static virSecretPtr
vshCommandOptSecret(vshControl *ctl, const vshCmd *cmd, const char **name)
    virSecretPtr secret = NULL;
    const char *n = NULL;
    const char *optname = "secret";

    if (!vshCmdHasOption(ctl, cmd, optname))
        return NULL;

    if (vshCommandOptStringReq(ctl, cmd, optname, &n) < 0)
        return NULL;

    vshDebug(ctl, VSH_ERR_DEBUG,
             "%s: found option <%s>: %s\n", cmd->def->name, optname, n);

    if (name != NULL)
        *name = n;

    secret = virSecretLookupByUUIDString(ctl->conn, n);

    if (secret == NULL)
        vshError(ctl, _("failed to get secret '%s'"), n);

    return secret;
vshCommandOptInterfaceBy(vshControl *ctl, const vshCmd *cmd,
                         const char *optname,
                         const char **name, unsigned int flags)
    virInterfacePtr iface = NULL;
    const char *n = NULL;
    bool is_mac = false;
    virMacAddr dummy;
    virCheckFlags(VSH_BYNAME | VSH_BYMAC, NULL);

    if (!optname)
       optname = "interface";
    if (!vshCmdHasOption(ctl, cmd, optname))
        return NULL;

    if (vshCommandOptStringReq(ctl, cmd, optname, &n) < 0)
        return NULL;

    vshDebug(ctl, VSH_ERR_INFO, "%s: found option <%s>: %s\n",
             cmd->def->name, optname, n);

    if (name)
        *name = n;

    if (virMacAddrParse(n, &dummy) == 0)
        is_mac = true;

    /* try it by NAME */
    if (!is_mac && (flags & VSH_BYNAME)) {
        vshDebug(ctl, VSH_ERR_DEBUG, "%s: <%s> trying as interface NAME\n",
                 cmd->def->name, optname);
        iface = virInterfaceLookupByName(ctl->conn, n);

    /* try it by MAC */
    } else if (is_mac && (flags & VSH_BYMAC)) {
        vshDebug(ctl, VSH_ERR_DEBUG, "%s: <%s> trying as interface MAC\n",
                 cmd->def->name, optname);
        iface = virInterfaceLookupByMACString(ctl->conn, n);

    if (!iface)
        vshError(ctl, _("failed to get interface '%s'"), n);

    return iface;
vshCommandOptNetworkBy(vshControl *ctl, const vshCmd *cmd,
                       const char **name, unsigned int flags)
    virNetworkPtr network = NULL;
    const char *n = NULL;
    const char *optname = "network";
    virCheckFlags(VSH_BYUUID | VSH_BYNAME, NULL);

    if (!vshCmdHasOption(ctl, cmd, optname))
        return NULL;

    if (vshCommandOptStringReq(ctl, cmd, optname, &n) < 0)
        return NULL;

    vshDebug(ctl, VSH_ERR_INFO, "%s: found option <%s>: %s\n",
             cmd->def->name, optname, n);

    if (name)
        *name = n;

    /* try it by UUID */
    if ((flags & VSH_BYUUID) && strlen(n) == VIR_UUID_STRING_BUFLEN-1) {
        vshDebug(ctl, VSH_ERR_DEBUG, "%s: <%s> trying as network UUID\n",
                 cmd->def->name, optname);
        network = virNetworkLookupByUUIDString(ctl->conn, n);
    /* try it by NAME */
    if (!network && (flags & VSH_BYNAME)) {
        vshDebug(ctl, VSH_ERR_DEBUG, "%s: <%s> trying as network NAME\n",
                 cmd->def->name, optname);
        network = virNetworkLookupByName(ctl->conn, n);

    if (!network)
        vshError(ctl, _("failed to get network '%s'"), n);

    return network;