axl_bool mod_sasl_mysql_check_ip_filter_query (TurbulenceCtx     * ctx,
					       const char        * query, 
					       VortexConnection  * conn,
					       axlNode           * auth_db_node_conf) {

	MYSQL_RES      * result;
	MYSQL_ROW        row;
	axlError       * err = NULL;
	TurbulenceExpr * expr;

	/* run query */
	result = mod_sasl_mysql_do_query (ctx, auth_db_node_conf, query, axl_false, &err);

	/* check result */
	if (result == NULL) {
		error ("Unable to run ip filter SQL, query string failed with %s", axl_error_get (err));
		axl_error_free (err);
		return axl_false; 
	} /* end if */

	/* return content from the first [0][0] array position */
	row     = mysql_fetch_row (result);
	if (row == NULL) {
		mysql_free_result (result);
		return axl_true; /* do not filter (user unknown, so let login fail) */
	} /* end if */

	/* check for empty filter string */
	if (row[0] == NULL || strlen (row[0]) == 0) {
		mysql_free_result (result);
		return axl_true; /* do not filter */
	msg ("Checking to apply ip filter with expression: %s (ip: %s:%s)", row[0], 
	     vortex_connection_get_host (conn), vortex_connection_get_host_ip (conn));

	/* build expression */
	expr = turbulence_expr_compile (ctx, row[0], NULL);
	if (expr == NULL) {
		error ("Failed to compile expression: %s. Unable to apply ip filter, denying connection.", row[0]);
		mysql_free_result (result);
		return axl_false; /* do not filter */
	mysql_free_result (result);

	/* now match by hostname  */
	if (turbulence_expr_match (expr, vortex_connection_get_host (conn))) {
		turbulence_expr_free (expr);
		return axl_true; /* do not filter */

	/* ..and by hostip */
	if (turbulence_expr_match (expr, vortex_connection_get_host_ip (conn))) {
		turbulence_expr_free (expr);
		return axl_true; /* do not filter */

	/* free expression */
	turbulence_expr_free (expr);
	return axl_false; /* do filter */
axl_bool mod_sasl_mysql_check_unallowed_sequence (TurbulenceCtx * ctx, VortexConnection * conn, const char * content)
	char      * new_content;
	axl_bool    found;

	if (content == NULL || strlen (content) == 0)
		return axl_true;

	/* get a lower copy so we can do a case insensitive check */
	new_content = axl_stream_to_lower_copy (content);
	if (new_content == NULL) {
		error ("Unable to copy content to do unallowed sequence, error was..");
		return axl_false;
	} /* end if */
	/* replace all \t with " " to unifify checks. Do the same with \n and \r */
	axl_replace (new_content, "\t", " ");
	axl_replace (new_content, "\r", " ");
	axl_replace (new_content, "\n", " ");

	/* set initial status */
	found = axl_false;

	if (strstr (new_content, "select "))
		found = axl_true;
	if (strstr (new_content, "insert "))
		found = axl_true;
	if (strstr (new_content, "delete "))
		found = axl_true;
	if (strstr (new_content, ";"))
		found = axl_true;
	if (strstr (new_content, "--"))
		found = axl_true;
	if (strstr (new_content, "'"))
		found = axl_true;

	/* drop an error log if found */
	if (found) {
		error ("IP %s should be blocked now because: Found unallowed input sequence at login attempt. Unallowed sequence is: %s", 
		       vortex_connection_get_host_ip (conn), content);
		vortex_connection_shutdown (conn);
	} /* end if */

	/* release memory copy */
	axl_free (new_content);
	/* report failure */
	return ! found;
axl_bool mod_sasl_mysql_do_auth (TurbulenceCtx    * ctx, 
				 VortexConnection * conn,
				 axlNode          * auth_db_node_conf,
				 const char       * auth_id,
				 const char       * authorization_id,
				 const char       * formated_password,
				 const char       * password,
				 const char       * serverName,
				 const char       * sasl_method,
				 axlError        ** err)
	char        * query; 
	axlDoc      * doc;
	axlNode     * node;
	axl_bool      _result = axl_false;

	/* check import parameters without doing anything */
	if (! mod_sasl_mysql_check_unallowed_sequence (ctx, conn, auth_id))
		return axl_false;
	if (! mod_sasl_mysql_check_unallowed_sequence (ctx, conn, password))
		return axl_false;
	if (! mod_sasl_mysql_check_unallowed_sequence (ctx, conn, formated_password))
		return axl_false;
	if (! mod_sasl_mysql_check_unallowed_sequence (ctx, conn, serverName))
		return axl_false;
	if (! mod_sasl_mysql_check_unallowed_sequence (ctx, conn, authorization_id))
		return axl_false;
	if (! mod_sasl_mysql_check_unallowed_sequence (ctx, conn, sasl_method))
		return axl_false;
	if (! mod_sasl_mysql_check_unallowed_sequence (ctx, conn, auth_id))
		return axl_false;
	if (! mod_sasl_mysql_check_unallowed_sequence (ctx, conn, vortex_connection_get_host (conn)))
		return axl_false;

	/* get the auth query */
	doc  = axl_node_annotate_get (auth_db_node_conf, "mysql-conf", axl_false);
	if (doc == NULL) {
		axl_error_report (err, -1, "Found no xml document defining MySQL settings to connect to the database");
		return axl_false;
	} /* end if */

	/* check for ip filter reference */
	node  = axl_doc_get (doc, "/sasl-auth-db/ip-filter");
	if (node && HAS_ATTR (node, "query")) {
		/* ip filter defined, get query */
		query = axl_strdup (ATTR_VALUE (node, "query"));

		/* replace query with recognized tokens */
		axl_replace (query, "%u", auth_id);
		axl_replace (query, "%n", serverName);
		axl_replace (query, "%i", authorization_id);
		axl_replace (query, "%m", sasl_method);

		msg ("Checking IP filter for auth id [%s], query [%s]", auth_id, query);
		if (! mod_sasl_mysql_check_ip_filter_query (ctx, query, conn, auth_db_node_conf)) {
			error ("login failure: %s, ip filtered by defined expression associated to user: %s denied connection from %s", 
			       auth_id, auth_id, vortex_connection_get_host_ip (conn));
			axl_free (query);
			return 0;
		msg ("IP not filtered by defined expression associated to user: %s allowed connection from %s", 
		       auth_id, vortex_connection_get_host_ip (conn));
		/* ip not filtered, now let the auth continue */
		axl_free (query);
	} /* end if */

	/* get alt password if defined <get-password-alt> */
	node =  axl_doc_get (doc, "/sasl-auth-db/get-password-alt");
	if (node) {
		/* get query */
		query = (char *) ATTR_VALUE_TRANS (node, "query");

		/* call to do auth operation */
		_result = __mod_sasl_mysql_prepare_query_and_auth (ctx, query, conn, auth_db_node_conf, auth_id, authorization_id,
								   formated_password, password,
								   serverName, sasl_method, axl_false, 
								   /* skip login error reporting */ axl_true, err);		

		/* clean for cleanup node <get-password-alt-cleanup> */
		node =  axl_doc_get (doc, "/sasl-auth-db/get-password-alt-cleanup");
		if (node) {
			/* get query */
			query = (char *) ATTR_VALUE_TRANS (node, "query");

			/* call and skip getting value reported */
			if (! __mod_sasl_mysql_prepare_query_and_auth (ctx, query, conn, auth_db_node_conf, auth_id, authorization_id,
								       formated_password, password,
								       serverName, sasl_method, axl_true, 
								       /* skip login error reporting */ axl_true, err))
				error ("Cleanup query failed, please, review <get-password-alt-cleanup>..");
		} /* end if */
	} /* end if */

	/* if authentication failed, try with main table */
	if (! _result) {
		/* get the node that contains the configuration */
		node  = axl_doc_get (doc, "/sasl-auth-db/get-password");
		query = (char *) ATTR_VALUE (node, "query");

		/* call to do auth operation */
		_result = __mod_sasl_mysql_prepare_query_and_auth (ctx, query, conn, auth_db_node_conf, auth_id, authorization_id,
								   formated_password, password,
								   serverName, sasl_method, axl_false, 
								   /* skip login error reporting */ axl_false, err);
	} /* end if */
	/* now check for auth-log declaration to report it */
	node = axl_doc_get (doc, "/sasl-auth-db/auth-log");
	if (node) {
		/* log auth defined */
		query = axl_strdup (ATTR_VALUE (node, "query"));
		/* replace query with recognized tokens */
		axl_replace (query, "%t", _result ? "ok" : "failed");
		axl_replace (query, "%u", auth_id);
		axl_replace (query, "%n", serverName);
		axl_replace (query, "%i", authorization_id);
		axl_replace (query, "%m", sasl_method);
		axl_replace (query, "%p", vortex_connection_get_host (conn));
		msg ("Trying to auth-log %s:%s with query string %s", auth_id, _result ? "ok" : "failed", query);
		/* exec query */
		if (! mod_sasl_mysql_do_query (ctx, auth_db_node_conf, query, axl_true, err)) {
			error ("Unable to auth-log, failed query configured, error was: %d:%s",
			       axl_error_get_code (*err), axl_error_get (*err));
			axl_error_free (*err);
		axl_free (query);
	} /* end if */

	if (!_result)
		error ("login failure: %s, failed from: %s", auth_id, vortex_connection_get_host_ip (conn));
	return _result ? 1 : 0;
axl_bool __mod_sasl_mysql_prepare_query_and_auth (TurbulenceCtx    * ctx, 
						  const char       * _query,
						  VortexConnection * conn,
						  axlNode          * auth_db_node_conf,
						  const char       * auth_id,
						  const char       * authorization_id,
						  const char       * formated_password,
						  const char       * password,
						  const char       * serverName,
						  const char       * sasl_method,
						  axl_bool           just_run_query,
						  axl_bool           skip_login_error_reporting,
						  axlError        ** err)

	MYSQL_RES   * result;
	MYSQL_ROW     row;
	axl_bool      _result;
	char        * query;

	/* duplicate query */
	query = axl_strdup (_query);
	if (query == NULL) 
		return axl_false; /* allocation failure */

	/* replace query with recognized tokens */
	axl_replace (query, "%u", auth_id);
	axl_replace (query, "%n", serverName);
	axl_replace (query, "%i", authorization_id);
	axl_replace (query, "%m", sasl_method);
	axl_replace (query, "%p", vortex_connection_get_host (conn));

	if (! just_run_query) {
		msg ("Trying to auth [%s] with query string [%s], conn-id=%d from %s:%s ", auth_id, query, 
		     vortex_connection_get_id (conn), vortex_connection_get_host (conn), vortex_connection_get_port (conn));
	} /* end if */

	/* run query */
	result = mod_sasl_mysql_do_query (ctx, auth_db_node_conf, query, axl_false, err);
	axl_free (query);

	/* check if we have to only run this query */
	if (just_run_query) {
		mysql_free_result (result);
		return axl_true;
	} /* end if */

	/* check result */
	if (result == NULL) {
		error ("Unable to authenticate user, query string failed with %s", axl_error_get (*err));
		axl_error_free (*err);
		return axl_false;
	} /* end if */

	/* return content from the first [0][0] array position */
	row     = mysql_fetch_row (result);
	if (row == NULL) {
		if (! skip_login_error_reporting) { 
			/* log login failure */
			error ("login failure: %s, failed from: %s", auth_id, vortex_connection_get_host_ip (conn));
		} /* end if */

		mysql_free_result (result);
		return  axl_false;
	} /* end if */
	/* check result */
	_result = axl_cmp (row[0], formated_password);
	if (! _result) {
		/* if it fails, check password format */
		/* support here passwords schemes using  */
		/* http://wiki.dovecot.org/Authentication/PasswordSchemes */
		_result = common_sasl_check_crypt_password (password, row[0]);
	} /* end if */
	mysql_free_result (result);

	return _result;
 * @brief  a frame received Callback
void listenerFrameReceivedCallback (VortexChannel* channel,
                                     VortexConnection* connection,
                                     VortexFrame* frame,
                                     axlPointer user_data)

  VORTEXListenerFrameReceivedCallbackData* callbackData = (VORTEXListenerFrameReceivedCallbackData*) user_data;

  // Fetching all necessary attributes from Vortex:

  // Die Connection ID:
  callbackData->pLog->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "listenerFrameReceivedCallback", "Vortex CMD", "vortex_connection_get_id");
  int iConnectionID = vortex_connection_get_id(connection);
  // Die Host IP:
  callbackData->pLog->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "listenerFrameReceivedCallback", "Vortex CMD", "vortex_connection_get_host_ip");
  const char* sHostIP = vortex_connection_get_host_ip(connection);
  // Der Port:
  callbackData->pLog->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "listenerFrameReceivedCallback", "Vortex CMD", "vortex_connection_get_local_port");
  const char* sPort = vortex_connection_get_port(connection);
  // Die Channel ID:
  callbackData->pLog->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "listenerFrameReceivedCallback", "Vortex CMD", "vortex_channel_get_number");
  int iChannelID = vortex_channel_get_number (channel);
  if (-1 == iChannelID)
  // Die Message ID:
  callbackData->pLog->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "listenerFrameReceivedCallback", "Vortex CMD", "vortex_frame_get_msgno");
  int iMsgID = vortex_frame_get_msgno (frame);
  if (-1 == iMsgID)
  // Das Profil, mit dem der Sender conneted ist:
  callbackData->pLog->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "listenerFrameReceivedCallback", "Vortex CMD", "vortex_channel_get_profile");
  const char* sProfile = vortex_channel_get_profile (channel);
  if (NULL == sProfile)
  // Das Payload:
  callbackData->pLog->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "listenerFrameReceivedCallback", "Vortex CMD", "vortex_frame_get_payload");
  char* cPayload = (char*)vortex_frame_get_payload (frame);
  if (NULL == cPayload)
  // Die Payloadsize:
  callbackData->pLog->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "listenerFrameReceivedCallback", "Vortex CMD", "vortex_frame_get_payload_size");
  int iPayloadSize = vortex_frame_get_payload_size (frame);
  if (-1 == iPayloadSize)

  // Set all necessary Vortex attributes into the TML_COMMAND_HANDLE Obj:
  if (TML_SUCCESS == iRet){
    // A new TML_COMMAND_HANDLE object out of the payload:
    iRet = tml_Cmd_Create(&cmdHandle);
    if (TML_SUCCESS == iRet){
      SIDEX_HANDLE sHandle;
      // Acquire critical section use: 
      tml_Cmd_Acquire_Sidex_Handle(cmdHandle, &sHandle);
      iRet = sidex_Set_Content(sHandle, cPayload);
      // Now I can release the critical section use: 
    if (TML_SUCCESS == iRet){
      // Vortex- session ID into the TML_COMMAND_HANDLE object:
      tml_Cmd_Attr_Set_Session_ID(cmdHandle, iConnectionID); // Don't mind of return value
      // Vortex- channel ID into the TML_COMMAND_HANDLE object:
      tml_Cmd_Attr_Set_Channel_ID(cmdHandle, iChannelID); // Don't mind of return value
      callbackData->pLog->log (TML_LOG_VORTEX_CMD, "TMLCoreListener", "listenerFrameReceivedCallback", "Vortex CMD", "vortex_channel_ref");
      vortex_channel_ref(channel); // I will be shure to have a valid channel until the reply is send
      // Vortex- channel into the TML_COMMAND_HANDLE object:
      tml_Cmd_Attr_Set_Channel(cmdHandle, channel); // Don't mind of return value
      // Vortex- message ID into the TML_COMMAND_HANDLE object:
      tml_Cmd_Attr_Set_Message_ID(cmdHandle, iMsgID); // Don't mind of return value
      // Vortex- profile into the TML_COMMAND_HANDLE object:
      tml_Cmd_Attr_Set_Profile(cmdHandle, sProfile);
      // The core handle:
      tml_Cmd_Attr_Set_Core_Reference(cmdHandle, callbackData->tmlcorehandle); // Don't mind of return value

      // Add the connection to the list:
      if (NULL != sHostIP && NULL != sPort && NULL != connection){
        ((tmlCoreWrapper*)callbackData->tmlcorehandle)->tmlCoreWrapper_Connect(sHostIP, sPort, false, &connectionHandle, connection);

      // Now call the callback method:
      globalCallback(callbackData->callback, (void*) cmdHandle);
    callbackData->pLog->log ("TMLCoreListener", "listenerFrameReceivedCallback", "ERROR", "Problem on getting some attributes.");