static PRESULT win_progname_message_proc(UINT32 msg_type, UINT32 msg_code) { PRESULT ret = PROC_LOOP; switch(msg_type) { case CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_EPG_PF_UPDATED: event_update=TRUE; osal_flag_clear(epg_flag, EPG_MSG_FLAG_PF); case CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_EPG_SCH_UPDATED: case CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_TIMEDISPLAYUPDATE: case CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_SIGNAL: win_progname_redraw(); event_update=FALSE; if(msg_type==CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_SIGNAL) { ret = PROC_PASS; } else if(msg_type==CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_EPG_SCH_UPDATED) { osal_flag_clear(epg_flag, EPG_MSG_FLAG_SCH); } break; case CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_EXIT: if(sys_data_get_cur_chan_mode() == TV_CHAN) ret = PROC_LEAVE; break; default: ret = PROC_PASS; } return ret; }
void change_fav_channel(INT32 shift) { UINT16 cur_channel,max_channel; P_NODE p_node; UINT32 i,n; SYSTEM_DATA* sys_data; UINT32 fav_mask; fav_mask = 0; for(i=0;i<MAX_FAVGROUP_NUM;i++) fav_mask |= (0x01<<i); sys_data = sys_data_get(); max_channel = get_prog_num(VIEW_ALL|sys_data->cur_chan_mode[sys_data->normal_group_idx], 0); if(max_channel==0) return; cur_channel = sys_data_get_cur_group_cur_mode_channel(); n = 0; do{ cur_channel = (cur_channel + shift + max_channel) % max_channel; get_prog_at(cur_channel, &p_node); if(shift==0) shift = 1; n++; }while( (p_node.skip_flag || ( (p_node.fav_group[0] & fav_mask) == 0 ) || (sys_data->chan_sw==CHAN_SWITCH_FREE && p_node.ca_mode) || (sys_data->chan_sw==CHAN_SWITCH_SCRAMBLED && !p_node.ca_mode)) && n!=max_channel); if(p_node.skip_flag || ( (p_node.fav_group[0] & fav_mask) == 0) || (sys_data->chan_sw==CHAN_SWITCH_FREE && p_node.ca_mode) || (sys_data->chan_sw==CHAN_SWITCH_SCRAMBLED && !p_node.ca_mode) ) return; /* If first time show the osd and play channel, to avoid display incorrect channel when meet skip channel. */ if(show_and_playchannel) { sys_data_set_cur_group_channel(cur_channel); win_progname_redraw(); } api_play_channel(cur_channel, TRUE, TRUE,FALSE); }
static PRESULT win_progname_message_proc(UINT32 msg_type, UINT32 msg_code) { PRESULT ret = PROC_LOOP; switch (msg_type) { case CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_EPG_PF_UPDATED: // case CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_EPG_SCH_UPDATED: case CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_TIMEDISPLAYUPDATE: case CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_SIGNAL: if (msg_type == CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_EPG_PF_UPDATED) { event_update = TRUE; win_progname_redraw(TRUE); } else event_update = FALSE; if (msg_type == CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_SIGNAL) ret = PROC_PASS; break; case CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_EXIT: if (sys_data_get_cur_chan_mode() == TV_CHAN) ret = PROC_LEAVE; else if(sys_data_get_cur_chan_mode() == RADIO_CHAN) { //to avoid the temporary stop when fast change Radio program channel sys_data_save(1); } break; case CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_SCROLL_STRING: win_progname_scroll_string(); break; default: ret = PROC_PASS; } return ret; }
static PRESULT win_progname_unkown_act_proc(VACTION act) { PRESULT ret = PROC_LOOP; INT32 shift; UINT8 av_mode,back_saved; UINT16 channel; UINT16 strID; #ifdef DVR_PVR_SUPPORT if(api_pvr_is_recording()) { if( act != VACT_CH_UP && act != VACT_CH_DOWN) { return ret; } } #endif api_stop_timer(&progname_timer); shift = -1; switch(act) { case VACT_CH_UP: shift = 1; case VACT_CH_DOWN: change_channel(shift); break; case VACT_GRP_UP: shift = 1; case VACT_GRP_DOWN: change_group(shift); break; case VACT_FCH_UP: shift = 1; case VACT_FCH_DOWN: change_fav_channel(shift); break; case VACT_TV_RADIO_SW: av_mode = sys_data_get_cur_chan_mode(); av_mode = (av_mode==TV_CHAN)? RADIO_CHAN : TV_CHAN; sys_data_get_cur_group_channel(&channel, av_mode); if(channel==P_INVALID_ID) /* If the opposite mode has no channel */ { if(av_mode==RADIO_CHAN) strID = RS_MSG_NO_RADIO_CHANNEL; else strID = RS_MSG_NO_TV_CHANNEL; win_compopup_init(WIN_POPUP_TYPE_SMSG); win_compopup_set_msg(NULL, NULL,strID); win_compopup_open_ext(&back_saved); osal_task_sleep(500); win_compopup_smsg_restoreback(); } else { #ifndef NEW_DEMO_FRAME UIChChgStopProg(TRUE); #endif sys_data_set_cur_chan_mode(av_mode); change_group(0); } break; case VACT_RECALL: channel = recall_play_channel(0); if(channel != P_INVALID_ID) api_play_channel(channel, TRUE, TRUE,FALSE); break; case VACT_POP_DETAIL: b_popdetail = TRUE; ret = PROC_LEAVE; break; default: break; } win_progname_redraw(); progname_timer = api_start_timer(PROGNAME_TIMER_NAME,PROGNAME_TIMER_TIME,progname_timer_func); return ret; }
void change_channel(INT32 shift) { UINT16 cur_channel,max_channel; P_NODE p_node; UINT32 n; SYSTEM_DATA* sys_data; UINT16 cur_tp_id; UINT8 cur_ca_mode; UINT8 change_enable = TRUE; sys_data = sys_data_get(); #if 0//def PVR_DMX_DELAY_SUPPORT //guop edit 20110118 if (api_pvr_is_recording()) { UINT8 back_saved; win_compopup_init(WIN_POPUP_TYPE_OK); win_compopup_set_frame(MSG_POPUP_LAYER_L, MSG_POPUP_LAYER_T, MSG_POPUP_LAYER_W, MSG_POPUP_LAYER_H); win_compopup_set_msg("Please stop record, then change channel!",NULL,0); win_compopup_open_ext(&back_saved); return; } #endif //max_channel = get_node_num(TYPE_PROG_NODE, NULL); max_channel = get_prog_num(VIEW_ALL|sys_data->cur_chan_mode[sys_data->normal_group_idx], 0); if(max_channel==0) return ; cur_channel = sys_data_get_cur_group_cur_mode_channel(); get_prog_at(cur_channel, &p_node); cur_tp_id = p_node.tp_id; cur_ca_mode = p_node.ca_mode; //libc_printf("cur_tp_id = %d, cur_channel= %d\n",cur_tp_id,cur_channel); if( !(show_and_playchannel && shift==0) ) { n = 0; do{ cur_channel = (cur_channel + shift + max_channel) % max_channel; get_prog_at(cur_channel, &p_node); if(shift==0) shift = 1; n++; }while( (p_node.skip_flag || (sys_data->chan_sw==CHAN_SWITCH_FREE && p_node.ca_mode) || (sys_data->chan_sw==CHAN_SWITCH_SCRAMBLED && !p_node.ca_mode)) && n!=max_channel); if(p_node.skip_flag || (sys_data->chan_sw==CHAN_SWITCH_FREE && p_node.ca_mode) || (sys_data->chan_sw==CHAN_SWITCH_SCRAMBLED && !p_node.ca_mode)) return ; } #if ((!defined(NEW_DEMO_FRAME)) || \ (defined(NEW_DEMO_FRAME) && defined(CC_USE_TSG_PLAYER))) #ifdef DVR_PVR_SUPPORT if (api_pvr_is_recording()) { if (p_node.tp_id == cur_tp_id) { change_enable = TRUE; if (cur_ca_mode && (sys_data_get_scramble_record_mode() == 1) && api_pvr_is_record_active() && api_pvr_is_recording_cur_prog()) { change_enable = FALSE; } } else { change_enable = FALSE; } } if (!change_enable) { UINT8 back_saved; win_compopup_init(WIN_POPUP_TYPE_OK); win_compopup_set_frame(MSG_POPUP_LAYER_L, MSG_POPUP_LAYER_T, MSG_POPUP_LAYER_W+100, MSG_POPUP_LAYER_H); win_compopup_set_msg("Please stop record, then change channel!",NULL,0); win_compopup_open_ext(&back_saved); } #endif #endif if(change_enable) { /* If first time show the osd and play channel, to avoid display incorrect channel when meet skip channel. */ if(show_and_playchannel) { sys_data_set_cur_group_channel(cur_channel); win_progname_redraw(); } for(n=0;n<MAX_TIMER_NUM;n++) {//bug30192.when timer play,if change channel,cancel timer duration. if((sys_data->timer_set.TimerContent[n].wakeup_state == TIMER_STATE_RUNING) && (sys_data->timer_set.TimerContent[n].wakeup_duration_time > 0) && (sys_data->timer_set.TimerContent[n].timer_service == TIMER_SERVICE_CHANNEL)) sys_data->timer_set.TimerContent[n].wakeup_duration_time = 0; } api_play_channel(cur_channel, TRUE, TRUE,FALSE); #ifdef MULTIFEED_SUPPORT if(multifeed_have_feed(p_node.prog_id)) { UINT32 hk; ap_vk_to_hk(0, V_KEY_RED, &hk); ap_send_msg(CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_KEY, hk, TRUE); } #endif } }
void change_fav_channel(INT32 shift) { UINT16 cur_channel, max_channel; P_NODE p_node; UINT32 i, n; SYSTEM_DATA *sys_data; UINT32 fav_mask; fav_mask = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_FAVGROUP_NUM; i++) fav_mask |= (0x01 << i); sys_data = sys_data_get(); max_channel = get_prog_num(VIEW_ALL | sys_data->cur_chan_mode, 0); if (max_channel == 0) { #ifdef MULTI_CAS #if(CAS_TYPE==CAS_CONAX) if(get_mmi_msg_cnt()>0) { ap_send_msg(CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_MCAS, 0, FALSE); MMI_PRINTF("CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_MCAS: change fav ch only one; code:%d\n",0); set_mmi_showed(10); } #endif #endif return ; } cur_channel = sys_data_get_cur_group_cur_mode_channel(); n = 0; do { cur_channel = (cur_channel + shift + max_channel) % max_channel; get_prog_at(cur_channel, &p_node); if (shift == 0) shift = 1; n++; } while ( ( p_node.skip_flag || ( ( p_node.fav_group[0] & fav_mask ) == 0 ) || ( sys_data->chan_sw == CHAN_SWITCH_FREE && p_node.ca_mode ) || ( sys_data->chan_sw == CHAN_SWITCH_SCRAMBLED && !p_node.ca_mode ) ) && n != max_channel ); if ( p_node.skip_flag || ( ( p_node.fav_group[0] & fav_mask ) == 0 ) || ( sys_data->chan_sw == CHAN_SWITCH_FREE && p_node.ca_mode ) || ( sys_data->chan_sw == CHAN_SWITCH_SCRAMBLED && !p_node.ca_mode ) ) { #ifdef MULTI_CAS #if(CAS_TYPE==CAS_CONAX) if(get_mmi_msg_cnt()>0) { ap_send_msg(CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_MCAS, 0, FALSE); MMI_PRINTF("CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_MCAS: change fav ch invalid; code:%d\n",0); set_mmi_showed(10); } #endif #endif return ; } #ifdef MULTI_CAS #if(CAS_TYPE==CAS_CONAX) /*clean msg*/ /*clean msg*/ clean_mmi_msg(1, TRUE); clean_mmi_msg(3, TRUE); clean_mmi_msg(4, TRUE); clean_mmi_msg(6, TRUE); if(get_mmi_showed()==1||get_mmi_showed()==6) win_mmipopup_close(); if(get_mmi_showed()!=5) set_mmi_showed(10); #endif #endif /* If first time show the osd and play channel, to avoid display incorrect channel when meet skip channel. */ if (show_and_playchannel) { sys_data_set_cur_group_channel(cur_channel); win_progname_redraw(TRUE); } api_play_channel(cur_channel, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); #ifdef AD_SANZHOU szxc_ad_hide_txt(); szxc_ad_show_txt(p_node.prog_number); szxc_ad_hide_pic(AD_BANNER); szxc_ad_show_banner(p_node.prog_number,banner_pic_rt); #endif }
static PRESULT win_progname_unkown_act_proc(VACTION act) { PRESULT ret = PROC_LOOP; INT32 shift; UINT8 av_mode, back_saved; UINT16 channel; UINT16 strID; #ifdef AD_SANZHOU P_NODE pnode; #endif api_stop_timer(&progname_timer); #ifdef MULTI_CAS #if(CAS_TYPE==CAS_IRDETO) if(getStopChannelChange()&&(act!=VACT_RECALL&&act!=VACT_SCHEDULE))//check whether stop channel change return ret; #endif #endif shift = - 1; switch (act) { case VACT_CH_UP: shift = 1; case VACT_CH_DOWN: change_channel(shift); #ifdef MIS_AD MIS_ShowEpgAdv(0); #endif break; case VACT_GRP_UP: shift = 1; case VACT_GRP_DOWN: change_group(shift); break; case VACT_FCH_UP: shift = 1; case VACT_FCH_DOWN: change_fav_channel(shift); break; case VACT_TV_RADIO_SW: av_mode = sys_data_get_cur_chan_mode(); av_mode = (av_mode == TV_CHAN) ? RADIO_CHAN : TV_CHAN; //sys_data_set_cur_intgroup_index(0); /*force to return all group*/ sys_data_get_group_channel(0, &channel, av_mode); if (channel == P_INVALID_ID) { /* If the opposite mode has no channel */ win_compopup_init(WIN_POPUP_TYPE_SMSG); if(av_mode == TV_CHAN) { win_compopup_set_msg(NULL, NULL, RS_MSG_NO_PROGRAM_TV); } else { win_compopup_set_msg(NULL, NULL, RS_MSG_NO_RADIO_CHANNEL); } win_compopup_open_ext(&back_saved); osal_task_sleep(1000); win_compopup_smsg_restoreback(); #ifdef MULTI_CAS #if(CAS_TYPE==CAS_CONAX) if(get_mmi_msg_cnt()>0) { ap_send_msg(CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_MCAS, 0, FALSE); MMI_PRINTF("CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_MCAS: tv/radio; code:%d\n",0); set_mmi_showed(10); } #endif #endif } else { sys_data_set_cur_chan_mode(av_mode); change_group(0); } break; case VACT_RECALL: channel = recall_play_channel(0); if (channel != P_INVALID_ID) { #ifdef MULTI_CAS #if(CAS_TYPE==CAS_CONAX) /*clean msg*/ clean_mmi_msg(1, TRUE); clean_mmi_msg(3, TRUE); clean_mmi_msg(4, TRUE); clean_mmi_msg(6, TRUE); if(get_mmi_showed()==1||get_mmi_showed()==6) win_mmipopup_close(); if(get_mmi_showed()!=5) set_mmi_showed(10); #endif #endif api_play_channel(channel, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE); #ifdef AD_SANZHOU if(get_prog_at(channel, &pnode) == SUCCESS) { szxc_ad_hide_txt(); szxc_ad_show_txt(pnode.prog_number); szxc_ad_hide_pic(AD_BANNER); szxc_ad_show_banner(pnode.prog_number,banner_pic_rt); } #endif } #ifdef MULTI_CAS #if(CAS_TYPE==CAS_CONAX) else if(get_mmi_msg_cnt()>0) { ap_send_msg(CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_MCAS, 0, FALSE); MMI_PRINTF("CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_STATUS_MCAS: recall; code:%d\n",0); set_mmi_showed(10); } #endif #endif #ifdef MIS_AD MIS_ShowEpgAdv(0); #endif break; case VACT_SCHEDULE: api_stop_timer(&progname_timer); //close the mini_epg ap_send_msg(CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_EXIT, 1, TRUE); //open the schedule // ap_send_msg(CTRL_MSG_SUBTYPE_CMD_ENTER_ROOT, (UINT32)(POBJECT_HEAD)&g_win_schedule, TRUE); break; default: ; } #ifdef MULTI_CAS #if(CAS_TYPE==CAS_CDCA) show_finger_print(0, 0); #elif(CAS_TYPE==CAS_DVT) ap_cas_fingerprint_proc(0, 1); #endif #endif win_progname_redraw(TRUE); progname_timer = api_start_timer(PROGNAME_TIMER_NAME, PROGNAME_TIMER_TIME, progname_timer_func); #ifdef MIS_AD Mis_Set_SameChan_AdvShowOnce(TRUE); Mis_Set_EnterAutoShow(FALSE); #endif return ret; }