    Constructor accepts feature values, class labels (-1 or +1) and sample weights;
    Passed data will be stored as a reference to original data;
DSC::DSC(const mat &features, const ivec &classes, const vec &weights, const int &nThresholds)
:   N_THRESHOLDS(nThresholds),
    /* Separating features by classes: */
    mat class1Features = features.rows(find(classes == -1));
    mat class2Features = features.rows(find(classes == +1));

    /* Determining the ranges for each feature: */
    minFeatures = min(features) - 1e-10;
    maxFeatures = max(features) + 1e-10;
    ranges = maxFeatures - minFeatures;

    /* Distribution of threshold values for each feature; */
    mat class1ThresholdsMat = floor(((class1Features.each_row() - minFeatures).each_row() / ranges) * (N_THRESHOLDS - 1) + 1 - 1e-10);
    class1ThresholdsMat(find(class1ThresholdsMat < 0)).zeros();
    mat class2ThresholdsMat = ceil(((class2Features.each_row() - minFeatures).each_row() / ranges) * (N_THRESHOLDS - 1) + 1 + 1e-10);
    class2ThresholdsMat(find(class2ThresholdsMat > N_THRESHOLDS - 1)).fill(N_THRESHOLDS - 1);

    /* Threshold values is vectorized by column: */
    class1Thresholds = vectorise(class1ThresholdsMat);
    class2Thresholds = vectorise(class2ThresholdsMat);

        Providing indexes of features for each label;
        After that matrix is vectorized by column:
    featureIndexes1 = vectorise(repmat(linspace<rowvec>(0, features.n_cols - 1, features.n_cols), class1Features.n_rows, 1));
    featureIndexes2 = vectorise(repmat(linspace<rowvec>(0, features.n_cols - 1, features.n_cols), class2Features.n_rows, 1));
LCP smooth_lcp(const sp_mat & smoother,
               const vector<sp_mat> & blocks,
               const mat & Q,
               const bvec & free_vars){
  uint n = smoother.n_rows;
  assert(n == smoother.n_cols);
  uint A = blocks.size();
  uint N = n*(A+1);
  assert(A >= 1);
  assert(size(n,n) == size(blocks.at(0)));
  assert(size(n,A+1) == size(Q));
  assert(N == free_vars.n_elem);
  // Smooth blocks
  vector<sp_mat> sblocks = block_rmult(smoother,blocks);

  // Smooth Q
  mat sQ = mat(size(Q));
  sQ.col(0) = Q.col(0); // State weights unchanged
  sQ.tail_cols(A) = smoother * Q.tail_cols(A);

  sp_mat M = build_M(sblocks);
  vec q = vectorise(sQ);
  return LCP(M,q,free_vars);
rowvec Connectome::richClub(const mat &W, int klevel)
        inputs:     W:       weighted connection matrix
                    k-level: max level of RC(k).
                    When k-level is -1, k-level is set to max of degree of W
        output:     rich:         rich-club curve

    adopted from Opsahl et al. Phys Rev Lett, 2008, 101(16)

    rowvec nodeDegree = degree(W);
    if (klevel == -1)
        klevel = nodeDegree.max();
    vec wrank = sort(vectorise(W),"descend");
    rowvec Rw = rowvec(1,W.n_rows).fill(datum::nan);
    uvec smallNodes;
    for (uint kk=0;kk<klevel;++kk) {
        smallNodes = find(nodeDegree<kk+1);
        if (smallNodes.is_empty())
        mat cutOutW = W;
        smallNodes = sort(smallNodes,"descend");
        for (uint i =0;i<smallNodes.n_elem;++i) {
        double Wr = accu(cutOutW);
        uvec t = find(cutOutW != 0);
        if (!t.is_empty())
            Rw(kk) = Wr/ accu(wrank.subvec(0,t.n_elem-1));
    return Rw;
vec build_q_vec(const Simulator * sim,
                const Discretizer * disc,
                double gamma,
                bool include_oob){
  uint N = disc->number_of_all_nodes();
  uint n = disc->number_of_spatial_nodes(); // One oob nodes
  Points points = disc->get_spatial_nodes();
  mat costs = sim->get_costs(points);
  uint A = sim->num_actions();
  assert(size(n,A) == size(costs));

    double tail = 1.0 / (1.0 - gamma);
    costs = join_vert(costs,tail*ones<rowvec>(A));
    assert(size(N,A) == size(costs));

  vec weights = sim->get_state_weights(points);
  assert(n == weights.n_elem);
    weights = join_vert(weights,zeros<vec>(1));
    assert(N == weights.n_elem);
  vec q = join_vert(-weights,vectorise(costs));
    assert((A+1)*N == q.n_elem);
    assert((A+1)*n == q.n_elem);
  return q;
static inline bool is_converge (const int n, const cx_cube& r1, const cx_cube &r2, const double err) {
    for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
        const mat& tmp = abs(r1.slice(i)-r2.slice(i));
        if (any(vectorise(tmp)>err)) {
            return false;
    return true;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat BeQTL2(const arma::mat & A, const arma::mat & B, const arma::umat & Bootmat){
  int bsi= Bootmat.n_rows;
  arma::mat C(A.n_cols*B.n_cols,Bootmat.n_rows);
  arma::mat tC(A.n_rows,B.n_rows);
  for(int i=0; i<bsi; i++){
    tC = cor(A.rows(Bootmat.row(i)),B.rows(Bootmat.row(i)));
    C.col(i) = vectorise(tC,0);

  return reshape(median(C,1),A.n_cols,B.n_cols);
List gp_gdp(vec y, mat X, mat cand_S, vec init, vec priors, int B, int burn, bool printProg) {
  int n = y.size();
  int num_params = cand_S.n_rows;
  mat In = eye<mat>(n,n);
  int acc_rate = 0;
  mat param = zeros<mat>(B+burn,num_params);
  double log_ratio;
  vec cand = zeros<vec>(num_params);
  vec curr = zeros<vec>(num_params);
  List ret;
  clock_t start_time = clock();
  int freq = 50;
  param.row(0) = reshape(init,1,num_params);

  Rcout << endl;
  for (int b=1; b<B+burn; b++) {
    // Update s2, phi, tau:
    curr = vectorise(param.row(b-1));
    cand = mvrnorm(curr, cand_S); // s2, phi, tau, d1,...,dp

    log_ratio = log_like_plus_log_prior(y,X,cand,In,priors) - 

    if ( log_ratio > log(randu()) ) {
      param.row(b) = reshape(cand,1,num_params);
      if (b > burn) acc_rate++;
    } else {
      param.row(b) = param.row(b-1);

    if (printProg) time_remain(start_time, b, B+burn-1, freq);
    if (b % freq == 0) start_time = clock();
  Rcout << endl;

  param.col(0) = exp(param.col(0));
  param.col(1) = (priors[3]*exp(param.col(1))+priors[2]) / ( exp(param.col(1))+1 );// inverse logit
  param.col(2) = exp(param.col(2));

  Rcout <<"Acceptance Rate: " << acc_rate * 1.0 / B << endl;
  Rcout <<"The parameters in $param are 's2,phi,tau'" << endl;

  ret["param"] = param.tail_rows(B); //s2, phi, tau
  ret["acc_rate"] = acc_rate * 1.0 / B;
  ret["y"] = y;
  ret["X"] = X;
  ret["cand_S"] = cand_S;

  return ret;
void origNISim::initialize() {
    mat W_t(maxVertexId, maxVertexId, fill::zeros);
    for (int i = 0; i < maxVertexId; i++) {
        int e = origGraphSrc[i + 1], s = origGraphSrc[i];
        for (int j = s; j < e; j++) {
            W_t(i, origGraphDst[j]) = 1.0;
    double sumRow;
    double Degr = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < maxVertexId; i++) {
        sumRow = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < maxVertexId; j++)
            sumRow += W_t(i, j);
        if (sumRow == 0.0) {
            printf("node %d has no ingoing edges\n", i);
        } else {
            for (int j = 0; j < maxVertexId; j++)
                W_t(i, j) = W_t(i, j) / sumRow;
        Degr += sumRow;
    //start svd
    Mat<double> U;
    Col<double> s;
    Mat<double> V_t;
    svd(U, s, V_t, W_t);
    mat V = V_t.t();

    U = U.submat(0, 0, maxVertexId - 1, Rank - 1);
    V = V.submat(0, 0, Rank - 1, maxVertexId - 1);
    s = s.submat(0, 0, Rank - 1, 0);
    Ku = kron(U, U);//kronecker roduct
    mat sigma = kron(s, s);//one column
    mat K_sigma = diagmat(sigma);
    Kv = kron(V, V);

    mat K_vu = Kv * Ku;

    mat I(maxVertexId, maxVertexId);
    A = inv(inv(K_sigma) - decayFactor * K_vu);
    V_r = Kv * vectorise(I);

void ArmadilloSolver::createSystem(float *kp0, float *kp1, int n_kp /*,int max_bases */)
     * Generate y

    if (this->debug)
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t Creating data and vectorizing..." << std::endl;

    // Note that these are transposed, since armadillo uses column-major ordering.
    fmat kp0_(kp0,2,n_kp, false, true);
    fmat kp1_(kp1,2,n_kp, false, true);
    fmat kp0t = kp0_.t();

    fmat uv = (kp1_.t()-kp0t);

    this->y = vectorise(uv); // column-wise

    if (this->debug)
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t Creating A ..." << std::endl;

     * Generate A

    int n_bases_per = this->nc/2;
    //if (max_bases > 0)
    //    n_bases = min(max_bases,this->nc);

    this->A = zeros<fmat>(2*n_kp, 2*n_bases_per);

    fmat kp0tr = floor(kp0t);
    fvec indices_ = kp0tr.col(1) * this->pc_width + kp0tr.col(0);
    uvec indices = conv_to<uvec>::from(indices_);

    if (this->debug)
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t Filling A ..." << std::endl;

    fmat Au = this->flow_bases_u_t.rows(indices);
    fmat Av = this->flow_bases_v_t.rows(indices);
    this->A.submat(0,0,n_kp-1,n_bases_per-1) = Au;
    this->A.submat(n_kp,n_bases_per,2*n_kp-1,2*n_bases_per-1) = Av;

    if (this->debug)
        std::cout << "[DEBUG] \t Done." << std::endl;
//Script that takes two matrices, performs bootstrapped correlation, and returns the median
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::mat BeQTL(const arma::mat & A, const arma::mat & B, const arma::umat & Bootmat){
  int bsi= Bootmat.n_rows;
  Rcpp::Rcout<<"Starting Bootstrap!"<<std::endl;
  arma::mat C(A.n_cols*B.n_cols,Bootmat.n_rows);
  arma::mat tA(A.n_rows,A.n_cols);
  arma::mat tB(B.n_rows,B.n_cols);
  arma::mat tC(A.n_rows,B.n_rows);
  for(int i=0; i<bsi; i++){
    tA = A.rows(Bootmat.row(i));
    tB = B.rows(Bootmat.row(i));
    tC = cor(tA,tB);
    C.col(i) = vectorise(tC,0);

 return reshape(median(C,1),A.n_cols,B.n_cols);
mat one_pred_gp_gdp(mat X, vec y, mat param_row) {
  vec param = vectorise(param_row);

  double s2 = param[0];
  double phi = param[1];
  double tau = param[2];

  vec d = param.tail(param.size()-3);
  int n = X.n_rows;

  mat XdX = xDx(X,d % d);
  mat K = tau * exp(-phi*XdX);

  mat Xt = X.t();
  mat I = eye(n,n);

  mat S_i = (K.i() + I / s2).i();
  vec mu = S_i*y / s2;

  vec pred_y = mvrnorm(mu,S_i);

  return reshape(pred_y,1,n);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List rhierLinearModel_rcpp_loop(List const& regdata, mat const& Z, mat const& Deltabar, mat const& A, double nu, 
                          mat const& V, double nu_e, vec const& ssq, vec tau, mat Delta, mat Vbeta, int R, int keep, int nprint){

// Keunwoo Kim 09/16/2014

// Purpose: run hiearchical regression model

// Arguments:
//   Data list of regdata,Z 
//     regdata is a list of lists each list with members y, X
//        e.g. regdata[[i]]=list(y=y,X=X)
//     X has nvar columns
//     Z is nreg=length(regdata) x nz

//   Prior list of prior hyperparameters
//     Deltabar,A, nu.e,ssq,nu,V
//          note: ssq is a nreg x 1 vector!

//   Mcmc
//     list of Mcmc parameters
//     R is number of draws
//     keep is thining parameter -- keep every keepth draw
//     nprint - print estimated time remaining on every nprint'th draw

// Output: 
//   list of 
//   betadraw -- nreg x nvar x R/keep array of individual regression betas
//   taudraw -- R/keep x nreg  array of error variances for each regression
//   Deltadraw -- R/keep x nz x nvar array of Delta draws
//   Vbetadraw -- R/keep x nvar*nvar array of Vbeta draws

// Model:
// nreg regression equations 
//        y_i = X_ibeta_i + epsilon_i  
//        epsilon_i ~ N(0,tau_i)
//             nvar X vars in each equation

// Prior:
//        tau_i ~ nu.e*ssq_i/chisq(nu.e)  tau_i is the variance of epsilon_i
//        beta_i ~ N(ZDelta[i,],V_beta)
//               Note:  ZDelta is the matrix Z * Delta; [i,] refers to ith row of this product!

//          vec(Delta) | V_beta ~ N(vec(Deltabar),Vbeta (x) A^-1)
//          V_beta ~ IW(nu,V)  or V_beta^-1 ~ W(nu,V^-1)
//              Delta, Deltabar are nz x nvar
//              A is nz x nz
//              Vbeta is nvar x nvar
//          NOTE: if you don't have any z vars, set Z=iota (nreg x 1)
// Update Note:
//        (Keunwoo Kim 04/07/2015)
//        Changed "rmultireg" to return List object, which is the original function.
//        Efficiency is almost same as when the output is a struct object.
//        Nothing different from "rmultireg1" in the previous R version.

  int reg, mkeep;
  mat Abeta, betabar, ucholinv, Abetabar;
  List regdatai, rmregout;
  unireg regout_struct;
  int nreg = regdata.size();
  int nvar = V.n_cols;
  int nz = Z.n_cols;
  // convert List to std::vector of struct
  std::vector<moments> regdata_vector;
  moments regdatai_struct;
  // store vector with struct
  for (reg=0; reg<nreg; reg++){
    regdatai = regdata[reg];
    regdatai_struct.y = as<vec>(regdatai["y"]);
    regdatai_struct.X = as<mat>(regdatai["X"]);
    regdatai_struct.XpX = as<mat>(regdatai["XpX"]);
    regdatai_struct.Xpy = as<vec>(regdatai["Xpy"]);
  mat betas(nreg, nvar);
  mat Vbetadraw(R/keep, nvar*nvar);
  mat Deltadraw(R/keep, nz*nvar);
  mat taudraw(R/keep, nreg);
  cube betadraw(nreg, nvar, R/keep);

  if (nprint>0) startMcmcTimer();
  //start main iteration loop
  for (int rep=0; rep<R; rep++){    

    // compute the inverse of Vbeta
    ucholinv = solve(trimatu(chol(Vbeta)), eye(nvar,nvar)); //trimatu interprets the matrix as upper triangular and makes solve more efficient
    Abeta = ucholinv*trans(ucholinv);
    betabar = Z*Delta;
    Abetabar = Abeta*trans(betabar);
    //loop over all regressions
    for (reg=0; reg<nreg; reg++){      
      regout_struct = runiregG(regdata_vector[reg].y, regdata_vector[reg].X, 
                                regdata_vector[reg].XpX, regdata_vector[reg].Xpy, 
                                tau[reg], Abeta, Abetabar(span::all,reg), 
                                nu_e, ssq[reg]);
      betas(reg,span::all) = trans(regout_struct.beta);
      tau[reg] = regout_struct.sigmasq;
    //draw Vbeta, Delta | {beta_i}
    rmregout = rmultireg(betas,Z,Deltabar,A,nu,V);
    Vbeta = as<mat>(rmregout["Sigma"]); //conversion from Rcpp to Armadillo requires explict declaration of variable type using as<>
    Delta = as<mat>(rmregout["B"]);
    //print time to completion and draw # every nprint'th draw
    if (nprint>0) if ((rep+1)%nprint==0) infoMcmcTimer(rep, R);
      mkeep = (rep+1)/keep;
      Vbetadraw(mkeep-1, span::all) = trans(vectorise(Vbeta));
      Deltadraw(mkeep-1, span::all) = trans(vectorise(Delta));
      taudraw(mkeep-1, span::all) = trans(tau);
      betadraw.slice(mkeep-1) = betas;
  if (nprint>0) endMcmcTimer();
  return List::create(
    Named("Vbetadraw") = Vbetadraw,
    Named("Deltadraw") = Deltadraw,
	  Named("betadraw") = betadraw,
	  Named("taudraw") = taudraw);
PLCP approx_lcp(const sp_mat & value_basis,
                const sp_mat & smoother,
                const vector<sp_mat> & blocks,
                const mat & Q,
                const bvec & free_vars){

  //Sizing and checking
  uint n = smoother.n_rows;
  assert(n == smoother.n_cols);
  uint A = blocks.size();
  assert(A >= 1);
  assert(size(n,n) == size(blocks.at(0)));
  assert(size(n,A+1) == size(Q));
  uint N = n*(A+1);
  assert(N == free_vars.n_elem);
  assert(n == value_basis.n_rows);

  // Smooth blocks
  vector<sp_mat> sblocks = block_rmult(smoother,blocks);

  // Build freebie flow bases for the smoothed problem
  bool ignore_q = false;
  vector<sp_mat> flow_bases;
  vec q;
    flow_bases = make_freebie_flow_bases_ignore_q(value_basis,
    // Project smoothed costs onto `freebie' basis
    mat sQ = mat(size(Q));  
    sQ.col(0) = Q.col(0);
    for(uint a = 0; a < A; a++){
      sp_mat F = flow_bases.at(a);
      sQ.col(a+1) = F * F.t() * smoother * Q.col(a+1);
    q = vectorise(sQ);
    mat sQ = mat(size(Q));  
    sQ.col(0) = Q.col(0);
    sQ.tail_cols(A) = smoother * Q.tail_cols(A);
    q = vectorise(sQ);

    flow_bases = make_freebie_flow_bases(value_basis,
  // Build the basis blocks and the basis matrix
  block_sp_vec p_blocks;
  p_blocks.reserve(A + 1);
  assert((A+1) == p_blocks.size());
  sp_mat P = block_diag(p_blocks);

  // Build LCP matrix M and the U coefficient matrix
  sp_mat M = build_M(sblocks);// + 1e-10 * speye(N,N); // Regularize
  sp_mat U = P.t() * M * P * P.t();
  return PLCP(P,U,q,free_vars);

SegImage* MeanFiller::fillDynamic(int startX, int startY, int startZ, int startRadius)
	int cols, rows, slices;
	int minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz;
	cube sample, xes;
	vec values;
	stack<triple> historyEntity;
	image->getSize(cols, rows, slices);
	cube result = zeros(rows, cols, slices);
	cube sphere = Utils::sphere(startRadius);
	result(startY, startX, startZ, arma::size(sphere)) = sphere;
	res_image = Utils::convert(result);
	Utils::bounds(result, minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz);
	double thres;

	if (minx < 3) minx = 3;
	if (maxx > cols - 2) maxx = cols - 2;
	if (miny < 3) miny = 3;
	if (maxy > rows - 2) maxy = rows - 2;
	if (minz < 3) minz = 3;
	if (maxz > slices - 2) maxz = slices - 2;
	bool flag = false;

	while (!flag)
		flag = true;

		xes = Utils::convert_d(image->getRegion(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, minz, maxz));
		sample = wBright * Utils::convert_d(res_image->getRegion(minx, miny, maxx, maxy, minz, maxz)) + 
			wCurv * xes;
		sample = Utils::conv3(Utils::conv3(sample, kernel), kernel);
		sample %= -xes + 1;
		values = sort(nonzeros(vectorise(sample)));
		thres = values(quantile * values.size());

		for (int i = minx; i < maxx; i++)
			for (int j = miny; j < maxy; j++)
				for (int k = minz; k < maxz; k++)
					if (image->getVoxel(i, j, k) > 0 && res_image->getVoxel(i, j, k) == 0)
						if (sample(j-miny, i - minx, k - minz) > thres)
							res_image->setVoxel(i, j, k, 255);
							if (i <= minx && i >= 4)
								minx = i - 1;
							if (i >= maxx && i <= cols - 4 && maxx < i + 1)
								maxx = i + 1;
							if (j <= miny && j >= 4)
								miny = j - 1;
							if (j >= maxy && j <= rows - 4 && maxy < j + 1)
								maxy = j + 1;
							if (k <= minz && k >= 4)
								minz = k - 1;
							if (k >= maxz && k <= slices - 4 && maxz < k + 1)
								maxz = k + 1;
							historyEntity.push(triple(i, j, k));
							flag = false;
		if (!flag) {
			if (history.size() >= h_size)
				stack<triple> first = history.back();
				while (!first.empty())
	return res_image;
    //Class constructor
	TimeSegmentation(Tobj &G, Col <T1> map_in, Col <T1> timeVec_in, uword a, uword b, uword c, uword interptype = 1,
					 uword shots = 1)
		cout << "Entering Class constructor" << endl;
	    n1 = a; //Data size
	    n2 = b;//Image size
	    L = c; //number of time segments
	    type = interptype; // type of time segmentation performed
	    Nshots = shots; // number of shots
	    obj = &G;
	    fieldMap = map_in;
    	cout << "N1 = " << n1 << endl;
		cout << "N2 = " << n2 << endl;
		cout << "L = " << L << endl;

		AA.set_size(n1, L); //time segments weights
	    timeVec = timeVec_in;
	    T_min =timeVec.min();
	    T1 rangt = timeVec.max()-T_min;
		tau = (rangt + datum::eps) / (L - 1); // it was L-1 before
	    timeVec = timeVec-T_min;

	    uword NOneShot = n1/Nshots;
	    if (L==1) {
		    tau = 0;
	    else {
			Mat <CxT1> tempAA(NOneShot, L);
		    if (type==1) {// Hanning interpolator
			    cout << "Hanning interpolation" << endl;
			    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii<L; ii++) {
				    for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj<NOneShot; jj++) {
					    if ((std::abs(timeVec(jj)-((ii)*tau)))<=tau) {
						    tempAA(jj, ii) = 0.5+0.5*std::cos((datum::pi)*(timeVec(jj)-((ii)*tau))/tau);
					    else {
						    tempAA(jj, ii) = 0.0;
			    AA = repmat(tempAA, Nshots, 1);
		    else if (type==2) { // Min-max interpolator: Exact LS interpolator

			    cout << "Min Max time segmentation" << endl;

			    Mat <CxT1> Ltp;
			    Ltp.ones(1, L);
			    Col <CxT1> ggtp;
			    ggtp.ones(n2, 1);
			    Mat <CxT1> gg;
			    gg = exp(i*fieldMap*tau)*Ltp;
			    Mat <CxT1> iGTGGT;
			    iGTGGT.set_size(L+1, n2);
			    Mat <CxT1> gl;
			    gl.zeros(n2, L);

			    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii<L; ii++) {
				    for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj<n2; jj++) {
					    gl(jj, ii) = pow(gg(jj, ii), (T1) (ii+1));

			    Mat <CxT1> G;
			    G.set_size(n2, L);

			    for (unsigned int jj = 0; jj<L; jj++) {
				    if (jj==0) {
					    G.col(jj) = ggtp;
				    else {
					    G.col(jj) = gl.col(jj-1);

			    Col <CxT1> glsum;
			    Mat <CxT1> GTG;
			    GTG.zeros(L, L);
			    GTG.diag(0) += n2;
			    glsum = sum(gl.t(), 1);
				Mat <CxT1> GTGtp(L, L);
				for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < (L - 1); ii++) {
				    GTGtp.diag(-(T1) (ii+1)) += glsum(ii);
				    GTGtp.diag((T1) (ii+1)) += std::conj(glsum(ii));
				    GTG = GTG+GTGtp;

			    T1 rcn = 1/cond(GTG);
			    if (rcn>10*2e-16) { //condition number of GTG
				    iGTGGT = inv(GTG)*G.t();

			    else {
				    iGTGGT = pinv(GTG)*G.t(); // pseudo inverse

			    Mat <CxT1> iGTGGTtp;
			    Mat <CxT1> ftp;
			    Col <CxT1> res, temp;

			    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii<NOneShot; ii++) {
				    ftp = exp(i*fieldMap*timeVec(ii));
				    res = iGTGGT*ftp;
				    tempAA.row(ii) = res.t();
			    AA = repmat(tempAA, Nshots, 1);
		savemat("aamat.mat", "AA", vectorise(AA));
		cout << "Exiting class constructor." << endl;
List rhierMnlRwMixture_rcpp_loop(List const& lgtdata, mat const& Z,
                                  vec const& deltabar, mat const& Ad, mat const& mubar, mat const& Amu,
                                  double nu, mat const& V, double s,
                                  int R, int keep, int nprint, bool drawdelta,
                                  mat olddelta,  vec const& a, vec oldprob, mat oldbetas, vec ind, vec const& SignRes){

// Wayne Taylor 10/01/2014

  int nlgt = lgtdata.size();
  int nvar = V.n_cols;
  int nz = Z.n_cols;
  mat rootpi, betabar, ucholinv, incroot;
  int mkeep;
  mnlMetropOnceOut metropout_struct;
  List lgtdatai, nmix;
  // convert List to std::vector of struct
  std::vector<moments> lgtdata_vector;
  moments lgtdatai_struct;
  for (int lgt = 0; lgt<nlgt; lgt++){
    lgtdatai = lgtdata[lgt];
    lgtdatai_struct.y = as<vec>(lgtdatai["y"]);
    lgtdatai_struct.X = as<mat>(lgtdatai["X"]);
    lgtdatai_struct.hess = as<mat>(lgtdatai["hess"]);
  // allocate space for draws
  vec oldll = zeros<vec>(nlgt);
  cube betadraw(nlgt, nvar, R/keep);
  mat probdraw(R/keep, oldprob.size());
  vec loglike(R/keep);
  mat Deltadraw(1,1); if(drawdelta) Deltadraw.zeros(R/keep, nz*nvar);//enlarge Deltadraw only if the space is required
  List compdraw(R/keep);
  if (nprint>0) startMcmcTimer();
  for (int rep = 0; rep<R; rep++){
    //first draw comps,ind,p | {beta_i}, delta
    // ind,p need initialization comps is drawn first in sub-Gibbs
    List mgout;
    if(drawdelta) {
      mgout = rmixGibbs (oldbetas-Z*trans(olddelta),mubar,Amu,nu,V,a,oldprob,ind);
    } else {
      mgout = rmixGibbs(oldbetas,mubar,Amu,nu,V,a,oldprob,ind);
    List oldcomp = mgout["comps"];
    oldprob = as<vec>(mgout["p"]); //conversion from Rcpp to Armadillo requires explict declaration of variable type using as<>
    ind = as<vec>(mgout["z"]);
    //now draw delta | {beta_i}, ind, comps
    if(drawdelta) olddelta = drawDelta(Z,oldbetas,ind,oldcomp,deltabar,Ad);
    //loop over all LGT equations drawing beta_i | ind[i],z[i,],mu[ind[i]],rooti[ind[i]]
      for(int lgt = 0; lgt<nlgt; lgt++){
        List oldcomplgt = oldcomp[ind[lgt]-1];
        rootpi = as<mat>(oldcomplgt[1]);
        //note: beta_i = Delta*z_i + u_i  Delta is nvar x nz
          betabar = as<vec>(oldcomplgt[0])+olddelta*vectorise(Z(lgt,span::all));
        } else {
          betabar = as<vec>(oldcomplgt[0]);
        if (rep == 0) oldll[lgt] = llmnl_con(vectorise(oldbetas(lgt,span::all)),lgtdata_vector[lgt].y,lgtdata_vector[lgt].X,SignRes);
        //compute inc.root
        ucholinv = solve(trimatu(chol(lgtdata_vector[lgt].hess+rootpi*trans(rootpi))), eye(nvar,nvar)); //trimatu interprets the matrix as upper triangular and makes solve more efficient
        incroot = chol(ucholinv*trans(ucholinv));
        metropout_struct = mnlMetropOnce_con(lgtdata_vector[lgt].y,lgtdata_vector[lgt].X,vectorise(oldbetas(lgt,span::all)),
         oldbetas(lgt,span::all) = trans(metropout_struct.betadraw);
         oldll[lgt] = metropout_struct.oldll;  
    //print time to completion and draw # every nprint'th draw
    if (nprint>0) if ((rep+1)%nprint==0) infoMcmcTimer(rep, R);
      mkeep = (rep+1)/keep;
      betadraw.slice(mkeep-1) = oldbetas;
      probdraw(mkeep-1, span::all) = trans(oldprob);
      loglike[mkeep-1] = sum(oldll);
      if(drawdelta) Deltadraw(mkeep-1, span::all) = trans(vectorise(olddelta));
      compdraw[mkeep-1] = oldcomp;
  if (nprint>0) endMcmcTimer();
  nmix = List::create(Named("probdraw") = probdraw,
    		  Named("zdraw") = R_NilValue, //sets the value to NULL in R
				  Named("compdraw") = compdraw);
  //If there are sign constraints, return f(betadraws) as "betadraws"
  //conStatus will be set to true if SignRes has any non-zero elements
  bool conStatus = any(SignRes);
    int SignResSize = SignRes.size();
    //loop through each sign constraint
    for(int i = 0;i < SignResSize; i++){
      //if there is a constraint loop through each slice of betadraw
      if(SignRes[i] != 0){
        for(int s = 0;s < R/keep; s++){
          betadraw(span(),span(i),span(s)) = SignRes[i] * exp(betadraw(span(),span(i),span(s)));
    }//end loop through SignRes
        Named("Deltadraw") = Deltadraw,
        Named("betadraw") = betadraw,
        Named("nmix") = nmix,
        Named("loglike") = loglike,
        Named("SignRes") = SignRes));  
  } else {
        Named("betadraw") = betadraw,
        Named("nmix") = nmix,
        Named("loglike") = loglike,
        Named("SignRes") = SignRes));