 /*NP*/ void
trace_parcel (float pres, float temp, float dwpt)
	/*  TRACE_PARCEL                                             */
	/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  Plots parcel(pres, temp, dwpt) trajectory on SkewT       */
	/*  graphic.                                                 */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  pres             - Pressure of initial parcel(mb)        */
	/*  temp             - Temperature of initial parcel (c)     */
	/*  dwpt             - Dew Point of initial parcel (c)       */
  float i, p2, t2, t3;
  short x, y;

  if (!qc (pres) || !qc (temp) || !qc (dwpt))

  setcolor (31, draw_reg, gc);
  setlinestyle (4, 1);

  x = temp_to_pix (virtemp (pres, temp, dwpt), pres);
  y = pres_to_pix (pres);
  moveto (x, y);

  drylift (pres, temp, dwpt, &p2, &t2);
  x = temp_to_pix (virtemp (p2, t2, t2), p2);
  y = pres_to_pix (p2);
  lineto (x, y);

  for (i = p2 - 50; i >= 100; i = i - 50)
      t3 = wetlift (p2, t2, i);
      x = temp_to_pix (virtemp (i, t3, t3), i);
      y = pres_to_pix (i);
      lineto (x, y);
  t3 = wetlift (p2, t2, 100);
  x = temp_to_pix (virtemp (100, t3, t3), 100);
  y = pres_to_pix (100);
  lineto (x, y);
float visual1(float lower, float upper, float pres, float temp, float dwpt, int ulx, int uly, int vwid)
	/*  VISUAL1                                                  */
	/*  John Hart  NSSFC KCMO                                    */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  Lifts specified parcel, given an initial 5 m/s push.     */
	/*  parcel trajectory is then calculated, using strict       */
	/*  parcel theory.  Updraft size is assumed 1km dia.         */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  All calculations use the virtual temperature correction. */
	/*                                                           */
	/*  lower       =  Bottom level of layer (mb)  [ -1=SFC]     */
	/*  upper       =  Top level of layer (mb)     [ -1=TOP]     */
	/*  pres        =  LPL pressure (mb)                         */
	/*  temp        =  LPL temperature (c)                       */
	/*  dwpt        =  LPL dew point (c)                         */
	short i, lptr, uptr, pIndex, zIndex, tIndex, tdIndex;
	float te1, pe1, te2, pe2, h1, h2, lyre, tdef1, tdef2, totp, totn;
	float te3, pe3, h3, tp1, tp2, tp3, tdef3, lyrf, lyrlast, pelast;
	float tote, dh, restim, uvv, ix1, ix2, tottim;
	float u, v, du, dv, tsu, tsv, tdist, tangle, disp, angl;
	short colrx;

	lyre = -1;
	totp = 25;
	totn = 0;

	pIndex = getParmIndex("PRES");
	zIndex = getParmIndex("HGHT");
	tIndex = getParmIndex("TEMP");
	tdIndex = getParmIndex("DWPT");
	if (!sndg || pIndex == -1 || zIndex == -1 || tIndex == -1 || tdIndex == -1) return RMISSD;

	/* ----- See if default layer is specified ----- */
	if (lower == -1) { lower = sndg[sfc()][pIndex]; }
	if (upper == -1) { upper = sndg[numlvl-1][pIndex]; }

	/* ----- Make sure this is a valid layer ----- */
	if( lower > pres ) { lower = pres; }
	if( !qc( i_vtmp( upper , I_PRES))) { return RMISSD; }
	if( !qc( i_vtmp( lower , I_PRES))) { return RMISSD; }

	/* ----- Begin with Mixing Layer (LPL-LCL) ----- */
	te1 = i_vtmp(pres , I_PRES);
	pe1 = lower;
	h1 =  i_hght(pe1 , I_PRES);
	tp1 = virtemp(pres, temp, dwpt);

	drylift(pres, temp, dwpt, &pe2, &tp2);
	h2 =  i_hght(pe2 , I_PRES);
	te2 = i_vtmp(pe2 , I_PRES);

	if( lower > pe2 ) { lower = pe2; }

	/* ----- Find lowest observation in layer ----- */
	i = 0;
	while( sndg[i][pIndex] > lower)  { i++; }
	while ( !qc(sndg[i][tdIndex]) ) { i++; }
	lptr = i;
	if( sndg[i][pIndex] == lower ) { lptr++; }

	/* ----- Find highest observation in layer ----- */
	while(sndg[i][pIndex] < upper) { i--; }
	uptr = i;
	if( sndg[i][pIndex] == upper ) { uptr--; }

	/* ----- Start with interpolated bottom layer ----- */
	pe1 = lower;
	h1 =  i_hght( pe1 , I_PRES);
	te1 = i_vtmp( pe1 , I_PRES);
	tp1 = wetlift(pe2, tp2, pe1);

	totp = 25;
	totn = 0;
	tsu = 0;
	tsv = 0;
	restim = 0;
	tottim = 0;
	for (i = lptr; i < numlvl; i++) {
	   if (qc(sndg[i][tIndex])) {
	      /* ----- Calculate every level that reports a temp ----- */
	      pe2 = sndg[i][pIndex];
	      h2 =  sndg[i][zIndex];
	      te2 = i_vtmp( pe2 , I_PRES);
	      tp2 = wetlift(pe1, tp1, pe2);
	      tdef1 = (virtemp(pe1, tp1, tp1) - te1) / (te1 + 273.15);
	      tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
	      lyrlast = lyre;
	      lyre = 9.8F * (tdef1 + tdef2) / 2.0F * (h2 - h1);

	      if( lyre > 0 ) { totp += lyre; }
	      else { if(pe2 > 500) { totn += lyre; } }
	      tote += lyre;

	      uvv = (float)sqrt( totp * 2 );
	      dh = h2 - h1;
	      restim = dh / uvv;
	      tottim += restim;

	      sr_wind( pe1, pe2, st_dir, st_spd, &u, &v, &ix1, &ix2);
	      du = kt_to_mps(u) * restim;
	      dv = kt_to_mps(v) * restim;
	      tsu -= du;
	      tsv += dv;
	      tdist = (float)sqrt((tsu*tsu) + (tsv*tsv));
	      tangle = angle(tsu, tsv);

	      pelast = pe1;
	      pe1 = pe2;
	      h1 = h2;
	      te1 = te2;
	      tp1 = tp2;

	      /* ----- Is this the top of given layer ----- */
	      if(i >= uptr) {
		 pe3 = pe1;
		 h3 = h1;
		 te3 = te1;
		 tp3 = tp1;
		 lyrf = lyre;

		 if( lyrf > 0 )
		    { totp -= lyrf; }
		    { if(pe2 > 500) { totn -= lyrf; } }

		 pe2 = upper;
		 h2 = i_hght( pe2 , I_PRES);
		 te2 = i_vtmp( pe2 , I_PRES);
		 tp2 = wetlift(pe3, tp3, pe2);
		 tdef3 = (virtemp(pe3, tp3, tp3) - te3) / (te3 + 273.15);
		 tdef2 = (virtemp(pe2, tp2, tp2) - te2) / (te2 + 273.15);
		 lyrf = 9.8F * (tdef3 + tdef2) / 2.0F * (h2 - h3);
		 if( lyrf > 0 )
		    { totp += lyrf; }
		    { if(pe2 > 500) { totn -= lyrf; } }

		 if( totp == 0 ) { totn = 0; }

		 uvv = (float)sqrt( totp * 2 );
		 dh = h2 - h1;
		 restim = dh / uvv;
		 tottim += restim;

		 sr_wind( pe1, pe2, st_dir, st_spd, &u, &v, &ix1, &ix2);
		 du = kt_to_mps(u) * restim;
		 dv = kt_to_mps(v) * restim;
		 tsu -= du;
		 tsv += dv;
		 tdist = (float)sqrt((tsu*tsu) + (tsv*tsv));
		 tangle = angle(tsu, tsv);

		 colrx = 7;
		 vis_xy( -tsu, -tsv, colrx, ulx, uly, vwid);

		 angl = 90 - angle( tdist, agl(h2));

		 write_vis_data( tottim, angl, ulx, uly, vwid );
		 return 1;

	      colrx = 13;
	      if (h2>msl(3000)) colrx=3;
	      if (h2>msl(6000)) colrx=27;
	      if (h2>msl(9000)) colrx=20;
	      if (h2>msl(12000)) colrx=6;
	      vis_xy(-tsu, -tsv, colrx, ulx, uly, vwid);

	      if (sndg[i][pIndex] == 500) {
		 disp = tdist;
		 angl = 90 - angle( tdist, agl(sndg[i][zIndex]));

	return 1.0;  /* ? mkay. there was no value before. bad thing */