int vrpn_Tracker_Isotrak::set_sensor_output_format(int /*sensor*/)
    char    outstring[16];

    // Set output format for the station to be position, quaternion
    // Don't need the space anymore, though
    sprintf(outstring, "O2,11\r");

    if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)outstring,
            strlen(outstring)) == (int)strlen(outstring)) {
        vrpn_SleepMsecs(50);	// Sleep for a bit to let command run
    } else {
        VRPN_MSG_ERROR("Write failed on format command");
        status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
        return -1;
    return 0;
int vrpn_Streaming_Arduino::reset(void)
    // Set the values back to zero for all analogs

    // Opening the port should cause the board to reset.  (We can also do this
    // by pulling DTR lines to low and then back high again.)
    // @todo Lower and raise DTR lines.  Or close and re-open the serial
    // port.

    // Wait for two seconds to let the device reset itself and then
    // clear the input buffer, both the hardware input buffer and
    // the local input buffer.

    // Send a command telling how many ports we want.  Then make sure we
    // get a response within a reasonable amount of time.
    std::ostringstream msg;
    msg << m_numchannels;
    msg << "\n";
      static_cast<const unsigned char *>(
      static_cast<const void*>(msg.str().c_str())), msg.str().size());
    struct timeval timeout;
    timeout.tv_sec = 0;
    timeout.tv_usec = 10000;
    unsigned char buffer;
    int ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, &buffer, 1, &timeout);
    if (ret != 1) {
      std::cout << "vrpn_Streaming_Arduino: Could not reset" << std::endl;
      return -1;
    m_buffer += buffer;

    // We already got the first byte of the record, so we drop directly
    // into reading.
    status = STATUS_READING;
    vrpn_gettimeofday(&m_timestamp, NULL);	// Set watchdog now
    return 0;
int vrpn_ImmersionBox::sendIboxCommand (char cmd, char * returnString, double delay) 
    struct timeval timeout;
    timeout.tv_sec = 0;
    timeout.tv_usec = 15000;
    char command[2];
    char responseString [MAX_IBOX_STRING+1];
    int result;
    if (cmd) {
	command[0] = cmd;	
	result = vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) command, 1);
	if (delay > 0)
	    pause (delay);
	if (NULL == returnString)
	    // if we are not anticipating a return, go back now	 
	    return result;
    // read the response to the command 
    result = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, (unsigned char *) responseString, MAX_IBOX_STRING, &timeout );    
    if (result <= 0) 
	return 0;
    // since we're looking for a response, we need to ensure the command was properly 
    // echoed back... To begin with, bit 7 must be set
    if (!(responseString[0] & 0x80))
	return 0;

    // the bits, excepting bit 7 must match
    if ((responseString[0] & 0x7f) != (cmd & 0x7f))
	return 0;

    // copy the remainder of the response into the response
    strcpy (returnString, &responseString[1]);

    return 1;
bool vrpn_Tracker_3DMouse::set_filtering_count(int count)
	char sBuf[16];

	sBuf[0] = 0x2a;
	sBuf[1] = 0x24;
	sBuf[2] = 2;
	sBuf[3] = 7;
	sBuf[4] = count;

	if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char*)sBuf, 5) == 5)
		perror("  3DMouse write filtering count failed");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
		return false;

	return true;
int vrpn_Tracker_Liberty::set_sensor_output_format(int sensor)
    char    outstring[64];
    const char    *timestring;
    const char    *buttonstring;
    const char    *analogstring;

    // Set output format for the station to be position and quaternion,
    // and any of the extended Liberty (stylus with button) or
    // IS900 states (timestamp, button, analog).
    // This command is a capitol 'o' followed by the number of the
    // station, then comma-separated values (2 for xyz, 7 for quat, 8 for
    // timestamp, 10 for buttons, 0 for space) that
    // indicate data sets, followed by character 13 (octal 15).
    // Note that the sensor number has to be bumped to map to station number.

    timestring = ",8";
    buttonstring = stylus_buttons[sensor] ? ",10" : "";

     sprintf(outstring, "O%d,2,7%s%s%s,0\015", sensor+1, timestring,
	buttonstring, analogstring);
     if (DEBUG)     fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: %s \n",outstring);
    if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)outstring,
	    strlen(outstring)) == (int)strlen(outstring)) {
		vrpn_SleepMsecs(50);	// Sleep for a bit to let command run
    } else {
		FT_ERROR("Write failed on format command");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
		return -1;

    return 0;
void vrpn_Tracker_3DMouse::reset()
	static int numResets = 0;	// How many resets have we tried?
	int ret, i;

	numResets++;		  	// We're trying another reset


	fprintf(stderr, "Resetting the 3DMouse (attempt %d)\n", numResets);
	if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (unsigned char*)"*R", 2) == 2)
		vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*2);  // Wait after each character to give it time to respond
		perror("3DMouse: Failed writing to 3DMouse");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;


	// Get rid of the characters left over from before the reset

	// Make sure that the tracker has stopped sending characters

	if ( (ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, _buffer, 80)) != 0)
		fprintf(stderr, "Got >=%d characters after reset\n", ret);
		for (i = 0; i < ret; i++)
			if (isprint(_buffer[i])) fprintf(stderr,"%c",_buffer[i]);
			else fprintf(stderr,"[0x%02X]",_buffer[i]);
		fprintf(stderr, "\n");
		vrpn_flush_input_buffer(serial_fd);		// Flush what's left

	// Asking for tracker status
	if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) "*\x05", 2) == 2)
		vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
		perror("  3DMouse write failed");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;

	// Read Status
	bool success = true;

	ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, _buffer, 2);
	if (ret != 2) fprintf(stderr, "  Got %d of 5 characters for status\n",ret);

	fprintf(stderr, "	Control Unit test       : ");
	if (_buffer[0] & 1) fprintf(stderr, "success\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "fail\n");
		success = false;

	fprintf(stderr, "	Processor test          : ");
	if (_buffer[0] & 2) fprintf(stderr, "success\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "fail\n");
		success = false;

	fprintf(stderr, "	EPROM checksum test     : ");
	if (_buffer[0] & 4) fprintf(stderr, "success\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "fail\n");
		success = false;

	fprintf(stderr, "	RAM checksum test       : ");
	if (_buffer[0] & 8) fprintf(stderr, "success\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "fail\n");
		success = false;

	fprintf(stderr, "	Transmitter test        : ");
	if (_buffer[0] & 16) fprintf(stderr, "success\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "fail\n");
		success = false;

	fprintf(stderr, "	Receiver test           : ");
	if (_buffer[0] & 32) fprintf(stderr, "success\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "fail\n");
		success = false;

	fprintf(stderr, "	Serial Port test        : ");
	if (_buffer[1] & 1) fprintf(stderr, "success\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "fail\n");
		success = false;

	fprintf(stderr, "	EEPROM test             : ");
	if (_buffer[0] & 2) fprintf(stderr, "success\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "fail\n");
		success = false;

	if (!success)
		fprintf(stderr, "Bad status report from 3DMouse, retrying reset\n");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
		fprintf(stderr, "3DMouse gives status (this is good)\n");
		numResets = 0; 	// Success, use simple reset next time

	// Set filtering count if the constructor parameter said to.
	if (_filtering_count > 1)
		if (!set_filtering_count(_filtering_count)) return;
	fprintf(stderr, "Reset Completed (this is good)\n");
	status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;	// We're trying for a new reading
/* extern */ error_t 
getCmd (handle_t fd, struct command_t* Cmd)
  struct timeval time_wait;  
  int ret;

  unsigned char read_val;
  // some adds to measure time for reading out  
  struct timeval start;
  struct timeval end;
  int sec, usec; 
  gettimeofday( &start , 0);

  unsigned char PossibilityOne;
  unsigned char PossibilityTwo;
  unsigned char Reference;

  /* check if the given parameters are valid */
  if (handle_invalid(fd)) 
     return ENXIO;
  if ((*Cmd).addr < 128)
  PossibilityOne = (*Cmd).addr;
  PossibilityTwo = (*Cmd).addr;
  Reference = 0x01;

  if (Reference & PossibilityTwo)
     /* the LSB of the Address is 1 -> make 0 -> use XOR operator */
     PossibilityTwo ^= Reference;
     /* the LSB of the address is 0 -> make 1 -> use OR operator */
     PossibilityTwo |= Reference;

  tcflush( fd , TCIOFLUSH );

  time_wait.tv_sec = VRPN_ATMELLIB_SELECT_WAIT_SEC;
  time_wait.tv_usec = VRPN_ATMELLIB_SELECT_WAIT_USEC;
  vrpn_write_characters(fd, (&((*Cmd).addr)) , 1);
  /* you have to send the address first */
  if ( (ret = select_write_wrapper( fd , 
				    (&((*Cmd).addr)) , 
                                    1 )) 
       != 1 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n vrpn_atmellib::getCmd: Error while writing down. error=%i\n",
    return ret;
  while (time_wait.tv_usec!=0) {
    if (( vrpn_read_available_characters(fd, &(read_val), 1, &time_wait)) != 1) {

      fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_atmellib::getCmd: Error vrpn_read_available_characters for first byte\n");

    // else
    ret = read_val;
    if ((ret = select_read_wrapper(fd, &time_wait)) < 0) {

      fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_atmellib::getCmd:\
                       Error select_read_wrapper for first byte: %i\n" , ret);
    // found expected first byte
    if ((ret==PossibilityOne) || (ret==PossibilityTwo )) {
      (*Cmd).addr = ret;

      if (( vrpn_read_available_characters(fd, &(read_val), 1, &time_wait)) != 1) {

        fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_atmellib::getCmd: Error vrpn_read_available_characters.\n");;
      ret = read_val;
      ret = select_read_wrapper(fd, &time_wait); 

      if ((ret < 0) || (ret > 128)) {

           fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_atmellib::getCmd: Error reading second byte: %i\n\n" , ret);
       (*Cmd).value   = ret;
       // display time for
       gettimeofday( &end , 0);
       printf("Time for reading out: sec=%i , usec=%i\n", sec, usec);
       return ATMELLIB_NOERROR;
int vrpn_Tracker_3DMouse::get_report(void)
   int ret;		// Return value from function call to be checked
   static int count = 0;
   timeval waittime;
   waittime.tv_sec = 2;

   if (status == vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING) {
	unsigned char tmpc;

	if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char*)"*d", 2) !=2)
		perror("  3DMouse write command failed");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_RESETTING;
		return 0;
	ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, _buffer+count, 16-count, &waittime);
	if (ret < 0)
		perror("  3DMouse read failed (disconnected)");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_RESETTING;
		return 0;

	count += ret;
	if (count < 16) return 0;
	if (count > 16)
		perror("  3DMouse read failed (wrong message)");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_RESETTING;
		return 0;

	count = 0;
	tmpc = _buffer[0];
	if (tmpc & 32)
		//printf("port%d: Out of Range\n", i);
		//ret |= 1 << (3-i);
	} else
		long ax, ay, az;           // integer form of absolute translational data
		short arx, ary, arz;       // integer form of absolute rotational data
		float p, y, r;

		ax = (_buffer[1] & 0x40) ? 0xFFE00000 : 0;
		ax |= (long)(_buffer[1] & 0x7f) << 14;
		ax |= (long)(_buffer[2] & 0x7f) << 7;
		ax |= (_buffer[3] & 0x7f);

		ay = (_buffer[4] & 0x40) ? 0xFFE00000 : 0;
		ay |= (long)(_buffer[4] & 0x7f) << 14;
		ay |= (long)(_buffer[5] & 0x7f) << 7;
		ay |= (_buffer[6] & 0x7f);

		az = (_buffer[7] & 0x40) ? 0xFFE00000 : 0;
		az |= (long)(_buffer[7] & 0x7f) << 14;
		az |= (long)(_buffer[8] & 0x7f) << 7;
		az |= (_buffer[9] & 0x7f);

		pos[0] = static_cast<float>(ax / 100000.0 * 2.54);
		pos[2] = static_cast<float>(ay / 100000.0 * 2.54);
		pos[1] = -static_cast<float>(az / 100000.0f * 2.54);

		arx  = (_buffer[10] & 0x7f) << 7;
		arx += (_buffer[11] & 0x7f);

		ary  = (_buffer[12] & 0x7f) << 7;
		ary += (_buffer[13] & 0x7f);

		arz  = (_buffer[14] & 0x7f) << 7;
		arz += (_buffer[15] & 0x7f);

		p = static_cast<float>(arx / 40.0);		// pitch
		y = static_cast<float>(ary / 40.0);		// yaw
		r = static_cast<float>(arz / 40.0);		// roll

		p = static_cast<float>(p * M_PI / 180);
		y = static_cast<float>(y * M_PI / 180);
		r = static_cast<float>((360-r) * M_PI / 180);

		float cosp2 = static_cast<float>(cos(p/2));
		float cosy2 = static_cast<float>(cos(y/2));
		float cosr2 = static_cast<float>(cos(r/2));
		float sinp2 = static_cast<float>(sin(p/2));
		float siny2 = static_cast<float>(sin(y/2));
		float sinr2 = static_cast<float>(sin(r/2));

		d_quat[0] = cosr2*sinp2*cosy2 + sinr2*cosp2*siny2;
		d_quat[1] = sinr2*cosp2*cosy2 + cosr2*sinp2*siny2;
		d_quat[2] = cosr2*cosp2*siny2 + sinr2*sinp2*cosy2;
		d_quat[3] = cosr2*cosp2*cosy2 + sinr2*sinp2*siny2;


	buttons[0] = tmpc & 16;		// Mouse stand button
	buttons[1] = tmpc & 8;		// Suspend button
	buttons[2] = tmpc & 4;		// Left button
	buttons[3] = tmpc & 2;		// Middle button
	buttons[4] = tmpc & 1;		// Right button


    status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;
    bufcount = 0;

#ifdef VERBOSE2

   return 1;
// slave resets are ONLY called by the master
void vrpn_Tracker_Flock_Parallel_Slave::reset()
  // slaves just flush on a reset and then stream (or poll)
  // master does all the real resetting

  // set vars for error handling
  // set them right away so they are set properly in the
  // event that we fail during the reset.

  // Get rid of the characters left over from before the reset
  // (make sure they are processed)

  // put back into polled mode (need to stop stream mode
  // before doing an auto-config)
  int resetLen=0;
  unsigned char reset[3];

  // send the poll mode command (cmd and cmd_size are args)
  if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) reset, resetLen )!=resetLen) {
    fprintf(stderr,"\nvrpn_Tracker_Flock_Parallel_Slave %d: "
	    "failed writing poll cmd to tracker", d_sensor);
    status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;

  // make sure the command is sent out
  vrpn_drain_output_buffer( serial_fd );

  // wait for tracker to respond and flush buffers

  // clear the input buffer (it will contain a single point 
  // record from the poll command above and garbage from before reset)

  // now start it running
  resetLen = 0;

  // either stream or let poll take place later
  if (fStream==1) {
    // stream mode
    reset[resetLen++] = '@';

    if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) reset, resetLen )!=resetLen) {
      fprintf(stderr,"\nvrpn_Tracker_Flock_Parallel_Slave %d: "
	      "failed writing set mode cmds to tracker", d_sensor);
      status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
    // make sure the commands are sent out
    vrpn_drain_output_buffer( serial_fd );
  } else {

  fprintf(stderr,"\nvrpn_Tracker_Flock_Parallel_Slave %d: "
	  "done with reset ... running.\n", d_sensor);
  vrpn_gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);	// Set watchdog now
  status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;	// We're trying for a new reading
// sync the baud rate on the ibox.
// seconds determines how long the process is permitted to continue
int vrpn_ImmersionBox::syncBaudrate (double seconds) {

    struct timeval miniDelay;
    miniDelay.tv_sec = 0;
    miniDelay.tv_usec = 50000;

    unsigned long maxDelay = 1000000L * (long) seconds;
    struct timeval start_time;
    vrpn_gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);

    int loggedOn = 0;
    unsigned char responseString[8];
    const unsigned char * matchString = (unsigned char *) S_INITIALIZE ;  // IMMC
    int index, numRead;

    if (serial_fd < 0)
	return 0;
    vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)"E", 1);
    pause (0.01);

    while (!loggedOn) {
	struct timeval current_time;
	vrpn_gettimeofday(&current_time, NULL);
	if (vrpn_TimevalDuration(current_time, start_time) > maxDelay ) {
	    // if we've timed out, go back unhappy
	    fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_ImmersionBox::syncBaudrate timeout expired: %lf secs \n", seconds);
	    break;  // out of while loop
	// send "IMMC"
	if (4 != vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, matchString, 4)) {
	    fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_ImmersionBox::syncBaudrate could not write to serial port\n");
	    break;  // out of while loop

	pause (0.015);

	// wait for 4 characters
	numRead = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, responseString, 4, &miniDelay);

	if (numRead <= 0) 

	// get 4 characters, hopefully "IMMC"
	for (index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
	    // get a character, check for failure
	    if (responseString[index] != matchString[index]) 

	// if we got all four, we're done
	if (4 == index)
	    loggedOn = 1;

    if (!loggedOn)
	return 0;

    // now begin the session && ensure that its an ibox we're talking to
    matchString = (const unsigned char *) "IBOX";
    vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)"BEGIN", 5);
    numRead = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, responseString, 4, &miniDelay);

    if (numRead <= 0) 
	return 0;

    // check 4 characters, hopefully "IBOX"
    for (index = 0; index < 4; index++) {
	// get a character, check for failure
	if (responseString[index] != matchString[index]) 
	    return 0;
    return 1;
void vrpn_Tracker_Isotrak::reset()
    static int numResets = 0;	// How many resets have we tried?
    int i,resetLen,ret;
    unsigned char reset[10];
    char errmsg[512];
    // This section deals with resetting the tracker to its default state.
    // Multiple attempts are made to reset, getting more aggressive each
    // time. This section completes when the tracker reports a valid status
    // message after the reset has completed.
    // Send the tracker a string that should reset it.  The first time we
    // try this, just do the normal 'c' command to put it into polled mode.
    // After a few tries with this, use a [return] character, and then use the ^Y to reset. 
    resetLen = 0;
    // We're trying another reset
    if (numResets > 1) {	        // Try to get it out of a query loop if its in one
            reset[resetLen++] = (unsigned char) (13); // Return key -> get ready
    if (numResets > 2) {
        reset[resetLen++] = (unsigned char) (25); // Ctrl + Y -> reset the tracker
    reset[resetLen++] = 'c'; // Put it into polled (not continuous) mode
    sprintf(errmsg, "Resetting the tracker (attempt %d)", numResets);
    for (i = 0; i < resetLen; i++) {
            if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, &reset[i], 1) == 1) {
                    vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*2);  // Wait after each character to give it time to respond
            } else {
                    perror("Isotrack: Failed writing to tracker");
                    status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
    //XXX Take out the sleep and make it keep spinning quickly
    if (numResets > 2) {
        vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*20);	// Sleep to let the reset happen, if we're doing ^Y
    // Get rid of the characters left over from before the reset
    // Make sure that the tracker has stopped sending characters
    unsigned char scrap[80];
    if ( (ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, scrap, 80)) != 0) {
        sprintf(errmsg,"Got >=%d characters after reset",ret);
        for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
            if (isprint(scrap[i])) {
            } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "\n");
        vrpn_flush_input_buffer(serial_fd);		// Flush what's left
    // Asking for tracker status
    if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) "S", 1) == 1) {
        vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
    } else {
            perror("  Isotrack write failed");
            status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
    // Read Status
    unsigned char statusmsg[22];
    // Attempt to read 21 characters.  
    ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, statusmsg, 21);
    if ( (ret != 21) ) {
            "  Got %d of 21 characters for status\n",ret);
        VRPN_MSG_ERROR("Bad status report from Isotrack, retrying reset");
    else if ( (statusmsg[0]!='2') ) {
        int i;
        statusmsg[sizeof(statusmsg) - 1] = '\0';	// Null-terminate the string
        fprintf(stderr, "  Isotrack: bad status (");
        for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
            if (isprint(statusmsg[i])) {
            } else {
        VRPN_MSG_ERROR("Bad status report from Isotrack, retrying reset");
    } else {
        VRPN_MSG_WARNING("Isotrack gives correct status (this is good)");
        numResets = 0; 	// Success, use simple reset next time
    // Now that the tracker has given a valid status report, set all of
    // the parameters the way we want them. We rely on power-up setting
    // based on the receiver select switches to turn on the receivers that
    // the user wants.
    // Set output format. This is done once for the Isotrak, not per channel.
    if (set_sensor_output_format(0)) {
    // Enable filtering if the constructor parameter said to.
    // Set filtering for both position (x command) and orientation (v command)
    // to the values that are recommended as a "jumping off point" in the
    // Isotrack manual.

    if (do_filter) {
        if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)"x0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8\015", 17) == 17) {
            vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
        } else {
            perror("  Isotrack write position filter failed");
            status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
        if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)"v0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8\015", 17) == 17) {
            vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
        } else {
            perror("  Isotrack write orientation filter failed");
            status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
    // RESET Alignment reference frame
    if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) "R1\r", 3) != 3) {
            perror("  Isotrack write failed");
            status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
    } else {
            VRPN_MSG_WARNING("Isotrack reset ALIGNMENT reference frame (this is good)");
    // reset BORESIGHT
    if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) "b1\r", 3) != 3) {
            perror("  Isotrack write failed");
            status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
    } else {
            VRPN_MSG_WARNING("Isotrack reset BORESIGHT (this is good)");
    // Set data format to METRIC mode
    if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) "u", 1) != 1) {
            perror("  Isotrack write failed");
            status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
    } else {
            VRPN_MSG_WARNING("Isotrack set to metric units (this is good)");

    // Send the additional reset commands, if any, to the tracker.
    // These commands come in lines, with character \015 ending each
    // line. If a line start with an asterisk (*), treat it as a pause
    // command, with the number of seconds to wait coming right after
    // the asterisk. Otherwise, the line is sent directly to the tracker.
    // Wait a while for them to take effect, then clear the input
    // buffer.
    if (strlen(add_reset_cmd) > 0) {
        char	*next_line;
        char	add_cmd_copy[sizeof(add_reset_cmd)];
        char	string_to_send[sizeof(add_reset_cmd)];
        int	seconds_to_wait;

        printf("  Isotrack writing extended reset commands...\n");

        // Make a copy of the additional reset string, since it is consumed
        strncpy(add_cmd_copy, add_reset_cmd, sizeof(add_cmd_copy));

        // Pass through the string, testing each line to see if it is
        // a sleep command or a line to send to the tracker. Continue until
        // there are no more line delimiters ('\015'). Be sure to write the
        // \015 to the end of the string sent to the tracker.
        // Note that strok() puts a NULL character in place of the delimiter.

        next_line = strtok(add_cmd_copy, "\015");
        while (next_line != NULL) {
                if (next_line[0] == '*') {	// This is a "sleep" line, see how long
                        seconds_to_wait = atoi(&next_line[1]);
                        fprintf(stderr,"   ...sleeping %d seconds\n",seconds_to_wait);
                } else {	// This is a command line, send it
                        sprintf(string_to_send, "%s\015", next_line);
                        fprintf(stderr, "   ...sending command: %s\n", string_to_send);
                                (const unsigned char *)string_to_send,strlen(string_to_send));
                next_line = strtok(next_line+strlen(next_line)+1, "\015");

        // Sleep a little while to let this finish, then clear the input buffer

    // Set data format to BINARY mode
    // F = ASCII, f = binary
    if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) "f", 1) != 1) {
            perror("  Isotrack write failed");
            status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
    } else {
            VRPN_MSG_WARNING("Isotrack set to BINARY mode (this is good)");
    // Set tracker to continuous mode
    if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) "C", 1) != 1) {
            perror("  Isotrack write failed");
            status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
    } else {
            VRPN_MSG_WARNING("Isotrack set to continuous mode (this is good)");

    VRPN_MSG_WARNING("Reset Completed.");

    status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;	// We're trying for a new reading

    // Ok, device is ready, we want to calibrate to sensor 1 current position/orientation
    while(get_report() != 1);

    // Done with reset.
    vrpn_gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);	// Set watchdog now
    status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;	// We're trying for a new reading
int    vrpn_ImmersionBox::reset(void)

    // Set the values back to zero for all buttons, analogs and encoders

    // sending an end at this time will force the ibox into the reset mode, if it
    // was not already.  if the ibox is in the power up mode, nothing will happen because
    // it 'should' be waiting to sync up the baudrate

    // try to synchronize for 2 seconds

    if (syncBaudrate (10.0)) {
	printf("vrpn_ImmersionBox found\n");
    } else {
	return -1;

    if (0 == sendIboxCommand((char) CMD_GETNAME, (char *) &iname, .1)) {
	fprintf(stderr,"problems with ibox command CMD_GETNAME\n");
	return -1;
    if (0 == sendIboxCommand((char) CMD_GETPRID, (char *) &id, .1)) {
	fprintf(stderr,"problems with ibox command CMD_GETPRID\n");
	return -1;
    if (0 == sendIboxCommand((char) CMD_GETMODL, (char *) &model, .1)){
	fprintf(stderr,"problems with ibox command CMD_GETMODL\n");
	return -1;
    if (0 == sendIboxCommand((char) CMD_GETSERN, (char *) &serial, .1)){
	fprintf(stderr,"problems with ibox command CMD_GETSERN\n");
	return -1;
    if (0 == sendIboxCommand((char) CMD_GETCOMM, (char *) &comment, .1)){
	fprintf(stderr,"problems with ibox command CMD_GETCOMM\n");
	return -1;
    if (0 == sendIboxCommand((char) CMD_GETPERF, (char *) &parmf, .1)){
	fprintf(stderr,"problems with ibox command CMD_GETPERF\n");
	return -1;
    if (0 == sendIboxCommand((char) CMD_GETVERS, (char *) &vers, .1)){
	fprintf(stderr,"problems with ibox command CMD_GETVERS\n");
	return -1;

#ifdef VERBOSE
    printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", iname, id, serial, comment, parmf, vers);

    // Compute the proper string to initialize the device based on how many
    // of each type of input/output that is selected. 

    setupCommand (0, _numchannels, _numencoders);  

    unsigned char command[26] = "";
    command[0] = 0xcf;
    command[1] = 0x0;
    command[2] = (unsigned char) 10;  // milliseconds between reports
    command[3] = commandByte;

    for (int i = 4; i < 25;i++)
	command[i] = 0x0;


    int result = vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) command, 25);
    // Ask the box to send a report, ensure echo received
    if (result < 25) {
      fprintf(stderr,"vrpnImmersionBox::reset: could not write command\n");
      return -1;

    pause (.1);

    // look for command echo
    result = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, (unsigned char *) command, 1);    
    if (result <= 0 || command[0] != 0xcf) {
	fprintf(stderr,"vrpnImmersionBox::reset: no command echo\n");
	return -1;

    // flush the input buffer

    printf("ImmersionBox reset complete.\n");

    status = STATUS_SYNCING;
    vrpn_gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);	// Set watchdog now
    return 0;
int vrpn_Tracker_Crossbow::get_report() {
	struct timeval timeout;

	timeout.tv_sec = 0;
	timeout.tv_usec = 500000; // Half a second

	switch (status) {
			fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_Crossbow: sanity: should never enter AWAITING_STATION state\n");
			return 0;
		case vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING: {
			int rv;

			// Quit early if we just got a packet
			if (just_read_something) {
				just_read_something = 0;
				return 0;

			// Request a packet from the device
			unsigned char echo = 'G';
			vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, &echo, 1);

			rv = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, buffer, 1, &timeout);
			// Return early if no characters are available
			if (!rv)
				return 0;

			// Return early if we aren't at the start of a packet header
			if (*buffer != 0xAA) {
				return 0;

			bufcount = 1;

			status = vrpn_TRACKER_PARTIAL;

			// Fall through to next state

		case vrpn_TRACKER_PARTIAL: {
			int rv;

			if (bufcount == 1) {
				rv = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, buffer + 1, 1, &timeout);
				if (!rv || (buffer[1] != 0x55)) {
					buffer[0] = 0;
					bufcount = 0;
					status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;
					return 0;

			// Try to read the rest of the packet. Return early if we haven't got a full packet yet.
			rv = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, buffer + bufcount, 24 - bufcount, &timeout);
			bufcount += rv;
			if (bufcount < 24)
				return 0;

			raw_packet new_data;
			unbuffer_packet(new_data, &buffer[0]);

			// Ensure the packet is valid
			if (validate_packet(new_data)) {
				status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;
				return 0;

			// Prepare the new report

			bufcount = 0;
			memset(buffer, 0, 24);
			status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;
			just_read_something = 1;
			return 1;

			fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_Crossbow: sanity: unknown tracker state\n");
			return 0;
void vrpn_Tracker_Liberty::reset()
   int i,resetLen,ret;
   char reset[10];
   char errmsg[512];
   char outstring1[64],outstring3[64];

   // This section deals with resetting the tracker to its default state.
   // Multiple attempts are made to reset, getting more aggressive each
   // time. This section completes when the tracker reports a valid status
   // message after the reset has completed.

   // Send the tracker a string that should reset it.  The first time we
   // try this, just do the normal 'c' command to put it into polled mode.
   // after a few tries with this, use the ^Y reset.  Later, try to reset
   // to the factory defaults.  Then toggle the extended mode.
   // Then put in a carriage return to try and break it out of
   // a query mode if it is in one.  These additions are cumulative: by the
   // end, we're doing them all.
   fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG] Beginning Reset");
   resetLen = 0;
   num_resets++;		  	// We're trying another reset
   if (num_resets > 0) {	// Try to get it out of a query loop if its in one
   	reset[resetLen++] = (char) (13); // Return key -> get ready
	reset[resetLen++] = 'F';
	reset[resetLen++] = '0';
 	reset[resetLen++] = (char) (13); // Return key -> get ready	
	//	reset[resetLen++] = (char) (13);
	//	reset[resetLen++] = (char) (13);
   /* XXX These commands are probably never needed, and can cause real
      headaches for people who are keeping state in their trackers (especially
      the InterSense trackers).  Taking them out in version 05.01; you can put
      them back in if your tracker isn't resetting as well.
   if (num_resets > 3) {	// Get a little more aggressive
	reset[resetLen++] = 'W'; // Reset to factory defaults
	reset[resetLen++] = (char) (11); // Ctrl + k --> Burn settings into EPROM
   if (num_resets > 2) {
       reset[resetLen++] = (char) (25); // Ctrl + Y -> reset the tracker
       reset[resetLen++] = (char) (13); // Return Key
   reset[resetLen++] = 'P'; // Put it into polled (not continuous) mode

   sprintf(errmsg, "Resetting the tracker (attempt %d)", num_resets);
   for (i = 0; i < resetLen; i++) {
	if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (unsigned char*)&reset[i], 1) == 1) {
		vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*2);  // Wait after each character to give it time to respond
   	} else {
		perror("Liberty: Failed writing to tracker");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
   //XXX Take out the sleep and make it keep spinning quickly
   // You only need to sleep 10 seconds for an actual Liberty.
   // For the Intersense trackers, you need to sleep 20. So,
   // sleeping 20 is the more general solution...
   if (num_resets > 2) {
       vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*20);	// Sleep to let the reset happen, if we're doing ^Y


   // Get rid of the characters left over from before the reset

   // Make sure that the tracker has stopped sending characters
   unsigned char scrap[80];
   if ( (ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, scrap, 80)) != 0) {
     sprintf(errmsg,"Got >=%d characters after reset",ret);
     for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
      	if (isprint(scrap[i])) {
         } else {
     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
     vrpn_flush_input_buffer(serial_fd);		// Flush what's left

   // Asking for tracker status. S not implemented in Liberty and hence
   // ^V (WhoAmI) is used. It retruns 196 bytes

   char statusCommand[2];
   statusCommand[0]=(char)(22); // ^V
   statusCommand[1]=(char)(13); // Return Key

   if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) &statusCommand[0], 2) == 2) {
      vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
   } else {
	perror("  Liberty write failed");
	status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;

   // Read Status
   unsigned char statusmsg[vrpn_LIBERTY_MAX_WHOAMI_LEN+1];

   // Attempt to read whoami_len characters. 
   ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, statusmsg, whoami_len);
   if (ret != whoami_len) {
  	fprintf(stderr,"  Got %d of %d characters for status\n",ret, whoami_len);
   if (ret != -1) {
      statusmsg[ret] = '\0';	// Null-terminate the string
   // It seems like some versions of the tracker report longer
   // messages; so we reduced this check so that it does not check for the
   // appropriate length of message or for the last character being a 10,
   // so that it works more generally.  The removed tests are:
   // || (ret!=whoami_len) || (statusmsg[ret-1]!=(char)(10))
   if ( (statusmsg[0]!='0') ) {
     int i;
     fprintf(stderr, "  Liberty: status is (");
     for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
      	if (isprint(statusmsg[i])) {
         } else {
     VRPN_MSG_ERROR("Bad status report from Liberty, retrying reset");
   } else {
     VRPN_MSG_WARNING("Liberty/Isense gives status (this is good)");
printf("LIBERTY LATUS STATUS (whoami):\n%s\n\n",statusmsg);
     num_resets = 0; 	// Success, use simple reset next time

   // Now that the tracker has given a valid status report, set all of
   // the parameters the way we want them. We rely on power-up setting
   // based on the receiver select switches to turn on the receivers that
   // the user wants.

   // Set output format for each of the possible stations.

   for (i = 0; i < num_stations; i++) {
       if (set_sensor_output_format(i)) {

   // Enable filtering if the constructor parameter said to.
   // Set filtering for both position (X command) and orientation (Y command)
   // to the values that are recommended as a "jumping off point" in the
   // Liberty manual.

   if (do_filter) {
     if (VRPN_LIBERTY_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: Enabling filtering\n");

     if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd,
	     (const unsigned char *)"X0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8\015", 17) == 17) {
	vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
     } else {
	perror("  Liberty write position filter failed");
	status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
     if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd,
	     (const unsigned char *)"Y0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8\015", 17) == 17) {
	vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
     } else {
	perror("  Liberty write orientation filter failed");
	status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
   } else {
     if (VRPN_LIBERTY_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"[DEBUG]: Disabling filtering\n");

     if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd,
	     (const unsigned char *)"X0,1,0,0\015", 9) == 9) {
	vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
     } else {
	perror("  Liberty write position filter failed");
	status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
     if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd,
	     (const unsigned char *)"Y0,1,0,0\015", 9) == 9) {
	vrpn_SleepMsecs(1000.0*1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
     } else {
	perror("  Liberty write orientation filter failed");
	status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;

   // Send the additional reset commands, if any, to the tracker.
   // These commands come in lines, with character \015 ending each
   // line. If a line start with an asterisk (*), treat it as a pause
   // command, with the number of seconds to wait coming right after
   // the asterisk. Otherwise, the line is sent directly to the tracker.
   // Wait a while for them to take effect, then clear the input
   // buffer.
   if (strlen(add_reset_cmd) > 0) {
	char	*next_line;
	char	add_cmd_copy[sizeof(add_reset_cmd)];
	char	string_to_send[sizeof(add_reset_cmd)];
	int	seconds_to_wait;

	printf("  Liberty writing extended reset commands...\n");

	// Make a copy of the additional reset string, since it is consumed
        vrpn_strcpy(add_cmd_copy, add_reset_cmd);

	// Pass through the string, testing each line to see if it is
	// a sleep command or a line to send to the tracker. Continue until
	// there are no more line delimiters ('\015'). Be sure to write the
	// \015 to the end of the string sent to the tracker.
	// Note that strok() puts a NULL character in place of the delimiter.

	next_line = strtok(add_cmd_copy, "\015");
	while (next_line != NULL) {
		if (next_line[0] == '*') {	// This is a "sleep" line, see how long
			seconds_to_wait = atoi(&next_line[1]);
			fprintf(stderr,"   ...sleeping %d seconds\n",seconds_to_wait);
		} else {	// This is a command line, send it
			sprintf(string_to_send, "%s\015", next_line);
			fprintf(stderr, "   ...sending command: %s\n", string_to_send);
				(const unsigned char *)string_to_send,strlen(string_to_send));
		next_line = strtok(next_line+strlen(next_line)+1, "\015");

	// Sleep a little while to let this finish, then clear the input buffer
   // Set data format to BINARY mode
   sprintf(outstring1, "F1\r");
   if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)outstring1,
			    strlen(outstring1)) == (int)strlen(outstring1)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "  Liberty set to binary mode\n");


   // Set tracker to continuous mode
   sprintf(outstring3, "C\r");
   if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)outstring3,
                                strlen(outstring3)) != (int)strlen(outstring3)) {
 	perror("  Liberty write failed");
	status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
   } else {
   	fprintf(stderr, "  Liberty set to continuous mode\n");

   // If we are using the Liberty timestamps, clear the timer on the device and
   // store the time when we cleared it.  First, drain any characters in the output
   // buffer to ensure we're sending right away.  Then, send the reset command and
   // store the time that we sent it, plus the estimated time for the characters to
   // get across the serial line to the device at the current baud rate.
   // Set time units to milliseconds (MT) and reset the time (MZ).

	char	clear_timestamp_cmd[] = "Q0\r";


	if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)clear_timestamp_cmd,
	        strlen(clear_timestamp_cmd)) != (int)strlen(clear_timestamp_cmd)) {
	    VRPN_MSG_ERROR("Cannot send command to clear timestamp");
	    status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;

	// Drain the output buffer again, then record the time as the base time from
	// the tracker.
	vrpn_gettimeofday(&liberty_zerotime, NULL);

   // Done with reset.
   vrpn_gettimeofday(&watchdog_timestamp, NULL);	// Set watchdog now
   VRPN_MSG_WARNING("Reset Completed (this is good)");
   status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;	// We're trying for a new reading
void vrpn_Tracker_NDI_Polaris::sendCommand(const char* commandString ){
	vrpn_write_characters(serialFd,(const unsigned char* )commandString,strlen(commandString));
	vrpn_write_characters(serialFd,(const unsigned char* )"\r",1); //send the CR
int vrpn_CerealBox::get_report(void)
   int ret;		// Return value from function call to be checked
   int i;		// Loop counter
   int nextchar = 1;	// Index of the next character to read

   // The reports are each _expected_chars characters long, and each start with an
   // ASCII 'p' character. If we're synching, read a byte at a time until we
   // find a 'p' character.

   if (status == STATUS_SYNCING) {
      // Try to get a character.  If none, just return.
      if (vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, _buffer, 1) != 1) {
      	return 0;

      // If it is not a 'p', we don't want it but we
      // need to look at the next one, so just return and stay
      // in Syncing mode so that we will try again next time through.
      if ( _buffer[0] != 'p') {
      	fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_CerealBox: Syncing (looking for 'p', "
		"got '%c')\n", _buffer[0]);
      	return 0;

      // Got the first character of a report -- go into READING mode
      // and record that we got one character at this time. The next
      // bit of code will attempt to read the rest of the report.
      // The time stored here is as close as possible to when the
      // report was generated.
      _bufcount = 1;
      vrpn_gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);
      status = STATUS_READING;
#ifdef	VERBOSE
      printf("... Got the 1st char\n");

   // Read as many bytes of this report as we can, storing them
   // in the buffer.  We keep track of how many have been read so far
   // and only try to read the rest.  The routine that calls this one
   // makes sure we get a full reading often enough (ie, it is responsible
   // for doing the watchdog timing to make sure the device hasn't simply
   // stopped sending characters).

   ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, &_buffer[_bufcount],
   if (ret == -1) {
	send_text_message("vrpn_CerealBox: Error reading", timestamp, vrpn_TEXT_ERROR);
	return 0;
   _bufcount += ret;
#ifdef	VERBOSE
   if (ret != 0) printf("... got %d characters (%d total)\n",ret, _bufcount);
   if (_bufcount < _expected_chars) {	// Not done -- go back for more
	return 0;

   // We now have enough characters to make a full report. Check to make
   // sure that its format matches what we expect. If it does, the next
   // section will parse it. If it does not, we need to go back into
   // synch mode and ignore this report. A well-formed report has the
   // first character 'p', and the last character is '\n'.

   if (_buffer[0] != 'p') {
	   status = STATUS_SYNCING;
      	   fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_CerealBox: Not 'p' in record\n");
	   return 0;
   if (_buffer[_expected_chars-1] != '\n') {
	   status = STATUS_SYNCING;
      	   fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_CerealBox: No carriage return in record\n");
	   return 0;

#ifdef	VERBOSE
   printf("got a complete report (%d of %d)!\n", _bufcount, _expected_chars);

   // Ask the device to send us another report. Ideally, this would be
   // sent earlier so that we can overlap with the previous report. However,
   // when we ask after the first character we start losing parts of the
   // reports when we've turned on a lot of inputs. So, we do it here
   // after the report has come in.

   vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (unsigned char *)"pE", 2);

   // Decode the report and store the values in it into the parent classes
   // (analog, button and encoder). This code is modelled on the routines
   // convert_serial() and unpack_encoders() in the BG systems code.

   {	// Digital code. There appear to be 4 bits (four buttons) stored
	// in each byte, in the low-order 4 bits after the offset of 0x21
	// has been removed from each byte. They seem to come in highest-
	// buttons first, with the highest within each bank in the leftmost
	// bit.  This assumes we are not using MP for digital inputs.

	int i;
	int numbuttonchars;

	// Read two characters for each eight buttons that are on, from the
	// highest bank down.
	numbuttonchars = ((_numbuttons+7) / 8) * 2;
	for (i = numbuttonchars-1; i >= 0; i--) {
		// Find the four bits for these buttons by subtracting
		// the offset to get them into the low-order 4 bits
		char bits = (char)(_buffer[nextchar++] - offset);

		// Set the buttons for each bit
		buttons[ i*4 + 3 ] = ( (bits & 0x08) != 0);
		buttons[ i*4 + 2 ] = ( (bits & 0x04) != 0);
		buttons[ i*4 + 1 ] = ( (bits & 0x02) != 0);
		buttons[ i*4 + 0 ] = ( (bits & 0x01) != 0);

   {// Analog code. Looks like there are two characters for each
	// analog value; this conversion code grabbed right from the
	// BG code. They seem to come in lowest-numbered first.

	int	intval, i;
	double	realval;
	for (i = 0; i < _numchannels; i++) {
		intval =  (0x3f & (_buffer[nextchar++]-offset)) << 6;
		intval |= (0x3f & (_buffer[nextchar++]-offset));
		realval = -1.0 + (2.0 * intval/4095.0);
		channel[i] = realval;

   {	// Encoders. They come packed as 24-bit values with 6 bits in
	// each byte (offset by 0x21). They seem to come least-significant
	// part first. This decoding is valid only for incremental
	// encoders. Remember to convert the encoder values into fractions
	// of a revolution.

	for (i = 0; i < _numencoders; i++) {
		int	enc0, enc1, enc2, enc3;
		long	increment;

		enc0 = (_buffer[nextchar++]-offset) & 0x3f;
		increment = enc0;
		enc1 = (_buffer[nextchar++]-offset) & 0x3f;
		increment |= enc1 << 6;
		enc2 = (_buffer[nextchar++]-offset) & 0x3f;
		increment |= enc2 << 12;
		enc3 = (_buffer[nextchar++]-offset) & 0x3f;
		increment |= enc3 << 18;
		if ( increment & 0x800000 ) {
			dials[i] = (int)(increment - 16777216) * REV_PER_TICK;
		} else {
			dials[i] = (int)(increment) * REV_PER_TICK;

   // Done with the decoding, send the reports and go back to syncing

   status = STATUS_SYNCING;
   _bufcount = 0;
   return 1;
int	vrpn_CerealBox::reset(void)
	struct	timeval	timeout;
	unsigned char	inbuf[45];
	const char	*Cpy = "Copyright (c), BG Systems";
	int	major, minor, bug;	// Version of the EEPROM
	unsigned char	reset_str[32];		// Reset string sent to box
	int	ret;

	// Set the values back to zero for all buttons, analogs and encoders

	// Check that the box exists and has the correct EEPROM version. The
	// "T" command to the box should cause the 44-byte EEPROM string to be
	// returned. This string defines the version and type of the box.
	// Give it a reasonable amount of time to finish (2 seconds), then timeout
	vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)"T", 1);
	timeout.tv_sec = 2;
	timeout.tv_usec = 0;
	ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, inbuf, 44, &timeout);
	inbuf[44] = 0;		// Make sure string is NULL-terminated
	if (ret < 0) {
		perror("vrpn_CerealBox: Error reading from box\n");
		return -1;
	if (ret == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_CerealBox: No response from box\n");
		return -1;
	if (ret != 44) {
		fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_CerealBox: Got %d of 44 expected characters\n",ret);
		return -1;

	// Parse the copyright string for the version and other information
	// Code here is similar to check_rev() function in the BG example code.
	if (strncmp((char *)inbuf, Cpy, strlen(Cpy))) {
		fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_CerealBox: Copyright string mismatch: %s\n",inbuf);
		return -1;
	major = inbuf[38] - '0';
	minor = inbuf[40] - '0';
	bug = inbuf[41] - '0';
	if ( (3 != major) || (0 != minor) || (7 != bug) ) {
		fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_CerealBox: Bad EEPROM version (want 3.07, got %d.%d%d)\n",
			major, minor, bug);
		return -1;
	printf("vrpn_CerealBox: Box of type %c found\n",inbuf[42]);

	// Compute the proper string to initialize the device based on how many
	// of each type of input/output that is selected. This follows init_cereal()
	// in BG example code.
	{	int	i;
		char	ana1_4 = 0;	// Bits 1-4 do analog channels 1-4
		char	ana5_8 = 0;	// Bits 1-4 do analog channels 5-8
		char	dig1_3 = 0;	// Bits 1-3 enable groups of 8 inputs
		char	enc1_4 = 0;	// Bits 1-4 enable encoders 1-4
		char	enc5_8 = 0;	// Bits 1-4 enable encoders 5-8

		// Figure out which analog channels to use and set them
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			if (i < _numchannels) {
				ana1_4 |= (1<<i);
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			if (i+4 < _numchannels) {
				ana5_8 |= (1<<i);

		// Figure out which banks of digital inputs to use and set them
		for (i = 0; i < _numbuttons; i++) {
			dig1_3 |= (1 << (i/8));

		// Figure out which encoder channels to use and set them
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			if (i < _numencoders) {
				enc1_4 |= (1<<i);
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			if (i+4 < _numencoders) {
				enc5_8 |= (1<<i);

		reset_str[0] = 'c';
		reset_str[1] = (unsigned char)(ana1_4 + offset);	// Hope we don't need to set baud rate
		reset_str[2] = (unsigned char)((ana5_8 | (dig1_3 << 4)) + offset);
		reset_str[3] = (unsigned char)(0 + offset);
		reset_str[4] = (unsigned char)(0 + offset);
		reset_str[5] = (unsigned char)(enc1_4 + offset);
		reset_str[6] = (unsigned char)(enc1_4 + offset);	// Set encoders 1-4 for incremental
		reset_str[7] = (unsigned char)(enc5_8 + offset);
		reset_str[8] = (unsigned char)(enc5_8 + offset);	// Set encoders 5-8 for incremental
		reset_str[9] = '\n';
		reset_str[10] = 0;

	// Send the string and then wait for an acknowledgement from the box.
	vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, reset_str, 10);
	timeout.tv_sec = 2;
	timeout.tv_usec = 0;
	ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, inbuf, 2, &timeout);
	if (ret < 0) {
		perror("vrpn_CerealBox: Error reading ack from box\n");
		return -1;
	if (ret == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_CerealBox: No ack from box\n");
		return -1;
	if (ret != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_CerealBox: Got %d of 2 expected ack characters\n",ret);
		return -1;
	if (inbuf[0] != 'a') {
		fprintf(stderr,"vrpn_CerealBox: Bad ack: wanted 'a', got '%c'\n",inbuf[0]);
		return -1;

	// Ask the box to send a report, and go into SYNCING mode to get it.
	vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (unsigned char *)"pE", 2);
	printf("CerealBox reset complete.\n");

	// Figure out how many characters to expect in each report from the device
	// There is a 'p' to start and '\n' to finish, two bytes for each analog
	// value, 4 bytes for each encoder. Buttons are enabled in banks of 8,
	// but each bank of 8 is returned in 2 bytes (4 bits each).
	_expected_chars = 2 + 2*_numchannels + _numencoders*4 +
		((_numbuttons+7) / 8) * 2;

	vrpn_gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);	// Set watchdog now
	return 0;
void vrpn_Tracker_3Space::reset()
   static int numResets = 0;	// How many resets have we tried?
   int i,resetLen,ret;
   unsigned char reset[10];

   // Send the tracker a string that should reset it.  The first time we
   // try this, just do the normal ^Y reset.  Later, try to reset
   // to the factory defaults.  Then toggle the extended mode.
   // Then put in a carriage return to try and break it out of
   // a query mode if it is in one.  These additions are cumulative: by the
   // end, we're doing them all.
   resetLen = 0;
   numResets++;		  	// We're trying another reset
   if (numResets > 1) {	// Try to get it out of a query loop if its in one
   	reset[resetLen++] = (char) (13); // Return key -> get ready
   if (numResets > 7) {
	reset[resetLen++] = 'Y'; // Put tracker into tracking (not point) mode
   if (numResets > 3) {	// Get a little more aggressive
   	if (numResets > 4) { // Even more aggressive
      	reset[resetLen++] = 't'; // Toggle extended mode (in case it is on)
   reset[resetLen++] = 'W'; // Reset to factory defaults
   reset[resetLen++] = (char) (11); // Ctrl + k --> Burn settings into EPROM
   reset[resetLen++] = (char) (25); // Ctrl + Y -> reset the tracker
   send_text_message("Resetting", timestamp, vrpn_TEXT_ERROR, numResets);
   for (i = 0; i < resetLen; i++) {
	if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, &reset[i], 1) == 1) {
		sleep(2);  // Wait 2 seconds each character
   	} else {
		send_text_message("Failed writing to tracker", timestamp, vrpn_TEXT_ERROR, numResets);
		perror("3Space: Failed writing to tracker");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
   sleep(10);	// Sleep to let the reset happen

   // Get rid of the characters left over from before the reset

   // Make sure that the tracker has stopped sending characters
   unsigned char scrap[80];
   if ( (ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, scrap, 80)) != 0) {
     fprintf(stderr,"  3Space warning: got >=%d characters after reset:\n",ret);
     for (i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
      	if (isprint(scrap[i])) {
         } else {
     fprintf(stderr, "\n");
     vrpn_flush_input_buffer(serial_fd);		// Flush what's left

   // Asking for tracker status
   if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *) "S", 1) == 1) {
      sleep(1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
   } else {
	perror("  3Space write failed");
	status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;

   // Read Status
   unsigned char statusmsg[56];
   if ( (ret = vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, statusmsg, 55)) != 55){
  	fprintf(stderr, "  Got %d of 55 characters for status\n",ret);
   if ( (statusmsg[0]!='2') || (statusmsg[54]!=(char)(10)) ) {
     int i;
     statusmsg[55] = '\0';	// Null-terminate the string
     fprintf(stderr, "  Tracker: status is (");
     for (i = 0; i < 55; i++) {
      	if (isprint(statusmsg[i])) {
         } else {
     fprintf(stderr, ")\n  Bad status report from tracker, retrying reset\n");
   } else {
     send_text_message("Got status (tracker back up)!", timestamp, vrpn_TEXT_ERROR, 0);
     numResets = 0; 	// Success, use simple reset next time

   // Set output format to be position,quaternion
   // These are a capitol 'o' followed by comma-separated values that
   // indicate data sets according to appendix F of the 3Space manual,
   // then followed by character 13 (octal 15).
   if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)"O2,11\015", 6) == 6) {
	sleep(1); // Sleep for a second to let it respond
   } else {
	perror("  3Space write failed");
	status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;

   // Set data format to BINARY mode
   vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, (const unsigned char *)"f", 1);

   // Set tracker to continuous mode
   if (vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd,(const unsigned char *) "C", 1) != 1)
   	perror("  3Space write failed");
   else {
   	fprintf(stderr, "  3Space set to continuous mode\n");

   fprintf(stderr, "  (at the end of 3Space reset routine)\n");
   vrpn_gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);	// Set watchdog now
   status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;	// We're trying for a new reading
void vrpn_Tracker_Crossbow::reset() {
	const	char *cmd;
	unsigned char recv_buf[8];
	struct timeval timeout;

	timeout.tv_sec = 1;
	timeout.tv_usec = 0;
#if 0 // doesn't help
	// First, take the comm port offline for a second
	serial_fd = vrpn_open_commport(portname, baudrate);


	// Try resetting by toggling the RTS line of the serial port
	vrpn_gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);


	cmd = "P";
	vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*> (cmd), 1);
	vrpn_SleepMsecs(50); // Sleep long enough to stop receiving data

	cmd = "RSv";
	vrpn_write_characters(serial_fd, reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*> (cmd), 3);
	if (vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, recv_buf, 8, &timeout) != 8) {
		fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_Crossbow::reset: Crossbow not responding to stimulus\n");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;

	if ((recv_buf[0] != 'H') || (recv_buf[1] != 255) || (recv_buf[7] != 255)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_Crossbow::reset: Crossbow gave unexpected ping response\n");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;

	if (recv_buf[6] != ((recv_buf[2] + recv_buf[3] + recv_buf[4] + recv_buf[5]) & 0xFF)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_Crossbow::reset: Crossbow gave invalid serial number checksum\n");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;

	const char *bufptr = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&recv_buf[2]);
	vrpn_unbuffer(&bufptr, &device_serial);

	if (0) do {
		if (!vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, recv_buf, 1, &timeout)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_Crossbow::reset: Crossbow not responding to stimulus\n");
			status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
	} while (*recv_buf != 255);

	int curSize = 4, curLen = 0;
	device_version = (char *) realloc(device_version, curSize * sizeof(char));
	if (device_version == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_Crossbow::reset: Out of memory\n");
		status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
	do {
		if (!vrpn_read_available_characters(serial_fd, recv_buf, 1, &timeout)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "vrpn_Tracker_Crossbow::reset: Crossbow not responding to stimulus\n");
			status = vrpn_TRACKER_FAIL;
		if (*recv_buf != '$')
			device_version[curLen++] = *recv_buf;

		if (curLen == curSize)
			device_version = (char *) realloc(device_version, curSize *= 2);
	} while (*recv_buf != '$');

	// Now null-terminate the version string, expanding it one last time if necessary
	if (curLen == curSize)
		device_version = (char *) realloc(device_version, ++curSize);

	device_version[curLen] = 0;

	//printf("Serial %u\tVersion '%s'\n", device_serial, device_version);

	just_read_something = 0;
	status = vrpn_TRACKER_SYNCING;
