/* this function takes the computer generated choice and the user's choice and then compares them to see who won. the function will then call a win or loose or tie function to update stats and output the winner. */ void playGame(char computer, char user){ printf("You: %8c\n",user); printf("Computer: %3c\n",computer); /* checks to see if there is a tie */ if ( computer == user){ tieFunc(); } /* no tie. checks to see who wins by going down what the user could have. */ else { /* user said rock */ if (user == 'r'){ /* user wins if computer said sissors */ if (computer == 's'){ winFunc(); } /* user looses if the computer says paper (only remaining option)*/ else { looseFunc(); } } /* user said paper */ else if ( user == 'p' ){ /* user wins if the computer said rock */ if ( computer == 'r' ){ winFunc(); } /* user looses if the computer said sissors (only remaining option) */ else { looseFunc(); } } /* user sasy rock */ else if (user == 's'){ /* user looses if the computer says rock */ if ( computer == 'r' ){ looseFunc(); } /* user wins if the computer says papper (only remaining option) */ else { winFunc(); } } } }
void BPlayer::win() { stopMovement(); Director::getInstance()->pause(); winFunc(this); }