void application_start(void)
    /* Initialise the device and WICED framework */
    wiced_init( );

    /* Configure the device */
    wiced_configure_device( NULL );

    /* Bring up the network interface */

    /* Enable MCU powersave. MCU powersave API can be globally DISABLED in <WICED-SDK>/include/wiced_defaults.h */
    /* WARNING: Please read the WICED Powersave API documentation before enabling MCU powersave */

    /* Enable 802.11 powersave mode */
    wiced_wifi_enable_powersave_with_throughput( 40 );

    /* Register an event that toggles powersave every 2 seconds to
     * demonstrate power consumption with & without powersave enabled
    wiced_rtos_register_timed_event( &powersave_toggle_event, WICED_HARDWARE_IO_WORKER_THREAD, &powersave_toggle, 2000, 0 );

    /* Start web-server */
    wiced_http_server_start( &http_server, 80, appliance_web_pages, WICED_STA_INTERFACE );

    /* Advertise webpage services using Gedday */
    gedday_init( WICED_STA_INTERFACE, "wiced-appliance-app" );
    gedday_add_service( "Appliance Webserver", "_http._tcp.local", 80, 300, "" );
void application_start( void )
    user_dct_data_t* dct;
    uint32_t sample_interval;
    uint16_t max_sockets = 10;

    wiced_init( );

    /* Configure device */
    wiced_configure_device( app_config );

    /* Initialise Xively data. Xively data is shared among multiple threads; therefore a mutex is required */
    memset( &xively_data, 0, sizeof( xively_data ) );
    wiced_rtos_init_mutex( &xively_data.mutex );

    /* Initialise temperature set point. Set point is shared among multiple threads; therefore a mutex is required */
    wiced_rtos_init_mutex( &setpoint.mutex );
    setpoint.temperature = DEFAULT_SETPOINT;
    adjust_setpoint_led_brightness( );

    /* Initialise Thermistor */
    wiced_adc_init( THERMISTOR_ADC, 5 );

    /* Initialise Set Point Control keypad and assigns it's callback function to run on hardware_io_worker_thread's context */
    gpio_keypad_enable( &setpoint_control_keypad, WICED_HARDWARE_IO_WORKER_THREAD, setpoint_control_keypad_handler, 250, 2, setpoint_control_key_list );

    /* Disable roaming to other access points */
    wiced_wifi_set_roam_trigger( -99 ); /* -99dBm ie. extremely low signal level */

    /* Bringup the network interface */

    /* Timestamp is needed for sending data to Xively.
     * Start automatic time synchronisation and synchronise once every day.
    sntp_start_auto_time_sync( 1 * DAYS );

    wiced_dct_read_lock( (void**) &dct, WICED_FALSE, DCT_APP_SECTION, 0, sizeof(user_dct_data_t) );
    sample_interval = dct->sample_interval;
    wiced_dct_read_unlock( dct, WICED_FALSE );

    /* Setup timed events that will take a measurement & activate Xively thread to send measurements to Xively */
    wiced_rtos_register_timed_event( &xively_timed_event,      WICED_NETWORKING_WORKER_THREAD,  send_data_to_xively,     10 * SECONDS, 0 );
    wiced_rtos_register_timed_event( &temperature_timed_event, WICED_HARDWARE_IO_WORKER_THREAD, take_temperature_reading, sample_interval, 0 );

    /* Start web server to display current temperature & setpoint */
    wiced_http_server_start( &http_server, 80, max_sockets, web_pages, WICED_STA_INTERFACE, DEFAULT_URL_PROCESSOR_STACK_SIZE );

    /* Advertise webpage services using Gedday */
    gedday_init( WICED_STA_INTERFACE, "wiced-temp-controller" );
    gedday_add_service( "temp_control web server", "_http._tcp.local", 80, 300, "" );
wiced_result_t wiced_easy_setup_start_softap( const configuration_entry_t* config )
    return wiced_configure_device(config);