int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ who(); log_out("pts/1"); puts("======================================"); who(); return 0; }
int p_five() { int i=0; srandom(time(0)); restart: setutmpmode(FIVE); showtitle("天地五子棋", BOARDNAME); outs("┌┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┐\n"); for(sum=0;sum<20;sum++) outs("├┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┤\n"); outs("└┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┴┘\n"); gotoxy(48,1); outs("=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="); gotoxy(48,2); outs("| 天地五子棋 |"); gotoxy(48,3); outs("=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="); who(0); who(1); gotoxy(45,17); outs(" ↓↑→← >> 控制方向"); gotoxy(45,18); outs(" 空白鍵 >> 確定"); gotoxy(45,19); outs(" 2 >> 二號玩家換人"); gotoxy(45,20); outs(" b >> 悔棋"); gotoxy(45,21); outs(" r >> 重新開始"); gotoxy(45,22); outs(" q >> 離開"); for(m=1;m<22;m++) for(n=1;n<22;n++) chess[m][n]=0; sum=fturn=0; m=n=mm=nn=11; for(;;) { if(role[fturn]==1) { int tmp=fplayer(fturn+1); if(tmp==1) goto restart; if(tmp==2) return; } else { int hk=think(fturn+1); if(hk) { i=show_win(hk); if(i=='q'||i=='n') return; goto restart; } } fturn=abs(fturn-1); } }
void create_parents( const fs::path &dpath ) { string err( "create_parent(): " ); fs::path branch( dpath.branch_path() ); string who("create_parents"); if( dpath.empty() ) { err.append( "cannot create an empty path." ); throw CannotCreateParents( err ); } else if( !exists(dpath) ) { if( branch.empty() ) create_directory( dpath ); else if( !exists(branch) ) { create_parents( branch ); create_directory( dpath ); } else if( is_directory(branch) ) create_directory( dpath ); else { err.append( branch.native_file_string() ); err.append( " is not a directory." ); throw CannotCreateParents( err ); } } else if( !is_directory(dpath) ) { err.append( dpath.native_file_string() ); err.append( " is not a directory." ); throw CannotCreateParents( err ); } return; }
int CYahooProto::Authorize( HANDLE hdbe ) { debugLogA("[YahooAuthAllow]"); if ( !m_bLoggedIn ) { debugLogA("[YahooAuthAllow] Not Logged In!"); return 1; } DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) }; if (( dbei.cbBlob = db_event_getBlobSize(hdbe)) == -1 ) return 1; dbei.pBlob = ( PBYTE )_alloca( dbei.cbBlob ); if (db_event_get(hdbe, &dbei)) return 1; if (dbei.eventType != EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) return 1; if ( strcmp(dbei.szModule, m_szModuleName)) return 1; /* Need to remove the buddy from our Miranda Lists */ MCONTACT hContact = DbGetAuthEventContact(&dbei); if (hContact != NULL) { ptrA who( getStringA(hContact, YAHOO_LOGINID)); if (who) { ptrA myid( getStringA(hContact, "MyIdentity")); debugLogA("Accepting buddy:%s", who); accept(myid, who, getWord(hContact, "yprotoid", 0)); } } return 0; }
static mode_t newmode(const char *ms, const mode_t pm) { register mode_t o, m, b; int lock, setsgid = 0, cleared = 0, copy = 0; mode_t nm, om, mm; nm = om = pm; m = absol(&ms); if (!*ms) { nm = m; goto out; } if ((lock = (nm&S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR && (nm&(S_ENFMT|S_IXGRP)) == S_ENFMT) == 01) nm &= ~(mode_t)S_ENFMT; do { m = who(&ms, &mm); while (o = what(&ms)) { b = where(&ms, nm, &lock, ©, pm); switch (o) { case '+': nm |= b & m & ~mm; if (b & S_ISGID) setsgid = 1; if (lock & 04) lock |= 02; break; case '-': nm &= ~(b & m & ~mm); if (b & S_ISGID) setsgid = 1; if (lock & 04) lock = 0; break; case '=': nm &= ~m; nm |= b & m & ~mm; lock &= ~01; if (lock & 04) lock |= 02; om = 0; if (copy == 0) cleared = 1; break; } lock &= ~04; } } while (*ms++ == ','); if (*--ms) failed(&badumask[4], badumask); out: if (pm & S_IFDIR) { if ((pm & S_ISGID) && setsgid == 0) nm |= S_ISGID; else if ((nm & S_ISGID) && setsgid == 0) nm &= ~(mode_t)S_ISGID; } return(nm); }
void management::parseWhois() { output::instance().addOutput("void management::parseWhois()"); std::vector< std::string > data; while(m_Run) { data = m_IrcData->getWhoisQueue(); if (data.size() >= 4) { if (data[1] == "001") //welcome { g_BotNick = data[2]; } if (data[1] == "307") //WHOIS regged userName { if (m_NickServer) { std::string userName = data[3]; std::string auth = data[3]; userAuth(userName, auth); } } if (data[1] == "318") //WHOIS end { endWhois(data[3]); } if (data[1] == "330") //WHOIS auth { if (!m_NickServer) { std::string userName = data[3]; std::string auth = data[4]; userAuth(userName, auth); } } if (data[1] == "402") //WHOIS no server { //WHOIS(data); } } if (data.size() == 7) { if (data[1] == "354") //WHOEXTRA { whoextra(data); } } if (data.size() >= 11) { if (data[1] == "352") //WHO { who(data); } } } }
/* Initializes the global values. The global log file will be assigned the global write mutex. Then the IDS_SHARED_LOG_FILE_ID will be assigned the log file. Afterwards the logToScreen and debugMode will be set. */ void MessageHandlerFactory::init(string logFile, bool logToScreen, bool debugMode){ /* creating and assigning the global mutex */ pthread_mutex_t sharedLogMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; logFileMutex[logFile] = &sharedLogMutex; /* assigning the global log file and setting the global values */ string who( IDS_SHARED_LOG_FILE_ID ); this->logFile[who] = logFile; this->logToScreen = logToScreen; this->debugMode = debugMode; }
int channelwin::user_selected(const cstring &user) const { int size = userlist->size(); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { cstring who(userlist->get(i) + 1); if(who == user && userlist->selected(i)) return true; } return false; }
int channelwin::del_user(const cstring &user) { int size = userlist->size(); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { cstring who = userlist->get(i); cstring stripped = who(1); if(stripped == user) { userlist->del(i); return i; } } return -1; }
FString NicePath(const char *path) { #ifdef _WIN32 return ExpandEnvVars(path); #else if (path == NULL || *path == '\0') { return FString(""); } if (*path != '~') { return ExpandEnvVars(path); } const char *slash; FString where; if (path[1] == '/' || path[1] == '\0') { // Get my home directory from environment var where = getenv("HOME"); slash = path + 1; } else { // Get somebody else's home directory, from getpwnam slash = strchr(path, '/'); if (slash == NULL) { slash = path + strlen(path); } FString who(path, slash - path); passwd *pwstruct = getpwnam(who); if (pwstruct == NULL) { return ExpandEnvVars(path); } where = pwstruct->pw_dir; } if (*slash != '\0') { where += ExpandEnvVars(slash); } return where; #endif }
FString NicePath(const char *path) { #ifdef _WIN32 return ExpandEnvVars(path); #else if (path == NULL || *path == '\0') { return FString(""); } if (*path != '~') { return ExpandEnvVars(path); } passwd *pwstruct; const char *slash; if (path[1] == '/' || path[1] == '\0') { // Get my home directory pwstruct = getpwuid(getuid()); slash = path + 1; } else { // Get somebody else's home directory slash = strchr(path, '/'); if (slash == NULL) { slash = path + strlen(path); } FString who(path, slash - path); pwstruct = getpwnam(who); } if (pwstruct == NULL) { return ExpandEnvVars(path); } FString where(pwstruct->pw_dir); if (*slash != '\0') { where += ExpandEnvVars(slash); } return where; #endif }
int CYahooProto::AuthDeny( HANDLE hdbe, const TCHAR* reason ) { debugLogA("[YahooAuthDeny]"); if ( !m_bLoggedIn ) return 1; DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof( dbei ) }; if (( dbei.cbBlob = db_event_getBlobSize(hdbe)) == -1 ) { debugLogA("[YahooAuthDeny] ERROR: Can't get blob size"); return 1; } dbei.pBlob = ( PBYTE )alloca( dbei.cbBlob ); if (db_event_get(hdbe, &dbei)) { debugLogA("YahooAuthDeny - Can't get db event!"); return 1; } if (dbei.eventType != EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST) { debugLogA("YahooAuthDeny - not Authorization event"); return 1; } if (strcmp( dbei.szModule, m_szModuleName)) { debugLogA("YahooAuthDeny - wrong module?"); return 1; } /* Need to remove the buddy from our Miranda Lists */ MCONTACT hContact = DbGetAuthEventContact(&dbei); if (hContact != NULL) { ptrA who( getStringA(hContact, YAHOO_LOGINID)); if (who) { ptrA myid( getStringA(hContact, "MyIdentity")); ptrA u_reason( mir_utf8encodeT(reason)); debugLogA("Rejecting buddy:%s msg: %s", who, u_reason); reject(myid, who, getWord(hContact, "yprotoid", 0), u_reason); CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, hContact, 0); } } return 0; }
int parseInput(char * input) { const char * delim = " \n"; char * tok = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(input) + 1)); // copy input string to tok strcpy(tok, input); // get commands using strok and delim char * getCommand = strtok(tok, delim); if(getCommand == NULL) { return false; } int result = false; // find what command and then call proper function if( 0 == strcmp(getCommand, "/join")) { char * channel = strtok(NULL, delim); result = join(channel); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(getCommand, "/leave")) { char * channel = strtok(NULL, delim); result = leave(channel); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(getCommand, "/who")) { char * channel = strtok(NULL, delim); result = who(channel); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(getCommand, "/list")) { result = list(); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(getCommand, "/exit")) { result = logout(); } else if ( 0 == strcmp(getCommand, "/switch")) { char * channel = strtok(NULL, delim); result = handleSwitch(channel); } else { // this is where /say is handled result = say(input); } free(tok); return result; }
int __cdecl CSteamProto::OnEvent(PROTOEVENTTYPE eventType, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (eventType) { case EV_PROTO_ONLOAD: return this->OnModulesLoaded(wParam, lParam); case EV_PROTO_ONEXIT: return this->OnPreShutdown(wParam, lParam); /*case EV_PROTO_ONOPTIONS: return this->OnOptionsInit(wParam, lParam);*/ case EV_PROTO_ONCONTACTDELETED: if (IsOnline()) { MCONTACT hContact = (MCONTACT)wParam; ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret")); ptrA sessionId(getStringA("SessionID")); ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID")); ptrA who(getStringA(hContact, "SteamID")); // Don't request delete contact from server when we're not friends anyway if (getByte(hContact, "Auth", 0) != 0) return 0; PushRequest( new RemoveFriendRequest(token, sessionId, steamId, who), &CSteamProto::OnFriendRemoved, (void*)hContact); } return 0; case EV_PROTO_ONMENU: this->OnInitStatusMenu(); break; } return 1; }
int CSteamProto::AuthRequest(MCONTACT hContact, const TCHAR*) { if (IsOnline() && hContact) { UINT hAuth = InterlockedIncrement(&hAuthProcess); SendAuthParam *param = (SendAuthParam*)mir_calloc(sizeof(SendAuthParam)); param->hContact = hContact; param->hAuth = (HANDLE)hAuth; //ForkThread(&CSteamProto::AddContactThread, param); ptrA token(getStringA("TokenSecret")); ptrA sessionId(getStringA("SessionID")); ptrA steamId(getStringA("SteamID")); ptrA who(getStringA(hContact, "SteamID")); /* posilame: (kdyz my zadame) sessionID MjYzNDM4NDgw steamid 76561198166125402 accept_invite 0 pri uspesnem pozadavku vrati: {"invited":["76561198166125402"],"success":1} kdyz nas ignoruje: {"failed_invites":["76561198166125402"],"failed_invites_result":[41],"success":1} */ PushRequest( new AddFriendRequest(token, sessionId, steamId, who), &CSteamProto::OnFriendAdded, param); return hAuth; } return 1; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct group *gr; struct passwd *pw; int Gflag, Mflag, Pflag, ch, gflag, id, nflag, pflag, rflag, uflag; int Aflag, cflag; int error; const char *myname; char loginclass[MAXLOGNAME]; Gflag = Mflag = Pflag = gflag = nflag = pflag = rflag = uflag = 0; Aflag = cflag = 0; myname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); myname = (myname != NULL) ? myname + 1 : argv[0]; if (strcmp(myname, "groups") == 0) { isgroups = 1; Gflag = nflag = 1; } else if (strcmp(myname, "whoami") == 0) { iswhoami = 1; uflag = nflag = 1; } while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, (isgroups || iswhoami) ? "" : "APGMacgnpru")) != -1) switch(ch) { #ifdef USE_BSM_AUDIT case 'A': Aflag = 1; break; #endif case 'G': Gflag = 1; break; case 'M': Mflag = 1; break; case 'P': Pflag = 1; break; case 'a': break; case 'c': cflag = 1; break; case 'g': gflag = 1; break; case 'n': nflag = 1; break; case 'p': pflag = 1; break; case 'r': rflag = 1; break; case 'u': uflag = 1; break; case '?': default: usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (iswhoami && argc > 0) usage(); switch(Aflag + Gflag + Mflag + Pflag + gflag + pflag + uflag) { case 1: break; case 0: if (!nflag && !rflag) break; /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: usage(); } pw = *argv ? who(*argv) : NULL; if (Mflag && pw != NULL) usage(); #ifdef USE_BSM_AUDIT if (Aflag) { auditid(); exit(0); } #endif if (cflag) { error = getloginclass(loginclass, sizeof(loginclass)); if (error != 0) err(1, "loginclass"); (void)printf("%s\n", loginclass); exit(0); } if (gflag) { id = pw ? pw->pw_gid : rflag ? getgid() : getegid(); if (nflag && (gr = getgrgid(id))) (void)printf("%s\n", gr->gr_name); else (void)printf("%u\n", id); exit(0); } if (uflag) { id = pw ? pw->pw_uid : rflag ? getuid() : geteuid(); if (nflag && (pw = getpwuid(id))) (void)printf("%s\n", pw->pw_name); else (void)printf("%u\n", id); exit(0); } if (Gflag) { group(pw, nflag); exit(0); } if (Mflag) { maclabel(); exit(0); } if (Pflag) { pline(pw); exit(0); } if (pflag) { pretty(pw); exit(0); } if (pw) { id_print(pw, 1, 0, 0); } else { id = getuid(); pw = getpwuid(id); id_print(pw, 0, 1, 1); } exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { _comm_header *comm; _tag_detail *tag; _path *path; _rack *rack; _services *services; //_backplane_data *backplane; int result,x,debug=0; result = 0; while ((x = getopt(argc, argv, "dh?")) != -1) { switch (x) { case 'd': debug++; break; case 'h': case '?': helpme(); exit(1); } } // Note that this is quick and dirty - no error checking... tag = malloc(sizeof(_tag_detail)); memset(tag,0,sizeof(_tag_detail)); rack = malloc(sizeof(_rack)); memset (rack,0,sizeof(_rack)); //backplane = malloc(sizeof(_backplane_data)); //memset (backplane,0,sizeof(_backplane_data)); path = malloc(sizeof(_path)); memset (path,0,sizeof(_path)); services = malloc(sizeof(_services)); memset (services,0,sizeof(_services)); comm = malloc(sizeof(_comm_header)); memset (comm,0,sizeof(_comm_header)); dprint (DEBUG_TRACE,"setting plc name %d %s.\n",strlen(argv[1]), argv[1]); comm->hostname = argv[1]; dprint (DEBUG_TRACE,"attaching to plc\n"); establish_connection (comm, services, 0); if (comm->error != 0) { printf ("Could not attach to %s\n",argv[1]); exit(-1); } path->device1 = -1; path->device2 = -1; path->device3 = -1; path->device4 = -1; path->device5 = -1; path->device6 = -1; path->device7 = -1; path->device8 = -1; //get_backplane_data(comm, backplane, rack, path, 0); dprint (DEBUG_TRACE,"polling PLC rack layout\n"); who(comm, rack, NULL, 0); path->device1 =1; path->device2 = rack->cpulocation; dprint (DEBUG_TRACE,"reading tag\n"); if (argc == 3) result = read_tag(comm, path, NULL, argv[2], tag, 0); if (argc == 4) result = read_tag(comm, path, argv[3], argv[2], tag, 0); if (result != 0) { printf ("reading tag %s failed - does it exist?\n\n",argv[2]); exit(-1); } for (x=0; x<tag->datalen; x++) printf ("%02X ",tag->data[x]); printf ("\n\n"); exit(0); }
const call_order_object* borrow(account_id_type who, asset what, asset collateral) { return borrow(who(db), what, collateral); }
void check_clients(pool *pool) { int i, receiveByteNum; char buf[MAXLINE]; rio_t rio; for(i = 0; (i <= pool->maxi) && (pool->nready > 0); i++) { int conn_fd = pool->clientfd[i]; /* Check if it is ready */ if((conn_fd > 0) && (FD_ISSET(conn_fd, &pool->ready_set))) { pool->nready--; rio = pool->clientrio[i]; if((receiveByteNum = Rio_readlineb(&rio, buf, MAXLINE)) != 0) { byte_cnt += receiveByteNum; printf("Server received %d (%d total) bytes on fd %d\n", receiveByteNum, byte_cnt, conn_fd); Rio_writen(conn_fd, buf, receiveByteNum); char msg[MAX_MSG_LEN]; size_t message_len; if((message_len = get_msg(buf, msg)) < 0) app_error("message too long"); printf("The command you input is: %s\n", msg); char tokens[MAX_MSG_TOKENS][MAX_MSG_LEN+1]; int token_len = tokenize(msg, tokens); int command_type = get_command(tokens, token_len); switch(command_type) { case 1: if(token_len == 2) { nick(conn_fd, tokens[1]); } else { sprintf(buf, "The command should be like: NICK <nickname>.\n"); Write(conn_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } break; case 2: if(token_len == 4) { user(conn_fd, tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3]); } else { sprintf(buf, "ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS. The command should be like: USER <username> <hostname> <servername> <realname>.\n"); Write(conn_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } break; case 3: quit(conn_fd); break; case 4: if(token_len == 2) { join(conn_fd, tokens[1]); } else { sprintf(buf, "ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS. The command should be like: JOIN <channelname>.\n"); Write(conn_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } break; case 5: if(token_len == 2) { part(conn_fd, tokens[1]); } else { sprintf(buf, "ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS. The command should be like: PART <channelname>.\n"); Write(conn_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } break; case 6: list(conn_fd); break; case 7: if(token_len == 3) { privmsg(conn_fd, tokens[1], tokens[2]); } else { sprintf(buf, "ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS. The command should be like: PRIVMSG <nickname/channelname>.\n"); Write(conn_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } break; case 8: if(token_len == 2) { who(conn_fd, tokens[1]); } else { sprintf(buf, "ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS. The command should be like: WHO <nickname/channelname>.\n"); Write(conn_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } break; default: sprintf(buf, "The command you input %s is not understandable!\n", msg); Write(conn_fd, buf, strlen(buf)); break; } } /* EOF detected, remove descriptor from pool */ else { Close(conn_fd); FD_CLR(conn_fd, &pool->read_set); pool->clientfd[i] = -1; pool->clients[conn_fd].conn_fd = -1; } } } }
void AsiMS2000::selectCommand(int commandNum) { switch(commandNum) { case 0: accel(); break; case 1: aalign(); break; case 2: afcont(); break; case 3: aflim(); break; case 4: afocus(); break; case 5: afset(); break; case 6: afmove(); break; case 7: ahome(); break; case 8: aij(); break; case 9: array(); break; case 10: azero(); break; case 11: backlash(); break; case 12: bcustom(); break; case 13: benable(); break; case 14: build(); break; case 15: cdate(); break; case 16: cnts(); break; case 17: customa(); break; case 18: customb(); break; case 19: dack(); break; case 20: dump(); break; case 21: ensync(); break; case 22: epolarity(); break; case 23: error(); break; case 24: halt(); break; case 25: here(); break; case 26: home(); break; case 27: info(); break; case 28: joystick(); break; case 29: jsspd(); break; case 30: kadc(); break; case 31: kd(); break; case 32: ki(); break; case 33: kp(); break; case 34: lcd(); break; case 35: led(); break; case 36: lladdr(); break; case 37: load(); break; case 38: lock(); break; case 39: lockrg(); break; case 40: lockset(); break; case 41: maintain(); break; case 42: motctrl(); break; case 43: move(); break; case 44: movrel(); break; case 45: pcros(); break; case 46: pedal(); break; case 47: rbmode(); break; case 48: rdadc(); break; case 49: rdsbyte(); break; case 50: rdstat(); break; case 51: relock(); break; case 52: reset(); break; case 53: rt(); break; case 54: runaway(); break; case 55: saveset(); break; case 56: savepos(); break; case 57: scan(); break; case 58: scanr(); break; case 59: scanv(); break; case 60: secure(); break; case 61: sethome(); break; case 62: setlow(); break; case 63: setup(); break; case 64: si(); break; case 65: speed(); break; case 66: spin(); break; case 67: status(); break; case 68: stopbits(); break; case 69: ttl(); break; case 70: um(); break; case 71: units(); break; case 72: unlock(); break; case 73: vb(); break; case 74: vector(); break; case 75: version(); break; case 76: wait(); break; case 77: where(); break; case 78: who(); break; case 79: wrdac(); break; case 80: zero(); break; case 81: z2b(); break; case 82: zs(); break; case 83: overshoot(); break; } }
pmelden(char * fmt,char * p1, char * p2) { char str[100]; sprintf(str,fmt,who(),p1,p2); if(slave_mode) puts(str); else my_puts(str); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { _comm_header *comm; _path *path; _services *services; _backplane_data *backplane; _rack *rack; _tag_data *configtags, *detailtags; _tag_data *program_tags[64]; _tag_list *list; _prog_list *progs; _struct_list *structs; int x, y, z, debug, program_count, quiet, result; int c1 = 0, c68 = 0, c69 = 0; #ifdef WIN32 int optind = 1; debug = DEBUG_DATA; #endif #ifndef WIN32 debug = 0; #endif program_count = 0; quiet = FALSE; if (argc == 1) { helpme(); exit(1); } #ifndef WIN32 while ((x = getopt(argc, argv, "dhq?")) != -1) { switch (x) { case 'd': debug++; break; case 'q': quiet = TRUE; break; case 'h': case '?': helpme(); exit(1); } } #endif if (argv[optind] == NULL) { printf("Can not connect - need a host name to connect to.\n"); exit(-1); } rack = malloc(sizeof(_rack)); if (rack == NULL) { printf("Could not allocate memory for rack structure.\n"); exit(-1); } comm = malloc(sizeof(_comm_header)); if (comm == NULL) { printf("Could not allocate memory for comm header.\n"); exit(-1); } services = malloc(sizeof(_services)); if (services == NULL) { printf("Could not allocate memory for services structure.\n"); free(comm); exit(-1); } backplane = malloc(sizeof(_backplane_data)); if (backplane == NULL) { printf("Could not allocate memory for backplane structure.\n"); free(comm); free(services); exit(-1); } path = malloc(sizeof(_path)); if (path == NULL) { printf("Could not allocate memory for path structure.\n"); free(backplane); free(comm); free(services); exit(-1); } configtags = malloc(sizeof(_tag_data)); if (configtags == NULL) { printf("Could not allocate memory for configtags structure.\n"); free(path); free(backplane); free(comm); free(services); exit(-1); } detailtags = malloc(sizeof(_tag_data)); if (detailtags == NULL) { printf("Could not allocate memory for detailtags structure.\n"); free(path); free(backplane); free(comm); free(services); exit(-1); } progs = malloc(sizeof(_prog_list)); if (progs == NULL) { printf("Could not allocate memory for program list structure.\n"); free(detailtags); free(path); free(backplane); free(comm); free(services); exit(-1); } structs = malloc(sizeof(_struct_list)); if (structs == NULL) { printf("Could not allocate memory for structure list.\n"); exit(-1); } list = malloc(sizeof(_tag_list)); if (list == NULL) { printf ("Could not allocate memory for tag list.\n"); exit(-1); } memset(services, 0, sizeof(_services)); memset(comm, 0, sizeof(_comm_header)); memset(backplane, 0, sizeof(_backplane_data)); memset(rack, 0, sizeof(_rack)); memset(configtags, 0, sizeof(_tag_data)); memset(detailtags, 0, sizeof(_tag_data)); memset(progs, 0, sizeof(_prog_list)); memset(structs, 0, sizeof(_struct_list)); memset(list, 0, sizeof(_tag_list)); comm->hostname = argv[optind]; if (quiet == FALSE) printf("Connecting to host %s\n", comm->hostname); establish_connection(comm, services, debug); if (comm->error != OK) { printf("An Error occured while connecting to host %s.\n", comm->hostname); exit(-1); } path->device1 = -1; path->device2 = -1; path->device3 = -1; path->device4 = -1; path->device5 = -1; path->device6 = -1; path->device7 = -1; path->device8 = -1; if (quiet == FALSE) printf("Got Session_ID = %ld\n", comm->session_id); get_backplane_data(comm, backplane, rack, path, debug); if (debug != DEBUG_NIL) { dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "RX_Bad_m :%02X ", backplane->rx_bad_m); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "ERR+Threshold: %02X ", backplane->err_threshold); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "RX_Bad_CRC :%02X ", backplane->rx_bad_crc); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "RX_Bus_Timeout :%02X\n", backplane->rx_bus_timeout); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "TX_Bad_CRC :%02X ", backplane->tx_bad_crc); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "TX_Bus_Timeout :%02X ", backplane->tx_bus_timeout); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "TX_Retry :%02X\n", backplane->tx_retry); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "Status :%02X ", backplane->status); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "Address :%04X\n", backplane->address); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "Major Rev :%02X ", backplane->rev_major); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "Minor Rev :%02X ", backplane->rev_minor); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "Serial Number :%08lX ", backplane->serial_number); dprint(DEBUG_VALUES, "Backplane size :%d\n", backplane->rack_size); } who(comm, rack, NULL, debug); path->device1 = 1; path->device2 = rack->cpulocation; path->device3 = -1; path->device4 = -1; path->device5 = -1; path->device6 = -1; path->device7 = -1; path->device8 = -1; get_object_config_list(comm, path, 0, configtags, debug); get_object_details_list(comm, path, 0, detailtags, debug); get_program_list(comm, path, progs, debug); /* get_struct_list(comm, path, structs, debug); printf ("Got %d structs in the program.\n",structs->count); for (x=0;x<structs->count; x++) { printf ("Struct #%02d, type id = %08lX\n",x,structs->base[x]->base); get_struct_config (comm, path, structs->base[x], debug); get_struct_details (comm, path, structs->base[x], debug); printf ("Element count = %d Detail size = %d\n",structs->base[x]->count, structs->base[x]->detailsize); printf ("Element link-id = %04X\n",structs->base[x]->linkid); printf ("Structure base name = %s\n",structs->base[x]->name); for (y=0;y<structs->base[x]->count;y++) { printf ("Element #%d, type = %04X, arraysize = %d name = %s\n",y,structs->base[x]->data[y]->type, structs->base[x]->data[y]->arraysize, structs->base[x]->data[y]->name); } printf ("----------------------------------------\n"); } exit; */ y = detailtags->count; if (configtags->count > y) y = configtags->count; printf("Reading tags from ControlLogix...\n"); for (z = 0; z < y; z++) { if (z < detailtags->count) get_object_details(comm, path, detailtags->tag[z], debug); if (z < configtags->count) get_object_config(comm, path, configtags->tag[z], debug); printf ("%08lX - %08lX - %08lX - %08lX - %04X - %04X - %04X - %s - %ld - %ld - %ld - %ld\n", detailtags->tag[z]->topbase, detailtags->tag[z]->base, detailtags->tag[z]->id, detailtags->tag[z]->linkid, detailtags->tag[z]->size, detailtags->tag[z]->type, detailtags->tag[z]->alias_type, detailtags->tag[z]->name, detailtags->tag[z]->alias_linkid - detailtags->tag[z]->linkid, detailtags->tag[z]->arraysize1, detailtags->tag[z]->arraysize2, detailtags->tag[z]->arraysize3); } printf("Checking for aliases...\n"); for (z = 0; z < detailtags->count; z++) aliascheck(detailtags->tag[z], NULL, detailtags, DEBUG_VALUES); for (z = 0; z < y; z++) { if (z < detailtags->count) { switch (detailtags->tag[z]->type & 255) { case 0x68: case 0x69: break; default: read_object_value(comm, path, detailtags->tag[z], debug); } if (detailtags->tag[z]->topbase != 0) c1++; if (z < detailtags->count) { printf ("%08lX - %08lX - %08lX - %08lX - %08lX - %08lX - %04lX - %04X - %04X - %s - %ld - %ld - %ld - %ld\n", detailtags->tag[z]->topbase, detailtags->tag[z]->base, detailtags->tag[z]->id, detailtags->tag[z]->linkid, detailtags->tag[z]->alias_topbase, detailtags->tag[z]->alias_base, detailtags->tag[z]->alias_id, detailtags->tag[z]->type, detailtags->tag[z]->alias_type, detailtags->tag[z]->name, detailtags->tag[z]->alias_linkid - detailtags->tag[z]->linkid, detailtags->tag[z]->arraysize1, detailtags->tag[z]->arraysize2, detailtags->tag[z]->arraysize3); } if (z < configtags->count) { printf("%08lX - %08lX - %04X\n", configtags->tag[z]->topbase, configtags->tag[z]->linkid, configtags->tag[z]->type); } /* if (strncmp ( detailtags->tag[z]->name, "IntArray",strlen(detailtags->tag[z]->name))) { read_object_value(comm, path, detailtags->tag[z], debug); printf ("Old:\n"); for (x=0;x<detailtags->tag[z]->datalen;x++) printf ("%02X ",detailtags->tag[z]->data[x]); printf ("\n"); for (x=0;x<detailtags->tag[z]->datalen; x++) detailtags->tag[z]->data[x]++; write_object_value(comm, path, detailtags->tag[z], 4); read_object_value(comm, path, detailtags->tag[z], debug); printf ("New:\n"); for (x=0;x<detailtags->tag[z]->datalen;x++) printf ("%02X ",detailtags->tag[z]->data[x]); printf ("\n"); } */ } } /* for (z = 0; z < y; z+=5) { if (z < detailtags->count) { switch (detailtags->tag[z]->type & 255) { case 0x68: case 0x69: break; default: list->count = 1; list->tag[0] = detailtags->tag[z]; if (z+1 < y) list->tag[list->count++] = detailtags->tag[z+1]; if (z+2 < y) list->tag[list->count++] = detailtags->tag[z+2]; if (z+3 < y) list->tag[list->count++] = detailtags->tag[z+3]; if (z+4 < y) list->tag[list->count++] = detailtags->tag[z+4]; read_multi_object_value(comm, path, list, debug); } } } */ for (z=0; z<detailtags->count; z++) { printf ("%s : ",detailtags->tag[z]->name); for (x=0;x<detailtags->tag[z]->datalen;x++) printf ("%02X ",detailtags->tag[z]->data[x]); printf ("\n"); } //exit(0); printf("%d objects with topbase != 0.\n", c1); printf("%d objects type 0x68, %d objects type 0x69.\n", c68, c69); printf("configtags count = %d detailtags count = %d\n", configtags->count, detailtags->count); printf("Got %d programs...\n", progs->count); for (x = 0; x < progs->count; x++) { program_tags[x] = malloc(sizeof(_tag_data)); if (program_tags[x] == NULL) { printf("Could not allocate memory for program tag structure.\n"); exit(-1); } get_program_details(comm, path, progs->prog[x], debug); for (y = 0; y < detailtags->count; y++) { if (detailtags->tag[y]->linkid == progs->prog[x]->linkid) { strcpy(progs->prog[x]->name, detailtags->tag[y]->name); } } printf("id for program #%d is %08lX link ID = %08lX - %s\n", x, progs->prog[x]->base, progs->prog[x]->linkid, progs->prog[x]->name); } for (x = 0; x < progs->count; x++) { if (quiet == FALSE) printf("Tag list for %s\n", progs->prog[x]->name); get_object_details_list(comm, path, progs->prog[x]->base, program_tags[x], debug); printf("tag count = %d\n\n", program_tags[x]->count); for (y = 0; y < program_tags[x]->count; y++) { get_object_details(comm, path, program_tags[x]->tag[y], debug); /* aliascheck(program_tags[x]->tag[y], program_tags[x], detailtags, DEBUG_VALUES); if (quiet == FALSE) printf("%08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX ", program_tags[x]->tag[y]->topbase, program_tags[x]->tag[y]->base, program_tags[x]->tag[y]->id, program_tags[x]->tag[y]->linkid); if (quiet == FALSE) { printf("type = %04X Name = %s\n", program_tags[x]->tag[y]->type, program_tags[x]->tag[y]->name); printf("arraysize1 = %ld arraysize2 = %ld arraysize3 = %ld\n", program_tags[x]->tag[y]->arraysize1, program_tags[x]->tag[y]->arraysize2, program_tags[x]->tag[y]->arraysize3); } */ } if (quiet == FALSE) printf("-----------------------------------\n"); } for (x = 0; x < detailtags->count; x++) { if ((detailtags->tag[x]->size != 0) || (detailtags->tag[x]->alias_size != 0)) { result = read_object_value(comm, path, detailtags->tag[x], debug); if (result != 0) { printf("Got non-zero return from read_object_value - %02X\n", result); printf ("%08lX - %08lX - %08lX - %08lX - %08lX - %08lX - %08lX - %04X - %s - %ld - %ld - %ld\n", detailtags->tag[x]->topbase, detailtags->tag[x]->base, detailtags->tag[x]->id, detailtags->tag[x]->linkid, detailtags->tag[x]->alias_topbase, detailtags->tag[x]->alias_base, detailtags->tag[x]->alias_id, detailtags->tag[x]->type, detailtags->tag[x]->name, detailtags->tag[x]->arraysize1, detailtags->tag[x]->arraysize2, detailtags->tag[x]->arraysize3); } if (quiet == FALSE) { printf("Value(s) for %s: ", detailtags->tag[x]->name); for (y = 0; y < detailtags->tag[x]->size; y++) printf("%02X ", detailtags->tag[x]->data[y]); printf("\n"); } } } for (x = 0; x < progs->count; x++) { if (quiet == FALSE) printf("Reading %d Data Values for program %s tags...\n", program_tags[x]->count, progs->prog[x]->name); for (y = 0; y < program_tags[x]->count; y++) { if ((program_tags[x]->tag[y]->type & 255) > 0xbf) { read_object_value(comm, path, program_tags[x]->tag[y], debug); if (quiet == FALSE) { printf("Value(s) for %s: ", program_tags[x]->tag[y]->name); for (z = 0; z < program_tags[x]->tag[y]->datalen; z++) printf("%02X ", program_tags[x]->tag[y]->data[z]); printf("\n"); } } if (quiet == FALSE) printf("---------------------------------\n"); } } closesocket(comm->file_handle); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct group *gr; struct passwd *pw; int Gflag, Pflag, ch, gflag, id, nflag, pflag, rflag, uflag; const char *myname; Gflag = Pflag = gflag = nflag = pflag = rflag = uflag = 0; myname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); myname = (myname != NULL) ? myname + 1 : argv[0]; if (strcmp(myname, "groups") == 0) { isgroups = 1; Gflag = nflag = 1; } else if (strcmp(myname, "whoami") == 0) { iswhoami = 1; uflag = nflag = 1; } while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, (isgroups || iswhoami) ? "" : "PGgnpru")) != -1) switch(ch) { case 'G': Gflag = 1; break; case 'P': Pflag = 1; break; case 'g': gflag = 1; break; case 'n': nflag = 1; break; case 'p': pflag = 1; break; case 'r': rflag = 1; break; case 'u': uflag = 1; break; case '?': default: usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (iswhoami && argc > 0) usage(); switch(Gflag + Pflag + gflag + pflag + uflag) { case 1: break; case 0: if (!nflag && !rflag) break; /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: usage(); } pw = *argv ? who(*argv) : NULL; if (gflag) { id = pw ? pw->pw_gid : rflag ? getgid() : getegid(); if (nflag && (gr = getgrgid(id))) printf("%s\n", gr->gr_name); else printf("%u\n", id); exit(0); } if (uflag) { id = pw ? pw->pw_uid : rflag ? getuid() : geteuid(); if (nflag && (pw = getpwuid(id))) printf("%s\n", pw->pw_name); else printf("%u\n", id); exit(0); } if (Gflag) { group(pw, nflag); exit(0); } if (Pflag) { pline(pw); exit(0); } if (pflag) { pretty(pw); exit(0); } if (pw) user(pw); else current(); exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char *args[]) { int cn = 0, srank = 0; query = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); if (query && !strncmp(query, "cn=", 3)) { cn = atoi(query + 3); } if (query && !strncmp(query, "rank=", 5)) { srank = atoi(query + 5); } chdir("/home/merc"); printf("Content-Type: text/html\n\n"); printf("<html><head><title>Server Info</title></head>\n"); printf("<BODY TEXT=#D7D700 BGCOLOR=#264A9F LINK=#FFFFBB VLINK=#CCCC00 ALINK=#FFFF9D background=/gfx/back4.gif>"); printf("<center>"); printf("<table width=\"100%%\"><tr>"); printf( " <table width=\"100%%\">" " <tr>" " <td align=\"center\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"/gfx/logo.gif\" width=\"100\" height=\"60\" border=\"0\"></a></td>" " <td align=\"center\">" " <a href=\"/\">Home</a>" " <a href=\"/manual.html\">Manual</a>" " <a href=\"/terms.html\">Terms</a>" " <a href=\"/download.html\">Download</a>" " <a href=\"/contact.html\">Contact</a>" " <a href=\"/cgi-bin/info.cgi\">Server Status</a>" " <a href=\"/cgi-bin/who.cgi\">Who's Online</a>" " <a href=\"/bugs.html\">Bugs</a>" " <a href=\"/changes.html\">Changes</a>" " <a href=\"/creators.html\">Creators</a>" " <a href=\"/links.html\">Links</a>" " <a href=\"/privacy.html\">Privacy</a>" " </td>" " <td align=\"center\"><a href=\"\"><img src=\"/gfx/logo.gif\" width=\"100\" height=\"60\" border=\"0\"></a></td>" " </tr>" " </table>"); printf("</td></tr></table>"); printf("<img src=/gfx/barsmall.gif border=0 align=left alt=---- width=100%% height=5><br>"); printf("<table width=60%%><tr><td>\n"); if (load()) { printf("<b>Cannot access server data. Exiting... (%s)</b></td></tr></table>", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } if (args[0]) { if (strcmp(args[0], "who.cgi")==0) { who(); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "top.cgi")==0) { top(); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "info.cgi")==0) { info(cn); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "hog.cgi")==0) { hog(); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "gods.cgi")==0) { gods(); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "staff.cgi")==0) { staff(); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "effects.cgi")==0) { effects(); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "xtop.cgi")==0) { xtop(srank); } else if (strcmp(args[0], "dtop.cgi")==0) { dtop(srank); } else { printf("Internal error... (%s)\n", args[0]); } } else { printf("Internal error..."); } unload(); printf("</td></tr></table><br>"); printf( "<img src=\"/gfx/barsmall.gif\" border=0 align=\"left\" alt=\"----\" width=\"100%%\" height=5><br>" "<table width=\"100%%\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>" "<td width=\"33%%\" align=center><a href=/devel.html>Back to main page</a></td>" "<td width=\"33%%\" align=center> </td>" "<td width=\"33%%\" align=center><font size=-1>All material on this server is copyright " "<a href=mailto:[email protected]>D.Brockhaus</a></font></td>" "</tr></table>" "</center><br><br>" "</body></html>"); return(0); }
void Network::interpretLine(const QString& line) { #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG //qDebug() << line; #endif Q_ASSERT(this->_options); QStringList properties; QStringList parts = line.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); const int size = parts.size(); if (size) { if ((0 == this->_handShakingStep && "salut" == || (1 == this->_handShakingStep && line.startsWith("rep 002 --")) || (2 == this->_handShakingStep && line.startsWith("rep 002 --"))) { emit handShaking(this->_handShakingStep++, parts); } else if (line.startsWith("user_cmd") && size >= 4) { if ("msg" == && size >= 5) { const QString message = url_decode(; const QString login =':', 3, 3).section('@', 0, 0); if (this->_options->blockedWidget->isBlocked(login)) { #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG qDebug() << "[Network::interpretLine]" << "Message blocked from" << login << ":" << message; #endif return; } #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG qDebug() << "[Network::interpretLine]" << "Message received from" << login << ":" << message; #endif // user_cmd 566:user:1/3:[email protected]:~:maison:epitech_2011 | msg test dst=dally_r properties << login // login <<':', 0, 0) // id <<':', 3, 3).section('@', -1) // ip <<':', -1) // group << "actif" // state << url_decode(':', -2, -2).toStdString().c_str()) // Location << ""; // Comment emit msg(properties, message); } else if ("state" == && size >= 5) { //user_cmd 185:user:1/3:[email protected]:~:Trolltech%20World:epitech_2011 | state lock // Login // Id // Ip // Promo // State // Location // Comment properties <<':', 3, 3).section('@', 0, 0) // login <<':', 0, 0) // id <<':', 3, 3).section('@', -1) // ip <<':', -1) // group <<':', 0, 0) // state << url_decode(':', -2, -2).toStdString().c_str()) // location << ""; // comment emit state(properties); } else if (("login" == || "logout" == && (size >= 4)) { properties <<':', 3, 3).section('@', 0, 0) // login <<':', 0, 0) // id <<':', 3, 3).section('@', -1) // ip <<':', -1) // group << // state << url_decode(':', -2, -2).toStdString().c_str()) // location << ""; // comment emit state(properties); } else if ("who" == && size >= 15) { // user_cmd 199:user:1/3:[email protected]:~:maison:epitech_2011 // | who 329 sundas_c 1281146904 1281147024 3 1 ~ maison epitech_2011 actif:1281147031 qnetsoul QStringList properties; properties << // login << // id << // ip << // group <<':', 0, 0) // state << url_decode(; // location if (size < 16) properties << ""; // blank comment else properties << url_decode(; // comment emit who(properties); } else if (("dotnetSoul_UserTyping" == || "dotnetSoul_UserCancelledTyping" == && size >= 4) { // Emits id, bool bool ok; const int id =':', 0, 0).toInt(&ok); if (ok) emit typingStatus(id, ("dotnetSoul_UserTyping" ==; } } else if (line.startsWith("ping")) { sendMessage("ping\n"); #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG qDebug() << "[Network::interpretLine]" << "Ping received, ping answered."; #endif } else if (line.startsWith("rep 033 --")) { emit handShaking(-1, QStringList()); #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG qDebug() << "[Network::interpretLine]" << "Failure...\n" << "Reason:" << line; #endif } #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG else { qDebug() << "[Network::interpretLine]" << "Unparsed command:" << line; } #endif } }
//start 提示:自动阅卷起始唯一标识,请勿删除或增加。 int main() { char Test[30]; scanf("%s", Test); printf("%d",who(Test)); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct group *gr; struct passwd *pw; int Gflag, ch, gflag, nflag, pflag, rflag, uflag; uid_t uid; gid_t gid; Gflag = gflag = nflag = pflag = rflag = uflag = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "Ggnpru")) != -1) switch(ch) { case 'G': Gflag = 1; break; case 'g': gflag = 1; break; case 'n': nflag = 1; break; case 'p': pflag = 1; break; case 'r': rflag = 1; break; case 'u': uflag = 1; break; case '?': default: usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; switch(Gflag + gflag + pflag + uflag) { case 1: break; case 0: if (!nflag && !rflag) break; /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: usage(); } pw = *argv ? who(*argv) : NULL; if (gflag) { gid = pw ? pw->pw_gid : rflag ? getgid() : getegid(); if (nflag && (gr = getgrgid(gid))) (void)printf("%s\n", gr->gr_name); else (void)printf("%u\n", gid); exit(0); } if (uflag) { uid = pw ? pw->pw_uid : rflag ? getuid() : geteuid(); if (nflag && (pw = getpwuid(uid))) (void)printf("%s\n", pw->pw_name); else (void)printf("%u\n", uid); exit(0); } if (Gflag) { group(pw, nflag); exit(0); } if (pflag) { pretty(pw); exit(0); } if (pw) user(pw); else current(); exit(0); }
bool Omegle_client::events() { HANDLE_ENTRY; std::string data = "id=" + this->chat_id_; // Get update http::response resp = flap(OMEGLE_REQUEST_EVENTS, &data); // Return switch (resp.code) { case HTTP_CODE_OK: { if ( == "null") { // Everything is OK, no new message received -- OR it is a problem // TODO: if we are waiting for Stranger with common likes, then we should try standard Stranger if this takes too long return HANDLE_ERROR(false); } else if ( == "fail") { // Something went wrong return HANDLE_ERROR(false); } JSONROOT root(; if (root == NULL) return HANDLE_ERROR(false); bool newStranger = false; bool waiting = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < json_size(root); i++) { JSONNode *item = json_at(root, i); if (item == NULL) continue; std::string name = _T2A(json_as_string(json_at(item, 0))); if (name == "waiting") { // We are just waiting for new Stranger waiting = true; } else if (name == "identDigests") { // We get some comma separated hashes, I'm not sure what for } else if (name == "statusInfo") { JSONNode *data = json_at(item, 1); // We got some object as second parameter //data["antinudepercent"]; // probably 1 by default //data["antinudeservers"]; // array of server names, like "" //data["rtmfp"]; // some rtmfp protocol address //data["servers"]; // array of server names, like "" //data["spyeeQueueTime"]; // some float number, e.g. 0.0701999903 //data["spyQueueTime"]; // some float number, e.g. 4.7505000114 //data["timestamp"]; // e.g. 1445336566.0196209 // We got info about count of connected people there ptrT count(json_as_string(json_get(data, "count"))); TCHAR strT[255]; mir_sntprintf(strT, TranslateT("On whole Omegle are %s strangers online now."), count); parent->UpdateChat(NULL, strT); } else if (name == "serverMessage") { ptrT message(json_as_string(json_at(item, 1))); parent->UpdateChat(NULL, TranslateTS(message)); } else if (name == "connected") { // Stranger connected if (this->spy_mode_ && !this->question_.empty()) { parent->AddChatContact(TranslateT("Stranger 1")); parent->AddChatContact(TranslateT("Stranger 2")); this->state_ = STATE_SPY; } else { parent->AddChatContact(TranslateT("Stranger")); this->state_ = STATE_ACTIVE; } newStranger = true; waiting = false; } else if (name == "commonLikes") { std::tstring likes = TranslateT("You and the Stranger both like: "); JSONNode *items = json_at(item, 1); size_t size = json_size(items); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { likes += ptrT(json_as_string(json_at(items, i))); if (i < size - 1) likes += _T(", "); } parent->debugLog(_T("Got common likes: '%s'"), likes.c_str()); parent->SetTopic(likes.c_str()); } else if (name == "question") { ptrT question(json_as_string(json_at(item, 1))); parent->SetTopic(question); } else if (name == "typing" || name == "spyTyping") { // Stranger is typing, not supported by chat module yet SkinPlaySound("StrangerTyp"); StatusTextData st = { 0 }; st.cbSize = sizeof(st); st.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(GetIconHandle("typing_on")); ptrT who(name == "spyTyping" ? json_as_string(json_at(item, 1)) : mir_tstrdup(_T("Stranger"))); mir_sntprintf(st.tszText, TranslateT("%s is typing."), TranslateTS(who)); CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)parent->GetChatHandle(), (LPARAM)&st); } else if (name == "stoppedTyping" || name == "spyStoppedTyping") { // Stranger stopped typing, not supported by chat module yet SkinPlaySound("StrangerTypStop"); StatusTextData st = { 0 }; st.cbSize = sizeof(st); st.hIcon = IcoLib_GetIconByHandle(GetIconHandle("typing_off")); ptrT who(name == "spyTyping" ? json_as_string(json_at(item, 1)) : mir_tstrdup(_T("Stranger"))); mir_sntprintf(st.tszText, TranslateT("%s stopped typing."), TranslateTS(who)); CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)parent->GetChatHandle(), (LPARAM)&st); } else if (name == "gotMessage") { CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)parent->GetChatHandle(), NULL); // Play sound as we received message SkinPlaySound("StrangerMessage"); if (state_ == STATE_ACTIVE) { ptrT msg(json_as_string(json_at(item, 1))); parent->UpdateChat(TranslateT("Stranger"), msg); } } else if (name == "spyMessage") { CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)parent->GetChatHandle(), NULL); // Play sound as we received message SkinPlaySound("StrangerMessage"); if (state_ == STATE_SPY) { ptrT stranger(json_as_string(json_at(item, 1))); ptrT msg(json_as_string(json_at(item, 2))); parent->UpdateChat(stranger, msg); } } else if (name == "strangerDisconnected") { CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)parent->GetChatHandle(), NULL); // Stranger disconnected if (db_get_b(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_DONT_STOP, 0)) { SkinPlaySound("StrangerChange"); parent->NewChat(); } else parent->StopChat(false); } else if (name == "spyDisconnected") { CallService(MS_MSG_SETSTATUSTEXT, (WPARAM)parent->GetChatHandle(), NULL); ptrT stranger(json_as_string(json_at(item, 1))); TCHAR strT[255]; mir_sntprintf(strT, TranslateT("%s disconnected."), TranslateTS(stranger)); parent->UpdateChat(NULL, strT); // Stranger disconnected if (db_get_b(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_DONT_STOP, 0)) { SkinPlaySound("StrangerChange"); parent->NewChat(); } else parent->StopChat(false); } else if (name == "recaptchaRequired") { // Nothing to do with recaptcha parent->UpdateChat(NULL, TranslateT("Recaptcha is required.\nOpen , solve Recaptcha and try again.")); parent->StopChat(false); } else if (name == "recaptchaRejected") { // Nothing to do with recaptcha parent->StopChat(false); } else if (name == "error") { ptrT error(json_as_string(json_at(item, 1))); TCHAR strT[255]; mir_sntprintf(strT, TranslateT("Error: %s"), TranslateTS(error)); parent->UpdateChat(NULL, strT); } } if (newStranger && !spy_mode_) { // We got new stranger in this event, lets say him "Hi message" if enabled if (db_get_b(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_HI_ENABLED, 0)) { DBVARIANT dbv; if (!db_get_utf(NULL, parent->m_szModuleName, OMEGLE_KEY_HI, &dbv)) { std::vector<std::string> messages; utils::text::explode(std::string(dbv.pszVal), "\r\n", &messages); db_free(&dbv); int pos = rand() % messages.size(); std::string *message = new std::string(; parent->debugLogA("**Chat - saying Hi! message"); parent->ForkThread(&OmegleProto::SendMsgWorker, message); } else parent->debugLogA("**Chat - Hi message is enabled but not used"); } } if (waiting) { // If we are only waiting in this event... parent->UpdateChat(NULL, TranslateT("We are still waiting...")); } return HANDLE_SUCCESS; } case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_DISCONNECTED: // timeout return HANDLE_SUCCESS; case HTTP_CODE_FAKE_ERROR: default: return HANDLE_ERROR(false); } }
void judge(char from[], int mon, char to[]) { a[who(from)].money -= mon; a[who(to)].money += mon; }
static int fplayer(int race) { int l; while(-1) { gotoxy(48,15); prints("目前位置(%2d,%2d)",m,n); put_box(mm,nn,0); put_box(m,n,race); mm=m; nn=n; l=igetkey(); switch(l) { // case '1': case '2': if(role[l-'1']==1) { role[l-'1']=2; attack[l-'1']=0; } else if(attack[l-'1']==0) attack[l-'1']=1; else role[l-'1']=1; who(l-'1'); break; case 'q': return 2; case 'r': return 1; case 'b': if(sum>2) { int i; for(i=0;i<2;i++) { int x=repent[sum-1][1],y=repent[sum-1][2]; put_chess(x,y,0); move(y+1,x*2); outs("┼"); sum-=2; } for(i=sum;i>=sum-5;i--) { gotoxy(48,i-sum+13); if(i>0) prints("第%d步: %s (%2d,%2d) ",i,(repent[i-1][0]==1)?"●":"○", repent[i-1][1],repent[i-1][2]); else outs(" "); } } break; case ' ': if(!chess[m-1][n-1]) { int hk=put_chess(m,n,race); if(hk) { int dk = show_win(hk); if(dk=='n'||dk=='q') return 2; return 1; } return 0; } break; case KEY_DOWN: //down if(legal(m,n+1)) n++; break; case KEY_UP: //up if(legal(m,n-1)) n--; break; case KEY_RIGHT: //right if(legal(m+1,n)) m++; break; case KEY_LEFT: //left if(legal(m-1,n)) m--; break; } } }