Config::Config(int argc, const char **argv)
	Command_line_parser parser;
	parser.add_command("makedb", "Build DIAMOND database from a FASTA file")
		.add_command("blastp", "Align amino acid query sequences against a protein reference database")
		.add_command("blastx", "Align DNA query sequences against a protein reference database")
		.add_command("view", "View DIAMOND alignment archive (DAA) formatted file")
		.add_command("help", "Produce help message")
		.add_command("version", "Display version information")
		.add_command("getseq", "")
		.add_command("benchmark", "")
		.add_command("random-seqs", "")
		.add_command("compare", "");

	Options_group general ("General options");
		("threads", 'p', "number of CPU threads", threads_)
		("db", 'd', "database file", database)
		("out", 'o', "output file", output_file)
		("outfmt", 'f', "output format (tab/sam/xml/daa)", output_format)
		("verbose", 'v', "verbose console output", verbose)
		("log", 0, "enable debug log", debug_log)
		("quiet", 0, "disable console output", quiet);

	Options_group makedb("Makedb options");
		("in", 0, "input reference file in FASTA format", input_ref_file)
#ifdef EXTRA
		("dbtype", po::value<string>(&program_options::db_type), "database type (nucl/prot)")

	Options_group aligner("Aligner options");
		("query",'q', "input query file", query_file)
		("max-target-seqs",'k', "maximum number of target sequences to report alignments for", max_alignments, uint64_t(25))
		("top", 0, "report alignments within this percentage range of top alignment score (overrides --max-target-seqs)", toppercent, 100.0)
		("compress", 0, "compression for output files (0=none, 1=gzip)", compression)
		("evalue",'e', "maximum e-value to report alignments", max_evalue, 0.001)
		("min-score", 0, "minimum bit score to report alignments (overrides e-value setting)", min_bit_score)
		("id", 0, "minimum identity% to report an alignment", min_id)
		("query-cover", 0, "minimum query cover% to report an alignment", query_cover)
		("sensitive", 0, "enable sensitive mode (default: fast)", mode_sensitive)
		("more-sensitive", 0, "enable more sensitive mode (default: fast)", mode_more_sensitive)
		("block-size", 'b', "sequence block size in billions of letters (default=2.0)", chunk_size, 2.0)
		("index-chunks",'c', "number of chunks for index processing", lowmem, 4u)
		("tmpdir",'t', "directory for temporary files", tmpdir)
		("gapopen", 0, "gap open penalty (default=11 for protein)", gap_open, -1)
		("gapextend", 0, "gap extension penalty (default=1 for protein)", gap_extend, -1)
#ifdef EXTRA
		("reward", po::value<int>(&program_options::reward)->default_value(2), "match reward score (blastn only)")
		("penalty", po::value<int>(&program_options::penalty)->default_value(-3), "mismatch penalty score (blastn only)")
		("matrix", 0, "score matrix for protein alignment", matrix, string("blosum62"))
		("seg", 0, "enable SEG masking of queries (yes/no)", seg)
		("salltitles", 0, "print full subject titles in output files", salltitles);

	Options_group advanced("Advanced options");
		("run-len", 'l', "mask runs between stop codons shorter than this length", run_len)
		("freq-sd", 0, "number of standard deviations for ignoring frequent seeds", freq_sd, 0.0)
		("id2", 0, "minimum number of identities for stage 1 hit", min_identities)
		("window", 'w', "window size for local hit search", window)
		("xdrop", 'x', "xdrop for ungapped alignment", xdrop, 20)
		("gapped-xdrop", 'X', "xdrop for gapped alignment in bits", gapped_xdrop, 20)
		("ungapped-score", 0, "minimum raw alignment score to continue local extension", min_ungapped_raw_score)
		("hit-band", 0, "band for hit verification", hit_band)
		("hit-score", 0, "minimum score to keep a tentative alignment", min_hit_score)
		("band", 0, "band for dynamic programming computation", padding)
		("shapes", 's', "number of seed shapes (0 = all available)", shapes)
		("index-mode", 0, "index mode (0=4x12, 1=16x9)", index_mode)
		("fetch-size", 0, "trace point fetch size", fetch_size, 4096u)
		("rank-factor", 0, "include subjects within this range of max-target-seqs", rank_factor, 2.0)
		("rank-ratio", 0, "include subjects within this ratio of last hit", rank_ratio, 0.35)
		("single-domain", 0, "Discard secondary domains within one target sequence", single_domain)
		("dbsize", 0, "effective database size (in letters)", db_size)
		("no-auto-append", 0, "disable auto appending of DAA and DMND file extensions", no_auto_append)
		("target-fetch-size", 0, "", target_fetch_size, 4u);
	Options_group view_options("View options");
		("daa", 'a', "DIAMOND alignment archive (DAA) file", daa_file)		
		("forwardonly", 0, "only show alignments of forward strand", forwardonly);

	Options_group hidden_options("");
		("extend-all", 0, "extend all seed hits", extend_all)
		("local-align", 0, "Local alignment algorithm", local_align_mode, 0u)
		("slow-search", 0, "", slow_search)
		("seq", 0, "", seq_no)
		("ht", 0, "", ht_mode)
		("old-freq", 0, "", old_freq)
		("qp", 0, "", query_parallel)
		("match1", 0, "", match_file1)
		("match2", 0, "", match_file2)
		("max-hits", 'C', "maximum number of hits to consider for one seed", hit_cap)
		("seed-freq", 0, "maximum seed frequency", max_seed_freq, -15.0);

	parser.store(argc, argv, command);

	switch (command) {
	case Config::makedb:
		if (input_ref_file == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Missing parameter: input file (--in)");
		if (database == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Missing parameter: database file (--db/-d)");
		if (chunk_size != 2.0)
			throw std::runtime_error("Invalid option: --block-size/-b. Block size is set for the alignment commands.");
	case Config::blastp:
	case Config::blastx:
		if (query_file == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Missing parameter: query file (--query/-q)");
		if (database == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Missing parameter: database file (--db/-d)");
		if (daa_file.length() > 0) {
			if (output_file.length() > 0)
				throw std::runtime_error("Options --daa and --out cannot be used together.");
			if (output_format.length() > 0 && output_format != "daa")
				throw std::runtime_error("Invalid parameter: --daa/-a. Output file is specified with the --out/-o parameter.");
			output_file = daa_file;
		if (daa_file.length() > 0 || output_format == "daa") {
			if (compression != 0)
				throw std::runtime_error("Compression is not supported for DAA format.");
			if (!no_auto_append)
				auto_append_extension(output_file, ".daa");
	case Config::view:
		if (daa_file == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Missing parameter: DAA file (--daa/-a)");

	if (hit_cap != 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("Deprecated parameter: --max-hits/-C.");

	if (debug_log)
		verbosity = 3;
	else if (quiet)
		verbosity = 0;
	else if (verbose)
		verbosity = 2;
	else if (((command == Config::view || command == blastx || command == blastp) && output_file == "")
		|| command == Config::version)
		verbosity = 0;
		verbosity = 1;

	switch (verbosity) {
	case 0:
		message_stream = Message_stream(false);
	case 3:
		log_stream = Message_stream();
	case 2:
		verbose_stream = Message_stream();

	if (!no_auto_append) {
		auto_append_extension(database, ".dmnd");
		if (command == Config::view)
			auto_append_extension(daa_file, ".daa");
		if (compression == 1)
			auto_append_extension(output_file, ".gz");

	message_stream << Const::program_name << " v" << Const::version_string << "." << (unsigned)Const::build_version << " | by Benjamin Buchfink <*****@*****.**>" << endl; 
	message_stream << "Check http://github.com/bbuchfink/diamond for updates." << endl << endl;
#ifndef NDEBUG
	verbose_stream << "Assertions enabled." << endl;
	set_option(threads_, tthread::thread::hardware_concurrency());

	switch (command) {
	case Config::makedb:
	case Config::blastp:
	case Config::blastx:
	case Config::view:
		message_stream << "#CPU threads: " << threads_ << endl;

	if (command == Config::blastp || command == Config::blastx || command == Config::benchmark) {
		if (tmpdir == "")
			tmpdir = extract_dir(output_file);
		if (gap_open == -1)
			gap_open = 11;
		if (gap_extend == -1)
			gap_extend = 1;
		score_matrix = Score_matrix(to_upper_case(matrix), gap_open, gap_extend, reward, penalty);
		message_stream << "Scoring parameters: " << score_matrix << endl;
		if (seg == "" && command == blastx)
			seg = "yes";
		verbose_stream << "SEG masking = " << (seg == "yes") << endl;
		have_ssse3 = check_SSSE3();
		if (have_ssse3)
			verbose_stream << "SSSE3 enabled." << endl;
		verbose_stream << "Reduction: " << Reduction::reduction << endl;

		if (mode_more_sensitive) {
			set_option(index_mode, 1u);
			set_option(freq_sd, 200.0);
		else if (mode_sensitive) {
			set_option(index_mode, 1u);
			set_option(freq_sd, 10.0);
		else {
			set_option(index_mode, 0u);
			set_option(freq_sd, 50.0);

		verbose_stream << "Seed frequency SD: " << freq_sd << endl;
		::shapes = shape_config(index_mode, shapes);
		verbose_stream << "Shape configuration: " << ::shapes << endl;

		message_stream << "#Target sequences to report alignments for: ";
		if (max_alignments == 0) {
			max_alignments = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
			message_stream << "unlimited" << endl;
		} else
			message_stream << max_alignments << endl;

	if (command == blastx)
		input_value_traits = nucleotide_traits;
	if (command == help)

	/*log_stream << "sizeof(hit)=" << sizeof(hit) << " sizeof(packed_uint40_t)=" << sizeof(packed_uint40_t)
		<< " sizeof(sorted_list::entry)=" << sizeof(sorted_list::entry) << endl;*/
文件: options.cpp 项目: KN2C/rctools

Options::parseCmdLine( int argc,
                       char ** argv )
    rcsc::ParamMap system_options( "System Options" );
    rcsc::ParamMap window_options( "Window Options" );
    rcsc::ParamMap editor_options( "Editor Options" );
    rcsc::ParamMap view_options( "View Options" );

    bool help = false;
    bool version = false;

        ( "help", "h",
          rcsc::BoolSwitch( &help ),
          "print this message." )
        ( "version", "v",
          rcsc::BoolSwitch( &version ),
          "print version." )

    std::string geometry;

        ( "maximize", "",
          rcsc::BoolSwitch( &M_maximize ),
          "start with a maximized window." )
        ( "full-screen", "",
          rcsc::BoolSwitch( &M_full_screen ),
          "start with a full screen window." )
        ( "geometry", "",
          "specifies the window geometry \"[WxH][+X+Y]\". e.g. --geometry=1024x768+0+0" )

    std::string conf_file;
    std::string data_file;
    std::string background_conf_file;

        ( "conf", "c",
          "specifies a .conf file." )
        ( "data", "d",
          "specifies a .dat file." )
        ( "background-conf", "C",
          "specifies a .conf file as a background data." )
        ( "auto-backup", "",
          "make backup files automatically" )

        ( "no-antialiasing", "",
          rcsc::NegateSwitch( &M_antialiasing ),
          "disable antialiasing painting." )
        ( "no-auto-fit", "",
          rcsc::NegateSwitch( &M_auto_fit_mode ),
          "disable automatic view area fitting." )

    rcsc::CmdLineParser parser( argc, argv );

    parser.parse( system_options );
    parser.parse( window_options );
    parser.parse( editor_options );
    parser.parse( view_options );

    // analyze positional options

    for ( std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator it = parser.positionalOptions().begin();
          it != parser.positionalOptions().end();
          ++it )
        // ".conf"
        if ( it->length() > 5
             && it->compare( it->length() - 5, 5, ".conf" ) == 0 )
            if ( conf_file.empty() )
                conf_file = *it;
            else if ( background_conf_file.empty() )
                background_conf_file = *it;
            else // if ( ! conf_file.empty() && ! background_conf_file.empty() )
                help = true;
            help = true;

    M_conf_file = QString::fromStdString( conf_file );
    M_data_file = QString::fromStdString( data_file );
    M_background_conf_file = QString::fromStdString( background_conf_file );

    // help message
    if ( help
         || parser.failed()
         || parser.positionalOptions().size() > 4 )
        std::cout << "Usage: " << "fedit"
                  << " [options ... ] [conf file [background conf file]] [dat file]"
                  << std::endl;
        system_options.printHelp( std::cout, false ); // with_default = false
        window_options.printHelp( std::cout );
        editor_options.printHelp( std::cout );
        view_options.printHelp( std::cout );
        return false;

    // version message
    if ( version )
        std::cout << "fedit" << " Version " << VERSION
                  << std::endl;
        return false;

    // window size and position

    parseWindowGeometry( geometry );

    return true;