/* ****************************************************************************
* ok - 
TEST(versionTreat, ok)
  ConnectionInfo  ci("/version",  "GET", "1.1");
  std::string     out;

  out = restService(&ci, rs);

  // FIXME P2: Some day we'll do this ...
  // char*    expected =
  //   "<orion>\n"
  //   "  <version>" ORION_VERSION "</version>\n"
  //   "  <uptime>*</uptime>"
  //   "  <git_hash>*</git_hash>\n"
  //   "  <compile_time>*</compile_time>\n"
  //   "  <compiled_by>*</compiled_by>\n"
  //   "  <compiled_in>*</compiled_in>\n"
  //   "</orion>\n";  
  // bool            match;
  // match = std::regex_match(expected, out.c_str());

  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "<orion>") != NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "<version>") != NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "</version>") != NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "<uptime>") != NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "</uptime>") != NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "<git_hash>") != NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "</git_hash>") != NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "<compile_time>") != NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "</compile_time>") != NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "<compiled_in>") != NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "</compiled_in>") != NULL);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "</orion>") != NULL);

  extern const char*  orionUnitTestVersion;
  std::string         expected = std::string("<version>") + orionUnitTestVersion + "</version>";
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), expected.c_str()) != NULL);

  out       = restService(&ci, rs);
  EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(out.c_str(), "<version>1.2.3</version>") != NULL);

  std::string version = versionGet();
  EXPECT_EQ("1.2.3", version);
/* ****************************************************************************
* orionInit - 
void orionInit
  OrionExitFunction  exitFunction,
  const char*        version,
  SemOpType          reqPolicy,
  bool               _countersStatistics,
  bool               _semWaitStatistics,
  bool               _timingStatistics,
  bool               _notifQueueStatistics,
  bool               _checkIdv1
  // Give the rest library the correct version string of this executable

  // The function to call on fatal error
  orionExitFunction = exitFunction;

  // Initialize the semaphore used by mongoBackend
  semInit(reqPolicy, _semWaitStatistics);

  // Set timer object (singleton)
  setTimer(new Timer());

  // startTime for log library
  if (gettimeofday(&logStartTime, NULL) != 0)
    fprintf(stderr, "gettimeofday: %s\n", strerror(errno));
    orionExitFunction(1, "gettimeofday error");

  // Set start time and statisticsTime used by REST interface
  startTime      = logStartTime.tv_sec;
  statisticsTime = startTime;

  // Set other flags related with statistics
  countersStatistics   = _countersStatistics;
  timingStatistics     = _timingStatistics;
  notifQueueStatistics = _notifQueueStatistics;

  strncpy(transactionId, "N/A", sizeof(transactionId));

  checkIdv1 = _checkIdv1;