void paintCar( QPainter *p )			// paint a car
    QPointArray a;
    QBrush brush( Qt::yellow, Qt::SolidPattern );
    p->setBrush( brush );			// use solid, yellow brush

    a.setPoints( 5, 50,50, 350,50, 450,120, 450,250, 50,250 );
    p->drawPolygon( a );			// draw car body

    QFont f( "courier", 12, QFont::Bold );
    p->setFont( f );

    QColor windowColor( 120, 120, 255 );	// a light blue color
    brush.setColor( windowColor );		// set this brush color
    p->setBrush( brush );			// set brush
    p->drawRect( 80, 80, 250, 70 );		// car window
    p->drawText( 180, 80, 150, 70, Qt::AlignCenter, "--  Qt  --\nTrolltech AS" );

    QPixmap pixmap;
    if ( pixmap.load("flag.bmp") )		// load and draw image
	p->drawPixmap( 100, 85, pixmap );

    p->setBackgroundMode( Qt::OpaqueMode );		// set opaque mode
    p->setBrush( Qt::DiagCrossPattern );		// black diagonal cross pattern
    p->drawEllipse( 90, 210, 80, 80 );		// back wheel
    p->setBrush( Qt::CrossPattern );		// black cross fill pattern
    p->drawEllipse( 310, 210, 80, 80 );		// front wheel
void ProgressBar::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * /*event*/)
    QPainter painter(this);

    QColor bufferColor(0, 0, 255);
    QColor windowColor(0, 255, 0);

    painter.fillRect(rect(), Qt::black);

    if (m_bufferLength) {
        QRect bar = rect();
        const qreal play = qreal(m_playPosition) / m_bufferLength;
        bar.setLeft(rect().left() + play * rect().width());
        const qreal record = qreal(m_recordPosition) / m_bufferLength;
        bar.setRight(rect().left() + record * rect().width());
        painter.fillRect(bar, bufferColor);

        QRect window = rect();
        const qreal windowLeft = qreal(m_windowPosition) / m_bufferLength;
        window.setLeft(rect().left() + windowLeft * rect().width());
        const qreal windowWidth = qreal(m_windowLength) / m_bufferLength;
        window.setWidth(windowWidth * rect().width());
        painter.fillRect(window, windowColor);
void ProgressBarWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pEvent)
    // Draw ourselves and accept the event

    QPainter painter(this);

    if (isEnabled()) {
        int value = int(mValue*width());

        if (value != 0) {
            painter.fillRect(0, 0, value, height(), highlightColor());

        if (value != width()) {
            painter.fillRect(value, 0, width()-value, height(), windowColor());
    } else {
        painter.fillRect(0, 0, width(), height(), windowColor());

void DeveloperConsole::RenderConsole( const unsigned int shaderProgramID )
	float inputBoxOffset = 5.f;
	Vertex3D vertices[ 8 ];
	Vec2f inputWindowMins( 0.f, 0.f );
	Vec2f inputWindowMaxes( GAME_WINDOW_X, m_fontCellHeight + inputBoxOffset );
	Vec2f logWindowMins( 0.f, m_fontCellHeight + inputBoxOffset * 2.f );
	Vec2f logWindowMaxes( GAME_WINDOW_X, GAME_WINDOW_Y );
	Rgba windowColor( 0, 0, 0, 125 );
	Rgba commandTextColor( Colors::WHITE );

// 	g_theRenderer->VennLoadIdentity();
// 	g_theRenderer->VennOrtho( 0.f, GAME_WINDOW_X, 0.f, GAME_WINDOW_Y, 0.f, 1.f );
//	g_theRenderer->ApplyOrthoProjection( 0.f, GAME_WINDOW_X, 0.f, GAME_WINDOW_Y, 0.f, 1.f );

	// the input window
	vertices[ 0 ].m_position = Vec3f( inputWindowMins.x, inputWindowMins.y, 0.f );
	vertices[ 0 ].m_color = windowColor;

	vertices[ 1 ].m_position = Vec3f( inputWindowMins.x, inputWindowMaxes.y, 0.f );
	vertices[ 1 ].m_color = windowColor;

	vertices[ 2 ].m_position = Vec3f( inputWindowMaxes.x, inputWindowMaxes.y, 0.f );
	vertices[ 2 ].m_color = windowColor;

	vertices[ 3 ].m_position = Vec3f( inputWindowMaxes.x, inputWindowMins.y, 0.f );
	vertices[ 3 ].m_color = windowColor;

	// render the log window
	vertices[ 4 ].m_position = Vec3f( logWindowMins.x, logWindowMins.y, 0.f );
	vertices[ 4 ].m_color = windowColor;

	vertices[ 5 ].m_position = Vec3f( logWindowMins.x, logWindowMaxes.y, 0.f );
	vertices[ 5 ].m_color = windowColor;

	vertices[ 6 ].m_position = Vec3f( logWindowMaxes.x, logWindowMaxes.y, 0.f );
	vertices[ 6 ].m_color = windowColor;

	vertices[ 7 ].m_position = Vec3f( logWindowMaxes.x, logWindowMins.y, 0.f );
	vertices[ 7 ].m_color = windowColor;

// 	g_theRenderer->VennEnableClientState( V_VERTEX_ARRAY );
// 	g_theRenderer->VennEnableClientState( V_COLOR_ARRAY );
// 	g_theRenderer->VennVertexPointer( 3, V_FLOAT, sizeof( Vertex3D ), &vertices[0].m_position );
// 	g_theRenderer->VennColorPointer( 4, V_FLOAT, sizeof( Vertex3D ), &vertices[0].m_color );
// 	g_theRenderer->VennDrawArrays( V_QUADS, 0, 8 );
// 	g_theRenderer->VennDisableClientState( V_VERTEX_ARRAY );
// 	g_theRenderer->VennDisableClientState( V_COLOR_ARRAY );
	RenderVertexArrayWithShader( vertices, 8, shaderProgramID, V_QUADS );

	// render current command string
	m_textRenderer->RenderText2D( m_currentConsoleCommandString.c_str(), m_fontCellHeight, Vec2f( inputWindowMins.x, inputWindowMins.y ), commandTextColor, shaderProgramID );

	// render log lines
	for ( unsigned int index = m_logLines.size(); index > 0; --index )
		if ( logWindowMins.y >= GAME_WINDOW_Y ) break;

		CommandLogLine& currentLine = m_logLines[ index - 1 ];
		m_textRenderer->RenderText2D( currentLine.m_text.c_str(), m_fontCellHeight, logWindowMins, currentLine.m_color, shaderProgramID );

		logWindowMins.y += m_fontCellHeight + inputBoxOffset;