static jboolean android_net_wifi_setScanningMacOui(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls,
        jint iface, jbyteArray param)  {

    wifi_interface_handle handle = getIfaceHandle(env, cls, iface);
    ALOGD("setting scan oui %p", handle);

    static const unsigned oui_len = 3;          /* OUI is upper 3 bytes of mac_address */
    int len = env->GetArrayLength(param);
    if (len != oui_len) {
        ALOGE("invalid oui length %d", len);
        return false;

    jbyte* bytes = env->GetByteArrayElements(param, NULL);
    if (bytes == NULL) {
        ALOGE("failed to get array");
        return false;

    wifi_error ret = wifi_set_scanning_mac_oui(handle, (byte *)bytes);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(param, bytes, 0);
    return ret == WIFI_SUCCESS;
static void setPnoMacOui() {
    wifi_set_scanning_mac_oui(wlan0Handle, mac_oui);