void modes_pre(void) { if(vle_mode_is(CMDLINE_MODE)) { touchwin(status_bar); wrefresh(status_bar); return; } else if(ANY(vle_mode_is, SORT_MODE, CHANGE_MODE, ATTR_MODE)) { return; } else if(vle_mode_is(VIEW_MODE)) { view_pre(); return; } else if(is_in_menu_like_mode()) { menu_pre(); return; } if(!curr_stats.save_msg) { clean_status_bar(); wrefresh(status_bar); } }
/* Gives menu-specific keyboard routine to process the shortcut. Returns zero * if the shortcut wasn't processed, otherwise non-zero is returned. */ static int pass_combination_to_khandler(const wchar_t keys[]) { KHandlerResponse handler_response; if(menu->key_handler == NULL) { return 0; } handler_response = menu->key_handler(menu, keys); switch(handler_response) { case KHR_REFRESH_WINDOW: wrefresh(menu_win); return 1; case KHR_CLOSE_MENU: leave_menu_mode(1); return 1; case KHR_MORPHED_MENU: assert(!vle_mode_is(MENU_MODE) && "Wrong use of KHR_MORPHED_MENU."); return 1; case KHR_UNHANDLED: return 0; default: assert(0 && "Unknown menu-specific keyboard handler response."); return 0; } }
static void keys_v(key_info_t key_info, keys_info_t *keys_info) { vle_mode_set(vle_mode_is(NORMAL_MODE) ? VISUAL_MODE : NORMAL_MODE, VMT_PRIMARY); printf("v visual mode toggle\n"); }
static void remote_cd(view_t *view, const char path[], int handle) { char buf[PATH_MAX + 1]; if(view->explore_mode) { view_leave_mode(); } if(view == other_view && vle_mode_is(VIEW_MODE)) { view_leave_mode(); } if(curr_stats.preview.on && (handle || view == other_view)) { qv_toggle(); } copy_str(buf, sizeof(buf), path); exclude_file_name(buf); (void)cd(view, view->curr_dir, buf); check_path_for_file(view, path, handle); }
static void cmd_return(key_info_t key_info, keys_info_t *keys_info) { static menu_data_t *saved_menu; vle_mode_set(NORMAL_MODE, VMT_PRIMARY); saved_menu = menu; if(menu->execute_handler != NULL && menu->execute_handler(view, menu)) { vle_mode_set(MENU_MODE, VMT_PRIMARY); menu_full_redraw(); return; } if(!vle_mode_is(MENU_MODE)) { menus_reset_data(saved_menu); } else if(menu != saved_menu) { menus_reset_data(saved_menu); menu_partial_redraw(); } update_ui_on_leaving(); }
static void cmd_ctrl_m(key_info_t key_info, keys_info_t *keys_info) { static menu_info *saved_menu; vle_mode_set(NORMAL_MODE, VMT_PRIMARY); saved_menu = menu; if(menu->execute_handler != NULL && menu->execute_handler(curr_view, menu)) { vle_mode_set(MENU_MODE, VMT_PRIMARY); menu_redraw(); return; } if(!vle_mode_is(MENU_MODE)) { reset_popup_menu(saved_menu); } else if(menu != saved_menu) { reset_popup_menu(saved_menu); update_menu(); } update_ui_on_leaving(); }
/* Checks whether suggestion box should be displayed. Returns non-zero if so, * otherwise zero is returned. */ static int should_display_suggestion_box(void) { if((cfg.sug.flags & SF_NORMAL) && vle_mode_is(NORMAL_MODE)) { return 1; } if((cfg.sug.flags & SF_VISUAL) && vle_mode_is(VISUAL_MODE)) { return 1; } if((cfg.sug.flags & SF_VIEW) && vle_mode_is(VIEW_MODE)) { return 1; } return 0; }
void clear_input_bar(void) { if(uses_input_bar[vle_mode_get()] && !vle_mode_is(VISUAL_MODE)) { clear_num_window(); } }
static void cmd_return(key_info_t key_info, keys_info_t *keys_info) { update_marks(view); if(vle_mode_is(VISUAL_MODE)) { vle_mode_set(NORMAL_MODE, VMT_PRIMARY); } }
void menu_reenter_mode(menu_data_t *m) { assert(vle_mode_is(MENU_MODE) && "Can't reenter if not in menu mode."); assert(m->len > 0 && "Menu cannot be empty."); menus_replace_data(m); menus_full_redraw(m->state); menu = m; }
void modes_statusbar_update(void) { if(curr_stats.save_msg) { if(vle_mode_is(VISUAL_MODE)) { update_vmode_input(); } } else if(curr_view->selected_files || vle_mode_is(VISUAL_MODE)) { print_selected_msg(); } else { clean_status_bar(); } }
void modes_update(void) { if(vle_mode_is(CMDLINE_MODE)) { redraw_cmdline(); return; } else if(vle_mode_is(MENU_MODE)) { menu_redraw(); return; } else if(vle_mode_is(FILE_INFO_MODE)) { redraw_file_info_dialog(); return; } touchwin(stdscr); update_all_windows(); if(vle_mode_is(SORT_MODE)) { redraw_sort_dialog(); } else if(vle_mode_is(CHANGE_MODE)) { redraw_change_dialog(); } else if(vle_mode_is(ATTR_MODE)) { redraw_attr_dialog(); } }
void modupd_input_bar(wchar_t *str) { if(vle_mode_is(VISUAL_MODE)) { clear_input_bar(); } if(uses_input_bar[vle_mode_get()]) { update_input_bar(str); } }
void modes_post(void) { if(ANY(vle_mode_is, CMDLINE_MODE, SORT_MODE, CHANGE_MODE, ATTR_MODE)) { return; } else if(vle_mode_is(VIEW_MODE)) { view_post(); return; } else if(is_in_menu_like_mode()) { menu_post(); return; } update_screen(curr_stats.need_update); if(curr_stats.save_msg) { status_bar_message(NULL); } if(!vle_mode_is(FILE_INFO_MODE) && curr_view->list_rows > 0) { if(!is_status_bar_multiline()) { update_stat_window(curr_view); ui_ruler_update(curr_view); } } modes_statusbar_update(); }
void print_selected_msg(void) { if(vle_mode_is(VISUAL_MODE)) { status_bar_messagef("-- %s -- ", describe_visual_mode()); update_vmode_input(); } else { status_bar_messagef("%d %s selected", curr_view->selected_files, curr_view->selected_files == 1 ? "file" : "files"); } curr_stats.save_msg = 2; }
void view_explore_mode_quit(FileView *view) { assert(!vle_mode_is(VIEW_MODE) && "Unexpected mode."); if(!view->explore_mode) { return; } view->explore_mode = 0; reset_view_info(&view_info[(view == &lwin) ? VI_LWIN : VI_RWIN]); redraw_view(view); ui_view_title_update(view); }
/* Leaves menu mode, possibly resetting selection. Does nothing if current mode * isn't menu mode. */ static void leave_menu_mode(int reset_selection) { /* Some menu implementation could have switched mode from one of handlers. */ if(!vle_mode_is(MENU_MODE)) { return; } menus_reset_data(menu); if(reset_selection) { flist_sel_stash(view); redraw_view(view); } vle_mode_set(NORMAL_MODE, VMT_PRIMARY); update_ui_on_leaving(); }
/* Leaves menu mode, possibly resetting selection. Does nothing if current mode * isn't menu mode. */ static void leave_menu_mode(int reset_selection) { /* Some menu implementation could have switched mode from one of handlers. */ if(!vle_mode_is(MENU_MODE)) { return; } reset_popup_menu(menu); if(reset_selection) { clean_selected_files(view); redraw_view(view); } vle_mode_set(NORMAL_MODE, VMT_PRIMARY); update_ui_on_leaving(); }
void leave_visual_mode(int save_msg, int goto_top, int clear_selection) { if(goto_top) { int ub = check_mark_directory(view, '<'); if(ub != -1) view->list_pos = ub; } if(clear_selection) { reset_search_results(view); restore_selection_flags(view); redraw_view(view); } curr_stats.save_msg = save_msg; if(vle_mode_is(VISUAL_MODE)) { vle_mode_set(NORMAL_MODE, VMT_PRIMARY); } }
void modes_redraw(void) { LOG_FUNC_ENTER; static int in_here; if(curr_stats.load_stage < 2) { return; } if(in_here++ > 0) { /* TODO: is this still needed? Update scheduling might have solved issues * caused by asynchronous execution of this function in the past. */ return; } if(curr_stats.term_state != TS_NORMAL) { update_screen(UT_REDRAW); goto finish; } if(vle_mode_is(CMDLINE_MODE)) { redraw_cmdline(); goto finish; } else if(vle_primary_mode_is(MENU_MODE)) { menu_redraw(); if(vle_mode_is(MSG_MODE)) { redraw_msg_dialog(0); } goto finish; } else if(vle_mode_is(FILE_INFO_MODE)) { redraw_file_info_dialog(); goto finish; } update_screen(UT_REDRAW); if(curr_stats.save_msg) { status_bar_message(NULL); } if(vle_mode_is(SORT_MODE)) { redraw_sort_dialog(); } else if(vle_mode_is(CHANGE_MODE)) { redraw_change_dialog(); } else if(vle_mode_is(ATTR_MODE)) { redraw_attr_dialog(); } else if(vle_mode_is(VIEW_MODE)) { view_redraw(); } else if(vle_mode_is(MSG_MODE)) { redraw_msg_dialog(0); } finish: if(--in_here > 0) { modes_redraw(); } }
/* Returns negative value in case of error */ static int execute_command(FileView *view, const char command[], int menu) { int id; int result; if(command == NULL) { flist_sel_stash_if_nonempty(view); return 0; } command = skip_to_cmd_name(command); if(command[0] == '"') return 0; if(command[0] == '\0' && !menu) { flist_sel_stash_if_nonempty(view); return 0; } if(!menu) { init_cmds(1, &cmds_conf); cmds_conf.begin = 0; cmds_conf.current = view->list_pos; cmds_conf.end = view->list_rows - 1; } id = get_cmd_id(command); if(!cmd_should_be_processed(id)) { return 0; } if(id == USER_CMD_ID) { char undo_msg[COMMAND_GROUP_INFO_LEN]; snprintf(undo_msg, sizeof(undo_msg), "in %s: %s", replace_home_part(flist_get_dir(view)), command); cmd_group_begin(undo_msg); cmd_group_end(); } keep_view_selection = 0; result = execute_cmd(command); if(result >= 0) return result; switch(result) { case CMDS_ERR_LOOP: status_bar_error("Loop in commands"); break; case CMDS_ERR_NO_MEM: status_bar_error("Unable to allocate enough memory"); break; case CMDS_ERR_TOO_FEW_ARGS: status_bar_error("Too few arguments"); break; case CMDS_ERR_TRAILING_CHARS: status_bar_error("Trailing characters"); break; case CMDS_ERR_INCORRECT_NAME: status_bar_error("Incorrect command name"); break; case CMDS_ERR_NEED_BANG: status_bar_error("Add bang to force"); break; case CMDS_ERR_NO_BUILTIN_REDEFINE: status_bar_error("Can't redefine builtin command"); break; case CMDS_ERR_INVALID_CMD: status_bar_error("Invalid command name"); break; case CMDS_ERR_NO_BANG_ALLOWED: status_bar_error("No ! is allowed"); break; case CMDS_ERR_NO_RANGE_ALLOWED: status_bar_error("No range is allowed"); break; case CMDS_ERR_NO_QMARK_ALLOWED: status_bar_error("No ? is allowed"); break; case CMDS_ERR_INVALID_RANGE: /* message dialog is enough */ break; case CMDS_ERR_NO_SUCH_UDF: status_bar_error("No such user defined command"); break; case CMDS_ERR_UDF_IS_AMBIGUOUS: status_bar_error("Ambiguous use of user-defined command"); break; case CMDS_ERR_ZERO_COUNT: status_bar_error("Zero count"); break; case CMDS_ERR_INVALID_ARG: status_bar_error("Invalid argument"); break; case CMDS_ERR_CUSTOM: /* error message is posted by command handler */ break; default: status_bar_error("Unknown error"); break; } if(!menu && vle_mode_is(NORMAL_MODE)) { flist_sel_stash_if_nonempty(view); } return -1; }
void event_loop(const int *quit) { /* TODO: refactor this function event_loop(). */ LOG_FUNC_ENTER; const wchar_t *const prev_input_buf = curr_input_buf; const size_t *const prev_input_buf_pos = curr_input_buf_pos; wchar_t input_buf[128]; size_t input_buf_pos; int last_result = 0; int wait_for_enter = 0; int wait_for_suggestion = 0; int timeout = cfg.timeout_len; input_buf[0] = L'\0'; input_buf_pos = 0; curr_input_buf = &input_buf[0]; curr_input_buf_pos = &input_buf_pos; /* Make sure to set the working directory once in order to have the * desired state even before any events are processed. */ (void)vifm_chdir(flist_get_dir(curr_view)); while(!*quit) { wint_t c; size_t counter; int got_input; lwin.user_selection = 1; rwin.user_selection = 1; modes_pre(); /* Waits for timeout then skips if no key press. Short-circuit if we're not * waiting for the next key after timeout. */ do { const int actual_timeout = wait_for_suggestion ? MIN(timeout, cfg.sug.delay) : timeout; if(!ensure_term_is_ready()) { wait_for_enter = 0; continue; } modes_periodic(); bg_check(); got_input = (get_char_async_loop(status_bar, &c, actual_timeout) != ERR); /* If suggestion delay timed out, reset it and wait the rest of the * timeout. */ if(!got_input && wait_for_suggestion) { wait_for_suggestion = 0; timeout -= actual_timeout; display_suggestion_box(input_buf); continue; } wait_for_suggestion = 0; if(!got_input && (input_buf_pos == 0 || last_result == KEYS_WAIT)) { timeout = cfg.timeout_len; continue; } if(got_input && c == K(KEY_RESIZE)) { modes_redraw(); continue; } break; } while(1); suggestions_are_visible = 0; /* Ensure that current working directory is set correctly (some pieces of * code rely on this, e.g. %c macro in current directory). */ (void)vifm_chdir(flist_get_dir(curr_view)); if(got_input) { if(wait_for_enter) { wait_for_enter = 0; curr_stats.save_msg = 0; ui_sb_clear(); if(c == WC_CR) { continue; } } if(c == WC_C_z) { ui_shutdown(); stop_process(); continue; } if(input_buf_pos < ARRAY_LEN(input_buf) - 2) { input_buf[input_buf_pos++] = c; input_buf[input_buf_pos] = L'\0'; } else { /* Recover from input buffer overflow by resetting its contents. */ reset_input_buf(input_buf, &input_buf_pos); clear_input_bar(); continue; } } counter = vle_keys_counter(); if(!got_input && last_result == KEYS_WAIT_SHORT) { hide_suggestion_box(); last_result = vle_keys_exec_timed_out(input_buf); counter = vle_keys_counter() - counter; assert(counter <= input_buf_pos); if(counter > 0) { memmove(input_buf, input_buf + counter, (wcslen(input_buf) - counter + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); } } else { if(got_input) { curr_stats.save_msg = 0; } if(last_result == KEYS_WAIT || last_result == KEYS_WAIT_SHORT) { hide_suggestion_box(); } last_result = vle_keys_exec(input_buf); counter = vle_keys_counter() - counter; assert(counter <= input_buf_pos); if(counter > 0) { input_buf_pos -= counter; memmove(input_buf, input_buf + counter, (wcslen(input_buf) - counter + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); } if(last_result == KEYS_WAIT || last_result == KEYS_WAIT_SHORT) { if(should_display_suggestion_box()) { wait_for_suggestion = 1; } if(got_input) { modupd_input_bar(input_buf); } if(last_result == KEYS_WAIT_SHORT && wcscmp(input_buf, L"\033") == 0) { timeout = 1; } if(counter > 0) { clear_input_bar(); } if(!curr_stats.save_msg && curr_view->selected_files && !vle_mode_is(CMDLINE_MODE)) { print_selected_msg(); } continue; } } timeout = cfg.timeout_len; process_scheduled_updates(); reset_input_buf(input_buf, &input_buf_pos); clear_input_bar(); if(ui_sb_multiline()) { wait_for_enter = 1; update_all_windows(); continue; } /* Ensure that current working directory is set correctly (some pieces of * code rely on this). PWD could be changed during command execution, but * it should be correct for modes_post() in case of preview modes. */ (void)vifm_chdir(flist_get_dir(curr_view)); modes_post(); } curr_input_buf = prev_input_buf; curr_input_buf_pos = prev_input_buf_pos; }
static void status_bar_message_i(const char message[], int error) { /* TODO: Refactor this function status_bar_message_i() */ static char *msg; static int err; int len; const char *p, *q; int lines; int status_bar_lines; size_t screen_length; const char *out_msg; char truncated_msg[2048]; if(curr_stats.load_stage == 0) { return; } if(message != NULL) { if(replace_string(&msg, message)) { return; } err = error; save_status_bar_msg(msg); } if(msg == NULL || vle_mode_is(CMDLINE_MODE)) { return; } p = msg; q = msg - 1; status_bar_lines = 0; len = getmaxx(stdscr); while((q = strchr(q + 1, '\n')) != NULL) { status_bar_lines += DIV_ROUND_UP(q - p, len ); if(q == p) { ++status_bar_lines; } p = q + 1; } if(*p == '\0') { ++status_bar_lines; } screen_length = utf8_strsw(p); status_bar_lines += DIV_ROUND_UP(screen_length, len); if(status_bar_lines == 0) { status_bar_lines = 1; } lines = status_bar_lines; if(status_bar_lines > 1 || screen_length > (size_t)getmaxx(status_bar)) { ++lines; } out_msg = msg; if(lines > 1) { if(cfg.trunc_normal_sb_msgs && !err && curr_stats.allow_sb_msg_truncation) { truncate_with_ellipsis(msg, getmaxx(stdscr) - FIELDS_WIDTH(), truncated_msg); out_msg = truncated_msg; lines = 1; } else { const int extra = DIV_ROUND_UP(ARRAY_LEN(PRESS_ENTER_MSG) - 1, len) - 1; lines += extra; } } if(lines > getmaxy(stdscr)) { lines = getmaxy(stdscr); } (void)ui_stat_reposition(lines); mvwin(status_bar, getmaxy(stdscr) - lines, 0); if(lines == 1) { wresize(status_bar, lines, getmaxx(stdscr) - FIELDS_WIDTH()); } else { wresize(status_bar, lines, getmaxx(stdscr)); } checked_wmove(status_bar, 0, 0); if(err) { col_attr_t col = cfg.cs.color[CMD_LINE_COLOR]; mix_colors(&col, &cfg.cs.color[ERROR_MSG_COLOR]); wattron(status_bar, COLOR_PAIR(colmgr_get_pair(col.fg, col.bg)) | col.attr); } else { int attr = cfg.cs.color[CMD_LINE_COLOR].attr; wattron(status_bar, COLOR_PAIR(cfg.cs.pair[CMD_LINE_COLOR]) | attr); } werase(status_bar); wprint(status_bar, out_msg); multiline_status_bar = lines > 1; if(multiline_status_bar) { checked_wmove(status_bar, lines - DIV_ROUND_UP(ARRAY_LEN(PRESS_ENTER_MSG), len), 0); wclrtoeol(status_bar); if(lines < status_bar_lines) wprintw(status_bar, "%d of %d lines. ", lines, status_bar_lines); wprintw(status_bar, "%s", PRESS_ENTER_MSG); } wattrset(status_bar, 0); update_all_windows(); /* This is needed because update_all_windows() doesn't call doupdate() if * curr_stats.load_stage == 1. */ doupdate(); }
/* Expands macros in the *format string advancing the pointer as it goes. The * opt represents conditional expression state, should be zero for non-recursive * calls. Returns newly allocated string, which should be freed by the * caller. */ static char * parse_view_macros(FileView *view, const char **format, const char macros[], int opt) { const dir_entry_t *const entry = &view->dir_entry[view->list_pos]; char *result = strdup(""); size_t len = 0; char c; int nexpansions = 0; while((c = **format) != '\0') { size_t width = 0; int left_align = 0; char buf[PATH_MAX]; const char *const next = ++*format; int skip, ok; if(c != '%' || (!char_is_one_of(macros, *next) && !isdigit(*next))) { if(strappendch(&result, &len, c) != 0) { break; } continue; } if(*next == '-') { left_align = 1; ++*format; } while(isdigit(**format)) { width = width*10 + *(*format)++ - '0'; } c = *(*format)++; skip = 0; ok = 1; switch(c) { case 't': format_entry_name(entry, sizeof(buf), buf); break; case 'A': #ifndef _WIN32 get_perm_string(buf, sizeof(buf), entry->mode); #else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", attr_str_long(entry->attrs)); #endif break; case 'u': get_uid_string(entry, 0, sizeof(buf), buf); break; case 'g': get_gid_string(entry, 0, sizeof(buf), buf); break; case 's': friendly_size_notation(entry->size, sizeof(buf), buf); break; case 'E': { uint64_t size = 0; if(view->selected_files > 0) { int i; for(i = 0; i < view->list_rows; i++) { if(view->dir_entry[i].selected) { size += get_file_size_by_entry(view, i); } } } /* Make exception for VISUAL_MODE, since it can contain empty * selection when cursor is on ../ directory. */ else if(!vle_mode_is(VISUAL_MODE)) { size = get_file_size_by_entry(view, view->list_pos); } friendly_size_notation(size, sizeof(buf), buf); } break; case 'd': { struct tm *tm_ptr = localtime(&entry->mtime); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), cfg.time_format, tm_ptr); } break; case '-': skip = expand_num(buf, sizeof(buf), view->filtered); break; case 'l': skip = expand_num(buf, sizeof(buf), view->list_pos + 1); break; case 'L': skip = expand_num(buf, sizeof(buf), view->list_rows + view->filtered); break; case 'S': skip = expand_num(buf, sizeof(buf), view->list_rows); break; case '%': snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%%"); break; case '[': { char *const opt_str = parse_view_macros(view, format, macros, 1); copy_str(buf, sizeof(buf), opt_str); free(opt_str); break; } case ']': if(opt) { if(nexpansions == 0) { replace_string(&result, ""); } return result; } else { LOG_INFO_MSG("Unmatched %]", c); ok = 0; } break; default: LOG_INFO_MSG("Unexpected %%-sequence: %%%c", c); ok = 0; break; } if(!ok) { *format = next; if(strappendch(&result, &len, '%') != 0) { break; } continue; } check_expanded_str(buf, skip, &nexpansions); stralign(buf, width, ' ', left_align); if(strappend(&result, &len, buf) != 0) { break; } } /* Unmatched %[. */ if(opt) { (void)strprepend(&result, &len, "%["); } return result; }
void event_loop(const int *quit) { /* TODO: refactor this function event_loop(). */ LOG_FUNC_ENTER; const wchar_t *const prev_input_buf = curr_input_buf; const size_t *const prev_input_buf_pos = curr_input_buf_pos; wchar_t input_buf[128]; size_t input_buf_pos; int last_result = 0; int wait_for_enter = 0; int timeout = cfg.timeout_len; input_buf[0] = L'\0'; input_buf_pos = 0; curr_input_buf = &input_buf[0]; curr_input_buf_pos = &input_buf_pos; while(!*quit) { wint_t c; size_t counter; int got_input; if(!ensure_term_is_ready()) { wait_for_enter = 0; continue; } lwin.user_selection = 1; rwin.user_selection = 1; modes_pre(); /* Waits for timeout then skips if no keypress. Short-circuit if we're not * waiting for the next key after timeout. */ do { modes_periodic(); check_background_jobs(); got_input = get_char_async_loop(status_bar, &c, timeout) != ERR; if(!got_input && input_buf_pos == 0) { timeout = cfg.timeout_len; continue; } break; } while(1); /* Ensure that current working directory is set correctly (some pieces of * code rely on this). */ (void)vifm_chdir(flist_get_dir(curr_view)); if(got_input) { if(wait_for_enter) { wait_for_enter = 0; curr_stats.save_msg = 0; clean_status_bar(); if(c == L'\x0d') { continue; } } if(c == L'\x1a') /* Ctrl-Z */ { def_prog_mode(); endwin(); stop_process(); continue; } if(input_buf_pos < ARRAY_LEN(input_buf) - 2) { input_buf[input_buf_pos++] = c; input_buf[input_buf_pos] = L'\0'; } else { /* Recover from input buffer overflow by resetting its contents. */ reset_input_buf(input_buf, &input_buf_pos); clear_input_bar(); continue; } } counter = get_key_counter(); if(!got_input && last_result == KEYS_WAIT_SHORT) { last_result = execute_keys_timed_out(input_buf); counter = get_key_counter() - counter; assert(counter <= input_buf_pos); if(counter > 0) { memmove(input_buf, input_buf + counter, (wcslen(input_buf) - counter + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); } } else { if(got_input) { curr_stats.save_msg = 0; } last_result = execute_keys(input_buf); counter = get_key_counter() - counter; assert(counter <= input_buf_pos); if(counter > 0) { input_buf_pos -= counter; memmove(input_buf, input_buf + counter, (wcslen(input_buf) - counter + 1)*sizeof(wchar_t)); } if(last_result == KEYS_WAIT || last_result == KEYS_WAIT_SHORT) { if(got_input) { modupd_input_bar(input_buf); } if(last_result == KEYS_WAIT_SHORT && wcscmp(input_buf, L"\033") == 0) { timeout = 1; } if(counter > 0) { clear_input_bar(); } if(!curr_stats.save_msg && curr_view->selected_files && !vle_mode_is(CMDLINE_MODE)) { print_selected_msg(); } continue; } } timeout = cfg.timeout_len; process_scheduled_updates(); reset_input_buf(input_buf, &input_buf_pos); clear_input_bar(); if(is_status_bar_multiline()) { wait_for_enter = 1; update_all_windows(); continue; } /* Ensure that current working directory is set correctly (some pieces of * code rely on this). PWD could be changed during command execution, but * it should be correct for modes_post() in case of preview modes. */ (void)vifm_chdir(flist_get_dir(curr_view)); modes_post(); } curr_input_buf = prev_input_buf; curr_input_buf_pos = prev_input_buf_pos; }
void quick_view_file(FileView *view) { char path[PATH_MAX]; const dir_entry_t *entry; if(curr_stats.load_stage < 2) { return; } if(vle_mode_is(VIEW_MODE)) { return; } if(curr_stats.number_of_windows == 1) { return; } if(draw_abandoned_view_mode()) { return; } ui_view_erase(other_view); entry = &view->dir_entry[view->list_pos]; get_full_path_of(entry, sizeof(path), path); switch(view->dir_entry[view->list_pos].type) { case FT_CHAR_DEV: mvwaddstr(other_view->win, LINE, COL, "File is a Character Device"); break; case FT_BLOCK_DEV: mvwaddstr(other_view->win, LINE, COL, "File is a Block Device"); break; #ifndef _WIN32 case FT_SOCK: mvwaddstr(other_view->win, LINE, COL, "File is a Socket"); break; #endif case FT_FIFO: mvwaddstr(other_view->win, LINE, COL, "File is a Named Pipe"); break; case FT_LINK: if(get_link_target_abs(path, entry->origin, path, sizeof(path)) != 0) { mvwaddstr(other_view->win, LINE, COL, "Cannot resolve Link"); break; } if(!ends_with_slash(path) && is_dir(path)) { strncat(path, "/", sizeof(path) - strlen(path) - 1); } /* break intensionally omitted */ case FT_UNK: default: { const char *viewer; FILE *fp; char *const typed_fname = get_typed_fname(path); viewer = ft_get_viewer(typed_fname); free(typed_fname); if(viewer == NULL && is_dir(path)) { mvwaddstr(other_view->win, LINE, COL, "File is a Directory"); break; } if(is_null_or_empty(viewer)) { fp = os_fopen(path, "rb"); } else { fp = use_info_prog(viewer); } if(fp == NULL) { mvwaddstr(other_view->win, LINE, COL, "Cannot open file"); break; } ui_view_clear(other_view); wattrset(other_view->win, 0); view_file(fp, cfg.wrap_quick_view); fclose(fp); break; } } refresh_view_win(other_view); ui_view_title_update(other_view); }
/* Expands macros in the *format string advancing the pointer as it goes. The * opt represents conditional expression state, should be zero for non-recursive * calls. Returns newly allocated string, which should be freed by the * caller. */ static LineWithAttrs parse_view_macros(view_t *view, const char **format, const char macros[], int opt) { const dir_entry_t *const curr = get_current_entry(view); LineWithAttrs result = { .line = strdup(""), .attrs = strdup("") }; char c; int nexpansions = 0; int has_expander = 0; if(curr == NULL) { return result; } while((c = **format) != '\0') { size_t width = 0; int left_align = 0; char buf[PATH_MAX + 1]; const char *const next = ++*format; int skip, ok; if(c != '%' || (!char_is_one_of(macros, *next) && !isdigit(*next) && (*next != '=' || has_expander))) { if(strappendch(&result.line, &result.line_len, c) != 0) { break; } continue; } if(*next == '=') { (void)sync_attrs(&result, 0); if(strappend(&result.line, &result.line_len, "%=") != 0 || strappendch(&result.attrs, &result.attrs_len, '=') != 0) { break; } ++*format; has_expander = 1; continue; } if(*next == '-') { left_align = 1; ++*format; } while(isdigit(**format)) { width = width*10 + *(*format)++ - '0'; } c = *(*format)++; skip = 0; ok = 1; buf[0] = '\0'; switch(c) { case 'a': friendly_size_notation(get_free_space(curr_view->curr_dir), sizeof(buf), buf); break; case 't': format_entry_name(curr, NF_FULL, sizeof(buf), buf); break; case 'T': if(curr->type == FT_LINK) { char full_path[PATH_MAX + 1]; char link_path[PATH_MAX + 1]; //add by sim1 get_full_path_of(curr, sizeof(full_path), full_path); //mod by sim1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if(get_link_target(full_path, link_path, sizeof(link_path)) != 0) { copy_str(buf, sizeof(buf), "Failed to resolve link"); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " -> %s", link_path); } //mod by sim1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> } break; case 'f': get_short_path_of(view, curr, NF_FULL, 0, sizeof(buf), buf); break; case 'A': #ifndef _WIN32 get_perm_string(buf, sizeof(buf), curr->mode); #else copy_str(buf, sizeof(buf), attr_str_long(curr->attrs)); #endif break; case 'u': get_uid_string(curr, 0, sizeof(buf), buf); break; case 'g': get_gid_string(curr, 0, sizeof(buf), buf); break; case 's': friendly_size_notation(fentry_get_size(view, curr), sizeof(buf), buf); break; //add by sim1 ************************************************ case 'r': { char path[PATH_MAX] = {0}; get_full_path_at(view, view->list_pos, sizeof(path), path); (void)get_rating_string(buf, sizeof(buf), path); } break; case 'n': { int nitems = !fentry_is_dir(curr) ? 0 : (int)fentry_get_nitems(view, curr); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", nitems); } break; //add by sim1 ************************************************ case 'E': { uint64_t size = 0U; typedef int (*iter_f)(view_t *view, dir_entry_t **entry); /* No current element for visual mode, since it can contain truly * empty selection when cursor is on ../ directory. */ iter_f iter = vle_mode_is(VISUAL_MODE) ? &iter_selected_entries : &iter_selection_or_current; dir_entry_t *entry = NULL; while(iter(view, &entry)) { size += fentry_get_size(view, entry); } friendly_size_notation(size, sizeof(buf), buf); } break; case 'd': { struct tm *tm_ptr = localtime(&curr->mtime); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), cfg.time_format, tm_ptr); } break; case '-': case 'x': skip = expand_num(buf, sizeof(buf), view->filtered); break; case 'l': skip = expand_num(buf, sizeof(buf), view->list_pos + 1); break; case 'L': skip = expand_num(buf, sizeof(buf), view->list_rows + view->filtered); break; case 'S': skip = expand_num(buf, sizeof(buf), view->list_rows); break; case '%': copy_str(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"); break; case 'z': copy_str(buf, sizeof(buf), get_tip()); break; case 'D': if(curr_stats.number_of_windows == 1) { view_t *const other = (view == curr_view) ? other_view : curr_view; //mod by sim1 //copy_str(buf, sizeof(buf), replace_home_part(other->curr_dir)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), " ‖ %s", replace_home_part(other->curr_dir)); } break; case '[': { LineWithAttrs opt = parse_view_macros(view, format, macros, 1); copy_str(buf, sizeof(buf), opt.line); free(opt.line); char *attrs = opt.attrs; if(sync_attrs(&result, 0) && opt.attrs_len > 0U) { if(*attrs != ' ') { result.attrs[result.attrs_len - 1U] = *attrs; } ++attrs; } strappend(&result.attrs, &result.attrs_len, attrs); free(opt.attrs); break; } case ']': if(opt) { if(nexpansions == 0) { replace_string(&result.line, ""); replace_string(&result.attrs, ""); result.line_len = 0U; result.attrs_len = 0U; } if(sync_attrs(&result, 0)) { result.attrs[--result.attrs_len] = '\0'; } return result; } LOG_INFO_MSG("Unmatched %%]"); ok = 0; break; case '{': { /* Try to find matching closing bracket * TODO: implement the way to escape it, so that the expr may contain * closing brackets */ const char *e = strchr(*format, '}'); char *expr = NULL, *resstr = NULL; var_t res = var_false(); ParsingErrors parsing_error; /* If there's no matching closing bracket, just add the opening one * literally */ if(e == NULL) { ok = 0; break; } /* Create a NULL-terminated copy of the given expr. * TODO: we could temporarily use buf for that, to avoid extra * allocation, but explicitly named variable reads better. */ expr = calloc(e - (*format) + 1 /* NUL-term */, 1); memcpy(expr, *format, e - (*format)); /* Try to parse expr, and convert the res to string if succeed. */ parsing_error = parse(expr, 0, &res); if(parsing_error == PE_NO_ERROR) { resstr = var_to_str(res); } if(resstr != NULL) { copy_str(buf, sizeof(buf), resstr); } else { copy_str(buf, sizeof(buf), "<Invalid expr>"); } var_free(res); free(resstr); free(expr); *format = e + 1 /* closing bracket */; } break; case '*': if(width > 9) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%%%d*", (int)width); width = 0; break; } (void)sync_attrs(&result, 1); result.attrs[result.attrs_len - 1] = '0' + width; width = 0; break; default: LOG_INFO_MSG("Unexpected %%-sequence: %%%c", c); ok = 0; break; } if(char_is_one_of("tTAugsEd", c) && fentry_is_fake(curr)) { buf[0] = '\0'; } if(!ok) { *format = next; if(strappendch(&result.line, &result.line_len, '%') != 0) { break; } continue; } check_expanded_str(buf, skip, &nexpansions); stralign(buf, width, ' ', left_align); if(strappend(&result.line, &result.line_len, buf) != 0) { break; } } /* Unmatched %[. */ if(opt) { (void)strprepend(&result.line, &result.line_len, "%["); } if(sync_attrs(&result, 0)) { result.attrs[--result.attrs_len] = '\0'; } return result; } /* Makes sure that result->attrs has at least as many elements as result->line * contains characters + extra_width. Returns non-zero if result->attrs has * extra characters compared to result->line. */ static int sync_attrs(LineWithAttrs *result, int extra_width) { const size_t nchars = utf8_strsw(result->line) + extra_width; if(result->attrs_len < nchars) { char *const new_attrs = format_str("%s%*s", result->attrs, (int)(nchars - result->attrs_len), ""); free(result->attrs); result->attrs = new_attrs; result->attrs_len = nchars; } return (result->attrs_len > nchars); } /* Prints number into the buffer. Returns non-zero if numeric value is * "empty" (zero). */ static int expand_num(char buf[], size_t buf_len, int val) { snprintf(buf, buf_len, "%d", val); return (val == 0); }