int https_post(lua_State* L)
	int ret;

	vm_https_callbacks_t callbacks = { (vm_https_set_channel_response_callback)https_post_request_set_channel_rsp_cb,
									   (vm_https_status_query_response_callback)https_send_status_query_rsp_cb };

	size_t sl;
    const char* url = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &sl);


    g_https_url = vm_calloc(sl+1);
	if (g_https_url == NULL) {
		return luaL_error(L, "url buffer allocation error");
    strncpy(g_https_url, url, sl);
    int totalalloc = (sl+1);

    if ((!lua_istable(L, 2)) && (!lua_isstring(L, 2))) {
      return luaL_error(L, "POST data arg missing" );

	if (lua_isstring(L, 2)) {
		g_post_type = 0;
		const char* pdata = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &sl);
		if ((sl <= 0) || (pdata == NULL)) {
			return luaL_error(L, "wrong post data");
		g_postdata = vm_calloc(sl+1);
		if (g_postdata == NULL) {
			return luaL_error(L, "buffer allocation error");
	    totalalloc += (sl+1);

		strncpy(g_postdata, pdata, sl);
		g_postdata[sl] = '\0';
		g_postdata_len = sl;
	    vm_log_debug("[POST]: allocated memory = %d", totalalloc);
    else if (lua_istable(L, 2)) {
		g_post_type = 1;

		// ** iterate the table to find number of entries and total data size
		int pdata_size = 0;
		int nentries = 0;
		int fnames_size = 0;
		int filenames_size = 0;
		int pathnames_size = 0;
        int err = 0;
        int nfileentry = 0;

	    lua_pushnil(L);  // first key
	    while (lua_next(L, 2) != 0) {
	      // Pops a key from the stack, and pushes a key-value pair from the table
	      // 'key' (at index -2) and 'value' (at index -1)
	      if ((lua_isstring(L, -1)) && (lua_isstring(L, -2))) {
	        size_t klen = 0;
	        size_t vlen = 0;
	        const char* key = lua_tolstring(L, -2, &klen);
	        const char* value = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &vlen);
	        if ((klen > 0) && (vlen > 0)) {
	        	fnames_size += (klen+1);
	  	    	if (strstr(key, "file") == key) {
	  	    		if (nfileentry < 1) {
						filenames_size += (vlen+1);

						char fn[128];
						short wfn[128];
						sprintf(fn, "C:\\%s", value);
						vm_chset_ascii_to_ucs2((VMWSTR)wfn, 256, fn);
						int fh = vm_fs_open(wfn, VM_FS_MODE_READ, VM_TRUE);
						if (fh < 0) {
							vm_log_debug("[POST]: File '%s' not found",fn);
						else vm_fs_close(fh);
						int fnmlen = (vm_wstr_string_length(wfn)+1)*2;
						pathnames_size += fnmlen;
	  	    		else {
						vm_log_debug("[POST]: Only 1 file allowed!");
	  	    	else pdata_size += (vlen+sizeof(int));
	      lua_pop(L, 1);  // removes 'value'; keeps 'key' for next iteration

	    if (nentries == 0) {
			return luaL_error(L, "no post entries");
	    if (err != 0) {
			return luaL_error(L, "file not found");

		// ** Allocate buffers
        g_post_context = vm_calloc(sizeof(vm_https_request_context_t));
		if (g_post_context == NULL) {
			return luaL_error(L, "buffer allocation error 1");
	    totalalloc += sizeof(vm_https_request_context_t);

	    g_post_content = vm_calloc(sizeof(vm_https_content_t)*nentries);
 		if (g_post_content == NULL) {
			return luaL_error(L, "buffer allocation error 2");
	    totalalloc += (sizeof(vm_https_content_t)*nentries);

	    if (pdata_size > 0) {
			g_postdata = vm_calloc(pdata_size);
			if (g_postdata == NULL) {
				return luaL_error(L, "buffer allocation error 3");
		    totalalloc += pdata_size;

	    g_https_field_names = vm_calloc(fnames_size);
  		if (g_https_field_names == NULL) {
			return luaL_error(L, "buffer allocation error 4");
	    totalalloc += fnames_size;

	    if (filenames_size > 0) {
			g_https_file_names = vm_calloc(filenames_size);
			if (g_https_file_names == NULL) {
				return luaL_error(L, "buffer allocation error 5");
		    totalalloc += filenames_size;
  		if (pathnames_size > 0) {
			g_https_path_names = vm_calloc(pathnames_size);
			if (g_https_path_names == NULL) {
				return luaL_error(L, "buffer allocation error 6");
		    totalalloc += pathnames_size;
	    vm_log_debug("[POST]: allocated memory = %d", totalalloc);

        sprintf(g_https_url, url);

        g_post_context->number_entries = 0;
    	g_post_context->content = (vm_https_content_t *)g_post_content;
        g_post_context->header = CONTENT_TYPE_FORMDATA;
        g_post_context->header_length = strlen(CONTENT_TYPE_FORMDATA);
        g_post_context->post_segment = NULL;
        g_post_context->post_segment_length = 0;
        g_post_context->url = g_https_url;
        g_post_context->url_length = strlen(g_post_context->url);

		// ** iterate the table and populate data buffers
		vm_https_content_t cc;
		g_postdata_len = 0;
		fnames_size = 0;
		filenames_size = 0;
		pathnames_size = 0;
		nfileentry = 0;

	    while (lua_next(L, 2) != 0) {
	      if ((lua_isstring(L, -1)) && (lua_isstring(L, -2))) {
	        size_t klen = 0;
	        size_t vlen = 0;
	        const char* key = lua_tolstring(L, -2, &klen);
	        const char* value = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &vlen);
	        if ((klen > 0) && (vlen > 0)) {
	          // field key & value are OK

  	    	  if (strstr(key, "file") == key) {
  	    		if (nfileentry < 1) {
					cc.data_type = VM_HTTPS_DATA_TYPE_FILE;
					cc.content_type = CONTENT_TYPE_OCTET;
					cc.content_type_length = strlen(CONTENT_TYPE_OCTET);

					// save file name & length
					sprintf(g_https_file_names+filenames_size, "%s", value);
					cc.filename = g_https_file_names+filenames_size;
					cc.filename_length = vlen;
					filenames_size += (vlen+1);

					// save local file path/name & length
					char fn[128];
					short wfn[128];
					sprintf(fn, "C:\\%s", value);
					vm_chset_ascii_to_ucs2((VMWSTR)wfn, 256, fn);
					int wfnlen = vm_wstr_copy(g_https_path_names+pathnames_size, wfn);
					cc.file_path_name = g_https_path_names+pathnames_size;
					cc.file_path_name_length = vm_wstr_string_length(cc.file_path_name);
					pathnames_size += ((cc.file_path_name_length+1)*2);

					// get file size
					int fh = vm_fs_open(cc.file_path_name, VM_FS_MODE_READ, VM_TRUE);
					VMUINT fsz;
					if (vm_fs_get_size(fh, &fsz) == 0)  cc.data_length = fsz;
					else cc.data_length = 0;
	          else {
		       	cc.data_type = VM_HTTPS_DATA_TYPE_BUFFER;
  		        cc.content_type = CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT;
	  		    cc.content_type_length = strlen(CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT);
    	        cc.filename = "";
    	        cc.filename_length = 0;
    	  		cc.file_path_name = (VMWSTR)"\0\0";
    		    cc.file_path_name_length = 0;
				cc.data_length = vlen;       // field data length

				int dlen = vlen;
				memcpy(g_postdata+g_postdata_len, &dlen, sizeof(int));
				memcpy(g_postdata+g_postdata_len+sizeof(int), value, vlen);
	            g_postdata_len += (vlen+sizeof(int));

  	          cc.charset = VM_HTTPS_CHARSET_ASCII;
  	          // save field name & length
  		      sprintf(g_https_field_names+fnames_size, "%s", key);
  	          cc.name = g_https_field_names+fnames_size;
  	          cc.name_length = klen;  // field name length
  	          fnames_size += (klen+1);

  	          memcpy(g_post_content + (sizeof(vm_https_content_t) * (g_post_context->number_entries-1)), &cc, sizeof(vm_https_content_t));
	      // removes 'value'; keeps 'key' for next iteration
	      lua_pop(L, 1);

    ret = vm_https_register_context_and_callback(gprs_bearer_type, &callbacks);
    if (ret != 0) {
        l_message(NULL, "register context & cb failed");
    else {
    	ret = vm_https_set_channel(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    lua_pushinteger(L, ret);

	return 1;
void sms_read_callback(vm_gsm_sms_callback_t* callback_data)
    static char phone_number[42];
    //static char content[301];
    vm_gsm_sms_read_message_data_callback_t* read_msg;
    VMINT8 *g_sms_number_buf = 0;
    VMINT8 *g_sms_content_buf = 0;

    vm_log_info("got new message");
    if(callback_data->action == VM_GSM_SMS_ACTION_READ)
        if(callback_data->cause == VM_GSM_SMS_CAUSE_NO_ERROR)
				read_msg = (vm_gsm_sms_read_message_data_callback_t*)callback_data->action_data;

				int size = vm_wstr_string_length((VMWCHAR*)read_msg->message_data->number);
				g_sms_number_buf = phone_number;
				vm_chset_ucs2_to_ascii((signed char *)g_sms_number_buf, 42, (VMWCHAR*)read_msg->message_data->number);

				// assume dcs = UCS2
				g_sms_content_buf = content;
				vm_chset_ucs2_to_ascii((signed char *)g_sms_content_buf, MAX_CONTENT_BUFFER, (VMWCHAR*)read_msg->message_data->content_buffer);

				VMUINT16 i,j = 0;
				VMUINT16 str_len;
				VMUINT8 str_num;

				str_len = strlen(g_sms_content_buf);
				str_num = str_len / 151 + 1;
				vm_log_info("str_len is %d", str_len);
				vm_log_info("str_num is %d", str_num);

					msgIdMax ++;
					if(msgIdMax >= GSM_SMS_NUM_MAX)msgIdMax = GSM_SMS_NUM_MAX;

					for(i=0;i<(GSM_SMS_NUM_MAX - 1);i++)
						strcpy(msgNumber[(GSM_SMS_NUM_MAX - 2 - i) + 1], msgNumber[(GSM_SMS_NUM_MAX - 2) - i]);
						strcpy(msgContent[(GSM_SMS_NUM_MAX - 2 - i) + 1],msgContent[(GSM_SMS_NUM_MAX - 2) - i]);

					strcpy(msgNumber[0], (char*)g_sms_number_buf);
					if(j < (str_len - 1))
					strncpy(msgContent[0], (char*)(g_sms_content_buf + j * 150), 150);
					strncpy(msgContent[0], (char*)(g_sms_content_buf + j * 150), str_len - j * 150);

					j ++;
					if(j == str_num)break;

                vm_log_info("save message");

                if (g_sms_new_message_cb) {
                    g_sms_new_message_cb(g_sms_number_buf, g_sms_content_buf);
                	//g_sms_new_message_cb(msgNumber[0], msgContent[0]);
                vm_log_info("callback done");
        	vm_log_info("read msg failed");