Ellipsoid3D CalcErrorEllipsoid(Mtrx3D *pcov, double del_chi_2) {
    int ndx, iSwitched;
    MatrixDouble A_matrix, V_matrix;
    VectorDouble W_vector;
    double wtemp, vtemp;
    Ellipsoid3D ell;

    int ierr = 0;

    /* allocate A mtrx */
    A_matrix = matrix_double(3, 3);

    /* load A matrix in NumRec format */
    A_matrix[0][0] = pcov->xx;
    A_matrix[0][1] = A_matrix[1][0] = pcov->xy;
    A_matrix[0][2] = A_matrix[2][0] = pcov->xz;
    A_matrix[1][1] = pcov->yy;
    A_matrix[1][2] = A_matrix[2][1] = pcov->yz;
    A_matrix[2][2] = pcov->zz;

    /* allocate V mtrx and W vector */
    V_matrix = matrix_double(3, 3);
    W_vector = vector_double(3);

    /* do SVD */
    //if ((istat = nll_svdcmp0(A_matrix, 3, 3, W_vector, V_matrix)) < 0) {
    svd_helper(A_matrix, 3, 3, W_vector, V_matrix);
    if (W_vector[0] < SMALL_DOUBLE || W_vector[1] < SMALL_DOUBLE || W_vector[2] < SMALL_DOUBLE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid SVD singular value for confidence ellipsoids.");
        ierr = 1;
    } else {

        /* sort by singular values W */
        iSwitched = 1;
        while (iSwitched) {
            iSwitched = 0;
            for (ndx = 0; ndx < 2; ndx++) {
                if (W_vector[ndx] > W_vector[ndx + 1]) {
                    wtemp = W_vector[ndx];
                    W_vector[ndx] = W_vector[ndx + 1];
                    W_vector[ndx + 1] = wtemp;
                    vtemp = V_matrix[0][ndx];
                    V_matrix[0][ndx] = V_matrix[0][ndx + 1];
                    V_matrix[0][ndx + 1] = vtemp;
                    vtemp = V_matrix[1][ndx];
                    V_matrix[1][ndx] = V_matrix[1][ndx + 1];
                    V_matrix[1][ndx + 1] = vtemp;
                    vtemp = V_matrix[2][ndx];
                    V_matrix[2][ndx] = V_matrix[2][ndx + 1];
                    V_matrix[2][ndx + 1] = vtemp;
                    iSwitched = 1;

        /* calculate ellipsoid axes */
        /* length: w in Num Rec, 2nd ed, fig 15.6.5 must be replaced
                by 1/sqrt(w) since we are using SVD of Cov mtrx and not
                SVD of A mtrx (compare eqns 2.6.1  & 15.6.10) */

        ell.az1 = atan2(V_matrix[0][0], V_matrix[1][0]) * RA2DE;
        if (ell.az1 < 0.0)
            ell.az1 += 360.0;
        ell.dip1 = asin(V_matrix[2][0]) * RA2DE;
        ell.len1 = sqrt(del_chi_2) / sqrt(1.0 / W_vector[0]);
        ell.az2 = atan2(V_matrix[0][1], V_matrix[1][1]) * RA2DE;
        if (ell.az2 < 0.0)
            ell.az2 += 360.0;
        ell.dip2 = asin(V_matrix[2][1]) * RA2DE;
        ell.len2 = sqrt(del_chi_2) / sqrt(1.0 / W_vector[1]);
        ell.len3 = sqrt(del_chi_2) / sqrt(1.0 / W_vector[2]);


    free_matrix_double(A_matrix, 3, 3);
    free_matrix_double(V_matrix, 3, 3);

    if (ierr) {
        Ellipsoid3D EllipsoidNULL = {-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0};
        return (EllipsoidNULL);

    return (ell);

main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	extern void dummy( void * );

	float aa, *a, *b, *c, *x, *y;
	double aad, *ad, *bd, *cd, *xd, *yd;
	int i, j, n;
	int inner = 0;
	int vector = 0;
	int matrix = 0;
	int double_precision = 0;
	int retval = PAPI_OK;
	char papi_event_str[PAPI_MIN_STR_LEN] = "PAPI_FP_OPS";
	int papi_event;
	int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;

/* Parse the input arguments */
	for ( i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) {
		if ( strstr( argv[i], "-i" ) )
			inner = 1;
		else if ( strstr( argv[i], "-v" ) )
			vector = 1;
		else if ( strstr( argv[i], "-m" ) )
			matrix = 1;
		else if ( strstr( argv[i], "-e" ) ) {
			if ( ( argv[i + 1] == NULL ) || ( strlen( argv[i + 1] ) == 0 ) ) {
				print_help( argv );
				exit( 1 );
			strncpy( papi_event_str, argv[i + 1], sizeof ( papi_event_str ) );
		} else if ( strstr( argv[i], "-d" ) )
			double_precision = 1;
		else if ( strstr( argv[i], "-h" ) ) {
			print_help( argv );
			exit( 1 );

	/* if no options specified, set all tests to TRUE */
	if ( inner + vector + matrix == 0 )
		inner = vector = matrix = 1;

	tests_quiet( argc, argv );	/* Set TESTS_QUIET variable */

	if ( !TESTS_QUIET )
		printf( "Initializing..." );

	/* Initialize PAPI */
	retval = PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT );
	if ( retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_library_init", retval );

	/* Translate name */
	retval = PAPI_event_name_to_code( papi_event_str, &papi_event );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_name_to_code", retval );

	if ( PAPI_query_event( papi_event ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_skip( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_query_event", PAPI_ENOEVNT );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_create_eventset", retval );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_add_event( EventSet, papi_event ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_add_event", retval );

	printf( "\n" );

	retval = PAPI_OK;

	/* Inner Product test */
	if ( inner ) {
		/* Allocate the linear arrays */
	   if (double_precision) {
	        xd = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
	        yd = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
		if ( !( xd && yd ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;
	   else {
	        x = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
		y = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
		if ( !( x && y ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;

		if ( retval == PAPI_OK ) {
			headerlines( "Inner Product Test", TESTS_QUIET );

			/* step through the different array sizes */
			for ( n = 0; n < INDEX5; n++ ) {
				if ( n < INDEX1 || ( ( n + 1 ) % 50 ) == 0 ) {

					/* Initialize the needed arrays at this size */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) {
							xd[i] = ( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
							yd[i] = ( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
					} else {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) {
							x[i] = ( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;
							y[i] = ( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;

					/* reset PAPI flops count */
					reset_flops( "Inner Product Test", EventSet );

					/* do the multiplication */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						aad = inner_double( n, xd, yd );
						dummy( ( void * ) &aad );
					} else {
						aa = inner_single( n, x, y );
						dummy( ( void * ) &aa );
					resultline( n, 1, EventSet );
		if (double_precision) {
			free( xd );
			free( yd );
		} else {
			free( x );
			free( y );

	/* Matrix Vector test */
	if ( vector && retval != PAPI_ENOMEM ) {
		/* Allocate the needed arrays */
	  if (double_precision) {
	        ad = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
	        xd = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
	        yd = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
		if ( !( ad && xd && yd ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;
	  } else {
	        a = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
	        x = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
	        y = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
		if ( !( a && x && y ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;

		if ( retval == PAPI_OK ) {
			headerlines( "Matrix Vector Test", TESTS_QUIET );

			/* step through the different array sizes */
			for ( n = 0; n < INDEX5; n++ ) {
				if ( n < INDEX1 || ( ( n + 1 ) % 50 ) == 0 ) {

					/* Initialize the needed arrays at this size */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) {
							yd[i] = 0.0;
							xd[i] = ( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
							for ( j = 0; j <= n; j++ )
								ad[i * n + j] =
									( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
					} else {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) {
							y[i] = 0.0;
							x[i] = ( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;
							for ( j = 0; j <= n; j++ )
								a[i * n + j] =
									( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;

					/* reset PAPI flops count */
					reset_flops( "Matrix Vector Test", EventSet );

					/* compute the resultant vector */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						vector_double( n, ad, xd, yd );
						dummy( ( void * ) yd );
					} else {
						vector_single( n, a, x, y );
						dummy( ( void * ) y );
					resultline( n, 2, EventSet );
		if (double_precision) {
			free( ad );
			free( xd );
			free( yd );
		} else {
			free( a );
			free( x );
			free( y );

	/* Matrix Multiply test */
	if ( matrix && retval != PAPI_ENOMEM ) {
		/* Allocate the needed arrays */
	  if (double_precision) {
	        ad = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
	        bd = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
	        cd = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
		if ( !( ad && bd && cd ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;
	  } else {
	        a = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
	        b = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
	        c = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
		if ( !( a && b && c ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;

		if ( retval == PAPI_OK ) {
			headerlines( "Matrix Multiply Test", TESTS_QUIET );

			/* step through the different array sizes */
			for ( n = 0; n < INDEX5; n++ ) {
				if ( n < INDEX1 || ( ( n + 1 ) % 50 ) == 0 ) {

					/* Initialize the needed arrays at this size */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n * n + n; i++ ) {
							cd[i] = 0.0;
							ad[i] = ( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
							bd[i] = ( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
					} else {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n * n + n; i++ ) {
							c[i] = 0.0;
							a[i] = ( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;
							b[i] = ( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;

					/* reset PAPI flops count */
					reset_flops( "Matrix Multiply Test", EventSet );

					/* compute the resultant matrix */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						matrix_double( n, cd, ad, bd );
						dummy( ( void * ) c );
					} else {
						matrix_single( n, c, a, b );
						dummy( ( void * ) c );
					resultline( n, 3, EventSet );
		if (double_precision) {
			free( ad );
			free( bd );
			free( cd );
		} else {
			free( a );
			free( b );
			free( c );

	/* exit with status code */
	if ( retval == PAPI_ENOMEM )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "malloc", retval );
		test_pass( __FILE__, NULL, 0 );
	exit( 1 );
Constructs and returns a new singular value decomposition object;
The decomposed matrices can be retrieved via instance methods of the returned decomposition object.
@param A    A rectangular matrix.
@return     A decomposition object to access <tt>U</tt>, <tt>S</tt> and <tt>V</tt>.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>A.rows() < A.columns()</tt>.
void SingularValueDecomposition(MatrixDouble A_matrix_orig, int nrows, int ncolumns) {

    int i, j, k;

    // Derived from LINPACK code.
    // Initialize.
    num_rows = nrows;
    num_columns = ncolumns;

    // make local copy of original A matrix
    MatrixDouble A_matrix = matrix_double(num_rows, num_columns);
    for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < num_columns; j++) {
            A_matrix[i][j] = A_matrix_orig[i][j];


    int nu = Math_min(num_rows, num_columns);
    singular_values = vector_double(Math_min(num_rows + 1, num_columns));
    U_matrix = matrix_double(num_rows, nu);
    V_matrix = matrix_double(num_columns, num_columns);
    double *e = calloc(num_columns, sizeof (double));
    double *work = calloc(num_rows, sizeof (double));

    int wantu = 1;
    int wantv = 1;

    // Reduce A to bidiagonal form, storing the diagonal elements
    // in s and the super-diagonal elements in e.

    int nct = Math_min(num_rows - 1, num_columns);
    int nrt = Math_max(0, Math_min(num_columns - 2, num_rows));
    for (k = 0; k < Math_max(nct, nrt); k++) {
        if (k < nct) {

            // Compute the transformation for the k-th column and
            // place the k-th diagonal in s[k].
            // Compute 2-norm of k-th column without under/overflow.
            singular_values[k] = 0;
            for (i = k; i < num_rows; i++) {
                singular_values[k] = Algebra_hypot(singular_values[k], A_matrix[i][k]);
            if (singular_values[k] != 0.0) {
                if (A_matrix[k][k] < 0.0) {
                    singular_values[k] = -singular_values[k];
                for (i = k; i < num_rows; i++) {
                    A_matrix[i][k] /= singular_values[k];
                A_matrix[k][k] += 1.0;
            singular_values[k] = -singular_values[k];
        for (j = k + 1; j < num_columns; j++) {
            if ((k < nct) & (singular_values[k] != 0.0)) {

                // Apply the transformation.

                double t = 0;
                for (i = k; i < num_rows; i++) {
                    t += A_matrix[i][k] * A_matrix[i][j];
                t = -t / A_matrix[k][k];
                for (i = k; i < num_rows; i++) {
                    A_matrix[i][j] += t * A_matrix[i][k];

            // Place the k-th row of A into e for the
            // subsequent calculation of the row transformation.

            e[j] = A_matrix[k][j];
        if (wantu & (k < nct)) {

            // Place the transformation in U for subsequent back
            // multiplication.

            for (i = k; i < num_rows; i++) {
                U_matrix[i][k] = A_matrix[i][k];
        if (k < nrt) {

            // Compute the k-th row transformation and place the
            // k-th super-diagonal in e[k].
            // Compute 2-norm without under/overflow.
            e[k] = 0;
            for (i = k + 1; i < num_columns; i++) {
                e[k] = Algebra_hypot(e[k], e[i]);
            if (e[k] != 0.0) {
                if (e[k + 1] < 0.0) {
                    e[k] = -e[k];
                for (i = k + 1; i < num_columns; i++) {
                    e[i] /= e[k];
                e[k + 1] += 1.0;
            e[k] = -e[k];
            if ((k + 1 < num_rows) & (e[k] != 0.0)) {

                // Apply the transformation.

                for (i = k + 1; i < num_rows; i++) {
                    work[i] = 0.0;
                for (j = k + 1; j < num_columns; j++) {
                    for (i = k + 1; i < num_rows; i++) {
                        work[i] += e[j] * A_matrix[i][j];
                for (j = k + 1; j < num_columns; j++) {
                    double t = -e[j] / e[k + 1];
                    for (i = k + 1; i < num_rows; i++) {
                        A_matrix[i][j] += t * work[i];
            if (wantv) {

                // Place the transformation in V for subsequent
                // back multiplication.

                for (i = k + 1; i < num_columns; i++) {
                    V_matrix[i][k] = e[i];

    // Set up the final bidiagonal matrix or order p.

    int p = Math_min(num_columns, num_rows + 1);
    if (nct < num_columns) {
        singular_values[nct] = A_matrix[nct][nct];
    if (num_rows < p) {
        singular_values[p - 1] = 0.0;
    if (nrt + 1 < p) {
        e[nrt] = A_matrix[nrt][p - 1];
    e[p - 1] = 0.0;

    // If required, generate U.

    if (wantu) {
        for (j = nct; j < nu; j++) {
            for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
                U_matrix[i][j] = 0.0;
            U_matrix[j][j] = 1.0;
        for (k = nct - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
            if (singular_values[k] != 0.0) {
                for (j = k + 1; j < nu; j++) {
                    double t = 0;
                    for (i = k; i < num_rows; i++) {
                        t += U_matrix[i][k] * U_matrix[i][j];
                    t = -t / U_matrix[k][k];
                    for (i = k; i < num_rows; i++) {
                        U_matrix[i][j] += t * U_matrix[i][k];
                for (i = k; i < num_rows; i++) {
                    U_matrix[i][k] = -U_matrix[i][k];
                U_matrix[k][k] = 1.0 + U_matrix[k][k];
                for (i = 0; i < k - 1; i++) {
                    U_matrix[i][k] = 0.0;
            } else {
                for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
                    U_matrix[i][k] = 0.0;
                U_matrix[k][k] = 1.0;

    // If required, generate V.

    if (wantv) {
        for (k = num_columns - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
            if ((k < nrt) & (e[k] != 0.0)) {
                for (j = k + 1; j < nu; j++) {
                    double t = 0;
                    for (i = k + 1; i < num_columns; i++) {
                        t += V_matrix[i][k] * V_matrix[i][j];
                    t = -t / V_matrix[k + 1][k];
                    for (i = k + 1; i < num_columns; i++) {
                        V_matrix[i][j] += t * V_matrix[i][k];
            for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++) {
                V_matrix[i][k] = 0.0;
            V_matrix[k][k] = 1.0;

    // Main iteration loop for the singular values.

    int pp = p - 1;
    int iter = 0;
    double eps = pow(2.0, -52.0);
    while (p > 0) {
        int k, kase;

        // Here is where a test for too many iterations would go.

        // This section of the program inspects for
        // negligible elements in the s and e arrays.  On
        // completion the variables kase and k are set as follows.

        // kase = 1     if s(p) and e[k-1] are negligible and k<p
        // kase = 2     if s(k) is negligible and k<p
        // kase = 3     if e[k-1] is negligible, k<p, and
        //              s(k), ..., s(p) are not negligible (qr step).
        // kase = 4     if e(p-1) is negligible (convergence).

        for (k = p - 2; k >= -1; k--) {
            if (k == -1) {
            if (fabs(e[k]) <= eps * (fabs(singular_values[k]) + fabs(singular_values[k + 1]))) {
                e[k] = 0.0;
        if (k == p - 2) {
            kase = 4;
        } else {
            int ks;
            for (ks = p - 1; ks >= k; ks--) {
                if (ks == k) {
                double t = (ks != p ? fabs(e[ks]) : 0.) +
                        (ks != k + 1 ? fabs(e[ks - 1]) : 0.);
                if (fabs(singular_values[ks]) <= eps * t) {
                    singular_values[ks] = 0.0;
            if (ks == k) {
                kase = 3;
            } else if (ks == p - 1) {
                kase = 1;
            } else {
                kase = 2;
                k = ks;

        // Perform the task indicated by kase.

        switch (kase) {

                // Deflate negligible s(p).

            case 1:
                double f = e[p - 2];
                e[p - 2] = 0.0;
                for (j = p - 2; j >= k; j--) {
                    double t = Algebra_hypot(singular_values[j], f);
                    double cs = singular_values[j] / t;
                    double sn = f / t;
                    singular_values[j] = t;
                    if (j != k) {
                        f = -sn * e[j - 1];
                        e[j - 1] = cs * e[j - 1];
                    if (wantv) {
                        for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++) {
                            t = cs * V_matrix[i][j] + sn * V_matrix[i][p - 1];
                            V_matrix[i][p - 1] = -sn * V_matrix[i][j] + cs * V_matrix[i][p - 1];
                            V_matrix[i][j] = t;

                // Split at negligible s(k).

            case 2:
                double f = e[k - 1];
                e[k - 1] = 0.0;
                for (j = k; j < p; j++) {
                    double t = Algebra_hypot(singular_values[j], f);
                    double cs = singular_values[j] / t;
                    double sn = f / t;
                    singular_values[j] = t;
                    f = -sn * e[j];
                    e[j] = cs * e[j];
                    if (wantu) {
                        for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
                            t = cs * U_matrix[i][j] + sn * U_matrix[i][k - 1];
                            U_matrix[i][k - 1] = -sn * U_matrix[i][j] + cs * U_matrix[i][k - 1];
                            U_matrix[i][j] = t;

                // Perform one qr step.

            case 3:

                // Calculate the shift.

                double scale = Math_max(Math_max(Math_max(Math_max(
                        fabs(singular_values[p - 1]), fabs(singular_values[p - 2])), fabs(e[p - 2])),
                        fabs(singular_values[k])), fabs(e[k]));
                double sp = singular_values[p - 1] / scale;
                double spm1 = singular_values[p - 2] / scale;
                double epm1 = e[p - 2] / scale;
                double sk = singular_values[k] / scale;
                double ek = e[k] / scale;
                double b = ((spm1 + sp)*(spm1 - sp) + epm1 * epm1) / 2.0;
                double c = (sp * epm1)*(sp * epm1);
                double shift = 0.0;
                if ((b != 0.0) | (c != 0.0)) {
                    shift = sqrt(b * b + c);
                    if (b < 0.0) {
                        shift = -shift;
                    shift = c / (b + shift);
                double f = (sk + sp)*(sk - sp) + shift;
                double g = sk*ek;

                // Chase zeros.

                for (j = k; j < p - 1; j++) {
                    double t = Algebra_hypot(f, g);
                    double cs = f / t;
                    double sn = g / t;
                    if (j != k) {
                        e[j - 1] = t;
                    f = cs * singular_values[j] + sn * e[j];
                    e[j] = cs * e[j] - sn * singular_values[j];
                    g = sn * singular_values[j + 1];
                    singular_values[j + 1] = cs * singular_values[j + 1];
                    if (wantv) {
                        for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++) {
                            t = cs * V_matrix[i][j] + sn * V_matrix[i][j + 1];
                            V_matrix[i][j + 1] = -sn * V_matrix[i][j] + cs * V_matrix[i][j + 1];
                            V_matrix[i][j] = t;
                    t = Algebra_hypot(f, g);
                    cs = f / t;
                    sn = g / t;
                    singular_values[j] = t;
                    f = cs * e[j] + sn * singular_values[j + 1];
                    singular_values[j + 1] = -sn * e[j] + cs * singular_values[j + 1];
                    g = sn * e[j + 1];
                    e[j + 1] = cs * e[j + 1];
                    if (wantu && (j < num_rows - 1)) {
                        for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
                            t = cs * U_matrix[i][j] + sn * U_matrix[i][j + 1];
                            U_matrix[i][j + 1] = -sn * U_matrix[i][j] + cs * U_matrix[i][j + 1];
                            U_matrix[i][j] = t;
                e[p - 2] = f;
                iter = iter + 1;

                // Convergence.

            case 4:

                // Make the singular values positive.

                if (singular_values[k] <= 0.0) {
                    singular_values[k] = (singular_values[k] < 0.0 ? -singular_values[k] : 0.0);
                    if (wantv) {
                        for (i = 0; i <= pp; i++) {
                            V_matrix[i][k] = -V_matrix[i][k];

                // Order the singular values.

                while (k < pp) {
                    if (singular_values[k] >= singular_values[k + 1]) {
                    double t = singular_values[k];
                    singular_values[k] = singular_values[k + 1];
                    singular_values[k + 1] = t;
                    if (wantv && (k < num_columns - 1)) {
                        for (i = 0; i < num_columns; i++) {
                            t = V_matrix[i][k + 1];
                            V_matrix[i][k + 1] = V_matrix[i][k];
                            V_matrix[i][k] = t;
                    if (wantu && (k < num_rows - 1)) {
                        for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
                            t = U_matrix[i][k + 1];
                            U_matrix[i][k + 1] = U_matrix[i][k];
                            U_matrix[i][k] = t;
                iter = 0;

    // clean up
    e = NULL;
    work = NULL;
    free_matrix_double(A_matrix, num_rows, nu);
