// initialize the XBee module
void XBee_Init() {
    sendATCommand("ATDH0\r");     // Sets destination high address to 0
    sendATCommand("ATMY4E\r");    // Sets my address to 78
    sendATCommand("ATAP1\r");     // API mode 1 (sends/receive packets)
    sendATCommand("ATCN\r");      // Ends command mode

void lcd_scroll(SCROLL_FACTORY settings) {
	int i;

	for (;;) {
		lcd_cursor(0, 0);
		for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
			lcd_printch(' ');
			if (i == 15) {
				lcd_cursor(0, 1);

		lcd_print_with_position(settings.string, settings.x, settings.y);

		settings.x += settings.direction;

		if (settings.x >= 16 || settings.x < 0) {
			if (settings.y == 0) {
				settings.y = 1;
			} else {
				settings.y = 0;

			if (settings.direction == LEFT) {
				settings.x = 15;
			} else {
				settings.x = 0;
// sends an AT command repeatedly until it receives
// a reply that it was correctly received
void sendATCommand(char *command) {
    while(SCIb_InChar2() != 'O') {
    while(SCIb_InChar2() != 'K') {
    while(SCIb_InChar2() != '\r') {
void GetFrequency(uint8_t range) {
  unsigned char taste;			// set if key is pressed during measurement
 #if PROCESSOR_TYP == 644
  unsigned long freq_count;		// the counted pulses in 1 second
  unsigned long long ext_period;
  unsigned long freq_from_per;
  uint8_t ii;
  uint8_t mm;
  /* range has set the lowest bit to use the 16:1 frequency divider permanently. */
  /* The upper bits of range specifies the input selection. */
  /* 0 = external input, 2 = channel 2, 4 = HF Quartz, 6 = LF Quartz */
 #if PROCESSOR_TYP == 644
  FDIV_DDR |= (1<<FDIV_PIN);		//switch to output
  if ((range & 0x01) == 0) {
     FDIV_PORT &= ~(1<<FDIV_PIN);	// switch off the 16:1 divider
  } else {
     FDIV_PORT |= (1<<FDIV_PIN);	// use frequency divider for next measurement
  FINP_DDR |= (1<<FINP_P0) | (1<<FINP_P1);	// switch both pins to output

 FINP_PORT &= ~(1<<FINP_P0);		// clear lower bit of input selection
 FINP_PORT &= ~(1<<FINP_P1);		// clear higher bit of input selection
 if (range == 0) {  
    message_key_released(FREQ_str);	// Frequency: in line 1
 } else if (range == 1) { 
    message_key_released(HFREQ_str);	// High Frequency: in line 1
 } else if (range < 4) { /* 2+3 */
    FINP_PORT |= (1<<FINP_P0);		// set lower bit of input selection
    FINP_PORT &= ~(1<<FINP_P1);		// clear higher bit of input selection
 } else if (range < 6) { /* 4+5 */
    FINP_PORT &= ~(1<<FINP_P0);		// clear lower bit of input selection
    FINP_PORT |= (1<<FINP_P1);		// set higher bit of input selection
    message_key_released(H_CRYSTAL_str);	// HF Quarz: in line 1
 } else {  /* 6+7 */
    FINP_PORT |= (1<<FINP_P0);		// set lower bit of input selection
    FINP_PORT |= (1<<FINP_P1);		// set higher bit of input selection
    message_key_released(L_CRYSTAL_str);	// LF Quarz: in line 1

  message_key_released(FREQ_str);	// Frequency: in line 1
  taste = 0;				// reset flag for key pressed
  for (mm=0;mm<240;mm++) {
     // *************************************************************************
     // *********** straight frequency measurement by counting 1 second *********
     // *************************************************************************
     //set up Counter 0
     // Counter 0 is used to count the external signal connected to T0 (PD4 or PB0)
     FREQINP_DDR &= ~(1<<FREQINP_PIN);	// switch frequency pin to input
     wait1ms();				// let capacitor time to load to 2.4V input
#if PROCESSOR_TYP == 1280
     TCCR3A = 0; 			// normal operation, no output
     TCNT3 = 0;				// set counter 3 to zero
     ext_freq.dw = 0;			// set external frequency to zero
     TIFR3 = (1<<TOV3);			// clear OV interrupt of timer 3
     TIMSK3 = (1<<TOIE3);		// enable OV interrupt of timer 3
     TCCR0A = 0; 			// normal operation, no output
     TCNT0 = 0;				// set counter to zero
     ext_freq.dw = 0;			// set external frequency to zero
     TIFR0 = (1<<TOV0);			// clear OV interrupt of timer 0
     TIMSK0 = (1<<TOIE0);		// enable OV interrupt of timer 0
     // start counter after starting second counter timer 1

     // set up counter 1 to measure one second
     TCCR1A = 0;			// normal operation
#define CNT1_END_VAL ((F_CPU / 256UL) + 1)
#define CNT1_DIVIDER (1<<CS12)
#if CNT1_END_VAL > 0xffff
 #undef CNT1_END_VAL
 #undef CNT1_DIVIDER
 #define CNT1_END_VAL ((F_CPU / 1024UL) + 1)
 #define CNT1_DIVIDER ((1<<CS12) | (1<<CS10))
 #if F_CPU != ((F_CPU / 1024UL) * 1024UL)
  #warning F_CPU can not be divided by 1024, measured frequency is wrong!
 #if F_CPU != ((F_CPU / 256UL) * 256UL)
  #warning F_CPU can not be divided by 256, measured frequency is wrong!
     OCR1B = CNT1_END_VAL;		// set to 1 second  (counter 0 is started with 1)
     OCR1A = 1;				// start counter 0 with first count
     TCNT1 = 0;				// set counter to zero
     GTCCR  |= (1<<PSRSYNC);		// reset clock precounter
     TIFR1 = (1<<OCF1B) | (1<<OCF1A);	// clear Output compare match
     TIMSK1 = (1<<OCIE1B) | (1<<OCIE1A);	// enable the Compare A match and Compare B match interrupt
     sei();				// set interrupt enable
     TCCR1B = CNT1_DIVIDER;		// divide CPU clock by 256, start counter
     // both counter are running now, wait for counter 1 reach OCR1A
     for (ii=0;ii<50;ii++) {
        wait20ms();			// first count of counter 1 (<32us) has started the counter 0
        if (!(RST_PIN_REG & (1<<RST_PIN))) taste = 1;	// user request stop of operation
#if PROCESSOR_TYP == 1280
        if (TCCR3B == 0) break;		// timer 3 is stopped by interrupt
        if (TCCR0B == 0) break;		// timer 0 is stopped by interrupt
     // one second is counted
#if PROCESSOR_TYP == 1280
     TCCR3B = 0;		// stop timer 3, if not stopped by timer 1 compare interrupt
     ext_freq.w[0] = TCNT3;	// add lower 16 bit to get total counts
     TCCR0B = 0;		// stop timer 0, if not stopped by timer 1 compare interrupt
     ext_freq.b[0] = TCNT0;	// add lower 8 bit to get total counts
 #if PROCESSOR_TYP == 644
     freq_count = ext_freq.dw;	// save the frequency counter
 #if (LCD_LINES > 3)
     lcd_clear();		// clear total display
     lcd_equal();		// lcd_data('=');
 #if PROCESSOR_TYP == 644
     if ((FDIV_PORT&(1<<FDIV_PIN)) == 0) {
        Display_Hz(ext_freq.dw, 7);
     } else {
        // frequency divider is activ
        Display_Hz(ext_freq.dw*FREQ_DIV, 7);
     Display_Hz(ext_freq.dw, 7);
 #if PROCESSOR_TYP == 644
     if ((FDIV_PORT&(1<<FDIV_PIN)) != 0) {
        lcd_data('/');		// Frequency divider is activ
     } else {
        lcd_space();		// Frequency divider is not activ
     FREQINP_DDR &= ~(1<<FREQINP_PIN);	// switch frequency pin to input
     if (TCCR1B != 0) {
       // Exact 1000ms period is only with "end of period" from timer1 interrupt.
       // When stopped with the for loop, the time is too long because wait call does not
       // respect CPU time used for interrupts and loop itself.
       // For this case show ? behind the Hz. 
     TCCR1B = 0;		// stop timer 1
     TIMSK1 = 0;		// disable all timer 1 interrupts
     if ((ext_freq.dw < FMAX_PERIOD) && (ext_freq.dw > 0)) {
     // *************************************************************************
     // ******** Period measurement by counting some periods ******************** 
     // *************************************************************************
        pinchange_max = ((10 * (unsigned long)ext_freq.dw) + MHZ_CPU) / MHZ_CPU;	// about 10000000 clock tics
        pinchange_max += pinchange_max;	// * 2 for up and down change
        FREQINP_DDR &= ~(1<<FREQINP_PIN);	// switch frequency pin to input
        wait1ms();			// let capacitor time to load to 2.4V input
#if PROCESSOR_TYP == 1280
        TCNT3 = 0;			// set counter 3 to zero
        ext_freq.dw = 0;		// reset counter to zero
        TIFR3 = (1<<TOV3);		// clear OV interrupt
        TIMSK3 = (1<<TOIE3);		// enable OV interrupt
        // counter 3 ist started with first pin change interrupt
        pinchange_count = 0;
	EICRB = (0<<ISC61) | (1<<ISC60); // set int6 pin change
        EIFR  |= (1<<INTF6);		// clear interrupt 6 flag
        PCMSK_FREQ |= (1<<PCINT_FREQ); // enable int6
        TCNT0 = 0;			// set counter 0 to zero
        ext_freq.dw = 0;		// reset counter to zero
        TIFR0 = (1<<TOV0);		// clear OV interrupt
        TIMSK0 = (1<<TOIE0);		// enable OV interrupt
        // counter 0 ist started with first pin change interrupt
        pinchange_count = 0;
        PCIFR  = (1<<PCI_CLEAR_BIT);		// clear Pin Change Status
        PCICR  |= (1<<PCI_ENABLE_BIT);		// enable pin change interrupt
        PCMSK_FREQ |= (1<<PCINT_FREQ);	// monitor PD4 PCINT20 or PB0 PCINT8 pin change
        for (ii=0;ii<250;ii++) {
           if (!(RST_PIN_REG & (1<<RST_PIN))) taste = 1;	// user request stop of operation
           if ((PCMSK_FREQ & (1<<PCINT_FREQ)) == 0) break;		// monitoring is disabled by interrupt
        } /* end for ii */
#if PROCESSOR_TYP == 1280
        TCCR3B = 0;		// stop counter 3
        PCMSK_FREQ &= ~(1<<PCINT_FREQ); // disable int6
        ext_freq.w[0] = TCNT3;		// add lower 16 bit to get total counts
        TCCR0B = 0;		// stop counter 0
        PCMSK_FREQ &= ~(1<<PCINT_FREQ);		// stop monitor PD4 PCINT20 or PB0 PCINT8 pin change
        PCICR &= ~(1<<PCI_ENABLE_BIT);	// disable the interrupt
        ext_freq.b[0] = TCNT0;		// add lower 8 bit to get total counts
//        lcd_clear_line2();
//        wait50ms();		// let LCD flicker to 
 #if (LCD_LINES > 3)
        lcd_line3();		// use line3 to report the period with 4-line LCD
        lcd_line2();		// report period on line 2 of 2-line LCD
        lcd_equal();		// lcd_data('=');
        ext_period = ((unsigned long long)ext_freq.dw * (200000/MHZ_CPU)) / pinchange_max;
 #if PROCESSOR_TYP == 644
        if ((FDIV_PORT&(1<<FDIV_PIN)) != 0) {
           // frequency divider is activ, period is measured too long
           ext_period = ext_period / FREQ_DIV;
        if (pinchange_max > 127) {
           DisplayValue(ext_period,-11,'s',7);	// show period converted to 0.01ns units
        } else {
           //prevent overflow of 32-Bit
           DisplayValue((unsigned long)(ext_period/100),-9,'s',7);	// show period converted to 1ns units
        if (ii == 250) {
           lcd_data('?');		// wait loop has regular finished
        } else {
           if (ext_period > 249500) {
 #if (LCD_LINES > 3)
              lcd_line4();		// use line 4 of 4-line LCD to report the computed frequency
              lcd_line1();		// overwrite line 1 of 2-line LCD to report the computed frequency
              lcd_equal();		// lcd_data('=');
              if (ext_period > 1000000000) {
                 // frequency in 0.000001Hz (1e11*1e6)/(0.01ns count)
                 freq_from_per = (unsigned long long)(100000000000000000) / ext_period;
                 DisplayValue(freq_from_per,-6,'H',7);  // display with  0.000001 Hz resolution
              } else {
                 // prevent unsigned long overflow, scale to 0.0001 Hz
                 // frequency in 0.0001Hz (1e11*1e4)/(0.01ns count)
                 freq_from_per = (unsigned long long)(1000000000000000) / ext_period;
                 DisplayValue(freq_from_per,-4,'H',7);  // display with  0.0001 Hz resolution
              FREQINP_DDR &= ~(1<<FREQINP_PIN);	// switch frequency pin to input
     }  /* end if 1 < ext_freq < FMAX_PERIOD */
 #if PROCESSOR_TYP == 644
     if ((FDIV_PORT & (1<<FDIV_PIN)) == 0) {
        // frequency divider is not activ
        if ( ((freq_count >= FMAX_PERIOD) && (freq_count < ((unsigned long)FMAX_PERIOD*FREQ_DIV))) ||
            (freq_count > FMAX_INPUT) ){
           FDIV_PORT |= (1<<FDIV_PIN);			// use frequency divider for next measurement
     } else {
        // frequency divider is activ
        if ((freq_count < (FMAX_PERIOD/FREQ_DIV)) && ((range & 0x01) == 0)) {
           FDIV_PORT &= ~(1<<FDIV_PIN);			// switch off the 16:1 divider
//     taste += wait_for_key_ms(SHORT_WAIT_TIME/2);
     TIMSK0 = 0;		// disable all timer 0 interrupts
     taste += wait_for_key_ms(2000);
     if ((taste != 0) || (rotary.incre > 2)) break;
     if (taste != 0) break;
  }  /* end for mm  */
 } // end GetFrequency()
void	ApplySubnet()
	IINCHIP_WRITE(SUBR, ((uint16)Subnet[0]<<8)+(uint16)Subnet[1]);
// first discharge any charge of capacitors
void EntladePins() {
  uint8_t adc_gnd;		// Mask of ADC-outputs, which can be directly connected to GND
  unsigned int adcmv[3];	// voltages of 3 Pins in mV
  unsigned int clr_cnt;		// Clear Counter
  uint8_t lop_cnt;		// loop counter
// max. time of discharge in ms  (10000/20) == 10s
#define MAX_ENTLADE_ZEIT  (10000/20)

  for(lop_cnt=0;lop_cnt<10;lop_cnt++) {
     adc_gnd = TXD_MSK;		// put all ADC to Input
     ADC_DDR = adc_gnd;
     ADC_PORT = TXD_VAL;		// ADC-outputs auf 0
     R_PORT = 0;			// R-outputs auf 0
//     R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RH3) | (1<<PIN_RH2) | (1<<PIN_RH1); // R_H for all Pins to GND
     R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RH3) | (1<<PIN_RL3) | (1<<PIN_RH2) | (1<<PIN_RL2) | (1<<PIN_RH1) | (1<<PIN_RL1); // R_H and R_L for all Pins to GND
     adcmv[0] = W5msReadADC(PC0);	// which voltage has Pin 1?
     adcmv[1] = ReadADC(PC1);	// which voltage has Pin 2?
     adcmv[2] = ReadADC(PC2);	// which voltage has Pin 3?
     if ((PartFound == PART_CELL) || (adcmv[0] < CAP_EMPTY_LEVEL) & (adcmv[1] < CAP_EMPTY_LEVEL) & (adcmv[2] < CAP_EMPTY_LEVEL)) {
        ADC_DDR = TXD_MSK;		// switch all ADC-Pins to input
        R_DDR = 0;			// switch all R_L Ports (and R_H) to input
#if FLASHEND > 0x3fff
        cell_mv[0] = adcmv[0];		// save the voltage of pin 1
        cell_mv[1] = adcmv[1];		// save the voltage of pin 2
        cell_mv[2] = adcmv[2];		// save the voltage of pin 3
        return;			// all is discharged
     // all Pins with voltage lower than 1V can be connected directly to GND (ADC-Port)
     if (adcmv[0] < 1000) {
        adc_gnd |= (1<<PC0);	//Pin 1 directly to GND
     if (adcmv[1] < 1000) {
        adc_gnd |= (1<<PC1);	//Pin 2 directly to GND
     if (adcmv[2] < 1000) {
        adc_gnd |= (1<<PC2);	//Pin 3 directly to  GND
     ADC_DDR = adc_gnd;		// switch all selected ADC-Ports at the same time

     // additionally switch the leaving Ports with R_L to GND.
     // since there is no disadvantage for the already directly switched pins, we can
     // simply switch all  R_L resistors to GND
//     R_DDR = (1<<PIN_RL3) | (1<<PIN_RL2) | (1<<PIN_RL1);	// Pins across R_L resistors to GND
     for(clr_cnt=0;clr_cnt<MAX_ENTLADE_ZEIT;clr_cnt++) {
        adcmv[0] = W20msReadADC(PC0);	// which voltage has Pin 1?
        adcmv[1] = ReadADC(PC1);	// which voltage has Pin 2?
        adcmv[2] = ReadADC(PC2);	// which voltage has Pin 3?
        if (adcmv[0] < 1300) {
           ADC_DDR |= (1<<PC0);	// below 1.3V , switch directly with ADC-Port to GND
        if (adcmv[1] < 1300) {
           ADC_DDR |= (1<<PC1);	// below 1.3V, switch directly with ADC-Port to GND
        if (adcmv[2] < 1300) {
           ADC_DDR |= (1<<PC2);	// below 1.3V, switch directly with ADC-Port to GND
        if ((adcmv[0] < (CAP_EMPTY_LEVEL+2)) && (adcmv[1] < (CAP_EMPTY_LEVEL+2)) && (adcmv[2] < (CAP_EMPTY_LEVEL+2))) {
     if (clr_cnt == MAX_ENTLADE_ZEIT) {
        PartFound = PART_CELL;	// mark as Battery
        // there is charge on capacitor, warn later!
#if DebugOut == 99
        u2lcd(adcmv[0];		// lcd_string(utoa(adcmv[0], outval, 10));
        u2lcd(adcmv[1];		// lcd_string(utoa(adcmv[1], outval, 10));
        u2lcd(adcmv[2];		// lcd_string(utoa(adcmv[2], outval, 10));
     for(adcmv[0]=0;adcmv[0]<clr_cnt;adcmv[0]++) {
        // for safety, discharge 5% of discharge  time
  } // end for lop_cnt