Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetVertToLocal(TimeValue t)
    Matrix3     objectTM;

    // If animated or we want forced into local space
    // still return OTM to fold into vertices
    if( GetForceLocal() )
        return GetOTM(t);

    // otherwise flatten our local to parent into the verts
    // note that our parent may have flattened their l2p into
    // their v2l as well.
    // so
    // objectTM = v2l * l2p * parentL2W
    // objectTM * Inverse(parentL2W) = v2l * l2p
    // objectTM * parentW2L = v2l (w/ l2p folded in)
    // Objects transformation ObjectTM = OTM * nodeTM 
    objectTM = GetObjectTM(t);

    Matrix3 w2p(true);
    if( !GetParentNode()->IsRootNode() )
        w2p = GetWorldToParent(t);

    Matrix3 v2l = objectTM * w2p;

    return v2l;
// TransformedPrimitive Method Definitions
bool TransformedPrimitive::Intersect(const Ray &r,
                                     Intersection *isect) const {
    Transform w2p;
    WorldToPrimitive.Interpolate(r.time, &w2p);
    Ray ray = w2p(r);
    if (!primitive->Intersect(ray, isect))
        return false;
    r.maxt = ray.maxt;
    isect->primitiveId = primitiveId;
    if (!w2p.IsIdentity()) {
        // Compute world-to-object transformation for instance
        isect->WorldToObject = isect->WorldToObject * w2p;
        isect->ObjectToWorld = Inverse(isect->WorldToObject);

        // Transform instance's differential geometry to world space
        Transform PrimitiveToWorld = Inverse(w2p);
        isect->dg.p = PrimitiveToWorld(isect->dg.p);
        isect->dg.nn = Normalize(PrimitiveToWorld(isect->dg.nn));
        isect->dg.dpdu = PrimitiveToWorld(isect->dg.dpdu);
        isect->dg.dpdv = PrimitiveToWorld(isect->dg.dpdv);
        isect->dg.dndu = PrimitiveToWorld(isect->dg.dndu);
        isect->dg.dndv = PrimitiveToWorld(isect->dg.dndv);
    return true;
Matrix3 plMaxNodeBase::GetLocalToParent(TimeValue t)
    // l2w = l2p * parentL2W
    // l2w * Inverse(parentL2W) = l2p
    // l2w * parentW2L = l2p
    Matrix3 l2w = GetLocalToWorld(t);
    Matrix3 w2p(true);
    if( !GetParentNode()->IsRootNode() )
        w2p = GetWorldToParent(t);

    Matrix3 l2p = l2w * w2p;
    return l2p;