void userCalculatePerspectiveTransformFromLK(vx_matrix matrix_forward, vx_matrix matrix_backward, vx_array old_features,
        vx_array new_features)
    vx_float32 mat1[3][3];
    vx_float32 mat2[3][3];
    vx_size olen = 0;
    vx_size nlen = 0;
    vx_keypoint_t *old_features_ptr = NULL;
    vx_keypoint_t *new_features_ptr = NULL;
    vx_size old_features_stride = 0;
    vx_size new_features_stride = 0;
    vx_uint32 ind;
    //vx_float32 *A = malloc(olen+nlen);
    //vx_float32 *b = malloc(olen+nlen);

    vxQueryArray(old_features, VX_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_NUMITEMS, &olen, sizeof(olen));
    vxQueryArray(new_features, VX_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_NUMITEMS, &nlen, sizeof(nlen));

    if (olen != nlen)

    vxAccessArrayRange(old_features, 0, olen, &old_features_stride, (void **) &old_features_ptr, VX_READ_ONLY);
    vxAccessArrayRange(new_features, 0, nlen, &new_features_stride, (void **) &new_features_ptr, VX_READ_ONLY);

    /*! \internal do least square algorithm that find perspective transform */
    /*! \see "Computer Vision Algorithm and Application by Richard Szeliski section 6.1.3 */
    for (ind = 0; ind < nlen; ind++)
        //vx_int32 matrix_index = 2 * ind;

        //vx_keypoint_t old_kp = vxArrayItem(vx_keypoint_t, old_features_ptr, ind, old_features_stride);
        //vx_keypoint_t new_kp = vxArrayItem(vx_keypoint_t, new_features_ptr, ind, new_features_stride);

         A[matrix_index] = {old_kp.x, old_kp.y,    1,
         0,       0,    0,

         A[matrix_index+1] = {0, 0, 0,

         b[matrix_index]   = new_kp.x - old_kp.x;
         b[matrix_index+1] = new_kp.y - old_kp.y;

    //least_square_divide(A,b, mat1);
    //inverse_matrix(mat1, mat2);

    vxCommitArrayRange(old_features, 0, 0, old_features_ptr);
    vxCommitArrayRange(new_features, 0, 0, new_features_ptr);

    vxWriteMatrix(matrix_forward, mat1);
    vxWriteMatrix(matrix_backward, mat2);
int CVxParamMatrix::ReadFrame(int frameNumber)
	// check if there is no user request to read
	if (m_fileNameRead.length() < 1) return 0;

	// make sure buffer has been allocated
	if (!m_bufForAccess) NULLPTR_CHECK(m_bufForAccess = new vx_uint8[m_size]);

	// for single frame reads, there is no need to read it again
	// as it is already read into the object
	if (!m_fileNameForReadHasIndex && frameNumber != m_captureFrameStart) {
		return 0;

	// reading data from input file
	char fileName[MAX_FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; sprintf(fileName, m_fileNameRead.c_str(), frameNumber);
	FILE * fp = fopen(fileName, m_readFileIsBinary ? "rb" : "r");
	if (!fp) {
		if (frameNumber == m_captureFrameStart) {
			ReportError("ERROR: Unable to open: %s\n", fileName);
		else {
			return 1; // end of sequence detected for multiframe sequences
	int status = 0;
	if (m_readFileIsBinary) {
		if (fread(m_bufForAccess, 1, m_size, fp) != m_size)
			status = -1;
	else {
		for (vx_size index = 0; index < (m_columns * m_rows); index++) {
			if (m_data_type == VX_TYPE_INT32 || m_data_type == VX_TYPE_UINT8) {
				vx_uint32 value;
				if (fscanf(fp, "%i", &value) != 1) {
					status = -1;
				if (m_data_type == VX_TYPE_UINT8) ((vx_uint8 *)m_bufForAccess)[index] = (vx_uint8)value;
				else ((vx_int32 *)m_bufForAccess)[index] = value;
			else if (m_data_type == VX_TYPE_FLOAT32) {
				if (fscanf(fp, "%g", &((vx_float32 *)m_bufForAccess)[index]) != 1) {
					status = -1;
			else ReportError("ERROR: matrix ascii read option not support for data_type of %s\n", GetVxObjectName());
	ERROR_CHECK(vxWriteMatrix(m_matrix, m_bufForAccess));
	if (status < 0)
		ReportError("ERROR: detected EOF on matrix input file: %s\n", fileName);

	return status;
文件: main_sfm.cpp 项目: neariot/sfm
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        nvxio::Application &app = nvxio::Application::get();

        // Parse command line arguments

//        std::string sourceUri = app.findSampleFilePath("file:///dev/video0");

// "/home/ubuntu/VisionWorks-SFM-0.82-Samples/data/sfm/parking_sfm.mp4";

        std::string sourceUri = "/home/px4/test.mp4";
        std::string configFile = app.findSampleFilePath("sfm/sfm_config.ini");
        bool fullPipeline = false;
        std::string maskFile;
        bool noLoop = false;

        app.setDescription("This sample demonstrates Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithm");
        app.addOption(0, "mask", "Optional mask", nvxio::OptionHandler::string(&maskFile));
        app.addBooleanOption('f', "fullPipeline", "Run full SfM pipeline without using IMU data", &fullPipeline);
        app.addBooleanOption('n', "noLoop", "Run sample without loop", &noLoop);

        app.init(argc, argv);

        nvx_module_version_t sfmVersion;
        std::cout << "VisionWorks SFM version: " << sfmVersion.major << "." << sfmVersion.minor
                  << "." << sfmVersion.patch << sfmVersion.suffix << std::endl;

        std::string imuDataFile;
        std::string frameDataFile;
        if (!fullPipeline)
            imuDataFile = app.findSampleFilePath("sfm/imu_data.txt");
            frameDataFile = app.findSampleFilePath("sfm/images_timestamps.txt");

        if (app.getPreferredRenderName() != "default")
            std::cerr << "The sample uses custom Render for GUI. --nvxio_render option is not supported!" << std::endl;
            return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_NO_RENDER;

        // Read SfMParams

        nvx::SfM::SfMParams params;

        std::string msg;
        if (!read(configFile, params, msg))
            std::cout << msg << std::endl;
            return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_INVALID_VALUE;

        // Create OpenVX context

        nvxio::ContextGuard context;

        // Messages generated by the OpenVX framework will be processed by nvxio::stdoutLogCallback

        vxRegisterLogCallback(context, &nvxio::stdoutLogCallback, vx_false_e);

        // Add SfM kernels


        // Create a Frame Source

        std::unique_ptr<nvxio::FrameSource> source(
             nvxio::createDefaultFrameSource(context, sourceUri));

        if (!source || !source->open())
            std::cout << "Can't open source file: " << sourceUri << std::endl;
//            int haha=3;
//            fprintf(stderr, "errno = %d \n", haha);
            return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_NO_RESOURCE;

        nvxio::FrameSource::Parameters sourceParams = source->getConfiguration();

        // Create OpenVX Image to hold frames from video source

        vx_image frame = vxCreateImage(context,
                                       sourceParams.frameWidth, sourceParams.frameHeight, sourceParams.format);

        // Load mask image if needed

        vx_image mask = NULL;
        if (!maskFile.empty())
            mask = nvxio::loadImageFromFile(context, maskFile, VX_DF_IMAGE_U8);

            vx_uint32 mask_width = 0, mask_height = 0;
            vxQueryImage(mask, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_WIDTH, &mask_width, sizeof(mask_width));
            vxQueryImage(mask, VX_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTE_HEIGHT, &mask_height, sizeof(mask_height));

            if (mask_width != sourceParams.frameWidth || mask_height != sourceParams.frameHeight)
                std::cerr << "The mask must have the same size as the input source." << std::endl;
                return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_INVALID_DIMENSIONS;

        // Create 3D Render instance
        std::unique_ptr<nvxio::Render3D> render3D(nvxio::createDefaultRender3D(context, 0, 0,
            "SfM Point Cloud", sourceParams.frameWidth, sourceParams.frameHeight));

        nvxio::Render::TextBoxStyle style = {{255, 255, 255, 255}, {0, 0, 0, 255}, {10, 10}};

        if (!render3D)
            std::cerr << "Can't create a renderer" << std::endl;
            return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_NO_RENDER;

        float fovYinRad = 2.f * atanf(sourceParams.frameHeight / 2.f / params.pFy);
        render3D->setDefaultFOV(180.f / nvxio::PI_F * fovYinRad);

        EventData eventData;
        render3D->setOnKeyboardEventCallback(eventCallback, &eventData);

        // Create SfM class instance

        std::unique_ptr<nvx::SfM> sfm(nvx::SfM::createSfM(context, params));

        // Create FenceDetectorWithKF class instance
        FenceDetectorWithKF fenceDetector;

        nvxio::FrameSource::FrameStatus frameStatus;
            frameStatus = source->fetch(frame);
        while (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::TIMEOUT);

        if (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::CLOSED)
            std::cerr << "Source has no frames" << std::endl;
            return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_NO_FRAMESOURCE;

        vx_status status = sfm->init(frame, mask, imuDataFile, frameDataFile);
        if (status != VX_SUCCESS)
            std::cerr << "Failed to initialize the algorithm" << std::endl;
            return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_ERROR;

        const vx_size maxNumOfPoints = 2000;
        const vx_size maxNumOfPlanesVertices = 2000;
        vx_array filteredPoints = vxCreateArray(context, NVX_TYPE_POINT3F, maxNumOfPoints);
        vx_array planesVertices = vxCreateArray(context, NVX_TYPE_POINT3F, maxNumOfPlanesVertices);

        // Run processing loop

        vx_matrix model = vxCreateMatrix(context, VX_TYPE_FLOAT32, 4, 4);
        float eye_data[4*4] = {1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1};
        vxWriteMatrix(model, eye_data);

        nvxio::Render3D::PointCloudStyle pcStyle = {0, 12};
        nvxio::Render3D::PlaneStyle fStyle = {0, 10};

        GroundPlaneSmoother groundPlaneSmoother(7);

        nvx::Timer totalTimer;
        double proc_ms = 0;
        float yGroundPlane = 0;
        while (!eventData.shouldStop)
            if (!eventData.pause)
                frameStatus = source->fetch(frame);

                if (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::TIMEOUT)
                if (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::CLOSED)
                    if(noLoop) break;

                    if (!source->open())
                        std::cerr << "Failed to reopen the source" << std::endl;

                        frameStatus = source->fetch(frame);
                    while (frameStatus == nvxio::FrameSource::TIMEOUT);

                    sfm->init(frame, mask, imuDataFile, frameDataFile);



                // Process
                nvx::Timer procTimer;
                sfm->track(frame, mask);
                proc_ms = procTimer.toc();

            // Print performance results

            if (!eventData.showPointCloud)

            filterPoints(sfm->getPointCloud(), filteredPoints);
            render3D->putPointCloud(filteredPoints, model, pcStyle);

            if (eventData.showFences)
                fenceDetector.getFencePlaneVertices(filteredPoints, planesVertices);
                render3D->putPlanes(planesVertices, model, fStyle);

            if (fullPipeline && eventData.showGP)
                const float x1(-1.5), x2(1.5), z1(1), z2(4);

                vx_matrix gp = sfm->getGroundPlane();
                yGroundPlane = groundPlaneSmoother.getSmoothedY(gp, x1, z1);

                nvx_point3f_t pt[4] = {{x1, yGroundPlane, z1},
                                       {x1, yGroundPlane, z2},
                                       {x2, yGroundPlane, z2},
                                       {x2, yGroundPlane, z1}};

                vx_array gpPoints = vxCreateArray(context, NVX_TYPE_POINT3F, 4);
                vxAddArrayItems(gpPoints, 4, pt, sizeof(pt[0]));

                render3D->putPlanes(gpPoints, model, fStyle);

            double total_ms = totalTimer.toc();

            // Add a delay to limit frame rate

            total_ms = totalTimer.toc();

            std::string state = createInfo(fullPipeline, proc_ms, total_ms, eventData);
            render3D->putText(state.c_str(), style);

            if (!render3D->flush())
                eventData.shouldStop = true;

        // Release all objects
    catch (const std::exception& e)
        std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
        return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_ERROR;

    return nvxio::Application::APP_EXIT_CODE_SUCCESS;
int CVxParamMatrix::InitializeIO(vx_context context, vx_graph graph, vx_reference ref, const char * io_params)
	// save reference object and get object attributes
	m_vxObjRef = ref;
	m_matrix = (vx_matrix)m_vxObjRef;
	ERROR_CHECK(vxQueryMatrix(m_matrix, VX_MATRIX_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, &m_data_type, sizeof(m_data_type)));
	ERROR_CHECK(vxQueryMatrix(m_matrix, VX_MATRIX_ATTRIBUTE_COLUMNS, &m_columns, sizeof(m_columns)));
	ERROR_CHECK(vxQueryMatrix(m_matrix, VX_MATRIX_ATTRIBUTE_ROWS, &m_rows, sizeof(m_rows)));
	ERROR_CHECK(vxQueryMatrix(m_matrix, VX_MATRIX_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE, &m_size, sizeof(m_size)));

	// process I/O parameters
	if (*io_params == ':') io_params++;
	while (*io_params) {
		char ioType[64], fileName[256];
		io_params = ScanParameters(io_params, "<io-operation>,<parameter>", "s,S", ioType, fileName);
		if (!_stricmp(ioType, "read"))
		{ // read request syntax: read,<fileName>[,ascii|binary]
			m_fileNameForReadHasIndex = (m_fileNameRead.find("%") != m_fileNameRead.npos) ? true : false;
			m_readFileIsBinary = (m_fileNameRead.find(".txt") != m_fileNameRead.npos) ? false : true;
			while (*io_params == ',') {
				char option[64];
				io_params = ScanParameters(io_params, ",ascii|binary", ",s", option);
				if (!_stricmp(option, "ascii")) {
					m_readFileIsBinary = false;
				else if (!_stricmp(option, "binary")) {
					m_readFileIsBinary = true;
				else ReportError("ERROR: invalid matrix read option: %s\n", option);
		else if (!_stricmp(ioType, "write"))
		{ // write request syntax: write,<fileName>[,ascii|binary]
			m_writeFileIsBinary = (m_fileNameWrite.find(".txt") != m_fileNameWrite.npos) ? false : true;
			while (*io_params == ',') {
				char option[64];
				io_params = ScanParameters(io_params, ",ascii|binary", ",s", option);
				if (!_stricmp(option, "ascii")) {
					m_writeFileIsBinary = false;
				else if (!_stricmp(option, "binary")) {
					m_writeFileIsBinary = true;
				else ReportError("ERROR: invalid matrix write option: %s\n", option);
		else if (!_stricmp(ioType, "compare"))
		{ // compare request syntax: compare,<fileName>[,ascii|binary][,err{<tolerance>}]
			m_compareFileIsBinary = (m_fileNameCompare.find(".txt") != m_fileNameCompare.npos) ? false : true;
			while (*io_params == ',') {
				char option[64];
				io_params = ScanParameters(io_params, ",ascii|binary|err{<tolerance>}", ",s", option);
				if (!_stricmp(option, "ascii")) {
					m_compareFileIsBinary = false;
				else if (!_stricmp(option, "binary")) {
					m_compareFileIsBinary = true;
				else if (!_strnicmp(option, "err{", 4)) {
					ScanParameters(&option[3], "{<tolerance>}", "{f}", &m_errTolerance);
				else ReportError("ERROR: invalid matrix compare option: %s\n", option);
		else if (!_stricmp(ioType, "init"))
		{ // write request syntax: init,{<value1>;<value2>;...<valueN>}
			NULLPTR_CHECK(m_bufForAccess = new vx_uint8[m_size]);
			vx_size index = 0; char fmt[3] = { '{', (m_data_type == VX_TYPE_FLOAT32) ? 'f' : 'd', 0 };
			for (const char * s = fileName; *s && index < (m_columns * m_rows); fmt[0] = ';', index++) {
				if (m_data_type == VX_TYPE_INT32 || m_data_type == VX_TYPE_UINT8) {
					vx_uint32 value;
					s = ScanParameters(s, "<value>", fmt, &value);
					if (m_data_type == VX_TYPE_UINT8) ((vx_uint8 *)m_bufForAccess)[index] = (vx_uint8)value;
					else ((vx_int32 *)m_bufForAccess)[index] = value;
				else if (m_data_type == VX_TYPE_FLOAT32) {
					s = ScanParameters(s, "<value>", fmt, &((vx_float32 *)m_bufForAccess)[index]);
				else ReportError("ERROR: matrix init option not support for data_type of %s\n", GetVxObjectName());
			if (index < (m_columns * m_rows)) ReportError("ERROR: matrix init have too few values: %s\n", fileName);
			ERROR_CHECK(vxWriteMatrix(m_matrix, m_bufForAccess));
		else if (!_stricmp(ioType, "directive") && !_stricmp(fileName, "readonly")) {
			ERROR_CHECK(vxDirective((vx_reference)m_matrix, VX_DIRECTIVE_AMD_READ_ONLY));
		else if (!_stricmp(ioType, "ui") && !_strnicmp(fileName, "f", 1) && m_data_type == VX_TYPE_FLOAT32 && m_columns == 3 && m_rows == 3) {
			int id = 0;
			float valueR = 200.0f, valueInc = 0.5f;
			if (sscanf(&fileName[1], "%d,%g,%g", &id, &valueR, &valueInc) != 3) {
				printf("ERROR: invalid matrix UI configuration '%s'\n", fileName);
				return -1;
			GuiTrackBarInitializeMatrix((vx_reference)m_matrix, id, valueR, valueInc);
			GuiTrackBarProcessKey(0); // just initialize the matrix
		else ReportError("ERROR: invalid matrix operation: %s\n", ioType);
		if (*io_params == ':') io_params++;
		else if (*io_params) ReportError("ERROR: unexpected character sequence in parameter specification: %s\n", io_params);

	return 0;