bool WildcardTermEnum::termCompare(const TermPtr& term) {
    if (field == term->field()) {
        String searchText(term->text());
        if (boost::starts_with(searchText, pre)) {
            return wildcardEquals(text, 0, searchText, preLen);
    _endEnum = true;
    return false;
    bool WildcardTermEnum::termCompare(Term* term) {
        if ( term!=NULL && __term->field() == term->field() ) {
            const TCHAR* searchText = term->text();
            const TCHAR* patternText = __term->text();
			if ( _tcsncmp( searchText, pre, preLen ) == 0 ){
               return wildcardEquals(patternText+preLen, __term->textLength()-preLen, 0, searchText, term->textLength(), preLen);
        _endEnum = true;
        return false;
bool WildcardTermEnum::wildcardEquals(const String& pattern, int32_t patternIdx, const String& string, int32_t stringIdx) {
    int32_t p = patternIdx;
    for (int32_t s = stringIdx; ; ++p, ++s) {
        // End of string yet?
        bool sEnd = (s >= (int32_t)string.length());
        // End of pattern yet?
        bool pEnd = (p >= (int32_t)pattern.length());

        // If we're looking at the end of the string
        if (sEnd) {
            // Assume the only thing left on the pattern is/are wildcards
            bool justWildcardsLeft = true;

            // Current wildcard position
            int32_t wildcardSearchPos = p;

            // While we haven't found the end of the pattern, and haven't encountered any non-wildcard characters
            while (wildcardSearchPos < (int32_t)pattern.length() && justWildcardsLeft) {
                // Check the character at the current position
                wchar_t wildchar = pattern[wildcardSearchPos];

                // If it's not a wildcard character, then there is more pattern information after this/these wildcards.
                if (wildchar != WILDCARD_CHAR && wildchar != WILDCARD_STRING) {
                    justWildcardsLeft = false;
                } else {
                    // to prevent "cat" matches "ca??"
                    if (wildchar == WILDCARD_CHAR) {
                        return false;
                    // Look at the next character

            // This was a prefix wildcard search, and we've matched, so return true.
            if (justWildcardsLeft) {
                return true;

        // If we've gone past the end of the string, or the pattern, return false.
        if (sEnd || pEnd) {

        // Match a single character, so continue.
        if (pattern[p] == WILDCARD_CHAR) {

        if (pattern[p] == WILDCARD_STRING) {
            // Look at the character beyond the '*' characters.
            while (p < (int32_t)pattern.length() && pattern[p] == WILDCARD_STRING) {
            // Examine the string, starting at the last character.
            for (int32_t i = string.length(); i >= s; --i) {
                if (wildcardEquals(pattern, p, string, i)) {
                    return true;
        if (pattern[p] != string[s]) {
    return false;
    bool WildcardTermEnum::wildcardEquals(const TCHAR* pattern, int32_t patternLen, int32_t patternIdx, const TCHAR* str, int32_t strLen, int32_t stringIdx)
        for (int32_t p = patternIdx; ; ++p)
            for (int32_t s = stringIdx; ; ++p, ++s)
                // End of str yet?
                bool sEnd = (s >= strLen);
                // End of pattern yet?
                bool pEnd = (p >= patternLen);

                // If we're looking at the end of the str...
                if (sEnd)
                    // Assume the only thing left on the pattern is/are wildcards
                    bool justWildcardsLeft = true;

                    // Current wildcard position
                    int32_t wildcardSearchPos = p;
                    // While we haven't found the end of the pattern,
                	// and haven't encountered any non-wildcard characters
                    while (wildcardSearchPos < patternLen && justWildcardsLeft)
                        // Check the character at the current position
                        TCHAR wildchar = pattern[wildcardSearchPos];
                        // If it's not a wildcard character, then there is more
                  		// pattern information after this/these wildcards.

                        if (wildchar != LUCENE_WILDCARDTERMENUM_WILDCARD_CHAR && 
                        		wildchar != LUCENE_WILDCARDTERMENUM_WILDCARD_STRING){
                            justWildcardsLeft = false;
                        	// to prevent "cat" matches "ca??"
								return false;

                            wildcardSearchPos++; // Look at the next character

                    // This was a prefix wildcard search, and we've matched, so
                	// return true.
                    if (justWildcardsLeft)
	                	return true;
	            // If we've gone past the end of the str, or the pattern,
	            // return false.
	            if (sEnd || pEnd)
	            // Match a single character, so continue.

                if (pattern[p] == LUCENE_WILDCARDTERMENUM_WILDCARD_STRING)
                    // Look at the character beyond the '*'.
                    // Examine the str, starting at the last character.
					for (int32_t i = strLen; i >= s; --i)
						if (wildcardEquals(pattern, patternLen, p, str, strLen, i))
							return true;
        	if (pattern[p] != str[s])
        return false;