int main(int argc, char **argv)
    double lat, lon;

    if (argc != 3) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s lat lon\n", argv[0]);
	return 1;

    lat = safe_atof(argv[1]);
    lon = safe_atof(argv[2]);

    if (lat > 90. || lat < -90.) {
	fprintf(stderr, " -90 <= lat=%s(%.f) <= 90 ?\n", argv[1], lat);
	return 1;

    if (lon > 180. || lat < -180.) {
	fprintf(stderr, " -180 <= lon=%s(%.f) <= 180 ?\n", argv[2], lon);
	return 1;

    printf(" lat= %f lon= %f geoid correction= %f\n",
	   lat, lon, wgs84_separation(lat, lon));

    return 0;
static void decode_ecef(double x, double y, double z,
			double vx, double vy, double vz)
    const double a = WGS84A;
    const double b = WGS84B;
    const double e2 = (a * a - b * b) / (a * a);
    const double e_2 = (a * a - b * b) / (b * b);
    double lambda, p, theta, phi, n, h, vnorth, veast, vup, speed, heading;

    /* splint pacification */

    lambda = atan2(y, x);
    /*@ -evalorder @*/
    p = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2));
    theta = atan2(z * a, p * b);
    phi =
	atan2(z + e_2 * b * pow(sin(theta), 3),
	      p - e2 * a * pow(cos(theta), 3));
    n = a / sqrt(1.0 - e2 * pow(sin(phi), 2));
    h = p / cos(phi) - n;
    h -= wgs84_separation((double)(RAD_2_DEG * phi),
			  (double)(RAD_2_DEG * lambda));
    vnorth =
	-vx * sin(phi) * cos(lambda) - vy * sin(phi) * sin(lambda) +
	vz * cos(phi);
    veast = -vx * sin(lambda) + vy * cos(lambda);
    vup =
	vx * cos(phi) * cos(lambda) + vy * cos(phi) * sin(lambda) +
	vz * sin(phi);
    speed = sqrt(pow(vnorth, 2) + pow(veast, 2));
    heading = atan2(veast, vnorth);
    /*@ +evalorder @*/
    if (heading < 0)
	heading += 2 * GPS_PI;

    /* North and East position fields */
    (void)wattrset(mid2win, A_UNDERLINE);
    (void)wmove(mid2win, 1, 40);
    (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%9.5f %9.5f %9d",
			(double)(RAD_2_DEG * phi),
			(double)(RAD_2_DEG * lambda),
    (void)mvwaddch(mid2win, 1, 49, ACS_DEGREE);
    (void)mvwaddch(mid2win, 1, 59, ACS_DEGREE);

    /* North and East velocity fields */
    (void)wmove(mid2win, 2, 40);
    (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%9.1f %9.1f %9.1f", vnorth, veast, vup);

    /* heading and speed fields */
    (void)wmove(mid2win, 3, 54);
    (void)wprintw(mid2win, "%5.1f %9.1f", (double)(RAD_2_DEG * heading), speed);
    (void)mvwaddch(mid2win, 3, 59, ACS_DEGREE);
    (void)wattrset(mid2win, A_NORMAL);
文件: geoid.c 项目: ClausKlein/gpsd
void ecef_to_wgs84fix(struct gps_fix_t *fix, double *separation,
		      double x, double y, double z,
		      double vx, double vy, double vz)
/* fill in WGS84 position/velocity fields from ECEF coordinates */
    double lambda, phi, p, theta, n, h, vnorth, veast, heading;
    const double a = WGS84A;	/* equatorial radius */
    const double b = WGS84B;	/* polar radius */
    const double e2 = (a * a - b * b) / (a * a);
    const double e_2 = (a * a - b * b) / (b * b);

    /* geodetic location */
    lambda = atan2(y, x);
    /*@ -evalorder @*/
    p = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2));
    theta = atan2(z * a, p * b);
    phi =
	atan2(z + e_2 * b * pow(sin(theta), 3),
	      p - e2 * a * pow(cos(theta), 3));
    n = a / sqrt(1.0 - e2 * pow(sin(phi), 2));
    h = p / cos(phi) - n;
    fix->latitude = phi * RAD_2_DEG;
    fix->longitude = lambda * RAD_2_DEG;
    *separation = wgs84_separation(fix->latitude, fix->longitude);
    fix->altitude = h - *separation;
    /* velocity computation */
    vnorth =
	-vx * sin(phi) * cos(lambda) - vy * sin(phi) * sin(lambda) +
	vz * cos(phi);
    veast = -vx * sin(lambda) + vy * cos(lambda);
    fix->climb =
	vx * cos(phi) * cos(lambda) + vy * cos(phi) * sin(lambda) +
	vz * sin(phi);
    fix->speed = sqrt(pow(vnorth, 2) + pow(veast, 2));
    heading = atan2(fix_minuz(veast), fix_minuz(vnorth));
    /*@ +evalorder @*/
    if (heading < 0)
	heading += 2 * GPS_PI;
    fix->track = heading * RAD_2_DEG;
 * Decode the navigation solution message
static gps_mask_t
oncore_msg_navsol(struct gps_device_t *session, unsigned char *buf,
		  size_t data_len)
    gps_mask_t mask;
    unsigned char flags;
    double lat, lon, alt;
    float speed, track, dop;
    unsigned int i, j, st, nsv;
    int Bbused;
    struct tm unpacked_date;

    if (data_len != 76)
	return 0;

    mask = ONLINE_SET;
    gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA,
	     "oncore NAVSOL - navigation data\n");

    flags = (unsigned char)getub(buf, 72);

    /*@ -predboolothers @*/
    if (flags & 0x20) {
	session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_FIX;
	session->newdata.mode = MODE_3D;
    } else if (flags & 0x10) {
	session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_FIX;
	session->newdata.mode = MODE_2D;
    } else {
	gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_WARN,
		 "oncore NAVSOL no fix - flags 0x%02x\n", flags);
	session->newdata.mode = MODE_NO_FIX;
	session->gpsdata.status = STATUS_NO_FIX;
    mask |= MODE_SET;
    /*@ +predboolothers @*/

    /* Unless we have seen non-zero utc offset data, the time is GPS time
     * and not UTC time.  Do not use it.
    if (session->context->leap_seconds) {
	unsigned int nsec;
	unpacked_date.tm_mon = (int)getub(buf, 4) - 1;
	unpacked_date.tm_mday = (int)getub(buf, 5);
	unpacked_date.tm_year = (int)getbeu16(buf, 6) - 1900;
	unpacked_date.tm_hour = (int)getub(buf, 8);
	unpacked_date.tm_min = (int)getub(buf, 9);
	unpacked_date.tm_sec = (int)getub(buf, 10);
	unpacked_date.tm_isdst = 0;
#ifdef S_SPLINT_S
	unpacked_date.tm_wday = unpacked_date.tm_yday = 0;
#endif /* S_SPLINT_S */
	nsec = (uint) getbeu32(buf, 11);

	/*@ -unrecog */
	session->newdata.time = (timestamp_t)mkgmtime(&unpacked_date) + nsec * 1e-9;
	/*@ +unrecog */
	mask |= TIME_SET;
	gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA,
		 "oncore NAVSOL - time: %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%09d\n",
		 unpacked_date.tm_year + 1900, unpacked_date.tm_mon + 1,
		 unpacked_date.tm_mday, unpacked_date.tm_hour,
		 unpacked_date.tm_min, unpacked_date.tm_sec, nsec);

    lat = getbes32(buf, 15) / 3600000.0f;
    lon = getbes32(buf, 19) / 3600000.0f;
    alt = getbes32(buf, 23) / 100.0f;
    speed = getbeu16(buf, 31) / 100.0f;
    track = getbeu16(buf, 33) / 10.0f;
    dop = getbeu16(buf, 35) / 10.0f;

    gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA,
	     "oncore NAVSOL - %lf %lf %.2lfm-%.2lfm | %.2fm/s %.1fdeg dop=%.1f\n",
	     lat, lon, alt, wgs84_separation(lat, lon), speed, track,

    session->newdata.latitude = lat;
    session->newdata.longitude = lon;
    session->gpsdata.separation =
    session->newdata.altitude = alt - session->gpsdata.separation;
    session->newdata.speed = speed;
    session->newdata.track = track;


    /* Merge the satellite information from the Bb message. */
    Bbused = 0;
    nsv = 0;
    for (i = st = 0; i < 8; i++) {
	int sv, mode, sn, status;
	unsigned int off;

	off = 40 + 4 * i;
	sv = (int)getub(buf, off);
	mode = (int)getub(buf, off + 1);
	sn = (int)getub(buf, off + 2);
	status = (int)getub(buf, off + 3);

	gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA,
		 "%2d %2d %2d %3d %02x\n", i, sv, mode, sn, status);

	if (sn) {
	    session->gpsdata.skyview[st].PRN = (short)sv;
	    session->gpsdata.skyview[st].ss = (double)sn;
	    for (j = 0; (int)j < session->driver.oncore.visible; j++)
		if (session->driver.oncore.PRN[j] == sv) {
		    session->gpsdata.skyview[st].elevation =
		    session->gpsdata.skyview[st].azimuth =
		    Bbused |= 1 << j;
	    /* bit 7 of the status word: sat used for position */
	    session->gpsdata.skyview[st].used = false;
	    if (status & 0x80) {
		session->gpsdata.skyview[st].used = true;
	    /* bit 2 of the status word: using for time solution */
	    if (status & 0x02)
		mask |= PPSTIME_IS;
	     * The PPSTIME_IS mask bit exists distinctly from TIME_SET exactly
	     * so an OnCore running in time-service mode (and other GPS clocks)
	     * can signal that it's returning time even though no position fixes
	     * have been available.
    for (j = 0; (int)j < session->driver.oncore.visible; j++)
	/*@ -boolops @*/
	if (!(Bbused & (1 << j))) {
	    session->gpsdata.skyview[st].PRN = (short)session->driver.oncore.PRN[j];
	    session->gpsdata.skyview[st].elevation =
	    session->gpsdata.skyview[st].azimuth = 
    /*@ +boolops @*/
    session->gpsdata.skyview_time = session->newdata.time;
    session->gpsdata.satellites_used = (int)nsv;
    session->gpsdata.satellites_visible = (int)st;

    mask |= SATELLITE_SET | USED_IS;

    /* Some messages can only be polled.  As they are not so
     * important, would be enough to poll e.g. one message per cycle.
    (void)oncore_control_send(session, (char *)pollAs, sizeof(pollAs));
    (void)oncore_control_send(session, (char *)pollAt, sizeof(pollAt));
    (void)oncore_control_send(session, (char *)pollAy, sizeof(pollAy));
    (void)oncore_control_send(session, (char *)pollBo, sizeof(pollBo));
    (void)oncore_control_send(session, (char *)pollEn, sizeof(pollEn));

    gpsd_log(&session->context->errout, LOG_DATA,
	     "NAVSOL: time=%.2f lat=%.2f lon=%.2f alt=%.2f speed=%.2f track=%.2f mode=%d status=%d visible=%d used=%d\n",
	     session->newdata.time, session->newdata.latitude,
	     session->newdata.longitude, session->newdata.altitude,
	     session->newdata.speed, session->newdata.track,
	     session->newdata.mode, session->gpsdata.status,
    return mask;