void test_vst1Q_laneu64 (void)
  uint64_t *arg0_uint64_t;
  uint64x2_t arg1_uint64x2_t;

  vst1q_lane_u64 (arg0_uint64_t, arg1_uint64x2_t, 1);
// Radar 11998303: Avoid using i64 types for vld1q_lane and vst1q_lane Neon
// intrinsics with <2 x i64> vectors to avoid poor code for i64 in the backend.
void t1(uint64_t *src, uint8_t *dst) {
// CHECK: @t1
  uint64x2_t q = vld1q_u64(src);
// CHECK: call <2 x i64> @llvm.arm.neon.vld1.v2i64.p0i8
  vst1q_lane_u64(dst, q, 1);
// CHECK: bitcast <16 x i8> %{{.*}} to <2 x i64>
// CHECK: shufflevector <2 x i64>
// CHECK: call void @llvm.arm.neon.vst1.p0i8.v1i64