WindowManagement::WindowManagement(QObject *parent)
    : QObject(parent)
    WindowManagementPrivate *priv = windowManagement();
    connect(priv, SIGNAL(windowActive(QString,QRect,WId)),
            this, SIGNAL(windowActive(QString,QRect,WId)));
    connect(priv, SIGNAL(windowCaption(QString)),
            this, SIGNAL(windowCaption(QString)));
void CPlainWriteWindow::lookupSwordKey(CSwordKey * newKey) {
    //set the raw text to the display widget
    if (!newKey)

      Set passage of newKey to key() if they're different, otherwise we'd get
      mixed up if we look up newkey which may have a different module set.
    if (key() != newKey)

    if (modules().count())

void WindowManagementPrivate::activeChanged(WId w)
    QString caption;
    QString appName;
    QRect rect;
    bool normal = true;

    // Fetch the window size and caption.
    if (w) {
        // Synchronize against the X display and set a null error handler.
        // This is to discard error messages if the window has gone away
        // between the time that we received the active changed message
        // and when we went looking for the window details.
        Display *dpy = QX11Info::display();
        XSync(dpy, False);
        XErrorHandler oldHandler = XSetErrorHandler(nullErrorHandler);

        // Get the window size information from XGetWindowAttributes,
        // and translate the client window's top-level position to root
        // co-ordinates using XTranslateCoordinates.
        XWindowAttributes attrs;
        int x, y;
        Window child;
        memset(&attrs, 0, sizeof(attrs));
        if (XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, (Window)w, &attrs) &&
            XTranslateCoordinates(dpy, (Window)w, attrs.root, 0, 0, &x, &y, &child)) {
            rect = QRect(x, y, attrs.width, attrs.height);
        } else {
            // Window has disappeared, so wait for next active window change.
            XSync(dpy, False);

        // Read the window caption information.
        caption = readUtf8Property(dpy, w, netWmVisibleNameAtom, utf8StringAtom);
        if (caption.isEmpty())
            caption = readUtf8Property(dpy, w, netWmNameAtom, utf8StringAtom);
        if (caption.isEmpty()) {
            // Old-style X11 application.  Retrieve WM_NAME.
            XTextProperty textProp;
            if (XGetWMName(dpy, (Window)w, &textProp)) {
                char **list;
                int count;
                if (XTextPropertyToStringList(&textProp, &list, &count)) {
                    for (int index = 0; index < count; ++index)
                        caption += QString::fromLocal8Bit(list[index]);

        // Read the window type to determine if it is normal, dialog, or docked.
        Atom windowType = readAtomProperty(dpy, w, netWmWindowTypeAtom);
        Window transient = 0;
        XGetTransientForHint(dpy, (Window)w, &transient);
        if (windowType) {
            normal = (windowType == netWmWindowTypeNormalAtom);
        } else {
            // No window type, so if there is a transient-for hint,
            // it is probably a dialog, otherwise normal.
            normal = (transient != 0);
        if (transient != 0 && !normal) {
            // If the window is transient, but not modal, then treat it as normal.
            if (!checkForAtomProperty(dpy, w, netWmState, netWmStateModal))
                normal = true;

        // Get the class hint to determine the application's name.
        XClassHint classHint;
        if (XGetClassHint(dpy, (Window)w, &classHint)) {
            appName = QString::fromLatin1(classHint.res_name);

        // Monitor the window for property changes and destroy notifications.
        if (!monitoredWindows.contains(w)) {
            monitoredWindows += w;
            if (!QWidget::find(w))  // Don't select on our own windows.
                XSelectInput(dpy, (Window)w, StructureNotifyMask | PropertyChangeMask);

        // Sync again to flush errors and restore the original error handler.
        XSync(dpy, False);

        // If the caption is "_ignore_", we should ingore this window.
        // This is used by quicklauncher.
        if (caption == QLatin1String("_ignore_"))   // No tr

    // Caption should only be emitted when a normal full-screen window
    // is made active.  Dialogs and docked apps shouldn't change it.
    if (normal) {
        if (appName != prevActive || caption != prevCaption || rect != prevRect) {
            prevActive = appName;
            prevCaption = caption;
            vs->setAttribute("Caption", caption);
            QString iconName;
            QContentId cid = QContent::execToContent(appName);
            if (cid != QContent::InvalidId) {
                QContent app(cid);
                iconName = QLatin1String(":icon/")+app.iconName();
            vs->setAttribute("Icon", iconName);
            emit windowCaption(caption);

    // Advertise the change in active window.
    bool update = false;
    if (rect != prevRect) {
        prevRect = rect;
        vs->setAttribute("Rect", rect);
        update = true;
    if (caption != prevCaption) {
        prevCaption = caption;
        vs->setAttribute("Title", caption);
        update = true;
    if (update) {
        emit windowActive(caption, rect, w);