static void formDeleteGroup(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *group, *ok; a_assert(wp); group = websGetVar(wp, T("group"), T("")); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websMsgStart(wp); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Delete Group Cancelled.")); } else if ((group == NULL) || (*group == '\0')) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: No group was selected.")); } else if (umGetGroupProtected(group)) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Group, \"%s\" is delete-protected."), group); } else if (umGetGroupInUse(group)) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Group, \"%s\" is being used."), group); } else if (umDeleteGroup(group) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to delete group, \"%s\" "), group); } else { websWrite(wp, T("Group, \"%s\" was successfully deleted."), group); } websMsgEnd(wp); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void formDeleteAccessLimit(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *url, *ok; a_assert(wp); url = websGetVar(wp, T("url"), T("")); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websMsgStart(wp); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Delete Access Limit Cancelled")); } else if (umDeleteAccessLimit(url) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to delete Access Limit for [%s]"), url); } else { websWrite(wp, T("Access Limit for [%s], was successfully deleted."), url); } websMsgEnd(wp); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void formDeleteUser(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *userid, *ok; a_assert(wp); userid = websGetVar(wp, T("user"), T("")); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websMsgStart(wp); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Delete User Cancelled")); } else if (umUserExists(userid) == FALSE) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: User \"%s\" not found"), userid); } else if (umGetUserProtected(userid)) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: User, \"%s\" is delete-protected."), userid); } else if (umDeleteUser(userid) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to delete user, \"%s\" "), userid); } else { websWrite(wp, T("User, \"%s\" was successfully deleted."), userid); } websMsgEnd(wp); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void formLoadUserManagement( webs_t wp, char_t* path, char_t* query ) { char_t* ok; a_assert( wp ); ok = websGetVar( wp, T( "ok" ), T( "" ) ); websHeader( wp ); websMsgStart( wp ); if ( gstricmp( ok, T( "ok" ) ) != 0 ) { websWrite( wp, T( "Load Cancelled." ) ); } else if ( umRestore( NULL ) != 0 ) { websWrite( wp, T( "ERROR: Unable to load user configuration." ) ); } else { websWrite( wp, T( "User configuration was re-loaded successfully." ) ); } websMsgEnd( wp ); websFooter( wp ); websDone( wp, 200 ); }
static void formAddAccessLimit(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *url, *method, *group, *secure, *ok; int nCheck; accessMeth_t am; short nSecure; a_assert(wp); url = websGetVar(wp, T("url"), T("")); group = websGetVar(wp, T("group"), T("")); method = websGetVar(wp, T("method"), T("")); secure = websGetVar(wp, T("secure"), T("")); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websMsgStart(wp); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Add Access Limit Cancelled.")); } else if ((url == NULL) || (*url == 0)) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: No URL was entered.")); } else if (umAccessLimitExists(url)) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: An Access Limit for [%s] already exists."), url); } else { if (method && *method) { am = (accessMeth_t) gatoi(method); } else { am = AM_FULL; } if (secure && *secure) { nSecure = (short) gatoi(secure); } else { nSecure = 0; } nCheck = umAddAccessLimit(url, am, nSecure, group); if (nCheck != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Unable to add Access Limit for [%s]"), url); } else { websWrite(wp, T("Access limit for [%s], was successfully added."), url); } } websMsgEnd(wp); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void formSaveUserManagement(webs_t wp, char *path, char *query) { char *ok; a_assert(wp); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websMsgStart(wp); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Save Cancelled.")); } else if (umCommit(NULL) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Unable to save user configuration.")); } else { websWrite(wp, T("User configuration was saved successfully.")); } websMsgEnd(wp); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void formAddUser(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *userid, *pass1, *pass2, *group, *enabled, *ok; bool_t bDisable; int nCheck; a_assert(wp); userid = websGetVar(wp, T("user"), T("")); pass1 = websGetVar(wp, T("password"), T("")); pass2 = websGetVar(wp, T("passconf"), T("")); group = websGetVar(wp, T("group"), T("")); enabled = websGetVar(wp, T("enabled"), T("")); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websMsgStart(wp); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Add User Cancelled")); } else if (gstrcmp(pass1, pass2) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Confirmation Password did not match.")); } else { if (enabled && *enabled && (gstrcmp(enabled, T("on")) == 0)) { bDisable = FALSE; } else { bDisable = TRUE; } nCheck = umAddUser(userid, pass1, group, 0, bDisable); if (nCheck != 0) { char_t * strError; switch (nCheck) { case UM_ERR_DUPLICATE: strError = T("User already exists."); break; case UM_ERR_BAD_NAME: strError = T("Invalid user name."); break; case UM_ERR_BAD_PASSWORD: strError = T("Invalid password."); break; case UM_ERR_NOT_FOUND: strError = T("Invalid or unselected group."); break; default: strError = T("Error writing user record."); break; } websWrite(wp, T("Unable to add user, \"%s\". %s"), userid, strError); } else { websWrite(wp, T("User, \"%s\" was successfully added."), userid); } } websMsgEnd(wp); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
static void formAddGroup(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { char_t *group, *enabled, *privilege, *method, *ok, *pChar; int nCheck; short priv; accessMeth_t am; bool_t bDisable; a_assert(wp); group = websGetVar(wp, T("group"), T("")); method = websGetVar(wp, T("method"), T("")); enabled = websGetVar(wp, T("enabled"), T("")); privilege = websGetVar(wp, T("privilege"), T("")); ok = websGetVar(wp, T("ok"), T("")); websHeader(wp); websMsgStart(wp); if (gstricmp(ok, T("ok")) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Add Group Cancelled.")); } else if ((group == NULL) || (*group == 0)) { websWrite(wp, T("No Group Name was entered.")); } else if (umGroupExists(group)) { websWrite(wp, T("ERROR: Group, \"%s\" already exists."), group); } else { if (privilege && *privilege) { /* * privilege is a mulitple <SELECT> var, and must be parsed. * Values for these variables are space delimited. */ priv = 0; for (pChar = privilege; *pChar; pChar++) { if (*pChar == ' ') { *pChar = '\0'; priv |= gatoi(privilege); *pChar = ' '; privilege = pChar + 1; } } priv |= gatoi(privilege); } else { priv = 0; } if (method && *method) { am = (accessMeth_t) gatoi(method); } else { am = AM_FULL; } if (enabled && *enabled && (gstrcmp(enabled, T("on")) == 0)) { bDisable = FALSE; } else { bDisable = TRUE; } nCheck = umAddGroup(group, priv, am, 0, bDisable); if (nCheck != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("Unable to add group, \"%s\", code: %d "), group, nCheck); } else { websWrite(wp, T("Group, \"%s\" was successfully added."), group); } } websMsgEnd(wp); websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }