static sf_count_t
vorbis_length (SF_PRIVATE *psf)
{	sf_count_t length ;
	int error ;

	if (psf->sf.seekable == 0)
		return SF_COUNT_MAX ;

	psf_fseek (psf, 0, SEEK_SET) ;
	length = vorbis_length_aux (psf) ;

	psf_fseek (psf, 12, SEEK_SET) ;
	if ((error = vorbis_read_header (psf, 0)) != 0)
		psf->error = error ;

	return length ;
} /* vorbis_length */
static sf_count_t
vorbis_seek (SF_PRIVATE *psf, int UNUSED (mode), sf_count_t offset)
	OGG_PRIVATE *odata = (OGG_PRIVATE *) psf->container_data ;
	VORBIS_PRIVATE *vdata = (VORBIS_PRIVATE *) psf->codec_data ;

	if (odata == NULL || vdata == NULL)
		return 0 ;

	if (offset < 0)
	{	psf->error = SFE_BAD_SEEK ;
		return ((sf_count_t) -1) ;
		} ;

	if (psf->file.mode == SFM_READ)
	{	sf_count_t target = offset - vdata->loc ;

		if (target < 0)
		{	/* 12 to allow for OggS bit */
			psf_fseek (psf, 12, SEEK_SET) ;
			vorbis_read_header (psf, 0) ; /* Reset state */
			target = offset ;
			} ;

		while (target > 0)
		{	sf_count_t m = target > 4096 ? 4096 : target ;

			**	Need to multiply by channels here because the seek is done in
			**	terms of frames and the read function is done in terms of
			**	samples.
			vorbis_read_sample (psf, (void *) NULL, m * psf->sf.channels, vorbis_rnull) ;

			target -= m ;
			} ;

		return vdata->loc ;
		} ;

	return 0 ;
} /* vorbis_seek */
ogg_vorbis_open (SF_PRIVATE *psf)
{	OGG_PRIVATE* odata = psf->container_data ;
	VORBIS_PRIVATE* vdata = calloc (1, sizeof (VORBIS_PRIVATE)) ;
	int	error = 0 ;

	if (odata == NULL)
	{	psf_log_printf (psf, "%s : odata is NULL???\n", __func__) ;
		return SFE_INTERNAL ;
	} ;

	psf->codec_data = vdata ;

	if (psf->file.mode == SFM_RDWR)
		return SFE_BAD_MODE_RW ;

	psf_log_printf (psf, "Vorbis library version : %s\n", vorbis_version_string ()) ;

	if (psf->file.mode == SFM_READ)
	{	/* Call this here so it only gets called once, so no memory is leaked. */
		ogg_sync_init (&odata->osync) ;

		if ((error = vorbis_read_header (psf, 1)))
			return error ;

		psf->read_short		= vorbis_read_s ;
		psf->read_int		= vorbis_read_i ;
		psf->read_float		= vorbis_read_f ;
		psf->read_double	= vorbis_read_d ;
		psf->sf.frames		= vorbis_length (psf) ;
	} ;

	psf->codec_close = vorbis_close ;
	if (psf->file.mode == SFM_WRITE)
	{	/* Set the default vorbis quality here. */
		vdata->quality = 0.4 ;

		psf->write_header	= vorbis_write_header ;
		psf->write_short	= vorbis_write_s ;
		psf->write_int		= vorbis_write_i ;
		psf->write_float	= vorbis_write_f ;
		psf->write_double	= vorbis_write_d ;

		psf->sf.frames = SF_COUNT_MAX ; /* Unknown really */
		psf->strings.flags = SF_STR_ALLOW_START ;
	} ;

	psf->seek = vorbis_seek ;
	psf->command = vorbis_command ;
	psf->byterate = vorbis_byterate ;

	/* FIXME, FIXME, FIXME : Hack these here for now and correct later. */
	psf->sf.format = SF_FORMAT_OGG | SF_FORMAT_VORBIS ;
	psf->sf.sections = 1 ;

	psf->datalength = 1 ;
	psf->dataoffset = 0 ;
	/* End FIXME. */

	return error ;
} /* ogg_vorbis_open */