文件: wcserr.c 项目: aarribas/astropy
int wcserr_prt(
  const struct wcserr *err,
  const char *prefix)

  if (!wcserr_enabled) {
    wcsprintf("Error messaging is not enabled, use wcserr_enable().\n");
    return 2;

  if (err == 0x0) {
    return 0;

  if (err->status) {
    if (prefix == 0x0) prefix = "";

    if (err->status > 0) {
      wcsprintf("%sERROR %d in %s() at line %d of file %s:\n%s%s.\n",
        prefix, err->status, err->function, err->line_no, err->file, prefix,
    } else {
      /* An informative message only. */
      wcsprintf("%sINFORMATIVE message from %s() at line %d of file "
        "%s:\n%s%s.\n", prefix, err->function, err->line_no, err->file,
        prefix, err->msg);

  return 0;
文件: lin.c 项目: ninoc/astropy
int linprt(const struct linprm *lin)

  int i, j, k;

  if (lin == 0x0) return LINERR_NULL_POINTER;

  if (lin->flag != LINSET) {
    wcsprintf("The linprm struct is UNINITIALIZED.\n");
    return 0;
  wcsprintf("       flag: %d\n", lin->flag);

  /* Parameters supplied. */
  wcsprintf("      naxis: %d\n", lin->naxis);

  WCSPRINTF_PTR("      crpix: ", lin->crpix, "\n");
  wcsprintf("            ");
  for (j = 0; j < lin->naxis; j++) {
    wcsprintf("  %#- 11.5g", lin->crpix[j]);

  k = 0;
  WCSPRINTF_PTR("         pc: ", lin->pc, "\n");
  for (i = 0; i < lin->naxis; i++) {
    wcsprintf("    pc[%d][]:", i);
    for (j = 0; j < lin->naxis; j++) {
      wcsprintf("  %#- 11.5g", lin->pc[k++]);

  WCSPRINTF_PTR("      cdelt: ", lin->cdelt, "\n");
  wcsprintf("            ");
  for (i = 0; i < lin->naxis; i++) {
    wcsprintf("  %#- 11.5g", lin->cdelt[i]);

  WCSPRINTF_PTR("     dispre: ", lin->dispre, "");
  if (lin->dispre != 0x0) wcsprintf("  (see below)");
  WCSPRINTF_PTR("     disseq: ", lin->disseq, "");
  if (lin->disseq != 0x0) wcsprintf("  (see below)");

  /* Derived values. */
  if (lin->piximg == 0x0) {
    wcsprintf("     piximg: (nil)\n");
  } else {
    k = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < lin->naxis; i++) {
      wcsprintf("piximg[%d][]:", i);
      for (j = 0; j < lin->naxis; j++) {
        wcsprintf("  %#- 11.5g", lin->piximg[k++]);

  if (lin->imgpix == 0x0) {
    wcsprintf("     imgpix: (nil)\n");
  } else {
    k = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < lin->naxis; i++) {
      wcsprintf("imgpix[%d][]:", i);
      for (j = 0; j < lin->naxis; j++) {
        wcsprintf("  %#- 11.5g", lin->imgpix[k++]);

  wcsprintf("    i_naxis: %d\n", lin->i_naxis);
  wcsprintf("      unity: %d\n", lin->unity);
  wcsprintf("     affine: %d\n", lin->affine);
  wcsprintf("     simple: %d\n", lin->simple);

  /* Error handling. */
  WCSPRINTF_PTR("        err: ", lin->err, "\n");
  if (lin->err) {
    wcserr_prt(lin->err, "             ");

  /* Work arrays. */
  WCSPRINTF_PTR("     tmpcrd: ", lin->tmpcrd, "\n");

  /* Memory management. */
  wcsprintf("     m_flag: %d\n", lin->m_flag);
  wcsprintf("    m_naxis: %d\n", lin->m_naxis);
  WCSPRINTF_PTR("    m_crpix: ", lin->m_crpix, "");
  if (lin->m_crpix == lin->crpix) wcsprintf("  (= crpix)");
  WCSPRINTF_PTR("       m_pc: ", lin->m_pc, "");
  if (lin->m_pc == lin->pc) wcsprintf("  (= pc)");
  WCSPRINTF_PTR("    m_cdelt: ", lin->m_cdelt, "");
  if (lin->m_cdelt == lin->cdelt) wcsprintf("  (= cdelt)");
  WCSPRINTF_PTR("   m_dispre: ", lin->m_dispre, "");
  if (lin->dispre && lin->m_dispre == lin->dispre) wcsprintf("  (= dispre)");
  WCSPRINTF_PTR("   m_disseq: ", lin->m_disseq, "");
  if (lin->disseq && lin->m_disseq == lin->disseq) wcsprintf("  (= disseq)");

  /* Distortion parameters (from above). */
  if (lin->dispre) {

  if (lin->disseq) {

  return 0;
文件: spc.c 项目: anizami/astropy
int spcprt(const struct spcprm *spc)

  char hext[32];
  int  i;

  if (spc == 0x0) return SPCERR_NULL_POINTER;

  wcsprintf("       flag: %d\n", spc->flag);
  wcsprintf("       type: \"%s\"\n", spc->type);
  wcsprintf("       code: \"%s\"\n", spc->code);
  if (undefined(spc->crval)) {
    wcsprintf("      crval: UNDEFINED\n");
  } else {
    wcsprintf("      crval: %#- 11.5g\n", spc->crval);
  wcsprintf("    restfrq: %f\n", spc->restfrq);
  wcsprintf("    restwav: %f\n", spc->restwav);

  wcsprintf("         pv:");
  if (spc->isGrism) {
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      if (undefined(spc->pv[i])) {
        wcsprintf("  UNDEFINED   ");
      } else {
        wcsprintf("  %#- 11.5g", spc->pv[i]);
    wcsprintf("\n            ");
    for (i = 5; i < 7; i++) {
      if (undefined(spc->pv[i])) {
        wcsprintf("  UNDEFINED   ");
      } else {
        wcsprintf("  %#- 11.5g", spc->pv[i]);

  } else {
    wcsprintf(" (not used)\n");

  wcsprintf("          w:");
  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    wcsprintf("  %#- 11.5g", spc->w[i]);
  if (spc->isGrism) {
    wcsprintf("\n            ");
    for (i = 3; i < 6; i++) {
      wcsprintf("  %#- 11.5g", spc->w[i]);
  } else {
    wcsprintf("  (remainder unused)\n");

  wcsprintf("    isGrism: %d\n", spc->isGrism);

  WCSPRINTF_PTR("        err: ", spc->err, "\n");
  if (spc->err) {
    wcserr_prt(spc->err, "             ");

  wcsprintf("     spxX2P: %s\n",
    wcsutil_fptr2str((int (*)(void))spc->spxX2P, hext));
  wcsprintf("     spxP2S: %s\n",
    wcsutil_fptr2str((int (*)(void))spc->spxP2S, hext));
  wcsprintf("     spxS2P: %s\n",
    wcsutil_fptr2str((int (*)(void))spc->spxS2P, hext));
  wcsprintf("     spxP2X: %s\n",
    wcsutil_fptr2str((int (*)(void))spc->spxP2X, hext));

  return 0;
文件: twcsfix.c 项目: mdboom/wcslib
int main()

  char ctypeS[9];
  int i, stat[NWCSFIX], status;
  struct wcsprm wcs;
  struct wcserr info[NWCSFIX];

  wcsprintf("Testing WCSLIB translator for non-standard usage (twcsfix.c)\n"

  wcs.flag = -1;

  /* Note: to print the unfixed wcsprm struct using wcsprt() the struct
     would first have to be initialized by wcsset().  However, if the struct
     contains non-standard keyvalues then wcsset() will either fix them
     itself or else fail (e.g. for non-standard units).  Thus, in general,
     wcsprt() cannot be used to print the unmodified struct. */

  /* Fix non-standard WCS keyvalues. */
  status = wcsfixi(7, 0, &wcs, stat, info);
  wcsprintf("wcsfix status returns: (");
  for (i = 0; i < NWCSFIX; i++) {
    wcsprintf(i ? ", %d" : "%d", stat[i]);

  for (i = 0; i < NWCSFIX; i++) {
    if (info[i].status < -1 || 0 < info[i].status) {
      wcserr_prt(info+i, 0x0);

  if (status) {
    wcsprintf("\nwcsfix error %d", status);
    return 1;

  /* Extract information from the FITS header. */
  if (wcsset(&wcs)) {
    wcserr_prt(wcs.err, 0x0);


  /* Should now have a 'VOPT-F2W' axis, translate it to frequency. */
  strcpy(ctypeS, "FREQ-???");
  i = -1;
  if (wcssptr(&wcs, &i, ctypeS)) {
    wcserr_prt(wcs.err, 0x0);
    return 1;

  if (wcsset(&wcs)) {
    wcserr_prt(wcs.err, 0x0);
    return 1;



  return 0;
文件: tdis2.c 项目: orlanthi/wcslib
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  char *infile = "SIP.fits";

  char keyrec[81], header[288001];
  int  axes[4], gotend, iblock, ikeyrec, j, k, n, naxis[4], nkeyrec, nreject,
       nsamp, nsub, nwcs, status;
  double pixblc[4], pixsamp[4], pixtrc[4];
  double *avgdis, *avgtot, *maxdis, *maxtot, *rmsdis, *rmstot, stats[15];
  FILE   *fptr;
  struct linprm *lin;
  struct wcsprm *wcs, wcsext;


  /* Set line buffering in case stdout is redirected to a file, otherwise
   * stdout and stderr messages will be jumbled (stderr is unbuffered). */
  setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

  wcsprintf("Testing wcssub() with distortions (tdis2.c)\n"

  /* Optional file name specified? */
  if (1 < argc) {
    infile = argv[1];

  /* Read in the FITS header, excluding COMMENT and HISTORY keyrecords. */
  if ((fptr = fopen(infile, "r")) == 0) {
    wcsprintf("ERROR opening %s\n", infile);
    return 1;

  memset(naxis, 0, 2*sizeof(int));

  k = 0;
  nkeyrec = 0;
  gotend = 0;
  for (iblock = 0; iblock < 100; iblock++) {
    for (ikeyrec = 0; ikeyrec < 36; ikeyrec++) {
      if (fgets(keyrec, 81, fptr) == 0) {

      if (strncmp(keyrec, "        ", 8) == 0) continue;
      if (strncmp(keyrec, "COMMENT ", 8) == 0) continue;
      if (strncmp(keyrec, "HISTORY ", 8) == 0) continue;

      if (strncmp(keyrec, "NAXIS", 5) == 0) {
        if (keyrec[5] == ' ') {
          sscanf(keyrec+10, "%d", &n);
          if (4 < n) {
            wcsprintf("ERROR, can't handle more than 4 axes.\n");
            return 1;

        sscanf(keyrec+5, "%d = %d", &j, &n);
        naxis[j-1] = n;

      strncpy(header+k, keyrec, 80);
      k += 80;

      if (strncmp(keyrec, "END       ", 10) == 0) {
        /* An END keyrecord was read, but read the rest of the block. */
        gotend = 1;

    if (gotend) break;

  /* Parse the header. */
  if ((wcspih(header, nkeyrec, WCSHDR_none, 2, &nreject, &nwcs, &wcs))) {
    wcsperr(wcs, 0x0);
    return 1;

  /* Extract the coordinate description for a transposed subimage and prepend
     a new axis.  Also tests wcssub() on a struct that hasn't been set up. */
  nsub = 3;
  axes[0] = 0;
  axes[1] = WCSSUB_LATITUDE;

  wcsext.flag = -1;
  if ((status = wcssub(1, wcs, &nsub, axes, &wcsext))) {
    wcsperr(&wcsext, "");
    goto cleanup;
  } else if (nsub == 0) {
    printf("None of the requested subimage axes were found.\n");
    goto cleanup;

  /* Print the original and extracted structs. */
  printf("\nInitial contents of wcsprm struct:\n");
  if ((status = wcsset(wcs))) {
    wcsperr(wcs, "");
    goto cleanup;


  printf("\n\nExtracted contents of wcsprm struct:\n");
  if ((status = wcsset(&wcsext))) {
    wcsperr(&wcsext, "");
    goto cleanup;


  /* Compute distortion statistics in the initial struct. */
  maxdis = stats;
  maxtot = maxdis + 4;
  avgdis = maxtot + 1;
  avgtot = avgdis + 4;
  rmsdis = avgtot + 1;
  rmstot = rmsdis + 4;

  pixblc[0]  =   1.0;
  pixblc[1]  =   1.0;
  pixblc[2]  =   1.0;
  pixblc[3]  =   1.0;
  pixtrc[0]  = 256.0;
  pixtrc[1]  = 256.0;
  pixtrc[2]  =   1.0;
  pixtrc[3]  =   1.0;
  pixsamp[0] =   1.0;
  pixsamp[1] =   1.0;
  pixsamp[2] =   1.0;
  pixsamp[3] =   1.0;

  lin = &(wcs->lin);
  if (linwarp(lin, pixblc, pixtrc, pixsamp, &nsamp,
              maxdis, maxtot, avgdis, avgtot, rmsdis, rmstot)) {
    linperr(lin, 0x0);
    return 1;

  for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) {
    if (fabs(stats[k]) < 0.0005) stats[k] = 0.0;

    "Initial linwarp() statistics computed over %d sample points:\n"
    "  Max distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 4: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n"
    " Mean distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 4: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "  RMS distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 4: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n",
    nsamp, maxdis[0], maxdis[1], maxdis[2], maxdis[3], *maxtot,
           avgdis[0], avgdis[1], avgdis[2], avgdis[3], *avgtot,
           rmsdis[0], rmsdis[1], rmsdis[2], rmsdis[3], *rmstot);

  /* Compute distortion statistics in the extracted struct. */
  pixtrc[0]  =   1.0;
  pixtrc[1]  = 256.0;
  pixtrc[2]  = 256.0;

  lin = &(wcsext.lin);
  if (linwarp(lin, pixblc, pixtrc, pixsamp, &nsamp,
              maxdis, maxtot, avgdis, avgtot, rmsdis, rmstot)) {
    linperr(lin, 0x0);
    return 1;

  for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) {
    if (fabs(stats[k]) < 0.0005) stats[k] = 0.0;

    "linwarp() statistics for extract computed over the same %d points:\n"
    "  Max distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n"
    " Mean distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "  RMS distortion, axis 1: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 2: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                  axis 3: %10.5f pixels\n"
    "                   total: %10.5f pixels\n",
    nsamp, maxdis[0], maxdis[1], maxdis[2], *maxtot,
           avgdis[0], avgdis[1], avgdis[2], *avgtot,
           rmsdis[0], rmsdis[1], rmsdis[2], *rmstot);

  wcsvfree(&nwcs, &wcs);

  return status;
文件: twcs.c 项目: mdboom/wcslib
int main()

#define NELEM 9

  char   ok[] = "", mismatch[] = " (WARNING, mismatch)", *s;
  int    i, k, lat, lng, nFail1 = 0, nFail2 = 0, stat[361], status;
  double freq, img[361][NELEM], lat1, lng1, phi[361], pixel1[361][NELEM],
         pixel2[361][NELEM], r, resid, residmax, theta[361], time,
         world1[361][NELEM], world2[361][NELEM];
  struct wcsprm *wcs;

  printf("Testing closure of WCSLIB world coordinate transformation "
         "routines (twcs.c)\n"

  /* List status return messages. */
  printf("\nList of wcs status return values:\n");
  for (status = 1; status <= 13; status++) {
    printf("%4d: %s.\n", status, wcs_errmsg[status]);

  printf("\nSize of data types (bytes):\n");
  printf("           char:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(char));
  printf("      short int:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(short int));
  printf("            int:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(int));
  printf("       long int:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(long int));
  printf("          float:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(float));
  printf("         double:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(double));
  printf("         char *:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(char *));
  printf("   char (*)[72]:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(char (*)[72]));
  printf("          int *:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(int *));
  printf("        float *:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(float *));
  printf("       double *:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(double *));
  printf("struct pvcard *:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(struct pvcard *));
  printf("struct pscard *:%5"MODZ"u\n", sizeof(struct pscard *));

  printf("\nSize of structs (bytes/ints):\n");

  s = (sizeof(struct celprm) == sizeof(int)*CELLEN) ? ok : mismatch;
  printf("         celprm:%5"MODZ"u /%4"MODZ"u%s\n", sizeof(struct celprm),
         CELLEN, s);

  s = (sizeof(struct fitskey) == sizeof(int)*KEYLEN) ? ok : mismatch;
  printf("        fitskey:%5"MODZ"u /%4"MODZ"u%s\n", sizeof(struct fitskey),
         KEYLEN, s);

  s = (sizeof(struct fitskeyid) == sizeof(int)*KEYIDLEN) ? ok : mismatch;
  printf("      fitskeyid:%5"MODZ"u /%4"MODZ"u%s\n", sizeof(struct fitskeyid),
         KEYIDLEN, s);

  s = (sizeof(struct linprm) == sizeof(int)*LINLEN) ? ok : mismatch;
  printf("         linprm:%5"MODZ"u /%4"MODZ"u%s\n", sizeof(struct linprm),
         LINLEN, s);

  s = (sizeof(struct prjprm) == sizeof(int)*PRJLEN) ? ok : mismatch;
  printf("         prjprm:%5"MODZ"u /%4"MODZ"u%s\n", sizeof(struct prjprm),
         PRJLEN, s);

  s = (sizeof(struct spcprm) == sizeof(int)*SPCLEN) ? ok : mismatch;
  printf("         spcprm:%5"MODZ"u /%4"MODZ"u%s\n", sizeof(struct spcprm),
         SPCLEN, s);

  s = (sizeof(struct spxprm) == sizeof(int)*SPXLEN) ? ok : mismatch;
  printf("         spxprm:%5"MODZ"u /%4"MODZ"u%s\n", sizeof(struct spxprm),
         SPXLEN, s);

  s = (sizeof(struct tabprm) == sizeof(int)*TABLEN) ? ok : mismatch;
  printf("         tabprm:%5"MODZ"u /%4"MODZ"u%s\n", sizeof(struct tabprm),
         TABLEN, s);

  s = (sizeof(struct wcserr) == sizeof(int)*ERRLEN) ? ok : mismatch;
  printf("         wcserr:%5"MODZ"u /%4"MODZ"u%s\n", sizeof(struct wcserr),
         ERRLEN, s);

  s = (sizeof(struct wcsprm) == sizeof(int)*WCSLEN) ? ok : mismatch;
  printf("         wcsprm:%5"MODZ"u /%4"MODZ"u%s\n", sizeof(struct wcsprm),
         WCSLEN, s);

  /* Set the PVi_ma keyvalues for the longitude axis.         */
  /* For test purposes, these are set so that the fiducial    */
  /* native coordinates are at the native pole, i.e. so that  */
  /* (phi0,theta0) = (0,90), but without any fiducial offset, */
  /* i.e. iwith PVi_0a == 0 (by default).                     */
  PV[0].i = 4;			/* Longitude is on axis 4.     */
  PV[0].m = 1;			/* Parameter number 1.         */
  PV[0].value =  0.0;		/* Fiducial native longitude.  */

  PV[1].i = 4;			/* Longitude is on axis 4.     */
  PV[1].m = 2;			/* Parameter number 2.         */
  PV[1].value = 90.0;		/* Fiducial native latitude.   */

  /* Set the PVi_m keyvaluess for the latitude axis.          */
  PV[2].i = 2;			/* Latitude is on axis 2.      */
  PV[2].m = 1;			/* Parameter number 1.         */
  PV[2].value = -30.0;		/* PVi_1.                      */

  /* The following routine simulates the actions of a FITS header parser. */
  wcs = malloc(sizeof(struct wcsprm));
  wcs->flag = -1;

  printf("\nReporting tolerance %5.1g pixel.\n", tol);

  /* Initialize non-celestial world coordinates. */
  time = 1.0;
  freq = 1.42040595e9 - 180.0 * 62500.0;
  for (k = 0; k < 361; k++) {
    world1[k][0] = 0.0;
    world1[k][1] = 0.0;
    world1[k][2] = 0.0;
    world1[k][3] = 0.0;

    world1[k][2] = time;
    time *= 1.01;

    world1[k][wcs->spec] = 2.99792458e8 / freq;
    freq += 62500.0;

  residmax = 0.0;
  for (lat = 90; lat >= -90; lat--) {
    lat1 = (double)lat;

    for (lng = -180, k = 0; lng <= 180; lng++, k++) {
      lng1 = (double)lng;

      world1[k][wcs->lng] = lng1;
      world1[k][wcs->lat] = lat1;

    if (wcss2p(wcs, 361, NELEM, world1[0], phi, theta, img[0], pixel1[0],
               stat)) {
      printf("  At wcss2p#1 with lat1 == %f\n", lat1);
      wcsperr(wcs, "  ");

    if (wcsp2s(wcs, 361, NELEM, pixel1[0], img[0], phi, theta, world2[0],
               stat)) {
      printf("  At wcsp2s with lat1 == %f\n", lat1);
      wcsperr(wcs, "  ");

    if (wcss2p(wcs, 361, NELEM, world2[0], phi, theta, img[0], pixel2[0],
               stat)) {
      printf("  At wcss2p#2 with lat1 == %f\n", lat1);
      wcsperr(wcs, "  ");

    for (k = 0; k < 361; k++) {
      resid = 0.0;
      for (i = 0; i < NAXIS; i++) {
        r = pixel2[k][i] - pixel1[k][i];
        resid += r*r;

      resid = sqrt(resid);
      if (resid > residmax) residmax = resid;

      if (resid > tol) {
        printf("\nClosure error:\n"
          world1[k][0], world1[k][1], world1[k][2], world1[k][3],
          pixel1[k][0], pixel1[k][1], pixel1[k][2], pixel1[k][3],
          world2[k][0], world2[k][1], world2[k][2], world2[k][3],
          pixel2[k][0], pixel2[k][1], pixel2[k][2], pixel2[k][3]);

  printf("wcsp2s/wcss2p: Maximum closure residual = %.1e pixel.\n", residmax);

  /* Test wcserr and wcsprintf() as well. */
  nFail2 = 0;
  wcsprintf("\n\nIGNORE messages marked with 'OK', they test wcserr "
    "(and wcsprintf):\n");


  /* Test 1. */
  wcs->pv[2].value = UNDEFINED;
  status = wcsset(wcs);
  nFail2 += check_error(wcs, status, WCSERR_BAD_PARAM,
                        "Invalid parameter value");

  nFail2 += test_errors();

  if (nFail1 || nFail2) {
    if (nFail1) {
      printf("\nFAIL: %d closure residuals exceed reporting tolerance.\n",

    if (nFail2) {
      printf("FAIL: %d error messages differ from that expected.\n", nFail2);
  } else {
    printf("\nPASS: All closure residuals are within reporting tolerance.\n");
    printf("PASS: All error messages reported as expected.\n");

  /* Clean up. */

  return nFail1 + nFail2;
文件: tdis1.c 项目: orlanthi/wcslib
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

  char *infile = "TPV7.fits";

  char keyrec[81], header[288001], *disfn;
  int  dopoly, gotend, iblock, ikeyrec, inc, itest, j, k, n, naxis[2], naxis1,
       naxis2, nClosure, nFail, nkeyrec, nsamp, nreject, nTest, nwcs, p1, p2,
  clock_t t0, tp2x, tx2p;
  double absmax, dp1, dp2, *img, *img1, *img2, pix[8], pixblc[2], pixsamp[2],
         pixtrc[2], px, *px0, *px1, pxi[8], rel, resid, relmax;
  double *avgdis, *avgtot, *maxdis, *maxtot, *rmsdis, *rmstot, stats[9];
  FILE   *fptr;
  struct linprm affine, *lin, *linpol, *lintpv;
  struct wcsprm *wcs, wcspol;


  /* Set line buffering in case stdout is redirected to a file, otherwise
   * stdout and stderr messages will be jumbled (stderr is unbuffered). */
  setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

  wcsprintf("Testing closure of WCSLIB distortion routines (tdis1.c)\n"

  /* List status return messages. */
  wcsprintf("\nList of dis status return values:\n");
  for (status = 1; status <= 5; status++) {
    wcsprintf("%4d: %s.\n", status, dis_errmsg[status]);

  /* Optional file name specified? */
  if (1 < argc) {
    infile = argv[1];

  /* Read in the FITS header, excluding COMMENT and HISTORY keyrecords. */
  if ((fptr = fopen(infile, "r")) == 0) {
    wcsprintf("ERROR opening %s\n", infile);
    return 1;

  memset(naxis, 0, 2*sizeof(int));

  k = 0;
  nkeyrec = 0;
  gotend = 0;
  for (iblock = 0; iblock < 100; iblock++) {
    for (ikeyrec = 0; ikeyrec < 36; ikeyrec++) {
      if (fgets(keyrec, 81, fptr) == 0) {

      if (strncmp(keyrec, "        ", 8) == 0) continue;
      if (strncmp(keyrec, "COMMENT ", 8) == 0) continue;
      if (strncmp(keyrec, "HISTORY ", 8) == 0) continue;

      if (strncmp(keyrec, "NAXIS", 5) == 0) {
        if (keyrec[5] == ' ') {
          sscanf(keyrec+10, "%d", &n);
          if (n != 2) {
            wcsprintf("ERROR, expecting a 2D image.\n");
            return 1;

        sscanf(keyrec+5, "%d = %d", &j, &n);
        naxis[j-1] = n;

      strncpy(header+k, keyrec, 80);
      k += 80;

      if (strncmp(keyrec, "END       ", 10) == 0) {
        /* An END keyrecord was read, but read the rest of the block. */
        gotend = 1;

    if (gotend) break;

  /* Parse the header. */
  if ((wcspih(header, nkeyrec, WCSHDR_none, 2, &nreject, &nwcs, &wcs))) {
    wcsperr(wcs, 0x0);
    return 1;

  /* Is it TPV? */
  dopoly = 0;
  if (strcmp(wcs->ctype[0], "RA---TPV") == 0) {
    /* Copy it and translate to Polynomial for later use. */
    wcspol.flag = -1;
    if (wcscopy(1, wcs, &wcspol)) {
      wcsperr(wcs, 0x0);
      return 1;

    /* Translate TPV to Polynomial. */

    wcspol.flag = -1;
    if (wcsset(&wcspol)) {
      wcsperr(&wcspol, 0x0);
      return 1;

    dopoly = 1;

  /* wcsset() translates the TPV "projection" into a sequent distortion. */
  if (wcsset(wcs)) {
    wcsperr(wcs, 0x0);
    return 1;

  /* Henceforth, we will work with linprm. */
  lin = &(wcs->lin);

  /* Get statistics on the distortion in the inner quarter of the image. */
  maxdis = stats;
  maxtot = maxdis + 2;
  avgdis = maxtot + 1;
  avgtot = avgdis + 2;
  rmsdis = avgtot + 1;
  rmstot = rmsdis + 2;

  pixblc[0]  = 0.25 * naxis[0];
  pixblc[1]  = 0.25 * naxis[1];
  pixtrc[0]  = 0.75 * naxis[0];
  pixtrc[1]  = 0.75 * naxis[1];
  pixsamp[0] = (pixtrc[0] - pixblc[0])/512.0;
  pixsamp[1] = (pixtrc[1] - pixblc[1])/512.0;
  if (pixsamp[0] < 1.0) pixsamp[0] = 1.0;
  if (pixsamp[1] < 1.0) pixsamp[1] = 1.0;

  if (linwarp(lin, pixblc, pixtrc, pixsamp, &nsamp,
              maxdis, maxtot, avgdis, avgtot, rmsdis, rmstot)) {
    linperr(lin, 0x0);
    return 1;

  for (k = 0; k < 9; k++) {
    if (fabs(stats[k]) < 0.0005) stats[k] = 0.0;

  wcsprintf("linwarp() statistics computed over %d sample points:\n"
            "  Max distortion, axis 1: %8.3f pixels\n"
            "                  axis 2: %8.3f pixels\n"
            "                   total: %8.3f pixels\n"
            " Mean distortion, axis 1: %8.3f pixels\n"
            "                  axis 2: %8.3f pixels\n"
            "                   total: %8.3f pixels\n"
            "  RMS distortion, axis 1: %8.3f pixels\n"
            "                  axis 2: %8.3f pixels\n"
            "                   total: %8.3f pixels\n",
            nsamp, maxdis[0], maxdis[1], *maxtot,
                   avgdis[0], avgdis[1], *avgtot,
                   rmsdis[0], rmsdis[1], *rmstot);

  if (lin->disseq) {
    /* Exercise diswarp() as well. */

    /* Define a rectangle in intermediate pixel coordinates that just */
    /* encompasses the inner quarter of the image.  For this we need  */
    /* to switch off CDELTia scaling and all distortions.             */
    affine.flag = -1;
    if ((status = lincpy(1, lin, &affine))) {
      linperr(lin, 0x0);
      return 1;

    affine.cdelt[0] = 1.0;
    affine.cdelt[1] = 1.0;
    if ((status = (lindis(1, &affine, 0x0) ||
                   lindis(2, &affine, 0x0) ||
                   linset(&affine)))) {
      linperr(&affine, 0x0);
      return 1;

    pix[0] = pixblc[0];
    pix[1] = pixblc[1];
    pix[2] = pixtrc[0];
    pix[3] = pixblc[1];
    pix[4] = pixtrc[0];
    pix[5] = pixtrc[1];
    pix[6] = pixblc[0];
    pix[7] = pixtrc[1];
    if (linp2x(&affine, 4, 2, pix, pxi)) {
      linperr(&affine, 0x0);
      return 1;


    pixblc[0] = pxi[0];
    pixblc[1] = pxi[1];
    pixtrc[0] = pxi[0];
    pixtrc[1] = pxi[1];
    k = 2;
    for (j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
      if (pixblc[0] > pxi[k]) pixblc[0] = pxi[k];
      if (pixtrc[0] < pxi[k]) pixtrc[0] = pxi[k];
      if (pixblc[1] > pxi[k]) pixblc[1] = pxi[k];
      if (pixtrc[1] < pxi[k]) pixtrc[1] = pxi[k];

    pixsamp[0] = (pixtrc[0] - pixblc[0])/512.0;
    pixsamp[1] = (pixtrc[1] - pixblc[1])/512.0;

    if (diswarp(lin->disseq, pixblc, pixtrc, pixsamp, &nsamp,
                maxdis, maxtot, avgdis, avgtot, rmsdis, rmstot)) {
      wcserr_prt(lin->disseq->err, 0x0);
      return 1;

    for (k = 0; k < 9; k++) {
      if (fabs(stats[k]) < 0.0005) stats[k] = 0.0;

    wcsprintf("diswarp() statistics computed over %d sample points:\n"
              "  Max distortion, axis 1: %8.3f units\n"
              "                  axis 2: %8.3f units\n"
              "                   total: %8.3f units\n"
              " Mean distortion, axis 1: %8.3f units\n"
              "                  axis 2: %8.3f units\n"
              "                   total: %8.3f units\n"
              "  RMS distortion, axis 1: %8.3f units\n"
              "                  axis 2: %8.3f units\n"
              "                   total: %8.3f units\n",
              nsamp, maxdis[0], maxdis[1], *maxtot,
                     avgdis[0], avgdis[1], *avgtot,
                     rmsdis[0], rmsdis[1], *rmstot);

  /* The image size determines the test domain. */
  if ((naxis1 = naxis[0]) == 0) {
    naxis1 = 2*wcs->crpix[0] + 1;
  if ((naxis2 = naxis[1]) == 0) {
    naxis2 = 2*wcs->crpix[1] + 1;

  /* Limit the number of tests. */
  inc = 1;
  while ((naxis1/inc)*(naxis2/inc) > 800000) {
    inc *= 2;

  n   = naxis1 / inc;
  px0 = calloc(4*(2*n), sizeof(double));
  px1 = px0 + 2*n ;
  img = px1 + 2*n ;
  img1 = img;
  img2 = img + 2*n;

  for (itest = 0; itest < 2; itest++) {
    if (itest) {
      if (!dopoly) break;

      lin = &(wcspol.lin);

    if (lin->dispre) {
      disfn = lin->dispre->dtype[0];
    } else if (lin->disseq) {
      disfn = lin->disseq->dtype[0];


    /* Now the closure test. */
    tp2x  = 0;
    tx2p  = 0;
    nTest = 0;
    nFail = 0;
    nClosure = 0;
    absmax = 0.0;
    relmax = 0.0;
    for (p2 = 1; p2 <= naxis2; p2 += inc) {
      k = 0;
      for (p1 = 1; p1 <= naxis1; p1 += inc) {
        px0[k++] = (double)p1;
        px0[k++] = (double)p2;

      t0 = clock();
      if (linp2x(lin, n, 2, px0, img)) {
        linperr(lin, 0x0);
        nFail = 1;
      tp2x += clock() - t0;

      t0 = clock();
      if (linx2p(lin, n, 2, img, px1)) {
        linperr(lin, 0x0);
        nFail = 1;
      tx2p += clock() - t0;

      /* Check closure. */
      k = 0;
      for (k = 0; k < 2*n ; k += 2) {
        dp1 = fabs(px1[k]   - px0[k]);
        dp2 = fabs(px1[k+1] - px0[k+1]);

        resid = (dp1 > dp2) ? dp1 : dp2;
        if (resid > absmax) absmax = resid;

        if (resid > ATOL) {
          wcsprintf("Absolute closure error:\n");
          wcsprintf("    pix: %18.12f %18.12f\n", px0[k], px0[k+1]);
          wcsprintf(" -> img: %18.12f %18.12f\n", img[k], img[k+1]);
          wcsprintf(" -> pix: %18.12f %18.12f\n", px1[k], px1[k+1]);

        resid = 0.0;
        if ((px = fabs(px0[k]))   > 1.0) resid = dp1/px;
        if ((px = fabs(px0[k+1])) > 1.0) {
          if ((rel = dp2/px) > resid) resid = rel;
        if (resid > relmax) relmax = resid;

        if (resid > FTOL) {
          wcsprintf("Relative closure error:\n");
          wcsprintf("    pix: %18.12f %18.12f\n", px0[k], px0[k+1]);
          wcsprintf(" -> img: %18.12f %18.12f\n", img[k], img[k+1]);
          wcsprintf(" -> pix: %18.12f %18.12f\n", px1[k], px1[k+1]);

      nTest += n;

    if (nFail) {
      wcsprintf("\nFAIL: The %s test failed to complete.\n", disfn);

    } else {
      wcsprintf("linp2x/linx2p with %s distortions:\n"
        "  Completed %d closure tests.\n"
        "  Maximum absolute closure residual = %.2e pixel.\n"
        "  Maximum relative closure residual = %.2e.\n", disfn,
        nTest, absmax, relmax);

      wcsprintf("  linp2x time (ns): %6.0f\n  linx2p time (ns): %6.0f\n\n",

      if (nClosure) {
        wcsprintf("FAIL: %d closure residuals exceed reporting tolerance.\n",

      } else {
        wcsprintf("PASS: All %s closure residuals are within reporting "
          "tolerance.\n", disfn);

  /* Compare TPV with Polynomial over the test domain. */
  if (dopoly) {

    nTest  = 0;
    nFail  = 0;
    absmax = 0.0;
    lintpv = &(wcs->lin);
    linpol = &(wcspol.lin);
    for (p2 = 1; p2 <= naxis2; p2 += inc) {
      k = 0;
      for (p1 = 1; p1 <= naxis1; p1 += inc) {
        px0[k++] = (double)p1;
        px0[k++] = (double)p2;

      if (linp2x(lintpv, n, 2, px0, img1)) {
        linperr(lintpv, 0x0);

      if (linp2x(linpol, n, 2, px0, img2)) {
        linperr(linpol, 0x0);

      /* Check agreement. */
      k = 0;
      for (k = 0; k < 2*n ; k += 2) {
        dp1 = fabs(img2[k]   - img1[k]);
        dp2 = fabs(img2[k+1] - img1[k+1]);

        resid = (dp1 > dp2) ? dp1 : dp2;
        if (resid > absmax) absmax = resid;

        if (resid > ATOL) {
          wcsprintf("TPV - Polynomial disagreement:\n");
          wcsprintf("    pix: %18.12f %18.12f\n", px0[k],  px0[k+1]);
          wcsprintf(" -> TPV: %18.12f %18.12f\n", img1[k], img1[k+1]);
          wcsprintf(" -> Pol: %18.12f %18.12f\n", img2[k], img2[k+1]);

      nTest += n;

    wcsprintf("linp2x, TPV vs Polynomial distortions:\n"
      "  Completed %d comparisons.\n"
      "  Maximum absolute disagreement = %.2e units.\n", nTest, absmax);

    if (nFail) {
      wcsprintf("FAIL: %d comparisons exceed reporting tolerance.\n", nFail);

    } else {
      wcsprintf("PASS: All TPV vs Polynomial comparisons are within "
                "reporting tolerance.\n");

  wcsvfree(&nwcs, &wcs);

  return nFail || nClosure;
文件: tpih1.c 项目: orlanthi/wcslib
int main()

  char infile[] = "pih.fits";
  char a, *hptr;
  int  alts[27], ctrl, ialt, iblock, ifix, ikeyrec, iwcs, nkeyrec, nreject,
       nwcs, relax, stat[NWCSFIX], status;
  struct wcsprm *wcs;
#if defined HAVE_CFITSIO && defined DO_CFITSIO
  char *header;
  fitsfile *fptr;
  char keyrec[81], header[288001];
  int  gotend, k;
  FILE *fptr;

  /* Set line buffering in case stdout is redirected to a file, otherwise
   * stdout and stderr messages will be jumbled (stderr is unbuffered). */
  setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

  printf("Testing WCSLIB parser for FITS image headers (tpih1.c)\n"

  /* Read in the FITS header, excluding COMMENT and HISTORY keyrecords. */
#if defined HAVE_CFITSIO && defined DO_CFITSIO
  status = 0;
  if (fits_open_file(&fptr, infile, READONLY, &status)) {
    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
    return 1;

  if (fits_hdr2str(fptr, 1, NULL, 0, &header, &nkeyrec, &status)) {
    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
    return 1;

  fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
  if ((fptr = fopen(infile, "r")) == 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR opening %s\n", infile);
    return 1;

  k = 0;
  nkeyrec = 0;
  gotend = 0;
  for (iblock = 0; iblock < 100; iblock++) {
    for (ikeyrec = 0; ikeyrec < 36; ikeyrec++) {
      if (fgets(keyrec, 81, fptr) == 0) {

      if (strncmp(keyrec, "        ", 8) == 0) continue;
      if (strncmp(keyrec, "COMMENT ", 8) == 0) continue;
      if (strncmp(keyrec, "HISTORY ", 8) == 0) continue;

      strncpy(header+k, keyrec, 80);
      k += 80;

      if (strncmp(keyrec, "END     ", 8) == 0) {
        /* An END keyrecord was read, but read the rest of the block. */
        gotend = 1;

    if (gotend) break;

  fprintf(stderr, "Found %d non-comment header keyrecords.\n\n", nkeyrec);

  /* Parse the header, allowing all recognized non-standard WCS keywords and
   * usage.  All WCS keyrecords are culled from the header, illegal ones are
   * reported. */
  relax = WCSHDR_all;
  ctrl  = -2;
  fprintf(stderr, "\nIllegal or extraneous WCS header keyrecords rejected "
                  "by wcspih():\n");
  if ((status = wcspih(header, nkeyrec, relax, ctrl, &nreject, &nwcs,
                       &wcs))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "wcspih ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, wcs_errmsg[status]);
  if (!nreject) fprintf(stderr, "(none)\n");

  /* List the remaining keyrecords. */
  printf("\n\nNon-WCS header keyrecords ignored by wcspih():\n");
  hptr = header;
  while (*hptr) {
    printf("%.80s\n", hptr);
    hptr += 80;
#if defined HAVE_CFITSIO && defined DO_CFITSIO

  /* Summarize what was found. */
  status = wcsidx(nwcs, &wcs, alts);
  printf("\n\nFound %d alternate coordinate descriptions with indices:\n  ",
  for (a = 'A'; a <= 'Z'; a++) {
    printf("%2c", a);
  for (ialt = 0; ialt < 27; ialt++) {
    if (alts[ialt] < 0) {
      printf(" -");
    } else {
      printf("%2d", alts[ialt]);

  /* Fix non-standard usage and print each of the wcsprm structs.  The output
   * from wcsprt() will be written to an internal buffer and then printed just
   * to show that it can be done. */
  for (iwcs = 0; iwcs < nwcs; iwcs++) {

    /* Fix non-standard WCS keyvalues. */
    if ((status = wcsfix(7, 0, wcs+iwcs, stat))) {
      printf("wcsfix ERROR, status returns: (");
      for (ifix = 0; ifix < NWCSFIX; ifix++) {
        printf(ifix ? ", %d" : "%d", stat[ifix]);

    if ((status = wcsset(wcs+iwcs))) {
      fprintf(stderr, "wcsset ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, wcs_errmsg[status]);

    if ((status = wcsprt(wcs+iwcs))) {
      fprintf(stderr, "wcsprt ERROR %d: %s.\n", status, wcs_errmsg[status]);
  printf("%s", wcsprintf_buf());

  status = wcsvfree(&nwcs, &wcs);

  return 0;
int tabprt(const struct tabprm *tab)

    char   *cp, text[128];
    int    j, k, m, n, nd;
    double *dp;

    if (tab == 0x0) return TABERR_NULL_POINTER;

    if (tab->flag != TABSET) {
        wcsprintf("The tabprm struct is UNINITIALIZED.\n");
        return 0;

    wcsprintf("       flag: %d\n", tab->flag);
    wcsprintf("          M: %d\n", tab->M);

    /* Array dimensions. */
    WCSPRINTF_PTR("          K: ", tab->K, "\n");
    wcsprintf("            ");
    for (m = 0; m < tab->M; m++) {
        wcsprintf("%6d", tab->K[m]);

    /* Map vector. */
    WCSPRINTF_PTR("        map: ", tab->map, "\n");
    wcsprintf("            ");
    for (m = 0; m < tab->M; m++) {
        wcsprintf("%6d", tab->map[m]);

    /* Reference index value. */
    WCSPRINTF_PTR("      crval: ", tab->crval, "\n");
    wcsprintf("            ");
    for (m = 0; m < tab->M; m++) {
        wcsprintf("  %- 11.5g", tab->crval[m]);

    /* Index vectors. */
    WCSPRINTF_PTR("      index: ", tab->index, "\n");
    for (m = 0; m < tab->M; m++) {
        wcsprintf("   index[%d]: ", m);
        WCSPRINTF_PTR("", tab->index[m], "");
        if (tab->index[m]) {
            for (k = 0; k < tab->K[m]; k++) {
                if (k%5 == 0) {
                    wcsprintf("\n            ");
                wcsprintf("  %- 11.5g", tab->index[m][k]);

    /* Coordinate array. */
    WCSPRINTF_PTR("      coord: ", tab->coord, "\n");
    dp = tab->coord;
    for (n = 0; n < tab->nc; n++) {
        /* Array index. */
        j = n;
        cp = text;
        for (m = 0; m < tab->M; m++) {
            nd = (tab->K[m] < 10) ? 1 : 2;
            sprintf(cp, ",%*d", nd, j % tab->K[m] + 1);
            j /= tab->K[m];
            cp += strlen(cp);

        wcsprintf("             (*%s)", text);
        for (m = 0; m < tab->M; m++) {
            wcsprintf("  %- 11.5g", *(dp++));

    wcsprintf("         nc: %d\n", tab->nc);

    WCSPRINTF_PTR("      sense: ", tab->sense, "\n");
    if (tab->sense) {
        wcsprintf("            ");
        for (m = 0; m < tab->M; m++) {
            wcsprintf("%6d", tab->sense[m]);

    WCSPRINTF_PTR("         p0: ", tab->p0, "\n");
    if (tab->p0) {
        wcsprintf("            ");
        for (m = 0; m < tab->M; m++) {
            wcsprintf("%6d", tab->p0[m]);

    WCSPRINTF_PTR("      delta: ", tab->delta, "\n");
    if (tab->delta) {
        wcsprintf("            ");
        for (m = 0; m < tab->M; m++) {
            wcsprintf("  %- 11.5g", tab->delta[m]);

    WCSPRINTF_PTR("    extrema: ", tab->extrema, "\n");
    dp = tab->extrema;
    for (n = 0; n < tab->nc/tab->K[0]; n++) {
        /* Array index. */
        j = n;
        cp = text;
        *cp = '\0';
        for (m = 1; m < tab->M; m++) {
            nd = (tab->K[m] < 10) ? 1 : 2;
            sprintf(cp, ",%*d", nd, j % tab->K[m] + 1);
            j /= tab->K[m];
            cp += strlen(cp);

        wcsprintf("             (*,*%s)", text);
        for (m = 0; m < 2*tab->M; m++) {
            if (m == tab->M) wcsprintf("->  ");
            wcsprintf("  %- 11.5g", *(dp++));

    WCSPRINTF_PTR("        err: ", tab->err, "\n");
    if (tab->err) {
        wcserr_prt(tab->err, "             ");

    /* Memory management. */
    wcsprintf("     m_flag: %d\n", tab->m_flag);
    wcsprintf("        m_M: %d\n", tab->m_M);
    wcsprintf("        m_N: %d\n", tab->m_N);

    WCSPRINTF_PTR("        m_K: ", tab->m_K, "");
    if (tab->m_K == tab->K) wcsprintf("  (= K)");

    WCSPRINTF_PTR("      m_map: ", tab->m_map, "");
    if (tab->m_map == tab->map) wcsprintf("  (= map)");

    WCSPRINTF_PTR("    m_crval: ", tab->m_crval, "");
    if (tab->m_crval == tab->crval) wcsprintf("  (= crval)");

    WCSPRINTF_PTR("    m_index: ", tab->m_index, "");
    if (tab->m_index == tab->index) wcsprintf("  (= index)");
    for (m = 0; m < tab->M; m++) {
        wcsprintf(" m_indxs[%d]: ", m);
        WCSPRINTF_PTR("", tab->m_indxs[m], "");
        if (tab->m_indxs[m] == tab->index[m]) wcsprintf("  (= index[%d])", m);

    WCSPRINTF_PTR("    m_coord: ", tab->m_coord, "");
    if (tab->m_coord == tab->coord) wcsprintf("  (= coord)");

    return 0;