//set wifi ON or OFF int mon_wifi(int argc, char **argv){ if(argc!=2){ printf("specify [on] or [off]\n"); return -1; } if(strcmp(argv[1],"on")==0){ b_wifi_enabled = true; if(wifi_init()!=0){ b_wifi_enabled=false; printf("error starting wifi\n"); } else{ //good to go! turn light green rgb_led_set(LED_LT_GREEN,0); printf("wifi on\n"); } return 0; } else if(strcmp(argv[1],"off")==0){ b_wifi_enabled = false; printf("wifi off\n"); rgb_led_set(LED_BLUE,0); return 0; } printf("specify [on] or [off]\n"); return -1; }
String wifiInit(String APname,String APpassword){ int counter=0; wifi_init(); while(!moduleResponds()){ counter++; if(counter>=5){ SerialUSB.println("Wi-Fi Module Response Failed!"); return "Error: 1"; //Wi-Fi Module Response Failed! } } counter = 0; while(!setWifiMode()){ counter++; if(counter>=5){ SerialUSB.println("Setting Wi-Fi Mode Failed!"); return "Error: 2"; //Setting Wi-Fi Mode Failed! } } counter = 0; while(!setWifiTransmissionMode()){ counter++; if(counter>=5){ SerialUSB.println("Setting Wi-Fi Transmission Mode Failed!"); return "Error: 3"; //Setting Wi-Fi Transmission Mode Failed! } } counter = 0; while(!setWifiConnectionMode()){ counter++; if(counter>=5){ SerialUSB.println("Setting Wi-Fi Connection Mode Failed!"); return "Error: 4"; //Setting Wi-Fi Connection Mode Failed! } } counter = 0; while(!disconnectFromAP()){ counter++; if(counter>=5){ SerialUSB.println("Wi-Fi Disconnection from AP Failed!"); return "Error: 5"; //Wi-Fi Disconnection from AP Failed! } } counter = 0; while(!connectToAP(APname,APpassword)){ counter++; if(counter>=5){ SerialUSB.println("Wi-Fi Connecting to AP Failed!"); return "Error: 6"; //Wi-Fi Connecting to AP Failed! } } counter = 0; while(!getIP()){ counter++; if(counter>=5){ SerialUSB.println("Wi-Fi Getting IP Failed!"); return "Error: 7"; //Wi-Fi Getting IP Failed! } } return "OK"; }
int main() { printf("System Restarted!!!\n"); //unsigned char mydata[8]; //strcpy(fifo,"######"); Uart_init();//Register RS232_RXD wifi_init();//initialize the wifi module while(1) { //led_init(); test_key(); test_alarm(); test_alarm_en(); welcome(); Alarm(); //printf("%X\n",ringbell); //printf("%x",IORD_ALTERA_AVALON_PIO_DATA(MYINPUT_BASE)); Uart_send_n("AT",2); Uart_send(0x0d); Uart_send(0x0a); usleep(2000000);//2s } return 0; }
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR user_init(void) { wifi_init(); uart_init_new(); tcp_shell_init(); UART_SetPrintPort( debugPort ); xTaskCreate( forthright_task, "forthright", 256, NULL, 2, &tasks[0] ); // create root FORTH interpreter }
static void mqtt_app_start(void) { const esp_mqtt_client_config_t mqtt_cfg = { .uri = "mqtts://test.mosquitto.org:8884", .event_handle = mqtt_event_handler, .client_cert_pem = (const char *)client_cert_pem_start, .client_key_pem = (const char *)client_key_pem_start, }; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[APP] Free memory: %d bytes", esp_get_free_heap_size()); esp_mqtt_client_handle_t client = esp_mqtt_client_init(&mqtt_cfg); esp_mqtt_client_start(client); } void app_main() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[APP] Startup.."); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[APP] Free memory: %d bytes", esp_get_free_heap_size()); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[APP] IDF version: %s", esp_get_idf_version()); esp_log_level_set("*", ESP_LOG_INFO); esp_log_level_set("MQTT_CLIENT", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); esp_log_level_set("TRANSPORT_TCP", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); esp_log_level_set("TRANSPORT_SSL", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); esp_log_level_set("TRANSPORT", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); esp_log_level_set("OUTBOX", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); nvs_flash_init(); wifi_init(); mqtt_app_start(); }
/*********************************************************************** module : [WIFI] function : [wifi初始化(开机调用)] return : [无] comment : [全局普通函数] machine : [EH-0818] language : [CHN] keyword : [WIFI] date : [11/07/25] author : [chen-zhengkai] ************************************************************************/ void wifiInit_open() { char ret = 0; //wifi初始化结果 char errBuf[25] = {0}; //错误信息 char retBuf[] = "按任意键返回"; //返回信息 DispStr_CE(0,6,"WIFI初始化中",DISP_CENTER|DISP_CLRSCR); DispStr_CE(0,8,"请耐心等待...",DISP_CENTER); ret = wifi_init(); switch ((int)ret) { case -1: strcpy(errBuf, "模块初始化失败"); break; case -2: strcpy(errBuf, "模块连接失败"); break; case -3: strcpy(errBuf, "电源设置失败"); break; case -4: strcpy(errBuf, "信道设置失败"); break; case -5: strcpy(errBuf, "通信速率设置失败"); break; } if (ret) { DispStr_CE(0,6,errBuf,DISP_CENTER|DISP_CLRSCR); DispStr_CE(0,8,retBuf,DISP_CENTER); delay_and_wait_key( 3, EXIT_KEY_ALL, 0 ); } }
void user_init(void) { uart_set_baud(0, 115200); wifi_init(); if (button_create(BUTTON_PIN, button_callback)) { printf("Failed to initialize button\n"); } homekit_server_init(&config); }
int my_app_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //uint8_t buf[100]; //parameter receiver_arg; PX4_INFO("In my_test_app"); int uart1 = open("/dev/ttyS0", O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK); if (uart1 < 0) { printf("ERROR opening UART1, aborting..\n"); return uart1; } struct termios uart1_config; int set = fcntl(uart1, F_SETFL, 0); /* receiver_arg.fd = uart1; receiver_arg.buf = buf; receiver_arg.bytes_num = 1; */ //struct termios uart1_config_original; int termios_state = 0; int ret; if ((termios_state = tcgetattr(uart1, &uart1_config)) < 0) { printf("ERROR getting termios config for UART1: %d\n", termios_state); ret = termios_state; close(uart1); return ret; } if (cfsetspeed(&uart1_config, B115200) < 0) { printf("ERROR setting termios config for UART1: %d\n", termios_state); ret = ERROR; close(uart1); return ret; } if ((termios_state = tcsetattr(uart1, TCSANOW, &uart1_config)) < 0) { printf("ERROR setting termios config for UART1\n"); ret = termios_state; close(uart1); return ret; } printf("c_iflag: %x, c_oflag: %x, c_cflag: %x, c_lflag: %x, speed: %d\n", uart1_config.c_iflag, uart1_config.c_oflag, uart1_config.c_cflag, uart1_config.c_lflag, uart1_config.c_speed); int r=0; wifi_init(uart1); //iniRD(); r++; set++; close(uart1); return 0; }
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR user_init(void) { int ret; dmsg_init(); uart_init(); shell_init(uart0_putchar); i2c_init(); wifi_init(); xTaskCreate(shell_task, "shell", 256, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2, NULL); }
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR user_init(void) { uart_div_modify(0, UART_CLK_FREQ / BAUD); os_printf("Startup\r\n"); /*** Initialize subsystems ***/ psu_init(); ws2811dma_init(); wifi_init(); mxp_init(ws2811dma_put); psu_server_init(); /*** Use LED strip as status indicator ***/ wifi_set_event_handler_cb(onWifiEvent); status_indicate(STAT_NO_CONNECT); }
void wifi_initial_task() { struct netif *sta_if; wifi_init(&wifi_config, NULL); lwip_tcpip_init(&tcpip_config, WIFI_MODE_STA_ONLY); ip_ready = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); sta_if = netif_find_by_type(NETIF_TYPE_STA); netif_set_status_callback(sta_if, _ip_ready_callback); dhcp_start(sta_if); xSemaphoreTake(ip_ready, portMAX_DELAY); mcs_tcp_init(tcp_callback); vTaskDelete(NULL); }
void app_main() { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[APP] Startup.."); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[APP] Free memory: %d bytes", esp_get_free_heap_size()); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "[APP] IDF version: %s", esp_get_idf_version()); esp_log_level_set("*", ESP_LOG_INFO); esp_log_level_set("MQTT_CLIENT", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); esp_log_level_set("TRANSPORT_TCP", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); esp_log_level_set("TRANSPORT_SSL", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); esp_log_level_set("TRANSPORT_WS", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); esp_log_level_set("TRANSPORT", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); esp_log_level_set("OUTBOX", ESP_LOG_VERBOSE); nvs_flash_init(); wifi_init(); mqtt_app_start(); }
void user_init(void) { stdout_init(); io_init(); dht_init(SENSORTYPE, POOLTIME); // 0x40200000 is the base address for spi flash memory mapping, ESPFS_POS is the position // where image is written in flash that is defined in Makefile. #ifdef ESPFS_POS espFsInit((void*)(0x40200000 + ESPFS_POS)); #else espFsInit((void*)(webpages_espfs_start)); #endif httpdInit(builtInUrls, 80); wifi_init(); config_init(); action_init(); os_printf("\nESP Ready\n"); }
String wakeupSendSleep(String APname,String APpassword,String data,String path,String servername,String datatype,int port, String* res){ String str = ""; String response; wifi_init(); int counter = 0; wakeup(); String APconnect = wifiInit(APname, APpassword); if(APconnect == "OK"){ str = connectAndSend(data,path,servername,datatype,port,res); while(!sleep(1000)){ counter++; if(counter>=5){ SerialUSB.println("Wi-Fi sleeping Failed!"); return "Error: 13"; //Wi-Fi sleeping Failed! } } } else{ return APconnect; } return str; }
void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Notify(PSTR("initializing WiFi\n")); wifi_init(); Notify(PSTR("waiting for connection\n")); wifi_connect(); Notify(PSTR("setting up USB\n")); usb_setup(); hokuyo_data = (char*) malloc(HOKUYO_DATA_LENGTH); if (hokuyo_data) { Notify(PSTR("hokuyo_data allocated\n")); } hokuyo_on(); Notify(PSTR("hokuyo on\n")); Wire.begin(I2C_MASTER_ADDRESS); Wire.onReceive(receive); }
void notmain(void) { _output_type output_type = OUTPUT_TYPE_MONITOR; uint8_t mac_address[6] ALIGNED; struct ip_info ip_config; E131Params e131params; DMXParams dmxparams; uuid_t uuid; char uuid_str[UUID_STRING_LENGTH + 1] ALIGNED; hardware_init(); (void) e131params.Load(); if (e131params.isHaveCustomCid()) { memcpy(uuid_str, e131params.GetCidString(), UUID_STRING_LENGTH); uuid_str[UUID_STRING_LENGTH] = '\0'; uuid_parse((const char *)uuid_str, uuid); } else { hardware_uuid(uuid); uuid_unparse(uuid, uuid_str); } output_type = e131params.GetOutputType(); if (output_type == OUTPUT_TYPE_MONITOR) { // } else { output_type = OUTPUT_TYPE_DMX; (void) dmxparams.Load(); } printf("[V%s] %s Compiled on %s at %s\n", SOFTWARE_VERSION, hardware_board_get_model(), __DATE__, __TIME__); printf("WiFi sACN E.131 DMX Out / Real-time DMX Monitor"); console_set_top_row(3); (void) ap_params_init(); const char *ap_password = ap_params_get_password(); hardware_watchdog_init(); console_status(CONSOLE_YELLOW, "Starting Wifi ..."); wifi_init(ap_password); hardware_watchdog_stop(); printf("ESP8266 information\n"); printf(" SDK : %s\n", system_get_sdk_version()); printf(" Firmware : %s\n\n", wifi_get_firmware_version()); if (network_params_init()) { console_status(CONSOLE_YELLOW, "Changing to Station mode ..."); if (network_params_is_use_dhcp()) { wifi_station(network_params_get_ssid(), network_params_get_password()); } else { ip_config.ip.addr = network_params_get_ip_address(); ip_config.netmask.addr = network_params_get_net_mask(); ip_config.gw.addr = network_params_get_default_gateway(); wifi_station_ip(network_params_get_ssid(), network_params_get_password(), &ip_config); } } const _wifi_mode opmode = wifi_get_opmode(); if (opmode == WIFI_STA) { printf("WiFi mode : Station\n"); } else { printf("WiFi mode : Access Point (authenticate mode : %s)\n", *ap_password == '\0' ? "Open" : "WPA_WPA2_PSK"); } if (wifi_get_macaddr(mac_address)) { printf(" MAC address : "MACSTR "\n", MAC2STR(mac_address)); } else { console_error("wifi_get_macaddr"); } printf(" Hostname : %s\n", wifi_station_get_hostname()); if (wifi_get_ip_info(&ip_config)) { printf(" IP-address : " IPSTR "\n", IP2STR(ip_config.ip.addr)); printf(" Netmask : " IPSTR "\n", IP2STR(ip_config.netmask.addr)); printf(" Gateway : " IPSTR "\n", IP2STR(ip_config.gw.addr)); if (opmode == WIFI_STA) { const _wifi_station_status status = wifi_station_get_connect_status(); printf(" Status : %s\n", wifi_station_status(status)); if (status != WIFI_STATION_GOT_IP){ console_error("Not connected!"); for(;;); } } } else { console_error("wifi_get_ip_info"); } if (fota_params_init()) { console_newline(); fota(fota_params_get_server()); for(;;); } console_status(CONSOLE_YELLOW, "Starting UDP ..."); udp_begin(E131_DEFAULT_PORT); console_status(CONSOLE_YELLOW, "Join group ..."); uint32_t group_ip; (void)inet_aton("", &group_ip); const uint16_t universe = e131params.GetUniverse(); group_ip = group_ip | ((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)universe & (uint32_t)0xFF) << 24)) | ((uint32_t)(((uint32_t)universe & (uint32_t)0xFF00) << 8)); udp_joingroup(group_ip); E131Bridge bridge; DMXSend dmx; DMXMonitor monitor; bridge.setCid(uuid); bridge.setUniverse(universe); bridge.setMergeMode(e131params.GetMergeMode()); if (output_type == OUTPUT_TYPE_MONITOR) { bridge.SetOutput(&monitor); console_set_top_row(20); } else { bridge.SetOutput(&dmx); dmx.SetBreakTime(dmxparams.GetBreakTime()); dmx.SetMabTime(dmxparams.GetMabTime()); const uint8_t refresh_rate = dmxparams.GetRefreshRate(); uint32_t period = (uint32_t) 0; if (refresh_rate != (uint8_t) 0) { period = (uint32_t) (1E6 / refresh_rate); } dmx.SetPeriodTime(period); } printf("\nBridge configuration\n"); const uint8_t *firmware_version = bridge.GetSoftwareVersion(); printf(" Firmware : %d.%d\n", firmware_version[0], firmware_version[1]); printf(" CID : %s\n", uuid_str); printf(" Universe : %d\n", bridge.getUniverse()); printf(" Merge mode : %s\n", bridge.getMergeMode() == E131_MERGE_HTP ? "HTP" : "LTP"); printf(" Multicast ip : " IPSTR "\n", IP2STR(group_ip)); printf(" Unicast ip : " IPSTR "\n\n", IP2STR(ip_config.ip.addr)); if (output_type == OUTPUT_TYPE_DMX) { printf("DMX Send parameters\n"); printf(" Break time : %d\n", (int) dmx.GetBreakTime()); printf(" MAB time : %d\n", (int) dmx.GetMabTime()); printf(" Refresh rate : %d\n", (int) (1E6 / dmx.GetPeriodTime())); } hardware_watchdog_init(); console_status(CONSOLE_GREEN, "Bridge is running"); for (;;) { hardware_watchdog_feed(); (void) bridge.Run(); led_blink(); } }
int main(void) { int server; video_init(); wifi_init(); while (!wifi_connect()); server = wifi_listen(); while (1) { static Connection conn; int i; uint32 data_goal; connection_accept(&conn, server); conn.card_type = cardmeGetType(); iprintf("Card type %d\n", conn.card_type); if (conn.card_type <= 0) { close(conn.fd); continue; } conn.card_size = cardmeSize(conn.card_type); iprintf("%d byte EEPROM\n", conn.card_size); for (conn.address = 0; conn.address < conn.card_size; conn.address += sizeof conn.buffer) { int sent = 0; cardmeReadEeprom(conn.address, conn.buffer, sizeof conn.buffer, conn.card_type); data_goal = Wifi_GetStats(WSTAT_TXDATABYTES) + sizeof conn.buffer; do { sent += send(conn.fd, conn.buffer + sent, sizeof conn.buffer - sent, 0); } while (sent < sizeof conn.buffer); /* * dswifi's TCP stack is buggy... or sometihing. It's retransmitting every packet * several times. This seems to help a little. Also, this should help work around * the fact that dswifi doesn't flush any buffers on close(). */ while (Wifi_GetStats(WSTAT_TXDATABYTES) < data_goal) { swiWaitForVBlank(); } iprintf("(%d bytes)\x1b[60D", conn.address); } iprintf("Complete. \n"); /* * Wait for the other end to close the connection. * Closing it immediately seems to just lose data in * dswifi's buffers... */ while (recv(conn.fd, conn.buffer, sizeof conn.buffer, 0) > 0); close(conn.fd); } return 0; }
int main(void) { int ret; int run, debug; #ifndef _WIN32 consoleDemoInit(); fatInitDefault(); #endif iprintf("DallShell, %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__); iprintf("nds.sevencore.co.kr\n"); switch (Config.download_channel) { case CHANNEL_WIFI : if (wifi_init()) { iprintf("WIFI Initialize Error\n"); return -1; } break; case CHANNEL_USB : if (usb_init()) { iprintf("USB Initialize Error\n"); return -1; } break; case CHANNEL_SERIAL : if (serial_init()) { iprintf("Serial Initialize Error\n"); return -1; } break; default : iprintf("Configuration Error\n"); break; } loop: if ((ret = download(CHANNELS + Config.download_channel, &run, &debug)) == 0) { iprintf("Download Succefully Done\n"); } else { iprintf("Download Stoped by Error %d\n", ret); goto loop; } if (run) { extern void _copy_bin_and_jump(void); extern unsigned char XXX_BUF_[]; void (*calljump)(void); calljump = (void(*)(void))XXX_BUF_; iprintf("\n\n\n\n\nDOWNLOAD DONE and COPY\n\n\n\n"); _copy_bin_and_jump(); // Call to jump.s iprintf("COPY DONE and JUMP\n\n\n\n"); { unsigned char *p = XXX_BUF_; int i; for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) printf("%02X ", *p++); iprintf("\n----\n"); } calljump(); // RIP : never return } iprintf("Now What to do ? - LOOP !\n"); goto loop; return 0; }
void monitor(void){ uint32_t prev_tick=0; //allocate memory for buffers and flush them cmd_buf = membag_alloc(CMD_BUF_SIZE); if(!cmd_buf) core_panic(); memset(cmd_buf,0x0,CMD_BUF_SIZE); //initialize the power packet buffers tx_pkt = &power_pkts[0]; cur_pkt = &power_pkts[1]; //both are empty tx_pkt->status = POWER_PKT_EMPTY; cur_pkt->status = POWER_PKT_EMPTY; //initialize runtime configs wemo_config.echo = false; wemo_config.debug_level = DEBUG_ERROR; wemo_config.collect_data = true; //collect power data //check if we are on USB if(gpio_pin_is_high(VBUS_PIN)){ rgb_led_set(LED_LT_BLUE,0); //don't start wifi because we are configuring b_wifi_enabled=false; //don't collect power data wemo_config.collect_data = false; } //check if the plug is in calibrate mode if(wemo_config.calibrate){ //start the calibration PWM pwm_channel_enable_interrupt(PWM,CAL_PWM_CHANNEL,CAL_PWM_CHANNEL); pwm_channel_enable(PWM,CAL_PWM_CHANNEL); //don't start wifi because we are in calibration mode b_wifi_enabled=false; wemo_config.standalone = true; wemo_config.collect_data = false; //indicate cal mode with a purple LED rgb_led_set(LED_PURPLE,0); } //check if reset is pressed if(gpio_pin_is_low(BUTTON_PIN)){ //erase the configs memset(wemo_config.nilm_id,0x0,MAX_CONFIG_LEN); memset(wemo_config.nilm_ip_addr,0x0,MAX_CONFIG_LEN); memset(wemo_config.wifi_ssid,0x0,MAX_CONFIG_LEN); memset(wemo_config.wifi_pwd,0x0,MAX_CONFIG_LEN); //save the erased config fs_write_config(); core_log("erased config"); //erase the stored data //spin until button is released rgb_led_set(LED_ORANGE,500); while(gpio_pin_is_low(BUTTON_PIN)); rgb_led_set(LED_ORANGE,0); //disable blink } //setup WIFI if(b_wifi_enabled){ if(wifi_init()!=0){ rgb_led_set(LED_PURPLE,0); } else{ //good to go! turn light green rgb_led_set(LED_LT_GREEN,0); } } //initialize the wifi_rx buffer and flag wifi_rx_buf_full = false; memset(wifi_rx_buf,0x0,WIFI_RX_BUF_SIZE); while (1) { //***** SYS TICK ACTIONS ****** if(sys_tick!=prev_tick){ //check if there is a valid wemo sample if(wemo_sample.valid==true && wemo_config.collect_data){ core_log_power_data(&wemo_sample); } wemo_read_power(); wdt_restart(WDT); prev_tick = sys_tick; } //check for pending data from the Internet if(wifi_rx_buf_full){ core_process_wifi_data(); wifi_rx_buf_full=false; } //see if we have any commands to run if(cmd_buf_full){ runcmd(cmd_buf); // run it //clear the buffer cmd_buf_idx = 0; memset(cmd_buf,0x0,CMD_BUF_SIZE); if(wemo_config.echo) printf("\r> "); //print the prompt cmd_buf_full=false; } } }
///////////////////////// // core_log_power_data // Add a power_sample to the current power_pkt // When the pkt is full switch to the other pkt // (ping pong buffer). Throws an error if the // next buffer is not empty (still being TX'd) void core_log_power_data(power_sample *sample){ static int wemo_sample_idx = 0; static int dropped_pkt_count = 0; //reset wifi when this reaches MAX_DROPPED_PACKETS power_pkt *tmp_pkt; //check for error conditions switch(cur_pkt->status){ case POWER_PKT_EMPTY: if(wemo_sample_idx!=0){ printf("Error, empty packet but nonzero index\n"); return; } //set the timestamp for the packet with the first one rtc_get_time_str(cur_pkt->timestamp,PKT_TIMESTAMP_BUF_SIZE); break; case POWER_PKT_TX_IN_PROG: printf("Error, this packet is still being transmitted\n"); return; case POWER_PKT_TX_FAIL: printf("Error, this packet failed TX and isn't clean\n"); break; case POWER_PKT_READY: if(wemo_config.debug_level>=DEBUG_WARN) printf("Transmit this packet first!\n"); //see if the other buffer is ready, if so set this up for //transmission and start filling the other one if(tx_pkt->status==POWER_PKT_EMPTY){ tmp_pkt = cur_pkt; cur_pkt = tx_pkt; tx_pkt = tmp_pkt; wemo_sample_idx = 0; } return; } cur_pkt->status = POWER_PKT_FILLING; cur_pkt->vrms[wemo_sample_idx] = sample->vrms; cur_pkt->irms[wemo_sample_idx] = sample->irms; cur_pkt->watts[wemo_sample_idx] = sample->watts; cur_pkt->pavg[wemo_sample_idx] = sample->pavg; cur_pkt->freq[wemo_sample_idx] = sample->freq; cur_pkt->pf[wemo_sample_idx] = sample->pf; cur_pkt->kwh[wemo_sample_idx] = sample->kwh; wemo_sample_idx++; if(wemo_sample_idx==PKT_SIZE){ cur_pkt->status=POWER_PKT_READY; //save the packet to disk fs_write_power_pkt(cur_pkt); //see if we can switch buffers if(tx_pkt->status==POWER_PKT_EMPTY){ tmp_pkt = cur_pkt; cur_pkt = tx_pkt; tx_pkt = tmp_pkt; //reset dropped packet counter b/c successful transmission dropped_pkt_count = 0; } else { //other buffer is being TX'd, erase this one and refill cur_pkt->status=POWER_PKT_EMPTY; //if this happens [MAX_DROPPED_PACKETS] times in a row, reset the wifi //***Disable this for SmartEE since we aren't necessarily pinging it for data // all the time, if you set up a daemon to monitor the plugs, then this can be // enabled to act as a type of watchdog reset on the wifi *** if(dropped_pkt_count++ > MAX_DROPPED_PACKETS){ dropped_pkt_count = 0; core_log("lost NILM, load off and resetting WiFi"); printf("lost NILM, load off and resetting WiFi"); //turn off relay for safety (since we lost control of the plug) gpio_set_pin_low(RELAY_PIN); //restart the wifi wifi_init(); } //if(wemo_config.debug_level>=DEBUG_WARN) //printf("dropped packet before TX'd\n"); } //start filling the new buffer wemo_sample_idx = 0; } }
void do_command() { wifi_init(); // main command line loop while(1) { CLEAR_CMD_BUF(); CLEAR_SEND_BUF(); printf("$: "); // get user's command and put it in cmd_buf fgets(cmd_buf, BUF_SIZE-1, stdin); // quit if(strcmp(cmd_buf, "q\n") == 0) return; // toggle socket. else if((cmd_buf[0] == 's') && (cmd_buf[1] <= '3' && cmd_buf[1] >= '1')) { if(strcmp(cmd_buf+2, "1\n") == 0) send_cmd_toggle_socket(cmd_buf[1], SOCKET_ON); else if(strcmp(cmd_buf+2, "0\n") == 0) send_cmd_toggle_socket(cmd_buf[1], SOCKET_OFF); else PRINT_USAGE_AND_CONTINUE(); } // socket state else if(strcmp(cmd_buf, "ss\n") == 0) send_cmd_request_socket_status(); // all on else if(strcmp(cmd_buf, "a1\n") == 0) { for(char i = '1'; i <= '4'; i ++) send_cmd_toggle_socket(i, SOCKET_ON); } // all off else if(strcmp(cmd_buf, "a0\n") == 0) { for(char i = '1'; i <= '4'; i++) send_cmd_toggle_socket(i, SOCKET_OFF); } // set time else if(strcmp(cmd_buf, "st\n") == 0) send_cmd_set_time(); // calculate energy else if(cmd_buf[0] == 'e' && is_number(cmd_buf[1])) // e3h { int32_t duration = atoi(&cmd_buf[1]); if(duration == 0) PRINT_USAGE_AND_CONTINUE(); // get the position of the first letter after numbers int32_t i = 1; for(; i < strlen(cmd_buf) - 1; i++) if(!is_number(cmd_buf[i])) break; printf("energy used during the past %d ", duration); switch(cmd_buf[i]) { case 'h': printf("hour"); if(duration > 1) printf("s"); printf(":\n"); send_cmd_energy_query(time(0) - ONE_HOUR_IN_SEC * duration, time(0)); break; case 'd': printf("day"); if(duration > 1) printf("s"); printf(":\n"); send_cmd_energy_query(time(0) - ONE_DAY_IN_SEC * duration, time(0)); break; case 'w': printf("week"); if(duration > 1) printf("s"); printf(":\n"); send_cmd_energy_query(time(0) - ONE_DAY_IN_SEC * 7 * duration, time(0)); break; case 'm': printf("month"); if(duration > 1) printf("s"); printf(":\n"); send_cmd_energy_query(time(0) - ONE_DAY_IN_SEC * 30 * duration, time(0)); break; case 'y': printf("year"); if(duration > 1) printf("s"); printf(":\n"); send_cmd_energy_query(time(0) - ONE_DAY_IN_SEC * 365 * duration, time(0)); break; default: printf("\'%c\'? I don't know what that is.\n", cmd_buf[i]); printf("e#[h,d,w,m,y]: get energy usage for the last # hour/day/week/month/year\n"); continue; } } // energy between two points in time // eg YYYY MM DD hr min sec YYYY MM DD hr min sec else if(strncmp(cmd_buf, "eq ", 3) == 0) { int32_t date_valus[12]; for(int32_t i = 0, j = 0; i < strlen(cmd_buf) - 1; i++) if((cmd_buf[i] == ' ') && (cmd_buf[i + 1] != ' ')) { date_valus[j] = atol(&cmd_buf[i]); if(++j >= 12) break; } struct tm start_tm_local, end_tm_local; start_tm_local.tm_year = date_valus[0] - 1900; start_tm_local.tm_mon = date_valus[1] - 1; start_tm_local.tm_mday = date_valus[2]; start_tm_local.tm_hour = date_valus[3]; start_tm_local.tm_min = date_valus[4]; start_tm_local.tm_sec = date_valus[5]; start_tm_local.tm_isdst = -1; end_tm_local.tm_year = date_valus[6] - 1900; end_tm_local.tm_mon = date_valus[7] - 1; end_tm_local.tm_mday = date_valus[8]; end_tm_local.tm_hour = date_valus[9]; end_tm_local.tm_min = date_valus[10]; end_tm_local.tm_sec = date_valus[11]; end_tm_local.tm_isdst = -1; send_cmd_energy_query(mktime(&start_tm_local), mktime(&end_tm_local)); } // debug command, flush recv_buf else if(strcmp(cmd_buf, "f\n") == 0) flush_recv_buf(1); else PRINT_USAGE_AND_CONTINUE(); } }
void core_process_wifi_data(void){ int BUF_SIZE=XL_BUF_SIZE; char *buf; int chan_num, data_size, r; unsigned int red,green,blue, blink; unsigned int yr,mo,dt,dw,hr,mn,sc; int time_buf_size = MD_BUF_SIZE; char *time_buf; //match against the data if(strlen(wifi_rx_buf)>BUF_SIZE){ printf("can't process rx'd packet, too large\n"); core_log("can't process rx'd packet, too large"); return; } //allocate memory buf = core_malloc(BUF_SIZE); r=sscanf(wifi_rx_buf,"\r\n+IPD,%d,%d:%s", &chan_num, &data_size, buf); if(r!=3){ printf("rx'd corrupt data, ignoring\n"); core_log("rx'd corrupt data, ignoring\n"); //free memory core_free(buf); return; } if(wemo_config.debug_level>DEBUG_INFO) printf("Got [%d] bytes on channel [%d]\n", data_size, chan_num); //discard responses from the NILM to power logging packets, but keep the response //if another core function has requested some data, this is done with the callback //function. The requesting core function registers a callback and this function calls //it and then resets the callback to NULL if(chan_num==4){ //close the socket wifi_send_cmd("AT+CIPCLOSE=4","Unlink",buf,BUF_SIZE,1); //execute the callback if(tx_callback!=NULL){ (*tx_callback)(wifi_rx_buf); tx_callback=NULL; } //clear the server buffer memset(wifi_rx_buf,0x0,WIFI_RX_BUF_SIZE); //free memory core_free(buf); return; } /////////////////// //this data must be inbound to the server port, process the command // // RELAY ON if(strcmp(buf,"relay_on")==0){ gpio_set_pin_high(RELAY_PIN); printf("relay ON\n"); //return "OK" to indicate success wifi_send_txt(0,"OK"); } // RELAY OFF else if(strcmp(buf,"relay_off")==0){ gpio_set_pin_low(RELAY_PIN); printf("relay OFF\n"); //return "OK" to indicate success wifi_send_txt(0,"OK"); } // LED SET else if(strstr(buf,"set_led")==buf){ if(sscanf(buf,"set_led_%u_%u_%u_%u.",&red,&green,&blue,&blink)!=4){ core_log("corrupt led_set request"); } else { rgb_led_set(red,green,blue,blink); if(wemo_config.echo) printf("set led: [%u, %u, %u, %u]\n",red,green,blue,blink); wifi_send_txt(0,"OK"); } } // RTC SET else if(strstr(buf,"set_rtc")==buf){ if(sscanf(buf,"set_rtc_%u_%u_%u_%u_%u_%u_%u.", &yr,&mo,&dt,&dw,&hr,&mn,&sc)!=7){ core_log("corrupt rtc_set request"); } else { if(i2c_rtc_set_time(sc,mn,hr,dw,dt,mo,yr)!=0) printf("error setting RTC\n"); else{ time_buf = membag_alloc(time_buf_size); if(time_buf==NULL) core_panic(); rtc_get_time_str(time_buf,time_buf_size); if(wemo_config.echo) printf("wifi set rtc to: %s\n",time_buf); core_log("wifi set rtc"); membag_free(time_buf); wifi_send_txt(0,"OK"); } } } // SEND DATA else if(strcmp(buf,"send_data")==0){ if(tx_pkt->status!=POWER_PKT_READY){ r = wifi_send_txt(chan_num,"error: no data"); if(r==TX_ERR_MODULE_RESET) while(wifi_init()!=0); //fail!!! anger!!!! reset the module } else { //send the data r=wifi_send_raw(chan_num,(uint8_t*)tx_pkt,sizeof(*tx_pkt)); if(r==TX_ERR_MODULE_RESET){ while(wifi_init()!=0); //fail!! anger!!! reset the module } else { //clear out the packet so we can start again memset(tx_pkt,0,sizeof(*tx_pkt)); tx_pkt->status=POWER_PKT_EMPTY; if(wemo_config.debug_level>=DEBUG_INFO) printf("sent data\n"); } } } else{ printf("unknown command: %s\n",buf); wifi_send_txt(chan_num,"error: unknown command"); //free memory core_free(buf); return; } //clear the server buffer memset(wifi_rx_buf,0x0,WIFI_RX_BUF_SIZE); //free the memory core_free(buf); return; }
void core_transmit_power_packet_http(power_pkt *wemo_pkt){ int r, i, j; int TX_BUF_SIZE = XL_BUF_SIZE; int PAYLOAD_BUF_SIZE = XL_BUF_SIZE; int DATA_BUF_SIZE = MD_BUF_SIZE; char *tx_buf, *payload_buf; char *bufs[7]; int32_t *srcs[7] = {wemo_pkt->vrms, wemo_pkt->irms, wemo_pkt->pavg, wemo_pkt->watts, wemo_pkt->pf, wemo_pkt->freq, wemo_pkt->kwh}; char *buf; int32_t *src; //make sure all the data is present if(wemo_pkt->status != POWER_PKT_READY){ printf("Error, packet is not ready to tx!\n"); return; } //now we are filling up the POST request wemo_pkt->status = POWER_PKT_TX_IN_PROG; //allocate memory for the POST request tx_buf = core_malloc(TX_BUF_SIZE); payload_buf = core_malloc(DATA_BUF_SIZE); //print out the data arrays as strings for(j=0;j<7;j++){ src = srcs[j]; buf = core_malloc(DATA_BUF_SIZE); bufs[j] = buf; for(i=0;i<PKT_SIZE;i++){ snprintf(buf+strlen(buf),DATA_BUF_SIZE,"%li",src[i]); if(i<(PKT_SIZE-1)) snprintf(buf+strlen(buf),DATA_BUF_SIZE,", "); } } //stick them in a json format snprintf(payload_buf,PAYLOAD_BUF_SIZE, "{\"plug\":\"%s\",\"ip\":\"%s\",\"time\":\"%s\"," "\"vrms\":[%s],\"irms\":[%s],\"watts\":[%s],\"pavg\":[%s]," "\"pf\":[%s],\"freq\":[%s],\"kwh\":[%s]}", wemo_config.serial_number,wemo_config.ip_addr,wemo_pkt->timestamp, bufs[0],bufs[1],bufs[2],bufs[3],bufs[4],bufs[5],bufs[6]); snprintf(tx_buf,TX_BUF_SIZE, "POST /config/plugs/log HTTP/1.1\r\n" "User-Agent: WemoPlug\r\n" "Host: NILM\r\nAccept:*/*\r\n" "Connection: keep-alive\r\n" "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" "Content-Length: %d\r\n" "\r\n%s", strlen(payload_buf),payload_buf); //send the packet! r = wifi_transmit(wemo_config.nilm_ip_addr,80,tx_buf); switch(r){ case TX_SUCCESS: wemo_pkt->status = POWER_PKT_EMPTY; break; case TX_BAD_DEST_IP: //if we can't find NILM, get its IP from the manager wemo_pkt->status = POWER_PKT_EMPTY; //just dump the packet core_get_nilm_ip_addr(); break; case TX_ERR_MODULE_RESET: wifi_init(); //re-initialize WiFi on reset error case TX_ERROR: //just fall through and register the failure case TX_TIMEOUT: default: wemo_pkt->status = POWER_PKT_TX_FAIL; } //free memory core_free(tx_buf); core_free(payload_buf); for(j=0;j<7;j++){ core_free(bufs[j]); } }
void notmain(void) { hardware_init(); ltc_reader_params_init(); output.console_output = ltc_reader_params_is_console_output(); output.lcd_output = ltc_reader_params_is_lcd_output(); output.midi_output = ltc_reader_params_is_midi_output(); output.artnet_output = ltc_reader_params_is_artnet_output(); if(output.midi_output) { midi_send_init(); } if (output.lcd_output) { output.lcd_output = lcd_detect(); } if (output.artnet_output) { output.artnet_output = wifi_detect(); } ltc_reader_init(&output); printf("[V%s] %s Compiled on %s at %s\n", SOFTWARE_VERSION, hardware_board_get_model(), __DATE__, __TIME__); printf("SMPTE TimeCode LTC Reader / Converter"); console_set_top_row(3); console_set_cursor(0, 12); console_puts("Console output : "); handle_bool(output.console_output); console_putc('\n'); console_puts("LCD output : "); handle_bool(output.lcd_output); console_putc('\n'); console_puts("MIDI output : "); handle_bool(output.midi_output); console_putc('\n'); console_puts("ArtNet output : "); handle_bool(output.artnet_output);console_puts(" (not implemented)\n"); if (output.artnet_output) { uint8_t mac_address[6]; struct ip_info ip_config; (void) ap_params_init(); const char *ap_password = ap_params_get_password(); console_status(CONSOLE_YELLOW, "Starting Wifi ..."); wifi_init(ap_password); printf("\nESP8266 information\n"); printf(" SDK : %s\n", system_get_sdk_version()); printf(" Firmware : %s\n\n", wifi_get_firmware_version()); if (network_params_init()) { console_status(CONSOLE_YELLOW, "Changing to Station mode ..."); if (network_params_is_use_dhcp()) { wifi_station(network_params_get_ssid(), network_params_get_password()); } else { ip_config.ip.addr = network_params_get_ip_address(); ip_config.netmask.addr = network_params_get_net_mask(); ip_config.gw.addr = network_params_get_default_gateway(); wifi_station_ip(network_params_get_ssid(), network_params_get_password(), &ip_config); } } const _wifi_mode opmode = wifi_get_opmode(); if (opmode == WIFI_STA) { printf("WiFi mode : Station\n"); } else { printf("WiFi mode : Access Point (authenticate mode : %s)\n", *ap_password == '\0' ? "Open" : "WPA_WPA2_PSK"); } if (wifi_get_macaddr(mac_address)) { printf(" MAC address : "MACSTR "\n", MAC2STR(mac_address)); } else { console_error("wifi_get_macaddr"); } printf(" Hostname : %s\n", wifi_station_get_hostname()); if (wifi_get_ip_info(&ip_config)) { printf(" IP-address : " IPSTR "\n", IP2STR(ip_config.ip.addr)); printf(" Netmask : " IPSTR "\n", IP2STR(ip_config.netmask.addr)); printf(" Gateway : " IPSTR "\n", IP2STR(ip_config.gw.addr)); if (opmode == WIFI_STA) { const _wifi_station_status status = wifi_station_get_connect_status(); printf(" Status : %s\n", wifi_station_status(status)); if (status != WIFI_STATION_GOT_IP){ console_error("Not connected!"); for(;;); } } } else { console_error("wifi_get_ip_info"); } console_status(CONSOLE_YELLOW, "Starting UDP ..."); udp_begin(6454); console_status(CONSOLE_GREEN, "Wifi is started"); } for (;;) { ltc_reader(); } }