* This function sets the height, width, x_start, y_start (upper left coords), 
* x_end, and y_end (lower right) variables of the student's window. These 
* values are used in operations such as mouse movement. returns false on 
* failure and does not set variables. 
bool populateWindowData(std::string window_name, int& height, int& width, 
                        int& x_start, int& x_end, int& y_start, int& y_end){
  if(windowExists(window_name)) {
    std::vector<int> height_vec, width_vec, x_start_vec, y_start_vec;
    // getWindowData returns a vector of ints associated with the query term 
    // (e.g. 'Height')
    height_vec = getWindowData("Height", window_name); 
    width_vec = getWindowData("Width", window_name);   
    //These two values represent the upper left corner
    x_start_vec = getWindowData("Absolute upper-left X", window_name); 
    y_start_vec = getWindowData("Absolute upper-left Y", window_name);
    //The lines below should never return false, as the Height, Width, etc.
    //fields should always be populated if the window exists. The only way that
    // I can see for these to fail would be if xdotool changes or the window 
    // fails/shuts in this block.
    if(height_vec.size() > 0){  height = height_vec[0];}  else{ return false; }
    if(width_vec.size() > 0) {  width  = width_vec[0];}   else{ return false; }
    if(x_start_vec.size() > 0){ x_start= x_start_vec[0];} else{ return false; }
    if(y_start_vec.size() > 0){ y_start= y_start_vec[0];} else{ return false; }

    //These values represent the upper right corner
    x_end = x_start+width; 
    y_end = y_start + height;
    return true;
    std::cout << "Attempted to populate window data using a nonexistent window"
                 << std::endl;
    return false;
D2Watcher::D2Watcher(std::string title) : mWinName(title), mD2Hand(0) {
    DWORD pID;
    if ( windowExists() ) {
        GetWindowThreadProcessId (mD2Hwnd, &pID);
        if (!mD2Hand) return;
        if ( !inGame() ) return;

        mThisPlayers = readPlayerCount();
        mLastPlayers = mThisPlayers;
* Given a window name, this function takes a screenshot of it if it exists. 
* uses screenshot_name to title the image.
bool screenshot(std::string window_name, std::string screenshot_name){
    //if the window hasn't crashed, bring it into focus and screenshot it
    std::string command = "wmctrl -R " + window_name + " && scrot "  
                      + screenshot_name + " -u";
    return true;
    std::cout << "Attempted to screenshot a closed window." << std::endl;
    return false;
* This function was written to allow users to type special keys.
* The function wraps the xdotool key command, which can multipress
* keys. (e.g. ctrl+alt+del)
bool key(std::string toType, std::string window_name)
  //get window focus then type the string toType.
  std::string internal_command = "wmctrl -R " + window_name
                                    +" &&  xdotool key " + toType;
  //for number of presses requested, check that the window exists and that we
  //have something to type.
  if(windowExists(window_name) && toType != ""){
    return true;
  } else{
    return false;
 int minSubArrayLen(int s, vector<int>& nums) {
     if (nums.empty() || s <= 0) return 0;
     int l = 1, u = nums.size();
     int res = nums.size()+1;
     while (l <= u) {
         int mid = l + (u-l)/2;
         if (windowExists(mid, nums, s)) {
             res = mid;
             u = mid-1;
         } else {
             l = mid+1;
     return res == nums.size()+1 ? 0 : res;
* Moves the mouse to the upper left of the window associated with windowname 
* if it exists.
bool moveMouseToOrigin(std::string window_name){
  //populate the window vals to get the center.
  int height, width, x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end; 
  bool success = populateWindowData(window_name, height, width, x_start,x_end,

  //wait until the last moment to check window existence.
  if(success&& windowExists(window_name)){ 

    success = mouse_move(window_name, x_start, y_start, x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end, false);
    return success;
    std::cout << "Attempted to move mouse to origin of nonexistent window" 
                << std::endl;
    return false;
* Centers the mouse on the window associated with windowname if it exists.
bool centerMouse(std::string window_name){
  //populate the window vals to get the center.
  int height, width, x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end; 
  bool success = populateWindowData(window_name, height, width, x_start,x_end,
  int x_middle = x_start + (width/2);
  int y_middle = y_start+(height/2);

  //wait until the last moment to check window existence.
  if(success && windowExists(window_name)){ 
    success = mouse_move(window_name, x_middle, y_middle, x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end, false);
    return success;
    std::cout << "Attempted to center mouse on a nonexistent window" 
                << std::endl;
    return false;
* This function uses xdotool to put the mouse button associated with the int 
* button into the 'up' state. Checks to see if the window exists so that we 
* don't click on anything that doesn't belong to us.
bool mouseUp(std::string window_name, int button){
  //only mouseup on buttons 1,2,3
  if(button == 1 || button == 2 || button == 3){
    //Only mouse up if the window exists (give the window focus and mouseup) 
      std::string command = "wmctrl -R " + window_name 
                + " &&  xdotool mouseup " + std::to_string(button);
      return true; 
      std::cout << "Tried to mouse up on a nonexistent window" << std::endl;
      return false;
    std::cout << "ERROR: tried to click mouse button " << button << std::endl;
    return false;
* This function uses xdotool to put the mouse button associated with int button
* into the 'down' state. Checks to see if the window exists so that we don't 
* click on anything that doesn't belong to us.
bool mouseDown(std::string window_name, int button){ 
  //only mouse down button 1, 2, or 3.
  if(button == 1 || button == 2 || button == 3){ 
    //only mouse down if the window exists (bring into focus and mousedown)
      std::string command = "wmctrl -R " + window_name  
                      + " &&  xdotool mousedown " + std::to_string(button);
      return true;
      std::cout << "Tried to mouse down on a nonexistent window." << std::endl;
      return false;
      std::cout << "ERROR: tried to click nonexistent mouse button " 
                << button << std::endl;
      return false;
* This function moves the mouse to moved_mouse_x, moved_mouse_y, clamping 
* between x_start x_end and y_start y_end.
* This is done in the takeAction function
bool mouse_move(std::string window_name, int moved_mouse_x, int moved_mouse_y, 
                 int x_start, int x_end, int y_start, int y_end, bool no_clamp){

  //only move the mouse if the window exists. (get focus and mousemove.)
    std::vector<int> current_mouse_position = getMouseLocation();

    if(current_mouse_position.size() < 2){
      return false;

    //Explicit clamping.
    if(moved_mouse_x > x_end || moved_mouse_x < x_start){
      std::cout << "Attempted to move outside of the window bounds." << std::endl;
      return false;
    //Explicit clamping
    if(moved_mouse_y > y_end || moved_mouse_y < y_start){
      std::cout << "Attempted to move outside of the window bounds." << std::endl;
      return false;

    if(current_mouse_position[0] == moved_mouse_x && current_mouse_position[1] == moved_mouse_y){
      std::cout << "mouse was already in position. Skipping movement." << std::endl;
      std::string command = "wmctrl -R " + window_name +
      " &&  xdotool mousemove --sync " + std::to_string(moved_mouse_x) + " "
                                              + std::to_string(moved_mouse_y);

    return true;
    std::cout << "Attempted to move mouse on a nonexistent window." 
                << std::endl;
    return false;
* Given the title of an xwininfo data field, returns its integer value. 
* (basic fields are height, width, etc, for a full list, 
* run xwininfo -name <valid window name> or xwininfo and then click a window.
* Should only be used for integer fields.)
std::vector<int> getWindowData(std::string data_string, 
                                  std::string window_name){
  //Test that the window is still active.
    //use xwininfo to get information about windowname, then grep the data 
    //string we're looking for
    std::string command = "xwininfo -name \"" + window_name + "\" | grep \""  
                           + data_string +"\"";
    std::string value_string = output_of_system_command(command.c_str()); 
    //grep will return nothing if the field doesn't exist, so return nothing.
    if(value_string == ""){ 
      std::vector<int> empty;  
      return empty;
    //if grep returned something, get all the ints in what it returned
    return extractIntsFromString(value_string); 
    //if the window doesn't exist, just return an empty vector (nonexistent 
    // windows should be handled in one timestep per execute() in execute.cpp
    std::vector<int> empty; 
    return empty;
* This function processes the 'type' action, which types a quoted string one 
* character at a time an optional number of times with an optional delay 
* between repetitions. Because of the delay, we need all parameters necessary 
* for a call to execute.cpp's delayAndMemCheck.
bool type(std::string toType, float delay, int presses, std::string window_name, int childPID, 
  float &elapsed, float& next_checkpoint, float seconds_to_run, 
  int& rss_memory, int allowed_rss_memory, int& memory_kill, int& time_kill,
  std::ostream &logfile){

  delay = delay * 1000000; 
  toType = "\"" + toType + "\"";
  //get window focus then type the string toType.
  std::string internal_command = "wmctrl -R " + window_name 
                                    +" &&  xdotool type " + toType; 
  bool killed = false;

  //for number of presses requested, check that the window exists and that we 
  //have something to type.
  for(int i = 0; i < presses; i++){ 
    if(windowExists(window_name) && toType != ""){ 
      std::cout << "Attempted to type on nonexistent window" << std::endl;
      return false;
    //allow this to run so that delays occur as expected.
    if(i != presses-1){ 
      killed = delay_and_mem_check(delay, childPID, elapsed, next_checkpoint, 
        seconds_to_run, rss_memory, allowed_rss_memory, memory_kill,time_kill, logfile);
      return false;
  return true;
* The 'delta' version of the click and drag command. This function moves an xy
* distance from a startpoint. This distance is 'wrapping', so if it is outside 
* of the window, we mouseup, return to the start position, mousedown, and then
* move again. We give a one pixel border at each side of the window and clamp 
* using that value to avoid accidental resizing.
bool clickAndDragDelta(std::string window_name, nlohmann::json action){
  //get the values of the student's window.
  int x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end, mouse_button; 
  bool no_clamp = false; 
  bool success = populateClickAndDragValues(action, window_name, x_start, 
                      x_end, y_start, y_end, mouse_button, no_clamp);
  //if we can't populate the click and drag values, do nothing.
    std::cout << "Could not populate the click and drag values."<< std::endl;
    return false;
  //Define the corners of our window. (We use vectors as 2d points.)
  std::vector<int> upper_left, upper_right, lower_left, lower_right; 
  upper_left.push_back(x_start); upper_left.push_back(y_start);
  upper_right.push_back(x_end); upper_right.push_back(y_start);
  lower_left.push_back(x_start); lower_left.push_back(y_end);
  lower_right.push_back(x_end); lower_right.push_back(y_end);

  //delta version, 2 values movement x and movement y.
  int amt_x_movement_remaining = action.value("x_distance", 0);
  int amt_y_movement_remaining = action.value("y_distance", 0);
  std::string start_location   = action.value("start_location", "center");

  //This shouldn't fail unless there isn't a mouse.
  std::string mouse_location_string = output_of_system_command("xdotool getmouselocation"); 
  std::vector<int> xy = extractIntsFromString(mouse_location_string);                      
  //if the mouse isn't detected, fail.
  if(xy.size() < 2){ 
    std::cout << "Mouse coordinates couldn't be found. Mouse undetected." 
                << std::endl;
    return false;
  //get the current mouse location
  int start_mouse_x = xy[0];
  int start_mouse_y = xy[1];
  //clamp the mouse within the screen (and move in by a pixel).
  clamp(start_mouse_x, x_start+1, x_end-1); 
  clamp(start_mouse_y, y_start+1, y_end-1);

  //get the center of the window
  int width  = x_end - x_start;
  int height = y_end - y_start;
  int x_middle = x_start + (width/2);
  int y_middle = y_start+(height/2);

  //NOTE: check my arithmetic. 
  * The process that this algorithm goes through is as follows:
  * 1) Determine the slope of the dragged line and its distance.
  * 2) while we have not traversed the necessary distance
  * 3) project a line from the current mouse position towards the end 
  *      position with length equal to the remaining distance. 
  * 4) Now that we have a line segment defined, find where/if it intersects
  *      any of the window's edges
  * 5) if it does intersect, cut it off at the point of intersection, and only
  *      drag that far. Else, if it doesn't intersect, we can assume we are 
  *      inside of the window, due to the clamp, and can drag.
  * 6) update remaining distance and continue to loop.

  //rise / run
  float slope=(float)amt_y_movement_remaining/(float)amt_x_movement_remaining;
  float total_distance_needed = sqrt(pow(amt_x_movement_remaining, 2) 
                                    + pow (amt_y_movement_remaining, 2)); 

  //remaining distance needed.
  float remaining_distance_needed = total_distance_needed; 

  int action_start_x = (start_location == "current") ? start_mouse_x : x_middle;
  int action_start_y = (start_location == "current") ? start_mouse_y : y_middle;

  std::cout << "start x " << start_mouse_x << " our x " << action_start_x;
  std::cout << "start y " << start_mouse_y << " our y " << action_start_y;

  //The functions called within this loop will not fire if the window doesn't 
  // exist. This check just short circuits to avoid additional printing.
  while(remaining_distance_needed >= 1 && windowExists(window_name)){ 
    int curr_x = action_start_x;                                             
    int curr_y = action_start_y;                                              
    int moved_mouse_x, moved_mouse_y;
    //reset the mouse to the start location.
    mouse_move(window_name, action_start_x, action_start_y, x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end,
    //determine how far we've come.
    float fraction_of_distance_remaining = remaining_distance_needed 
                                            / total_distance_needed; 
    //project in the direction of the move to find the end of our line segment.
    float projected_x = action_start_x + (amt_x_movement_remaining * fraction_of_distance_remaining); 
    float projected_y = action_start_y + (amt_y_movement_remaining * fraction_of_distance_remaining);  

    //we are using vectors as 2d points.
    std::vector<int> current_point, projected_point;  
    current_point.push_back(curr_x); current_point.push_back(curr_y);

    std::vector<float> intersection_point; 
                                                      upper_left, upper_right);

    * TODO make this block smaller. 
    * These if statements just test all edges of the window against our 
    * projected line.

    //found is just a quick short-circuit to keep the code from ballooning.
    bool found = false; 
    if(intersection_point.size() != 0){ //TOP
      std::cout << "intersected top" << std::endl;
      moved_mouse_x = (int)intersection_point[0]; 
      moved_mouse_y = (int)intersection_point[1];
      found = true;

    if(!found) //RIGHT
      intersection_point = getLineIntersectionPoint(current_point, 
                            projected_point, upper_right, lower_right);
      if(intersection_point.size() != 0){ 
        std::cout << "intersected right" << std::endl;
        moved_mouse_x = (int)intersection_point[0]; 
        moved_mouse_y = (int)intersection_point[1];
        found = true;

    if(!found) //BOTTOM
      intersection_point = getLineIntersectionPoint(current_point, 
                              projected_point, lower_right, lower_left);
      if(intersection_point.size() != 0){
        std::cout << "intersected bottom" << std::endl;
        moved_mouse_x = (int)intersection_point[0]; 
        moved_mouse_y = (int)intersection_point[1];
        found = true;

    if(!found) //LEFT
      intersection_point = getLineIntersectionPoint(current_point,
                             projected_point, lower_left, upper_left);
      if(intersection_point.size() != 0){
        std::cout << "intersected left" << std::endl;
        moved_mouse_x = (int)intersection_point[0]; 
        moved_mouse_y = (int)intersection_point[1];
        found = true;

    //if we didn't intersect, we are inside of the box (guaranteed by clamp)
    // so we can move freely.
      std::cout << "No intersection at all"<< std::endl;
      moved_mouse_x = projected_x;
      moved_mouse_y = projected_y;

    //the distance we can move
    float distance_of_move = sqrt(pow(moved_mouse_x - action_start_x, 2) 
                                    + pow (moved_mouse_y - action_start_y, 2)); 
    //we are moving distance_of_move
    remaining_distance_needed -= distance_of_move; 
    std::cout << "after the move, we had " << remaining_distance_needed 
                                          << " distance left " << std::endl;
    mouseDown(window_name,mouse_button); //click
    mouse_move(window_name, moved_mouse_x, moved_mouse_y,x_start, x_end, //drag
                                                        y_start, y_end, false); 
    mouseUp(window_name,mouse_button); //release
  } //end loop.

  //to preserve backwards compatibility.
  if(start_location != "current"){
    //put the mouse back where we found it.
    mouse_move(window_name, start_mouse_x, start_mouse_y, x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end,false);

  return true;
* The central routing function for for all actions. Takes in a vector of 
* actions and the # of actions taken thus far. It then passes the current 
* action to be taken through tests to see which function to route to.
* This function requires all parameters to for execute.cpp's delayAndMemCheck
* function. 
void takeAction(const std::vector<nlohmann::json>& actions, int& actions_taken, 
  std::string window_name, int childPID, 
  float &elapsed, float& next_checkpoint, float seconds_to_run, 
  int& rss_memory, int allowed_rss_memory, int& memory_kill, int& time_kill,
  std::ostream &logfile){

  //We get the window data at every step in case it has changed size.

  //if we make it past this check, we'll assume an action has been taken.
  nlohmann::json action = actions[actions_taken];
  // std::vector<std::string> vec = stringOrArrayOfStrings(action, "action");

  // if (vec.size() == 0){
  //   std::cout << "ERROR: poorly formatted action (no 'action' type specified)" << std::endl;
  //   action_name = "INVALID: NAME MISSING";
  // }
  // else{
  //     std::string action_name = vec[0];
  // }

  std::string action_name = action.value("action", "ACTION_NOT_SPECIFIED");

  std::cout <<"Taking action "<<actions_taken+1<<" of "<<actions.size() <<": "<< action_name<< std::endl;

  float delay_time = 0;
  bool success = false;
  if(action_name == "delay"){
    float time_in_secs = action.value("seconds", 0);
    delay_time = delay(time_in_secs);
    success = true;
  else if(action_name == "screenshot"){ 
    std::string screenshot_name = action["name"];
    success = screenshot(window_name, screenshot_name);
  else if(action_name == "type"){ 

    float delay_in_secs = action["delay_in_seconds"];
    int presses = action["presses"];
    std::string string_to_type = action["string"];

    success = type(string_to_type, delay_in_secs, presses, window_name,childPID,elapsed, next_checkpoint, 
      seconds_to_run, rss_memory, allowed_rss_memory, memory_kill, time_kill, logfile);
  else if(action_name == "key"){
    std::string key_to_type = action["key_combination"];
    success = key(key_to_type, window_name);
  else if(action_name == "click and drag"){ 
    success = clickAndDragAbsolute(window_name,action);
  else if(action_name == "click and drag delta"){
    success = clickAndDragDelta(window_name,action);
  else if(action_name == "click"){ 
    std::string mouse_button = action["mouse_button"];
    if(mouse_button == "left"){
      success = click(window_name, 1);
    else if(mouse_button == "middle"){
      success = click(window_name, 2);
    else if(mouse_button == "right"){
      success = click(window_name, 3);
      success = click(window_name, 1);
  else if(action_name == "move mouse"){
    //TODO: implement later if deemed prudent.
    bool no_clamp = false;
    int moved_x = action["end_x"];
    int moved_y = action["end_y"];

    int height, width, x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end;
    bool populated = populateWindowData(window_name, height, width, x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end);
        moved_x += x_start;
        moved_y += y_start;
        success = mouse_move(window_name, moved_x, moved_y, x_start, x_end, y_start, y_end, no_clamp);
  else if(action_name == "center"){ 
    success = centerMouse(window_name);
  else if(action_name == "origin"){ 
    success = moveMouseToOrigin(window_name);
  else if(action_name == "gif"){ 
    std::string gif_name = action["name"];
    float duration_in_seconds = action["seconds"];
    int fps = action["frames_per_second"];
    bool save_pngs = action["preserve_individual_frames"];

    success = make_gif(window_name, gif_name, duration_in_seconds, fps, save_pngs,
                        childPID, elapsed, next_checkpoint, seconds_to_run, 
                        rss_memory, allowed_rss_memory, memory_kill, time_kill,
    std::cout << "ERROR: ill formatted action: " << actions[actions_taken] << std::endl;

    std::cout << "The action was successful" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The action was unsuccessful" << std::endl;

  delay_and_mem_check(delay_time, childPID, elapsed, next_checkpoint, 
    seconds_to_run, rss_memory, allowed_rss_memory, memory_kill, time_kill,logfile);   