void appIconMouseDown(WObjDescriptor *desc, XEvent *event) { WAppIcon *aicon = desc->parent; virtual_screen *vscr = aicon->icon->vscr; Bool hasMoved; if (aicon->editing || WCHECK_STATE(WSTATE_MODAL)) return; if (IsDoubleClick(vscr, event)) { /* Middle or right mouse actions were handled on first click */ if (event->xbutton.button == Button1) iconDblClick(desc, event); return; } if (event->xbutton.button == Button2) { WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(aicon->icon->owner->main_window); if (wapp) relaunchApplication(wapp); return; } if (event->xbutton.button == Button3) { appicon_handle_menubutton(aicon, event); return; } hasMoved = wHandleAppIconMove(aicon, event); if (wPreferences.single_click && !hasMoved && aicon->dock != NULL) iconDblClick(desc, event); }
static void iconDblClick(WObjDescriptor *desc, XEvent *event) { WAppIcon *aicon = desc->parent; WApplication *wapp; WScreen *scr = aicon->icon->core->screen_ptr; int unhideHere; assert(aicon->icon->owner!=NULL); wapp = wApplicationOf(aicon->icon->owner->main_window); #ifdef DEBUG0 if (!wapp) { wwarning("could not find application descriptor for app icon!!"); return; } #endif unhideHere = (event->xbutton.state & ShiftMask); /* go to the last workspace that the user worked on the app */ if (!unhideHere && wapp->last_workspace != scr->current_workspace) wWorkspaceChange(scr, wapp->last_workspace); wUnhideApplication(wapp, event->xbutton.button==Button2, unhideHere); if (event->xbutton.state & MOD_MASK) { wHideOtherApplications(aicon->icon->owner); } }
static void appicon_handle_menubutton(WAppIcon *aicon, XEvent *event) { WMenu *menu; WObjDescriptor *desc; WApplication *wapp; wapp = wApplicationOf(aicon->icon->owner->main_window); if (!wapp) return; if (event->xbutton.send_event && XGrabPointer(dpy, aicon->icon->core->window, True, ButtonMotionMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) { wwarning("pointer grab failed for appicon menu"); return; } menu = openApplicationMenu(wapp, event->xbutton.x_root, event->xbutton.y_root); /* allow drag select of menu */ desc = &menu->core->descriptor; event->xbutton.send_event = True; (*desc->handle_mousedown) (desc, event); wMenuDestroy(menu); }
static void iconDblClick(WObjDescriptor *desc, XEvent *event) { WAppIcon *aicon = desc->parent; WApplication *wapp; virtual_screen *vscr = aicon->icon->vscr; int unhideHere; assert(aicon->icon->owner != NULL); wapp = wApplicationOf(aicon->icon->owner->main_window); if (event->xbutton.state & ControlMask) { relaunchApplication(wapp); return; } unhideHere = (event->xbutton.state & ShiftMask); /* go to the last workspace that the user worked on the app */ if (!unhideHere && wapp->last_workspace != vscr->workspace.current) wWorkspaceChange(vscr, wapp->last_workspace); wUnhideApplication(wapp, event->xbutton.button == Button2, unhideHere); if (event->xbutton.state & MOD_MASK) wHideOtherApplications(aicon->icon->owner); }
void wAppIconPaint(WAppIcon *aicon) { WApplication *wapp; WScreen *scr = aicon->icon->core->screen_ptr; if (aicon->icon->owner) wapp = wApplicationOf(aicon->icon->owner->main_window); else wapp = NULL; wIconPaint(aicon->icon); # ifdef WS_INDICATOR if (aicon->docked && scr->dock && scr->dock==aicon->dock && aicon->yindex==0) updateDockNumbers(scr); # endif if (scr->dock_dots && aicon->docked && !aicon->running && aicon->command!=NULL) { XSetClipMask(dpy, scr->copy_gc, scr->dock_dots->mask); XSetClipOrigin(dpy, scr->copy_gc, 0, 0); XCopyArea(dpy, scr->dock_dots->image, aicon->icon->core->window, scr->copy_gc, 0, 0, scr->dock_dots->width, scr->dock_dots->height, 0, 0); } #ifdef HIDDENDOT if (wapp && wapp->flags.hidden) { XSetClipMask(dpy, scr->copy_gc, scr->dock_dots->mask); XSetClipOrigin(dpy, scr->copy_gc, 0, 0); XCopyArea(dpy, scr->dock_dots->image, aicon->icon->core->window, scr->copy_gc, 0, 0, 7, scr->dock_dots->height, 0, 0); } #endif /* HIDDENDOT */ if (aicon->omnipresent) drawCorner(aicon->icon); XSetClipMask(dpy, scr->copy_gc, None); if (aicon->launching) { XFillRectangle(dpy, aicon->icon->core->window, scr->stipple_gc, 0, 0, wPreferences.icon_size, wPreferences.icon_size); } }
void appIconMouseDown(WObjDescriptor *desc, XEvent *event) { WAppIcon *aicon = desc->parent; WIcon *icon = aicon->icon; XEvent ev; int x=aicon->x_pos, y=aicon->y_pos; int dx=event->xbutton.x, dy=event->xbutton.y; int grabbed=0; int done=0; int superfluous = wPreferences.superfluous; /* we catch it to avoid problems */ WScreen *scr = icon->core->screen_ptr; WWorkspace *workspace = scr->workspaces[scr->current_workspace]; int shad_x = 0, shad_y = 0, docking=0, dockable, collapsed = 0; int ix, iy; int clickButton = event->xbutton.button; Pixmap ghost = None; Window wins[2]; Bool movingSingle = False; int oldX = x; int oldY = y; Bool hasMoved = False; if (aicon->editing || WCHECK_STATE(WSTATE_MODAL)) return; if (IsDoubleClick(scr, event)) { iconDblClick(desc, event); return; } if (event->xbutton.button == Button3) { WObjDescriptor *desc; WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(aicon->icon->owner->main_window); if (!wapp) return; if (event->xbutton.send_event && XGrabPointer(dpy, aicon->icon->core->window, True, ButtonMotionMask |ButtonReleaseMask|ButtonPressMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None, CurrentTime) !=GrabSuccess) { wwarning("pointer grab failed for appicon menu"); return; } openApplicationMenu(wapp, event->xbutton.x_root, event->xbutton.y_root); /* allow drag select of menu */ desc = &scr->icon_menu->menu->descriptor; event->xbutton.send_event = True; (*desc->handle_mousedown)(desc, event); return; } #ifdef DEBUG puts("Moving icon"); #endif if (event->xbutton.state & MOD_MASK) wLowerFrame(icon->core); else wRaiseFrame(icon->core); if (XGrabPointer(dpy, icon->core->window, True, ButtonMotionMask |ButtonReleaseMask|ButtonPressMask, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, None, None, CurrentTime) !=GrabSuccess) { wwarning("pointer grab failed for appicon move"); } if (wPreferences.flags.nodock && wPreferences.flags.noclip) dockable = 0; else dockable = canBeDocked(icon->owner); wins[0] = icon->core->window; wins[1] = scr->dock_shadow; XRestackWindows(dpy, wins, 2); if (superfluous) { if (icon->pixmap!=None) ghost = MakeGhostIcon(scr, icon->pixmap); else ghost = MakeGhostIcon(scr, icon->core->window); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(dpy, scr->dock_shadow, ghost); XClearWindow(dpy, scr->dock_shadow); } while (!done) { WMMaskEvent(dpy, PointerMotionMask|ButtonReleaseMask|ButtonPressMask |ButtonMotionMask|ExposureMask, &ev); switch (ev.type) { case Expose: WMHandleEvent(&ev); break; case MotionNotify: hasMoved = True; if (!grabbed) { if (abs(dx-ev.xmotion.x)>=MOVE_THRESHOLD || abs(dy-ev.xmotion.y)>=MOVE_THRESHOLD) { XChangeActivePointerGrab(dpy, ButtonMotionMask |ButtonReleaseMask|ButtonPressMask, wCursor[WCUR_MOVE], CurrentTime); grabbed=1; } else { break; } } x = ev.xmotion.x_root - dx; y = ev.xmotion.y_root - dy; if (movingSingle) { XMoveWindow(dpy, icon->core->window, x, y); } else { wAppIconMove(aicon, x, y); } if (dockable) { if (scr->dock && wDockSnapIcon(scr->dock, aicon, x, y, &ix, &iy, False)) { shad_x = scr->dock->x_pos + ix*wPreferences.icon_size; shad_y = scr->dock->y_pos + iy*wPreferences.icon_size; if (scr->last_dock != scr->dock && collapsed) { scr->last_dock->collapsed = 1; wDockHideIcons(scr->last_dock); collapsed = 0; } if (!collapsed && (collapsed = scr->dock->collapsed)) { scr->dock->collapsed = 0; wDockShowIcons(scr->dock); } if (scr->dock->auto_raise_lower) wDockRaise(scr->dock); scr->last_dock = scr->dock; XMoveWindow(dpy, scr->dock_shadow, shad_x, shad_y); if (!docking) { XMapWindow(dpy, scr->dock_shadow); } docking = 1; } else if (workspace->clip && wDockSnapIcon(workspace->clip, aicon, x, y, &ix, &iy, False)) { shad_x = workspace->clip->x_pos + ix*wPreferences.icon_size; shad_y = workspace->clip->y_pos + iy*wPreferences.icon_size; if (scr->last_dock != workspace->clip && collapsed) { scr->last_dock->collapsed = 1; wDockHideIcons(scr->last_dock); collapsed = 0; } if (!collapsed && (collapsed = workspace->clip->collapsed)) { workspace->clip->collapsed = 0; wDockShowIcons(workspace->clip); } if (workspace->clip->auto_raise_lower) wDockRaise(workspace->clip); scr->last_dock = workspace->clip; XMoveWindow(dpy, scr->dock_shadow, shad_x, shad_y); if (!docking) { XMapWindow(dpy, scr->dock_shadow); } docking = 1; } else if (docking) { XUnmapWindow(dpy, scr->dock_shadow); docking = 0; } } break; case ButtonPress: break; case ButtonRelease: if (ev.xbutton.button != clickButton) break; XUngrabPointer(dpy, CurrentTime); if (docking) { Bool docked; /* icon is trying to be docked */ SlideWindow(icon->core->window, x, y, shad_x, shad_y); XUnmapWindow(dpy, scr->dock_shadow); docked = wDockAttachIcon(scr->last_dock, aicon, ix, iy); if (scr->last_dock->auto_collapse) { collapsed = 0; } if (workspace->clip && workspace->clip != scr->last_dock && workspace->clip->auto_raise_lower) wDockLower(workspace->clip); if (!docked) { /* If icon could not be docked, slide it back to the old * position */ SlideWindow(icon->core->window, x, y, oldX, oldY); } wSoundPlay(WSOUND_DOCK); } else { if (movingSingle) { /* move back to its place */ SlideWindow(icon->core->window, x, y, oldX, oldY); wAppIconMove(aicon, oldX, oldY); } else { XMoveWindow(dpy, icon->core->window, x, y); aicon->x_pos = x; aicon->y_pos = y; } if (workspace->clip && workspace->clip->auto_raise_lower) wDockLower(workspace->clip); } if (collapsed) { scr->last_dock->collapsed = 1; wDockHideIcons(scr->last_dock); collapsed = 0; } if (superfluous) { if (ghost!=None) XFreePixmap(dpy, ghost); XSetWindowBackground(dpy, scr->dock_shadow, scr->white_pixel); } if (wPreferences.auto_arrange_icons) wArrangeIcons(scr, True); if (wPreferences.single_click && !hasMoved) iconDblClick(desc, event); done = 1; break; } } #ifdef DEBUG puts("End icon move"); #endif }
static void updateMenuForWindow(WMenu * menu, WWindow * wwin) { WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window); WScreen *scr = wwin->screen_ptr; int i; updateOptionsMenu(menu, wwin); updateMaximizeMenu(menu, wwin); updateMakeShortcutMenu(menu, wwin); wMenuSetEnabled(menu, MC_HIDE, wapp != NULL && !WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, no_appicon)); wMenuSetEnabled(menu, MC_CLOSE, (wwin->protocols.DELETE_WINDOW && !WFLAGP(wwin, no_closable))); if (wwin->flags.miniaturized) { static char *text = NULL; if (!text) text = _("Deminiaturize"); menu->entries[MC_MINIATURIZE]->text = text; } else { static char *text = NULL; if (!text) text = _("Miniaturize"); menu->entries[MC_MINIATURIZE]->text = text; } wMenuSetEnabled(menu, MC_MINIATURIZE, !WFLAGP(wwin, no_miniaturizable)); if (wwin->flags.maximized) { static char *text = NULL; if (!text) text = _("Unmaximize"); menu->entries[MC_MAXIMIZE]->text = text; updateUnmaximizeShortcut(menu->entries[MC_MAXIMIZE], wwin->flags.maximized); } else { static char *text = NULL; if (!text) text = _("Maximize"); menu->entries[MC_MAXIMIZE]->text = text; menu->entries[MC_MAXIMIZE]->rtext = GetShortcutKey(wKeyBindings[WKBD_MAXIMIZE]); } wMenuSetEnabled(menu, MC_MAXIMIZE, IS_RESIZABLE(wwin)); wMenuSetEnabled(menu, MC_MOVERESIZE, IS_RESIZABLE(wwin) && !wwin->flags.miniaturized); if (wwin->flags.shaded) { static char *text = NULL; if (!text) text = _("Unshade"); menu->entries[MC_SHADE]->text = text; } else { static char *text = NULL; if (!text) text = _("Shade"); menu->entries[MC_SHADE]->text = text; } wMenuSetEnabled(menu, MC_SHADE, !WFLAGP(wwin, no_shadeable) && !wwin->flags.miniaturized); if (wwin->flags.selected) { static char *text = NULL; if (!text) text = _("Deselect"); menu->entries[MC_SELECT]->text = text; } else { static char *text = NULL; if (!text) text = _("Select"); menu->entries[MC_SELECT]->text = text; } wMenuSetEnabled(menu, MC_CHANGEWKSPC, !IS_OMNIPRESENT(wwin)); if (!wwin->flags.inspector_open) { wMenuSetEnabled(menu, MC_PROPERTIES, True); } else { wMenuSetEnabled(menu, MC_PROPERTIES, False); } /* Update shortcut labels except for (Un)Maximize which is * handled separately. */ menu->entries[MC_MINIATURIZE]->rtext = GetShortcutKey(wKeyBindings[WKBD_MINIATURIZE]); menu->entries[MC_SHADE]->rtext = GetShortcutKey(wKeyBindings[WKBD_SHADE]); menu->entries[MC_HIDE]->rtext = GetShortcutKey(wKeyBindings[WKBD_HIDE]); menu->entries[MC_MOVERESIZE]->rtext = GetShortcutKey(wKeyBindings[WKBD_MOVERESIZE]); menu->entries[MC_SELECT]->rtext = GetShortcutKey(wKeyBindings[WKBD_SELECT]); menu->entries[MC_RELAUNCH]->rtext = GetShortcutKey(wKeyBindings[WKBD_RELAUNCH]); menu->entries[MC_CLOSE]->rtext = GetShortcutKey(wKeyBindings[WKBD_CLOSE]); /* set the client data of the entries to the window */ for (i = 0; i < menu->entry_no; i++) { menu->entries[i]->clientdata = wwin; } for (i = 0; i < scr->workspace_submenu->entry_no; i++) { scr->workspace_submenu->entries[i]->clientdata = wwin; if (i == scr->current_workspace) wMenuSetEnabled(scr->workspace_submenu, i, False); else wMenuSetEnabled(scr->workspace_submenu, i, True); } menu->flags.realized = 0; wMenuRealize(menu); }
static void execMenuCommand(WMenu * menu, WMenuEntry * entry) { WWindow *wwin = (WWindow *) entry->clientdata; WApplication *wapp; CloseWindowMenu(menu->frame->screen_ptr); switch (entry->order) { case MC_CLOSE: /* send delete message */ wClientSendProtocol(wwin, w_global.atom.wm.delete_window, w_global.timestamp.last_event); break; case MC_KILL: wretain(wwin); if (wPreferences.dont_confirm_kill || wMessageDialog(menu->frame->screen_ptr, _("Kill Application"), _ ("This will kill the application.\nAny unsaved changes will be lost.\nPlease confirm."), _("Yes"), _("No"), NULL) == WAPRDefault) { if (!wwin->flags.destroyed) wClientKill(wwin); } wrelease(wwin); break; case MC_MINIATURIZE: if (wwin->flags.miniaturized) { wDeiconifyWindow(wwin); } else { if (wwin->protocols.MINIATURIZE_WINDOW) { wClientSendProtocol(wwin, w_global.atom.gnustep.wm_miniaturize_window, w_global.timestamp.last_event); } else { wIconifyWindow(wwin); } } break; case MC_MAXIMIZE: if (wwin->flags.maximized) wUnmaximizeWindow(wwin); else wMaximizeWindow(wwin, MAX_VERTICAL | MAX_HORIZONTAL, wGetHeadForWindow(wwin)); break; case MC_SHADE: if (wwin->flags.shaded) wUnshadeWindow(wwin); else wShadeWindow(wwin); break; case MC_SELECT: if (!wwin->flags.miniaturized) wSelectWindow(wwin, !wwin->flags.selected); else wIconSelect(wwin->icon); break; case MC_MOVERESIZE: wKeyboardMoveResizeWindow(wwin); break; case MC_PROPERTIES: wShowInspectorForWindow(wwin); break; case MC_RELAUNCH: (void) RelaunchWindow(wwin); break; case MC_HIDE: wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window); wHideApplication(wapp); break; } }
WApplication *wApplicationCreate(WWindow * wwin) { WScreen *scr = wwin->screen_ptr; Window main_window = wwin->main_window; WApplication *wapp; WWindow *leader; if (main_window == None || main_window == scr->root_win) return NULL; { Window root; int foo; unsigned int bar; /* check if the window is valid */ if (!XGetGeometry(dpy, main_window, &root, &foo, &foo, &bar, &bar, &bar, &bar)) return NULL; } wapp = wApplicationOf(main_window); if (wapp) { wapp->refcount++; if (wapp->app_icon && wapp->app_icon->docked && wapp->app_icon->relaunching && wapp->main_window_desc->fake_group) wDockFinishLaunch(wapp->app_icon->dock, wapp->app_icon); return wapp; } wapp = wmalloc(sizeof(WApplication)); wapp->refcount = 1; wapp->last_focused = NULL; wapp->urgent_bounce_timer = NULL; wapp->last_workspace = 0; wapp->main_window = main_window; wapp->main_window_desc = makeMainWindow(scr, main_window); if (!wapp->main_window_desc) { wfree(wapp); return NULL; } wapp->main_window_desc->fake_group = wwin->fake_group; wapp->main_window_desc->net_icon_image = RRetainImage(wwin->net_icon_image); leader = wWindowFor(main_window); if (leader) leader->main_window = main_window; wapp->menu = wAppMenuGet(scr, main_window); #ifdef USER_MENU if (!wapp->menu) wapp->menu = wUserMenuGet(scr, wapp->main_window_desc); #endif /* Set application wide attributes from the leader */ wapp->flags.hidden = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, start_hidden); wapp->flags.emulated = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, emulate_appicon); /* application descriptor */ XSaveContext(dpy, main_window, wAppWinContext, (XPointer) wapp); create_appicon_for_application(wapp, wwin); return wapp; }
void wWorkspaceForceChange(WScreen * scr, int workspace) { WWindow *tmp, *foc = NULL, *foc2 = NULL; WWindow **toUnmap; int toUnmapSize, toUnmapCount; if (workspace >= MAX_WORKSPACES || workspace < 0) return; SendHelperMessage(scr, 'C', workspace + 1, NULL); if (workspace > w_global.workspace.count - 1) wWorkspaceMake(scr, workspace - w_global.workspace.count + 1); wClipUpdateForWorkspaceChange(scr, workspace); w_global.workspace.last_used = w_global.workspace.current; w_global.workspace.current = workspace; wWorkspaceMenuUpdate(w_global.workspace.menu); wWorkspaceMenuUpdate(w_global.clip.ws_menu); toUnmapSize = 16; toUnmapCount = 0; toUnmap = wmalloc(toUnmapSize * sizeof(WWindow *)); if ((tmp = scr->focused_window) != NULL) { if ((IS_OMNIPRESENT(tmp) && (tmp->flags.mapped || tmp->flags.shaded) && !WFLAGP(tmp, no_focusable)) || tmp->flags.changing_workspace) { foc = tmp; } /* foc2 = tmp; will fix annoyance with gnome panel * but will create annoyance for every other application */ while (tmp) { if (tmp->frame->workspace != workspace && !tmp->flags.selected) { /* unmap windows not on this workspace */ if ((tmp->flags.mapped || tmp->flags.shaded) && !IS_OMNIPRESENT(tmp) && !tmp->flags.changing_workspace) { if (toUnmapCount == toUnmapSize) { toUnmapSize *= 2; toUnmap = wrealloc(toUnmap, toUnmapSize * sizeof(WWindow *)); } toUnmap[toUnmapCount++] = tmp; } /* also unmap miniwindows not on this workspace */ if (!wPreferences.sticky_icons && tmp->flags.miniaturized && tmp->icon && !IS_OMNIPRESENT(tmp)) { XUnmapWindow(dpy, tmp->icon->core->window); tmp->icon->mapped = 0; } /* update current workspace of omnipresent windows */ if (IS_OMNIPRESENT(tmp)) { WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(tmp->main_window); tmp->frame->workspace = workspace; if (wapp) { wapp->last_workspace = workspace; } if (!foc2 && (tmp->flags.mapped || tmp->flags.shaded)) { foc2 = tmp; } } } else { /* change selected windows' workspace */ if (tmp->flags.selected) { wWindowChangeWorkspace(tmp, workspace); if (!tmp->flags.miniaturized && !foc) { foc = tmp; } } else { if (!tmp->flags.hidden) { if (!(tmp->flags.mapped || tmp->flags.miniaturized)) { /* remap windows that are on this workspace */ wWindowMap(tmp); if (!foc && !WFLAGP(tmp, no_focusable)) { foc = tmp; } } /* Also map miniwindow if not omnipresent */ if (!wPreferences.sticky_icons && tmp->flags.miniaturized && !IS_OMNIPRESENT(tmp) && tmp->icon) { tmp->icon->mapped = 1; XMapWindow(dpy, tmp->icon->core->window); } } } } tmp = tmp->prev; } while (toUnmapCount > 0) { wWindowUnmap(toUnmap[--toUnmapCount]); } wfree(toUnmap); /* Gobble up events unleashed by our mapping & unmapping. * These may trigger various grab-initiated focus & * crossing events. However, we don't care about them, * and ignore their focus implications altogether to avoid * flicker. */ scr->flags.ignore_focus_events = 1; ProcessPendingEvents(); scr->flags.ignore_focus_events = 0; if (!foc) foc = foc2; if (scr->focused_window->flags.mapped && !foc) { foc = scr->focused_window; } if (wPreferences.focus_mode == WKF_CLICK) { wSetFocusTo(scr, foc); } else { unsigned int mask; int foo; Window bar, win; WWindow *tmp; tmp = NULL; if (XQueryPointer(dpy, scr->root_win, &bar, &win, &foo, &foo, &foo, &foo, &mask)) { tmp = wWindowFor(win); } /* If there's a window under the pointer, focus it. * (we ate all other focus events above, so it's * certainly not focused). Otherwise focus last * focused, or the root (depending on sloppiness) */ if (!tmp && wPreferences.focus_mode == WKF_SLOPPY) { wSetFocusTo(scr, foc); } else { wSetFocusTo(scr, tmp); } } } /* We need to always arrange icons when changing workspace, even if * no autoarrange icons, because else the icons in different workspaces * can be superposed. * This can be avoided if appicons are also workspace specific. */ if (!wPreferences.sticky_icons) wArrangeIcons(scr, False); if (scr->dock) wAppIconPaint(scr->dock->icon_array[0]); if (!wPreferences.flags.noclip && (w_global.workspace.array[workspace]->clip->auto_collapse || w_global.workspace.array[workspace]->clip->auto_raise_lower)) { /* to handle enter notify. This will also */ XUnmapWindow(dpy, w_global.clip.icon->icon->core->window); XMapWindow(dpy, w_global.clip.icon->icon->core->window); } else if (w_global.clip.icon != NULL) { wClipIconPaint(); } wScreenUpdateUsableArea(scr); wNETWMUpdateDesktop(scr); showWorkspaceName(scr, workspace); WMPostNotificationName(WMNWorkspaceChanged, scr, (void *)(uintptr_t) workspace); /* XSync(dpy, False); */ }
static void revertSettings(WMWidget *button, void *client_data) { InspectorPanel *panel = (InspectorPanel *) client_data; WWindow *wwin = panel->inspected; WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window); int i, n, workspace, level; char *wm_instance = NULL, *wm_class = NULL; /* Parameter not used, but tell the compiler that it is ok */ (void) button; if (panel->instRb && WMGetButtonSelected(panel->instRb) != 0) wm_instance = wwin->wm_instance; else if (panel->clsRb && WMGetButtonSelected(panel->clsRb) != 0) wm_class = wwin->wm_class; else if (panel->bothRb && WMGetButtonSelected(panel->bothRb) != 0) { wm_instance = wwin->wm_instance; wm_class = wwin->wm_class; } memset(&wwin->defined_user_flags, 0, sizeof(WWindowAttributes)); memset(&wwin->user_flags, 0, sizeof(WWindowAttributes)); memset(&wwin->client_flags, 0, sizeof(WWindowAttributes)); wWindowSetupInitialAttributes(wwin, &level, &workspace); for (i = 0; i < wlengthof(panel->attrChk); i++) { int flag = 0; switch (i) { case 0: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_titlebar); break; case 1: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_resizebar); break; case 2: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_close_button); break; case 3: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_miniaturize_button); break; case 4: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_border); break; case 5: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, floating); break; case 6: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, sunken); break; case 7: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, omnipresent); break; case 8: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, start_miniaturized); break; case 9: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, start_maximized != 0); break; case 10: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, full_maximize); break; } WMSetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[i], flag); } for (i = 0; i < wlengthof(panel->moreChk); i++) { int flag = 0; switch (i) { case 0: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_keys); break; case 1: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_mouse); break; case 2: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, skip_window_list); break; case 3: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, skip_switchpanel); break; case 4: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_focusable); break; case 5: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, dont_move_off); break; case 6: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_hide_others); break; case 7: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, dont_save_session); break; case 8: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, emulate_appicon); break; case 9: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, focus_across_wksp); break; case 10: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_miniaturizable); break; #ifdef XKB_BUTTON_HINT case 11: flag = WFLAGP(wwin, no_language_button); break; #endif } WMSetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[i], flag); } if (panel->appFrm && wapp) { for (i = 0; i < wlengthof(panel->appChk); i++) { int flag = 0; switch (i) { case 0: flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, start_hidden); break; case 1: flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, no_appicon); break; case 2: flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, shared_appicon); break; } WMSetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[i], flag); } } WMSetButtonSelected(panel->alwChk, WFLAGP(wwin, always_user_icon)); showIconFor(WMWidgetScreen(panel->alwChk), panel, wm_instance, wm_class, REVERT_TO_DEFAULT); n = wDefaultGetStartWorkspace(wm_instance, wm_class); if (n >= 0 && n < w_global.workspace.count) WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->wsP, n + 1); else WMSetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->wsP, 0); /* must auto apply, so that there wno't be internal * inconsistencies between the state in the flags and * the actual state of the window */ applySettings(panel->applyBtn, panel); }
static void applySettings(WMWidget *button, void *client_data) { InspectorPanel *panel = (InspectorPanel *) client_data; WWindow *wwin = panel->inspected; WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window); int floating, sunken, skip_window_list; int old_omnipresent, old_no_bind_keys, old_no_bind_mouse; old_omnipresent = WFLAGP(wwin, omnipresent); old_no_bind_keys = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_keys); old_no_bind_mouse = WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_mouse); showIconFor(WMWidgetScreen(button), panel, NULL, NULL, USE_TEXT_FIELD); /* Attributes... --> Window Attributes */ WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_titlebar, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[0])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_resizebar, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[1])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_close_button, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[2])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_miniaturize_button, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[3])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_border, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[4])); floating = WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[5]); sunken = WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[6]); WSETUFLAG(wwin, omnipresent, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[7])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, start_miniaturized, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[8])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, start_maximized, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[9])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, full_maximize, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[10])); /* Attributes... --> Advanced Options */ WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_bind_keys, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[0])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_bind_mouse, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[1])); skip_window_list = WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[2]); WSETUFLAG(wwin, skip_switchpanel, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[3])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_focusable, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[4])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, dont_move_off, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[5])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_hide_others, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[6])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, dont_save_session, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[7])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, emulate_appicon, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[8])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, focus_across_wksp, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[9])); WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_miniaturizable, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[10])); #ifdef XKB_BUTTON_HINT WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_language_button, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[11])); #endif WSETUFLAG(wwin, always_user_icon, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->alwChk)); if (WFLAGP(wwin, no_titlebar) && wwin->flags.shaded) wUnshadeWindow(wwin); WSETUFLAG(wwin, no_shadeable, WFLAGP(wwin, no_titlebar)); if (floating) { if (!WFLAGP(wwin, floating)) ChangeStackingLevel(wwin->frame->core, WMFloatingLevel); } else if (sunken) { if (!WFLAGP(wwin, sunken)) ChangeStackingLevel(wwin->frame->core, WMSunkenLevel); } else { if (WFLAGP(wwin, floating) || WFLAGP(wwin, sunken)) ChangeStackingLevel(wwin->frame->core, WMNormalLevel); } WSETUFLAG(wwin, sunken, sunken); WSETUFLAG(wwin, floating, floating); wwin->flags.omnipresent = 0; if (WFLAGP(wwin, skip_window_list) != skip_window_list) { WSETUFLAG(wwin, skip_window_list, skip_window_list); UpdateSwitchMenu(wwin->screen_ptr, wwin, skip_window_list ? ACTION_REMOVE : ACTION_ADD); } else { if (WFLAGP(wwin, omnipresent) != old_omnipresent) WMPostNotificationName(WMNChangedState, wwin, "omnipresent"); } if (WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_keys) != old_no_bind_keys) { if (WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_keys)) XUngrabKey(dpy, AnyKey, AnyModifier, wwin->frame->core->window); else wWindowSetKeyGrabs(wwin); } if (WFLAGP(wwin, no_bind_mouse) != old_no_bind_mouse) wWindowResetMouseGrabs(wwin); wwin->frame->flags.need_texture_change = 1; wWindowConfigureBorders(wwin); wFrameWindowPaint(wwin->frame); wNETWMUpdateActions(wwin, False); /* Can't apply emulate_appicon because it will probably cause problems. */ if (wapp) { /* do application wide stuff */ WSETUFLAG(wapp->main_window_desc, start_hidden, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[0])); WSETUFLAG(wapp->main_window_desc, no_appicon, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[1])); WSETUFLAG(wapp->main_window_desc, shared_appicon, WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[2])); if (WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, no_appicon)) unpaint_app_icon(wapp); else paint_app_icon(wapp); char *file = WMGetTextFieldText(panel->fileText); if (file[0] == 0) { wfree(file); file = NULL; } /* If always_user_icon flag is set, but the user icon is not set * we use client supplied icon and we unset the flag */ if ((WFLAGP(wwin, always_user_icon) && (!file))) { /* Show the warning */ char *buf; int len = 100; buf = wmalloc(len); snprintf(buf, len, _("Ignore client supplied icon is set, but icon filename textbox is empty. Using client supplied icon")); wMessageDialog(panel->frame->screen_ptr, _("Warning"), buf, _("OK"), NULL, NULL); wfree(buf); wfree(file); /* Change the flags */ WSETUFLAG(wwin, always_user_icon, 0); WMSetButtonSelected(panel->alwChk, 0); } /* After test the always_user_icon flag value before, * the "else" block is used only if the flag is set and * the icon text box has an icon path */ if (!WFLAGP(wwin, always_user_icon)) { /* Change App Icon image, using the icon provided by the client */ if (wapp->app_icon) { RImage *image = get_rimage_icon_from_wm_hints(wapp->app_icon->icon); if (image) { set_icon_image_from_image(wapp->app_icon->icon, image); update_icon_pixmap(wapp->app_icon->icon); } else { wIconUpdate(wapp->app_icon->icon); } } /* Change icon image if the app is minimized, * using the icon provided by the client */ if (wwin->icon) { RImage *image = get_rimage_icon_from_wm_hints(wwin->icon); if (image) { set_icon_image_from_image(wwin->icon, image); update_icon_pixmap(wwin->icon); } else { wIconUpdate(wwin->icon); } } } else { /* Change App Icon image */ if (wapp->app_icon) wIconChangeImageFile(wapp->app_icon->icon, file); /* Change icon image if the app is minimized */ if (wwin->icon) wIconChangeImageFile(wwin->icon, file); } if (file) wfree(file); } wNETFrameExtents(wwin); }
static void saveSettings(WMWidget *button, void *client_data) { InspectorPanel *panel = (InspectorPanel *) client_data; WWindow *wwin = panel->inspected; WDDomain *db = w_global.domain.window_attr; WMPropList *dict = NULL; WMPropList *winDic, *appDic, *value, *value1, *key = NULL, *key2; char *icon_file, *buf1, *buf2; int flags = 0, i = 0, different = 0, different2 = 0; /* Save will apply the changes and save them */ applySettings(panel->applyBtn, panel); if (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->instRb) != 0) { key = WMCreatePLString(wwin->wm_instance); } else if (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->clsRb) != 0) { key = WMCreatePLString(wwin->wm_class); } else if (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->bothRb) != 0) { buf1 = StrConcatDot(wwin->wm_instance, wwin->wm_class); key = WMCreatePLString(buf1); wfree(buf1); } else if (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->defaultRb) != 0) { key = WMRetainPropList(AnyWindow); flags = UPDATE_DEFAULTS; } if (!key) return; dict = db->dictionary; if (!dict) { dict = WMCreatePLDictionary(NULL, NULL); if (dict) { db->dictionary = dict; } else { WMReleasePropList(key); return; } } if (showIconFor(WMWidgetScreen(button), panel, NULL, NULL, USE_TEXT_FIELD) < 0) return; WMPLSetCaseSensitive(True); winDic = WMCreatePLDictionary(NULL, NULL); appDic = WMCreatePLDictionary(NULL, NULL); /* Save the icon info */ /* The flag "Ignore client suplied icon is not selected" */ buf1 = wmalloc(4); snprintf(buf1, 4, "%s", (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->alwChk) != 0) ? "Yes" : "No"); value1 = WMCreatePLString(buf1); different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AAlwaysUserIcon, value1, flags); WMReleasePropList(value1); wfree(buf1); /* The icon filename (if exists) */ icon_file = WMGetTextFieldText(panel->fileText); if (icon_file != NULL) { if (icon_file[0] != '\0') { value = WMCreatePLString(icon_file); different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AIcon, value, flags); different2 |= insertAttribute(dict, appDic, AIcon, value, flags); WMReleasePropList(value); } wfree(icon_file); } i = WMGetPopUpButtonSelectedItem(panel->wsP) - 1; if (i >= 0 && i < w_global.workspace.count) { value = WMCreatePLString(w_global.workspace.array[i]->name); different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AStartWorkspace, value, flags); WMReleasePropList(value); } flags |= IS_BOOLEAN; value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[0]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoTitlebar, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[1]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoResizebar, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[2]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoCloseButton, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[3]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoMiniaturizeButton, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[4]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoBorder, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[5]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AKeepOnTop, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[6]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AKeepOnBottom, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[7]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AOmnipresent, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[8]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AStartMiniaturized, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[9]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AStartMaximized, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->attrChk[10]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AFullMaximize, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[0]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoKeyBindings, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[1]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoMouseBindings, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[2]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ASkipWindowList, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[3]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ASkipSwitchPanel, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[4]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AUnfocusable, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[5]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AKeepInsideScreen, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[6]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoHideOthers, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[7]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ADontSaveSession, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[8]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AEmulateAppIcon, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[9]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, AFocusAcrossWorkspace, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[10]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoMiniaturizable, value, flags); #ifdef XKB_BUTTON_HINT value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->moreChk[11]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different |= insertAttribute(dict, winDic, ANoLanguageButton, value, flags); #endif if (wwin->main_window != None && wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window) != NULL) { value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[0]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different2 |= insertAttribute(dict, appDic, AStartHidden, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[1]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different2 |= insertAttribute(dict, appDic, ANoAppIcon, value, flags); value = (WMGetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[2]) != 0) ? Yes : No; different2 |= insertAttribute(dict, appDic, ASharedAppIcon, value, flags); } if (wwin->fake_group) { key2 = WMCreatePLString(wwin->fake_group->identifier); if (WMIsPropListEqualTo(key, key2)) { WMMergePLDictionaries(winDic, appDic, True); different |= different2; } else { WMRemoveFromPLDictionary(dict, key2); if (different2) WMPutInPLDictionary(dict, key2, appDic); } WMReleasePropList(key2); } else if (wwin->main_window != wwin->client_win) { WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window); if (wapp) { buf2 = StrConcatDot(wapp->main_window_desc->wm_instance, wapp->main_window_desc->wm_class); key2 = WMCreatePLString(buf2); wfree(buf2); if (WMIsPropListEqualTo(key, key2)) { WMMergePLDictionaries(winDic, appDic, True); different |= different2; } else { WMRemoveFromPLDictionary(dict, key2); if (different2) WMPutInPLDictionary(dict, key2, appDic); } WMReleasePropList(key2); } } else { WMMergePLDictionaries(winDic, appDic, True); different |= different2; } WMReleasePropList(appDic); WMRemoveFromPLDictionary(dict, key); if (different) WMPutInPLDictionary(dict, key, winDic); WMReleasePropList(key); WMReleasePropList(winDic); UpdateDomainFile(db); /* clean up */ WMPLSetCaseSensitive(False); }
static void create_tab_app_specific(WWindow *wwin, InspectorPanel *panel, int frame_width) { WScreen *scr = wwin->screen_ptr; int i = 0, flag = 0, tmp; char *caption = NULL, *descr = NULL; if (wwin->main_window != None) { WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window); panel->appFrm = WMCreateFrame(panel->win); WMSetFrameTitle(panel->appFrm, _("Application Attributes")); WMMoveWidget(panel->appFrm, 15, 50); WMResizeWidget(panel->appFrm, frame_width, 240); for (i = 0; i < wlengthof(panel->appChk); i++) { switch (i) { case 0: caption = _("Start hidden"); flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, start_hidden); descr = _("Automatically hide application when it's started."); break; case 1: caption = _("No application icon"); flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, no_appicon); descr = _("Disable the application icon for the application.\n" "Note that you won't be able to dock it anymore,\n" "and any icons that are already docked will stop\n" "working correctly."); break; case 2: caption = _("Shared application icon"); flag = WFLAGP(wapp->main_window_desc, shared_appicon); descr = _("Use a single shared application icon for all of\n" "the instances of this application.\n"); break; } panel->appChk[i] = WMCreateSwitchButton(panel->appFrm); WMMoveWidget(panel->appChk[i], 10, 20 * (i + 1)); WMResizeWidget(panel->appChk[i], 205, 20); WMSetButtonSelected(panel->appChk[i], flag); WMSetButtonText(panel->appChk[i], caption); WMSetBalloonTextForView(descr, WMWidgetView(panel->appChk[i])); } if (WFLAGP(wwin, emulate_appicon)) { WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->appChk[1], False); WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->moreChk[7], True); } else { WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->appChk[1], True); WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->moreChk[7], False); } } else { if ((wwin->transient_for != None && wwin->transient_for != scr->root_win) || !wwin->wm_class || !wwin->wm_instance) tmp = False; else tmp = True; WMSetButtonEnabled(panel->moreChk[7], tmp); WMSetPopUpButtonItemEnabled(panel->pagePopUp, 4, False); panel->appFrm = NULL; } }
static void appiconBalloon(WObjDescriptor *object) { WAppIcon *aicon = (WAppIcon *) object->parent; WScreen *scr = aicon->icon->core->screen_ptr; char *tmp; /* Show balloon if it is the Clip and the workspace name is > 5 chars */ if (object->parent == w_global.clip.icon) { if (strlen(w_global.workspace.array[w_global.workspace.current]->name) > 5) { scr->balloon->text = wstrdup(w_global.workspace.array[w_global.workspace.current]->name); } else { wBalloonHide(scr); return; } } else if (aicon->command && aicon->wm_class) { int len; WApplication *app; unsigned int app_win_cnt = 0; if (object->parent_type == WCLASS_DOCK_ICON) { if (aicon->main_window) { app = wApplicationOf(aicon->main_window); if (app && app->main_window_desc && app->main_window_desc->fake_group) app_win_cnt = app->main_window_desc->fake_group->retainCount - 1; } } /* Check to see if it is a GNUstep app */ if (strcmp(aicon->wm_class, "GNUstep") == 0) len = strlen(aicon->command) + strlen(aicon->wm_instance) + 8; else len = strlen(aicon->command) + strlen(aicon->wm_class) + 8; if (app_win_cnt > 0) len += 1 + snprintf(NULL, 0, "%u", app_win_cnt); tmp = wmalloc(len); /* Check to see if it is a GNUstep App */ if (strcmp(aicon->wm_class, "GNUstep") == 0) if (app_win_cnt > 0) snprintf(tmp, len, "%u %s\n(%s)", app_win_cnt, aicon->wm_instance, aicon->command); else snprintf(tmp, len, "%s\n(%s)", aicon->wm_instance, aicon->command); else if (app_win_cnt > 0) snprintf(tmp, len, "%u %s\n(%s)", app_win_cnt, aicon->wm_class, aicon->command); else snprintf(tmp, len, "%s\n(%s)", aicon->wm_class, aicon->command); scr->balloon->text = tmp; } else if (aicon->command) { scr->balloon->text = wstrdup(aicon->command); } else if (aicon->wm_class) { /* Check to see if it is a GNUstep App */ if (strcmp(aicon->wm_class, "GNUstep") == 0) scr->balloon->text = wstrdup(aicon->wm_instance); else scr->balloon->text = wstrdup(aicon->wm_class); } else { wBalloonHide(scr); return; } scr->balloon->h = aicon->icon->core->height - 2; scr->balloon->objectWindow = aicon->icon->core->window; if ((scr->balloon->prevType == object->parent_type || scr->balloon->prevType == WCLASS_MINIWINDOW) && scr->balloon->ignoreTimer) { XUnmapWindow(dpy, scr->balloon->window); showBalloon(scr); } else { scr->balloon->timer = WMAddTimerHandler(BALLOON_DELAY, (WMCallback *) showBalloon, scr); } }
/* *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * manageAllWindows-- * Manages all windows in the screen. * * Notes: * Called when the wm is being started. * No events can be processed while the windows are being * reparented/managed. *----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void manageAllWindows(WScreen * scr, int crashRecovery) { Window root, parent; Window *children; unsigned int nchildren; unsigned int i, j; WWindow *wwin; XGrabServer(dpy); XQueryTree(dpy, scr->root_win, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren); scr->flags.startup = 1; /* first remove all icon windows */ for (i = 0; i < nchildren; i++) { XWMHints *wmhints; if (children[i] == None) continue; wmhints = XGetWMHints(dpy, children[i]); if (wmhints && (wmhints->flags & IconWindowHint)) { for (j = 0; j < nchildren; j++) { if (children[j] == wmhints->icon_window) { XFree(wmhints); wmhints = NULL; children[j] = None; break; } } } if (wmhints) { XFree(wmhints); } } for (i = 0; i < nchildren; i++) { if (children[i] == None) continue; wwin = wManageWindow(scr, children[i]); if (wwin) { /* apply states got from WSavedState */ /* shaded + minimized is not restored correctly */ if (wwin->flags.shaded) { wwin->flags.shaded = 0; wShadeWindow(wwin); } if (wwin->flags.miniaturized && (wwin->transient_for == None || wwin->transient_for == scr->root_win || !windowInList(wwin->transient_for, children, nchildren))) { wwin->flags.skip_next_animation = 1; wwin->flags.miniaturized = 0; wIconifyWindow(wwin); } else { wClientSetState(wwin, NormalState, None); } if (crashRecovery) { int border; border = (!HAS_BORDER(wwin) ? 0 : scr->frame_border_width); wWindowMove(wwin, wwin->frame_x - border, wwin->frame_y - border - (wwin->frame->titlebar ? wwin->frame->titlebar->height : 0)); } } } XUngrabServer(dpy); /* hide apps */ wwin = scr->focused_window; while (wwin) { if (wwin->flags.hidden) { WApplication *wapp = wApplicationOf(wwin->main_window); if (wapp) { wwin->flags.hidden = 0; wHideApplication(wapp); } else { wwin->flags.hidden = 0; } } wwin = wwin->prev; } XFree(children); scr->flags.startup = 0; scr->flags.startup2 = 1; while (XPending(dpy)) { XEvent ev; WMNextEvent(dpy, &ev); WMHandleEvent(&ev); } w_global.workspace.last_used = 0; wWorkspaceForceChange(scr, 0); if (!wPreferences.flags.noclip) wDockShowIcons(w_global.workspace.array[w_global.workspace.current]->clip); scr->flags.startup2 = 0; }