int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); app.setOrganizationName("Innovators"); app.setApplicationName("TrollEdit"); app.setStartDragDistance(app.startDragDistance() * 2); // set splashScreen QPixmap pixmap(":/splash"); QSplashScreen splashScreen(pixmap,Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); // find the directory of the program QFileInfo program(argv[0]); QString path = QApplication::applicationDirPath(); MainWindow w(path); w.setWindowOpacity(0); // Load config from config_app.lua lua_State *L = w.getLuaState(); luaL_openlibs(L); int width, height; QString style; QDir dir = QDir(path + CONFIG_DIR); //QFileInfoList configs = dir.entryInfoList(QStringList("*.lua"), QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks); QFileInfo configFile(dir.absolutePath()+ QDir::separator() + "config_app.lua"); window = reinterpret_cast<MainWindow*>(&w); lua_register(L, "setstyle", setstyle); loadConfig(L, qPrintable(configFile.absoluteFilePath()), &width, &height, &style); qDebug() << configFile.absoluteFilePath() << "width: " << width << " height: " << height << "\n style: " << style; //window size w.resize(width, height); //CSS style //w.setStyleSheet(style); //w.setStyleSheet();; w.setWindowIcon (QIcon(":/icon16"));; QTimer::singleShot(2000, &splashScreen, SLOT(close())); QTimer::singleShot(1000, &w, SLOT(wInit())); // open all files given as parameters // w.newFile(); //"../input/in.c"); // TEMP // open all files given as parameters for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)[i]); return app.exec(); }
int main() { wPDS *pds; wFA *fa, *fa_pre; wPath *p; wSemiring sr = { &nullfn,&nullfn,NULL,&null,&null,NULL,&eqfn,NULL,NULL }; /* extend, combine, diff, one, zero, q-one, eq, ref, deref */ wSemiring *s = &sr; wIdent k_x,k_h,k_aids,k_im,k_alice; wIdent y_patient, y_square, y_bsquare; wIdent final_state; wInit(); k_x = wIdentCreate("KX"); k_h = wIdentCreate("KH"); k_aids = wIdentCreate("KH-AIDS"); k_im = wIdentCreate("KH-IM"); k_alice = wIdentCreate("Alice"); y_patient = wIdentCreate("patient"); y_square = wIdentCreate("square"); y_bsquare = wIdentCreate("b_square"); final_state = wIdentCreate("__accepting_state__"); pds = wPDSCreate(s); wPDSInsert(pds, k_x, y_square, k_h, y_patient, y_bsquare, NULL); wPDSInsert(pds, k_h, y_patient, k_im, y_patient, 0, NULL); wPDSInsert(pds, k_h, y_patient, k_aids, y_patient, 0, NULL); wPDSInsert(pds, k_im, y_patient, k_alice, 0, 0, NULL); wPDSInsert(pds, k_aids, y_patient, k_alice, 0, 0, NULL); fa = wFACreate(s); wFAInsert(fa,k_alice, y_square , final_state, NULL, NULL); wFAInsert(fa,k_alice, y_bsquare , final_state, NULL, NULL); print_automaton(fa,"before"); fa_pre = wPrestar(pds,fa,TRACE_YES); print_automaton(fa_pre,"after"); printf("trace example:\n"); p = wPathCreate(fa_pre,wFAFind(fa_pre,k_x,y_square,final_state),NULL); print_trace(fa_pre,p); wPDSDelete(pds); wFADelete(fa); wFADelete(fa_pre); wFinish(); return 0; } /** end of main **/
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); app.setOrganizationName("Innovators"); app.setApplicationName("TrollEdit"); app.setStartDragDistance(app.startDragDistance() * 2); // set splashScreen QPixmap pixmap(":/splash"); QSplashScreen splashScreen(pixmap,Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint); // find the directory of the program QFileInfo program(argv[0]); QString path = QApplication::applicationDirPath(); MainWindow w(path); w.setWindowOpacity(0);; w.setWindowIcon (QIcon(":/icon16"));; QTimer::singleShot(2000, &splashScreen, SLOT(close())); QTimer::singleShot(1000, &w, SLOT(wInit())); // open all files given as parameters // w.newFile(); //"../input/in.c"); // TEMP // open all files given as parameters for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)[i]); return app.exec(); }