {
    id1 = mol.part.e[i];
    for(j=i+1; j<mol.part.n; j++) {
      id2 = mol.part.e[i];
      vecsub(partCfg[id1].r.p, partCfg[id2].r.p, diff_vec);
      rh += 1.0/sqrt(sqrlen(diff_vec));
  return 0.5*(mol.part.n*(mol.part.n-1))/rh;
/**Incorporates mass of each particle*/
double calc_mol_gyr_radius2(Molecule mol)
  int i, id;
  double rg=0.0, M=0.0, com[3], diff_vec[3];

  calc_mol_center_of_mass(mol, com);

  for(i=0; i<mol.part.n; i++) {
    id = mol.part.e[i];
    vecsub(partCfg[id].r.p, com, diff_vec);
    rg += sqrlen(diff_vec);
    M += PMASS(partCfg[id]);

  return (rg/M);
// Form local coordinate system {x,y} from points p,q relative to the
// implicit origin 0. pscale is the reciprocal length of the p vector
// which as it turns out is already known. If the invert flag is true
// construct the transpose of the rotation matrix instead
inline void make_frame(const float p[3], 
		       float p_scale,
		       const float q[3], 
		       Matrix R, 
		       int invert = 0)
    float x[3], y[3], t[3];

    // x vector is unit vector from origin to p
    vecscalarmult(x, (float *)p, p_scale);

    // y vector is unit perpendicular projection of q onto x 
    vecscalarmult(t, x, DOT(q,x));
    vecsub(y, (float *) q, t);

    // z vector is x cross y

    if (invert)
	R[0][0] = x[0];	R[1][0] = x[1];	R[2][0] = x[2];
	R[0][1] = y[0];	R[1][1] = y[1];	R[2][1] = y[2];

	R[0][2] = x[1]*y[2] - x[2]*y[1];
	R[1][2] = x[2]*y[0] - x[0]*y[2];
	R[2][2] = x[0]*y[1] - x[1]*y[0];
	R[0][0] = x[0];	R[0][1] = x[1];	R[0][2] = x[2];
	R[1][0] = y[0];	R[1][1] = y[1];	R[1][2] = y[2];

	R[2][0] = x[1]*y[2] - x[2]*y[1];
	R[2][1] = x[2]*y[0] - x[0]*y[2];
	R[2][2] = x[0]*y[1] - x[1]*y[0];

    R[3][0] = R[3][1] = R[3][2] = 
    R[0][3] = R[1][3] = R[2][3] = 0;

    R[3][3] = 1.0;
int calc_radial_density_map (int xbins,int ybins,int thetabins,double xrange,double yrange, double axis[3], double center[3], IntList *beadids, DoubleList *density_map, DoubleList *density_profile) {
  int i,j,t;
  int pi,bi;
  int nbeadtypes;
  int beadcount;
  double vectprod[3];
  double pvector[3];
  double xdist,ydist,rdist,xav,yav,theta;
  double xbinwidth,ybinwidth,binvolume;
  double thetabinwidth;
  double *thetaradii;
  int *thetacounts;
  int xindex,yindex,tindex;
  xbinwidth = xrange/(double)(xbins);
  ybinwidth = yrange/(double)(ybins);

  nbeadtypes = beadids->n;
  /* Update particles */

  /*Make sure particles are folded  */
  for (i = 0 ; i < n_part ; i++) {

  beadcount = 0;
  xav = 0.0;
  yav = 0.0;
  for ( pi = 0 ; pi < n_part ; pi++ ) {
    for ( bi = 0 ; bi < nbeadtypes ; bi++ ) {
      if ( beadids->e[bi] == partCfg[pi].p.type ) {

	/* Find the vector from the point to the center */

	/* Work out x and y coordinates with respect to rotation axis */
	/* Find the minimum distance of the point from the axis */
	xdist = sqrt(sqrlen(vectprod)/sqrlen(axis));

	/* Find the projection of the vector from the point to the center
	   onto the axis vector */
	ydist = scalar(axis,pvector)/sqrt(sqrlen(axis));
	/* Work out relevant indices for x and y */
	xindex = (int)(floor(xdist/xbinwidth));
	yindex = (int)(floor((ydist+yrange*0.5)/ybinwidth));
	printf("x %d y %d \n",xindex,yindex);
	printf("p %f %f %f \n",partCfg[pi].r.p[0],partCfg[pi].r.p[1],partCfg[pi].r.p[2]);
	printf("pvec %f %f %f \n",pvector[0],pvector[1],pvector[2]);
	printf("axis %f %f %f \n",axis[0],axis[1],axis[2]);
	printf("dists %f %f \n",xdist,ydist);
	/* Check array bounds */
	if ( (xindex < xbins && xindex > 0) && (yindex < ybins && yindex > 0) ) {
	  density_map[bi].e[ybins*xindex+yindex] += 1;
	  xav += xdist;
	  yav += ydist;
	  beadcount += 1;
	} else {
	  //	    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: outside array bounds in calc_radial_density_map"); fflush(NULL); errexit(); 


  /* Now turn counts into densities for the density map */
  for ( bi = 0 ; bi < nbeadtypes ; bi++ ) {
    for ( i = 0 ; i < xbins ; i++ ) {
      /* All bins are cylinders and therefore constant in yindex */
      binvolume = PI*(2*i*xbinwidth + xbinwidth*xbinwidth)*yrange;
      for ( j = 0 ; j < ybins ; j++ ) {
	density_map[bi].e[ybins*i+j] /= binvolume;

  /* if required calculate the theta density profile */
  if ( thetabins > 0 ) {
    /* Convert the center to an output of the density center */
    xav = xav/(double)(beadcount);
    yav = yav/(double)(beadcount);
    thetabinwidth = 2*PI/(double)(thetabins);
    thetaradii = (double*)malloc(thetabins*nbeadtypes*sizeof(double));
    thetacounts = (int*)malloc(thetabins*nbeadtypes*sizeof(int));
    for ( bi = 0 ; bi < nbeadtypes ; bi++ ) {
      for ( t = 0 ; t < thetabins ; t++ ) {
	thetaradii[bi*thetabins+t] = 0.0;
	thetacounts[bi*thetabins+t] = 0.0;
    /* Maybe there is a nicer way to do this but now I will just repeat the loop over all particles */
      for ( pi = 0 ; pi < n_part ; pi++ ) {
	for ( bi = 0 ; bi < nbeadtypes ; bi++ ) {
	  if ( beadids->e[bi] == partCfg[pi].p.type ) {
	    xdist = sqrt(sqrlen(vectprod)/sqrlen(axis));
	    ydist = scalar(axis,pvector)/sqrt(sqrlen(axis));
	    /* Center the coordinates */

	    xdist = xdist - xav;
	    ydist = ydist - yav;
	    rdist = sqrt(xdist*xdist+ydist*ydist);
	    if ( ydist >= 0 ) {
	      theta = acos(xdist/rdist);
	    } else {
	      theta = 2*PI-acos(xdist/rdist);
	    tindex = (int)(floor(theta/thetabinwidth));
	    thetaradii[bi*thetabins+tindex] += xdist + xav;
	    thetacounts[bi*thetabins+tindex] += 1;
	    if ( tindex >= thetabins ) {
	      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: outside density_profile array bounds in calc_radial_density_map"); fflush(NULL); errexit(); 
	    } else {
	      density_profile[bi].e[tindex] += 1;

      /* normalize the theta densities*/
      for ( bi = 0 ; bi < nbeadtypes ; bi++ ) {
	for ( t = 0 ; t < thetabins ; t++ ) {
	  rdist = thetaradii[bi*thetabins+t]/(double)(thetacounts[bi*thetabins+t]);
	  density_profile[bi].e[t] /= rdist*rdist;



  //  printf("done \n");
  return ES_OK;
void collectdata(double *y, int* edgesrow, int *edgescol, double * edgesdist, int *relative,  int d, int n, int ks, double *a, double *b, double *g) 
    double  *diffy, *yij, *nid;
    double gij;
    int i, j, k;
    int nn_start, nn_end, nn;
    double *diffxjk, *diffyjk;
    double gjk, *yjk, *tempA;
    int relflg = *relative;

    /* clear data area */
    memset(a, 0, sizeof(double)*d*d*d*d);
    memset(b, 0, sizeof(double)*d*d*n);
    memset(g, 0, sizeof(double)*n);

    /* temporary working space */
    diffy = (double*)calloc(d, sizeof(double));
    yij = (double*)calloc(d*d, sizeof(double));
    tempA = (double*)calloc((d*d)*(d*d+1)/2, sizeof(double));
    if(!diffy || !yij || !tempA) {
        mexErrMsgTxt("Out of memory..cannot allocate working space..");
    if(relflg==0) {
        for(i=0; i <n ; i++) { 
            /* figure out the nearest neighbors */
            nn_start = edgescol[i]; nn_end = edgescol[i+1]-1;
            if (nn_end > nn_start) {
                for(nn=nn_start; nn<=nn_end; nn++) {
                    j = edgesrow[nn];
                    /* compute diffx and diffy */
		    /*                    vecsub(x+i*D, x+j*D, diffx, D);*/
                    gij = edgesdist[nn];
                    vecsub(y+i*d, y+j*d, diffy, d);
                    vecout(diffy,  yij, d);
                    /* update A, b */
                    updateA(tempA, yij, 1.0,d*d);
                    updateB(b+i*d*d, gij, yij, d*d);
                    g[i] = g[i]+gij*gij;
    } else {
        /* reproducing the code above to some degree so that we don't have to 
         do if statement inside cache-intensive loop */
        for(i=0; i <n ; i++) { 
            /* figure out the nearest neighbors */
            nn_start = edgescol[i]; nn_end = edgescol[i+1]-1;
            if (nn_end > nn_start) {
                for(nn=nn_start; nn<=nn_end; nn++) {
                    j = edgesrow[nn];
                    vecsub(y+i*d, y+j*d, diffy, d);
                    vecout(diffy,  yij, d);
		    /*		    printf("diff: %f %f %f\n",yij[0],gij,edgesdist[nn]);*/
                    /* update A, b */
                    updateA(tempA, yij, 1.0/(gij*gij), d*d);
                    updateB(b+i*d*d, 1/gij, yij, d*d);
                    g[i] = g[i]+1;
    /* make A symmetric */
    recoverA(d*d, a, tempA); 
文件: main.cpp 项目: geckobike/otp2
static void vehicleSubTick(Chassis* c, float dt)
	if (g_step==0) return;
	if (g_step&1) g_step = 0;

	vec3* chassisPos = &c->pose.v[3].v3;
	vec3* x = &c->pose.v[0].v3;
	vec3* y = &c->pose.v[1].v3;
	vec3* z = &c->pose.v[2].v3;

	// This bit is done by the physics engine
		vecaddscale(chassisPos, chassisPos, &c->vel, dt);
		mtx rot;
		matrixRotateByVelocity(&rot, &c->pose, &c->angVel, dt);
		matrixCopy33(&c->pose, &rot);

	// Damp
	vecscale(&c->vel, &c->vel, expf(-dt*1.f));
	vecscale(&c->angVel, &c->angVel, expf(-dt*1.f));

	if (fabsf(c->angVel.x)<0.01f) c->angVel.x = 0.f;
	if (fabsf(c->angVel.y)<0.01f) c->angVel.y = 0.f;
	if (fabsf(c->angVel.z)<0.01f) c->angVel.z = 0.f;

	ClampedImpulse frictionImpulse[numWheels][2];
	c->steer = g_steer;

	//g_steer *= expf(-dt*3.f);
	//g_speed *= expf(-dt*3.f);

	static float latf = 10.f;
	static float angSpeed = 0.f;

	if (g_handBrake>0.f)
		g_handBrake *= expf(-4.f*dt);
		g_speed *= expf(-4.f*dt);
		if (g_handBrake < 0.1f)
			g_handBrake = 0.f;

	// Prepare
	for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++)
		Suspension* s = c->suspension[i];
		Wheel* w = s->wheel;

		// Calculate the world position and offset of the suspension point
		vec3mtx33mulvec3(&s->worldOffset, &c->pose, &s->offset);
		vec3mtx43mulvec3(&s->worldDefaultPos, &c->pose, &s->offset);

		w->pos = s->worldDefaultPos;
		vec3 pointVel = getPointVel(c, &s->worldOffset);
		vecadd(&w->vel, &w->vel, &pointVel);
		float maxFriction0 = 2.0f * dt * c->mass * gravity * (1.f/(float)numWheels);
		clampedImpulseInit(&frictionImpulse[i][0], maxFriction0);

		float latfriction = 10.f;

		float newAngSpeed = vecdot(z, &c->angVel);
		float changeAngSpeed = (newAngSpeed - angSpeed)/dt;
		angSpeed = newAngSpeed;
		printf("changeAngSpeed = %f\n", changeAngSpeed);
		float speed = fabsf(vecdot(y, &c->vel));
		const float base = 0.5f;
		if (g_speed>=0 && i>=2)
			latfriction = 1.f*expf(-5.f*g_handBrake) + base;

			// latfriction = 1.f*expf(-2.f*fabsf(speed*changeAngSpeed)) + base;

			// if (angSpeed*g_steer < -0.1f)
			// {
			// 	latfriction = base;
			// }

			//if (g_steer == 0.f)
			//	latf += (10.f - latf) * (1.f - exp(-0.1f*dt));
			//	latf += (0.1f - latf) * (1.f - exp(-10.f*dt));
			//latfriction = latf;
			latfriction = 10.f;

		float maxFriction1 = latfriction * dt * c->mass * gravity * (1.f/(float)numWheels);
		clampedImpulseInit(&frictionImpulse[i][1], maxFriction1);
		vecset(&s->hitNorm, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);

		float steer = w->maxSteer*c->steer * (1.f + 0.3f*s->offset.x*c->steer);

		vecscale(&w->wheelAxis, x, cosf(steer));
		vecsubscale(&w->wheelAxis, &w->wheelAxis, y, sinf(steer));

		veccross(&w->frictionDir[0], z, &w->wheelAxis);
		w->frictionDir[1] = w->wheelAxis;

		w->angSpeed = -40.f*g_speed;

	#define verbose false
	#define dump if (verbose) printf


	float solverERP = numIterations>1 ? 0.1f : 1.f;
	float changeSolverERP = numIterations>1 ? (1.f - solverERP)/(0.01f+ (float)(numIterations-1)) : 0.f;

	for (int repeat=0; repeat<numIterations; repeat++)
		dump(" == Start Iter == \n");

		for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++)
			Suspension* s = c->suspension[i];
			Wheel* w = s->wheel;
			const bool axisError = true;
			const bool friction = true;
			// Friction
			if (friction)
				vec3 lateralVel;
				vecaddscale(&lateralVel, &w->vel, &s->hitNorm, -vecdot(&s->hitNorm, &w->vel));
				vecaddscale(&lateralVel, &lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[0], +w->angSpeed * w->radius);

					int dir = 0;
					float v = vecdot(&lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[dir]);
					float denom = 1.f/w->mass + w->radius*w->radius*w->invInertia;
					float impulse = clampedImpulseApply(&frictionImpulse[i][dir], - solverERP * v / denom);
					vec3 impulseV;
					vecscale(&impulseV, &w->frictionDir[dir], impulse);
					vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &impulseV, 1.f/w->mass);
					w->angSpeed = w->angSpeed + (impulse * w->radius * w->invInertia);
				if (1)
					int dir=1;
					float v = vecdot(&lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[dir]);
					float denom = 1.f/w->mass;
					float impulse = clampedImpulseApply(&frictionImpulse[i][dir], - solverERP * v / denom);
					vec3 impulseV;
					vecscale(&impulseV, &w->frictionDir[dir], impulse);
					vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &impulseV, 1.f/w->mass);

				//dump("gound collision errorV = %f, vel of wheel after = %f\n", penetration, vecdot(&w->vel, &s->hitNorm));

			if (axisError)	// Axis Error
				vec3 offset;
				vecsub(&offset, &w->pos, chassisPos);
				vec3 pointvel = getPointVel(c, &offset);
				vec3 error;
				vecsub(&error, &pointvel, &w->vel);
				vecaddscale(&error, &error, z, -vecdot(&error, z));

				vec3 norm;
				if (vecsizesq(&error)>0.001f)
					dump("axis error %f\n", vecsize(&error));
					vecnormalise(&norm, &error);

					float denom = computeDenominator(1.f/c->mass, 1.f/c->inertia, &offset, &norm) + 1.f/w->mass;
					vecscale(&error, &error, -solverERP/denom);
					addImpulseAtOffset(&c->vel, &c->angVel, 1.f/c->mass, 1.f/c->inertia, &offset, &error);
					vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &error, -solverERP/w->mass);
				//dump("axis error vel of wheel after = %f, inline = %f\n", vecdot(&w->vel, &s->hitNorm), vecdot(&w->vel, &s->axis));
		solverERP += changeSolverERP;

	for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++)
		Suspension* s = c->suspension[i];
		Wheel* w = s->wheel;
		vec3 pointVel = getPointVel(c, s);
		// Convert suspension wheel speed back to car space
		vecsub(&w->vel, &w->vel, &pointVel);
文件: main.cpp 项目: geckobike/otp2
void tsuroCardCreate(tsuroCard* card, int input[4][2])
	bool okay = true;
	memset(card, 0, sizeof(card));
	memset(card->paths, 0xff, sizeof(card->paths));

	tsuroCardSetAllColours(card, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f);

	for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
		int from = input[i][0];
		int to = input[i][1];
		if ((card->paths[from] & card->paths[to]) == -1)
			card->paths[from] = to;
			card->paths[to] = from;
			printf("WARNING: Invalid input for card!\n");
			okay = false;

	if (okay)
		// Generate the vector path
		const float s = 0.5f*tsuroCardSize;				// half width/scale of card
		const float a = tsuroCardSize*(1.f/6.f);		// position of connection points

		static const float points[8][2] = 
			{-a, -s},
			{+a, -s},

			{+s, -a},
			{+s, +a},

			{+a, +s},
			{-a, +s},

			{-s, +a},
			{-s, -a},

		for (int i=0; i<8; i++)	// We are doing this twice (but its easier this way!)
			int from = i;
			int to = card->paths[i];
			vec3 f = {points[from][0], points[from][1], 0.f};	// from
			vec3 t = {points[to][0], points[to][1], 0.f};		// to 

			if (to == tsuroEdgeOpposite1[from])
				// Directly opposite
				vec3 dv;
				vecsub(&dv, &t, &f);
				vecscale(&dv, &dv, 1.f/((float)(tsuroVectorPathSize-1)));
				vec3* v = card->vpaths[i].centre;
				v[0] = f;
				for (int n=1; n<tsuroVectorPathSize; n++)
					vecadd(&v[n], &v[n-1], &dv);
			else if (to == tsuroEdgeOpposite2[from])
				// Opposite wall

				vec3 centre = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};

				vec3 adjacentFrom = {points[tsuroEdgeSame[from]][0], points[tsuroEdgeSame[from]][1], 0.f};	// The point that is on the same edge as from
				vec3 adjacentTo = {points[tsuroEdgeSame[to]][0], points[tsuroEdgeSame[to]][1], 0.f};			// The point that is on the same edge as to

				vec3 focal1, focal2;
				vecmidpoint(&focal1, &adjacentFrom, &f);
				vecmidpoint(&focal2, &adjacentTo, &t);

				vec3 x,y;

				vecsub(&x, &centre, &focal1);
				vecsub(&y, &f, &focal1);
				generateQuarterCurve(&card->vpaths[i].centre[0], &focal1,&y,&x, tsuroVectorPathHalfSize+1, 1.5f);

				vecsub(&x, &centre, &focal2);
				vecsub(&y, &t, &focal2);
				generateQuarterCurve(&card->vpaths[i].centre[tsuroVectorPathHalfSize], &focal2,&x,&y, tsuroVectorPathHalfSize+1, 1.5f);
			else if (to == tsuroEdgeSame[from])
				vec3 centre = {0.f, 0.f, 0.f};

				// Same wall
				vec3 midpoint;
				vecmidpoint(&midpoint, &f, &t);

				vec3 x,y;
				vecsub(&x, &f, &midpoint);
				vecsub(&y, &centre, &midpoint);
				vecscale(&y, &y, 0.5f);
				generateQuarterCurve(&card->vpaths[i].centre[0], &midpoint,&x,&y, tsuroVectorPathHalfSize+1, 0.8);
				vecneg(&x, &x);
				generateQuarterCurve(&card->vpaths[i].centre[tsuroVectorPathHalfSize], &midpoint,&y,&x, tsuroVectorPathHalfSize+1, 0.8);
				vec3 focal;
					case 0: focal.y = -s; break;
					case 1: focal.y = -s; break;
					case 2: focal.x = +s; break;
					case 3: focal.x = +s; break;
					case 4: focal.y = +s; break;
					case 5: focal.y = +s; break;
					case 6: focal.x = -s; break;
					case 7: focal.x = -s; break;
					case 0: focal.y = -s; break;
					case 1: focal.y = -s; break;
					case 2: focal.x = +s; break;
					case 3: focal.x = +s; break;
					case 4: focal.y = +s; break;
					case 5: focal.y = +s; break;
					case 6: focal.x = -s; break;
					case 7: focal.x = -s; break;

				vec3 x,y;
				vecsub(&x, &f, &focal);
				vecsub(&y, &t, &focal);
				generateQuarterCurve(&card->vpaths[i].centre[0], &focal,&x,&y, tsuroVectorPathSize, 1.2f);

				// printf("DUMP: from = %f %f %f\n", XYZ(f));
				// vec3* v = card->vpaths[i].centre;
				// for (int n=0; n<tsuroVectorPathSize; n++)
				// {
				// 	printf("%f %f %f\n", XYZp(v));
				// 	v++;
				// }