/** * @brief Opens a dialogue window with an ok button, a fixed message and an image. * * @param caption Window title. * @param msg Message to display. * @param width Width of the image. Negative uses image width. * @param height Height of the image. Negative uses image height. */ void dialogue_msgImgRaw( const char* caption, const char *msg, const char *img, int width, int height ) { int w, h, img_width, img_height; glFont* font; unsigned int msg_wid; int done; glTexture *gfx; char buf[PATH_MAX]; /* Get the desired texture */ /* IMPORTANT : texture must not be freed here, it will be freed when the widget closes */ nsnprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", GFX_PATH, img ); gfx = gl_newImage( buf, 0 ); /* Find the popup's dimensions from text and image */ img_width = (width < 0) ? gfx->w : width; img_height = (height < 0) ? gfx->h : height; font = dialogue_getSize( caption, msg, &w, &h ); if (h < img_width) { h = img_width; } /* Create the window */ msg_wid = window_create( caption, -1, -1, img_width + w, 110 + h ); window_setData( msg_wid, &done ); /* Add the text box */ window_addText( msg_wid, img_width+40, -40, w-40, h, 0, "txtMsg", font, &cBlack, msg ); /* Add a placeholder rectangle for the image */ window_addRect( msg_wid, 20, -40, img_width, img_height, "rctGFX", &cGrey10, 1 ); /* Actually add the texture in the rectangle */ window_addImage( msg_wid, 20, -40, img_width, img_height, "ImgGFX", gfx, 0 ); /* Add the OK button */ window_addButton( msg_wid, (img_width+w -50)/2, 20, 50, 30, "btnOK", "OK", dialogue_close ); dialogue_open++; toolkit_loop( &done ); }
/** * @brief Opens the shipyard window. */ void shipyard_open( unsigned int wid ) { int i; Ship **ships; char **sships; glTexture **tships; int nships; int w, h; int iw, ih; int bw, bh, padding, off; int th; int y; const char *buf; /* Mark as generated. */ land_tabGenerate(LAND_WINDOW_SHIPYARD); /* Init vars. */ shipyard_selected = NULL; /* Get window dimensions. */ window_dimWindow( wid, &w, &h ); /* Calculate image array dimensions. */ iw = 310 + (w-800); ih = h - 60; /* Left padding + per-button padding * nbuttons */ padding = 40 + 20 * 4; /* Calculate button dimensions. */ bw = (w - iw - padding) / 4; bh = LAND_BUTTON_HEIGHT; /* buttons */ window_addButtonKey( wid, off = -20, 20, bw, bh, "btnCloseShipyard", "Take Off", land_buttonTakeoff, SDLK_t ); window_addButtonKey( wid, off -= 20+bw, 20, bw, bh, "btnTradeShip", "Trade-In", shipyard_trade, SDLK_r ); window_addButtonKey( wid, off -= 20+bw, 20, bw, bh, "btnBuyShip", "Buy", shipyard_buy, SDLK_b ); window_addButtonKey( wid, off -= 20+bw, 20, bw, bh, "btnFindShips", "Find Ships", shipyard_find, SDLK_f ); /* target gfx */ window_addRect( wid, -41, -50, SHIP_TARGET_W, SHIP_TARGET_H, "rctTarget", &cBlack, 0 ); window_addImage( wid, -40, -50, SHIP_TARGET_W, SHIP_TARGET_H, "imgTarget", NULL, 1 ); /* slot types */ window_addCust( wid, -20, -160, 148, 70, "cstSlots", 0., shipyard_renderSlots, NULL, NULL ); /* stat text */ window_addText( wid, -40, -240, 128, 200, 0, "txtStats", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL ); /* text */ buf = "Model:\n" "Class:\n" "Fabricator:\n" "Crew:\n" "\n" "CPU:\n" "Mass:\n" "Thrust:\n" "Speed:\n" "Turn:\n" "\n" "Absorption:\n" "Shield:\n" "Armour:\n" "Energy:\n" "Cargo Space:\n" "Fuel:\n" "Fuel Use:\n" "Price:\n" "Money:\n" "License:\n"; th = gl_printHeightRaw( &gl_smallFont, 100, buf ); y = -55; window_addText( wid, 40+iw+20, y, 100, th, 0, "txtSDesc", &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, buf ); window_addText( wid, 40+iw+20+100, y, w-(40+iw+20+100)-20, th, 0, "txtDDesc", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL ); y -= th; window_addText( wid, 20+iw+40, y, w-(20+iw+40) - 180, 185, 0, "txtDescription", &gl_smallFont, NULL, NULL ); /* set up the ships to buy/sell */ ships = tech_getShip( land_planet->tech, &nships ); if (nships <= 0) { sships = malloc(sizeof(char*)); sships[0] = strdup("None"); tships = malloc(sizeof(glTexture*)); tships[0] = NULL; nships = 1; } else { sships = malloc(sizeof(char*)*nships); tships = malloc(sizeof(glTexture*)*nships); for (i=0; i<nships; i++) { sships[i] = strdup(ships[i]->name); tships[i] = ships[i]->gfx_store; } free(ships); } window_addImageArray( wid, 20, 20, iw, ih, "iarShipyard", 64./96.*128., 64., tships, sships, nships, shipyard_update, shipyard_rmouse ); /* write the shipyard stuff */ shipyard_update(wid, NULL); /* Set default keyboard focuse to the list */ window_setFocus( wid , "iarShipyard" ); }
/** * @brief Opens the main menu (titlescreen). */ void menu_main (void) { int offset_logo, offset_wdw, freespace; unsigned int bwid, wid; glTexture *tex; /* Play load music. */ music_choose("load"); /* Load background and friends. */ tex = gl_newImage( "gfx/NAEV.png", 0 ); main_naevLogo = tex; nebu_prep( 300., 0. ); /* Needed for nebula to not spaz out */ /* Calculate Logo and window offset. */ freespace = SCREEN_H - tex->sh - MAIN_HEIGHT; if (freespace < 0) { /* Not enough freespace, this can get ugly. */ offset_logo = SCREEN_W - tex->sh; offset_wdw = 0; } else { /* We'll want a maximum seperation of 30 between logo and text. */ if (freespace/3 > 25) { freespace -= 25; offset_logo = -25; offset_wdw = -25 - tex->sh - 25; } /* Otherwise space evenly. */ else { offset_logo = -freespace/3; offset_wdw = freespace/3; } } /* create background image window */ bwid = window_create( "BG", -1, -1, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H ); window_onClose( bwid, menu_main_cleanBG ); window_addRect( bwid, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, "rctBG", &cBlack, 0 ); window_addCust( bwid, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, "cstBG", 0, menu_main_nebu, NULL, &menu_main_lasttick ); window_addImage( bwid, (SCREEN_W-tex->sw)/2., offset_logo, "imgLogo", tex, 0 ); window_addText( bwid, 0., 10, SCREEN_W, 30., 1, "txtBG", NULL, &cWhite, naev_version(1) ); /* create menu window */ wid = window_create( "Main Menu", -1, offset_wdw, MAIN_WIDTH, MAIN_HEIGHT ); window_addButton( wid, 20, 20 + (BUTTON_HEIGHT+20)*4, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, "btnLoad", "Load Game", menu_main_load ); window_addButton( wid, 20, 20 + (BUTTON_HEIGHT+20)*3, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, "btnNew", "New Game", menu_main_new ); window_addButton( wid, 20, 20 + (BUTTON_HEIGHT+20)*2, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, "btnOptions", "Options", menu_options_button ); window_addButton( wid, 20, 20 + (BUTTON_HEIGHT+20), BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, "btnCredits", "Credits", menu_main_credits ); window_addButton( wid, 20, 20, BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT, "btnExit", "Exit", menu_exit ); /* Make the background window a parent of the menu. */ window_setParent( bwid, wid ); /* Reset timer. */ menu_main_lasttick = SDL_GetTicks(); menu_Open(MENU_MAIN); }
/** * @brief Opens the outfit exchange center window. */ void outfits_open( unsigned int wid ) { int i; Outfit **outfits; char **soutfits; glTexture **toutfits; int noutfits; int w, h; int iw, ih; int bw, bh; glColour *bg, blend; const glColour *c; char **slottype; const char *slotname; /* Get dimensions. */ outfits_getSize( wid, &w, &h, &iw, &ih, &bw, &bh ); /* will allow buying from keyboard */ window_setAccept( wid, outfits_buy ); /* buttons */ window_addButton( wid, -20, 20, bw, bh, "btnCloseOutfits", "Takeoff", land_buttonTakeoff ); window_addButton( wid, -40-bw, 20, bw, bh, "btnSellOutfit", "Sell", outfits_sell ); window_addButton( wid, -60-bw*2, 20, bw, bh, "btnBuyOutfit", "Buy", outfits_buy ); /* fancy 128x128 image */ window_addRect( wid, 19 + iw + 20, -50, 128, 129, "rctImage", &cBlack, 0 ); window_addImage( wid, 20 + iw + 20, -50-128, 0, 0, "imgOutfit", NULL, 1 ); /* cust draws the modifier */ window_addCust( wid, -40-bw, 60+2*bh, bw, bh, "cstMod", 0, outfits_renderMod, NULL, NULL ); /* the descriptive text */ window_addText( wid, 20 + iw + 20 + 128 + 20, -60, 320, 160, 0, "txtOutfitName", &gl_defFont, &cBlack, NULL ); window_addText( wid, 20 + iw + 20 + 128 + 20, -60 - gl_defFont.h - 20, 320, 160, 0, "txtDescShort", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL ); window_addText( wid, 20 + iw + 20, -60-128-10, 60, 160, 0, "txtSDesc", &gl_smallFont, &cDConsole, "Owned:\n" "\n" "Slot:\n" "Size:\n" "Mass:\n" "\n" "Price:\n" "Money:\n" "License:\n" ); window_addText( wid, 20 + iw + 20 + 60, -60-128-10, 250, 160, 0, "txtDDesc", &gl_smallFont, &cBlack, NULL ); window_addText( wid, 20 + iw + 20, -60-128-10-160, w-(iw+80), 180, 0, "txtDescription", &gl_smallFont, NULL, NULL ); /* set up the outfits to buy/sell */ outfits = tech_getOutfit( land_planet->tech, &noutfits ); if (noutfits <= 0) { /* No outfits */ soutfits = malloc(sizeof(char*)); soutfits[0] = strdup("None"); toutfits = malloc(sizeof(glTexture*)); toutfits[0] = NULL; noutfits = 1; bg = NULL; slottype = NULL; } else { /* Create the outfit arrays. */ soutfits = malloc(sizeof(char*)*noutfits); toutfits = malloc(sizeof(glTexture*)*noutfits); bg = malloc(sizeof(glColour)*noutfits); slottype = malloc(sizeof(char*)*noutfits ); for (i=0; i<noutfits; i++) { soutfits[i] = strdup(outfits[i]->name); toutfits[i] = outfits[i]->gfx_store; /* Background colour. */ c = outfit_slotSizeColour( &outfits[i]->slot ); if (c == NULL) c = &cBlack; col_blend( &blend, c, &cGrey70, 0.4 ); memcpy( &bg[i], &blend, sizeof(glColour) ); /* Get slot name. */ slotname = outfit_slotName(outfits[i]); if ((strcmp(slotname,"NA") != 0) && (strcmp(slotname,"NULL") != 0)) { slottype[i] = malloc( 2 ); slottype[i][0] = outfit_slotName(outfits[i])[0]; slottype[i][1] = '\0'; } else slottype[i] = NULL; } free(outfits); } window_addImageArray( wid, 20, 20, iw, ih, "iarOutfits", 64, 64, toutfits, soutfits, noutfits, outfits_update, outfits_rmouse ); /* write the outfits stuff */ outfits_update( wid, NULL ); outfits_updateQuantities( wid ); toolkit_setImageArraySlotType( wid, "iarOutfits", slottype ); toolkit_setImageArrayBackground( wid, "iarOutfits", bg ); }