/* **********************************************************************
 * Function called for a stat command-line argument
 * ********************************************************************** */
process_stat_cmd_arg(const char *optstr)
    wmem_list_frame_t *entry;
    stat_cmd_arg *sca;
    stat_requested *tr;
    char *stat_command = g_strdup(optstr);

    /* Renamed in Wireshark 3.0, backwards compatibility. */
    if (!strncmp(stat_command, "follow,ssl", strlen("follow,ssl"))) {
        memcpy(stat_command + 7, "tls", 3);

    /* The strings "ipx" or "ipv6" must be tested before "ip" to select the
      right tap so the sorting does matter.  And it's also why the list is
      walked backwards */
    for (entry = wmem_list_tail(stat_cmd_arg_list); entry; entry = wmem_list_frame_prev(entry)) {
        sca = (stat_cmd_arg*)wmem_list_frame_data(entry);
        if (!strncmp(sca->cmd, stat_command, strlen(sca->cmd))) {
            tr=(stat_requested *)g_malloc(sizeof (stat_requested));
            tr->sca = sca;
            tr->arg = stat_command;
            stats_requested = g_slist_append(stats_requested, tr);
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
static gint
dissect_adb(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *data)
    proto_item      *main_item;
    proto_tree      *main_tree;
    proto_item      *arg0_item;
    proto_tree      *arg0_tree;
    proto_item      *arg1_item;
    proto_tree      *arg1_tree;
    proto_item      *magic_item;
    proto_item      *crc_item;
    proto_tree      *crc_tree = NULL;
    proto_item      *sub_item;
    gint             offset = 0;
    guint32          command;
    guint32          arg0;
    guint32          arg1;
    guint32          data_length = 0;
    guint32          crc32 = 0;
    usb_conv_info_t *usb_conv_info = NULL;
    wmem_tree_key_t  key[5];
    guint32          interface_id;
    guint32          bus_id;
    guint32          device_address;
    guint32          side_id;
    guint32          frame_number;
    gboolean         is_command = TRUE;
    gboolean         is_next_fragment = FALSE;
    gboolean         is_service = FALSE;
    gint             proto;
    gint             direction = P2P_DIR_UNKNOWN;
    wmem_tree_t     *wmem_tree;
    command_data_t  *command_data = NULL;
    service_data_t  *service_data = NULL;

    col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "ADB");
    col_clear(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO);

    main_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_adb, tvb, offset, -1, ENC_NA);
    main_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(main_item, ett_adb);

    frame_number       = pinfo->fd->num;

    /* XXX: Why? If interface is USB only first try is correct
     * (and seems strange...), in other cases standard check for
     * previous protocol is correct */
    proto = (gint) GPOINTER_TO_INT(wmem_list_frame_data(/*wmem_list_frame_prev*/(wmem_list_tail(pinfo->layers))));
    if (proto != proto_usb) {
        proto = (gint) GPOINTER_TO_INT(wmem_list_frame_data(wmem_list_frame_prev(wmem_list_tail(pinfo->layers))));

    if (proto == proto_usb) {
        usb_conv_info = (usb_conv_info_t *) data;

        direction = usb_conv_info->direction;
    } else if (proto == proto_tcp) {
        if (pinfo->destport == ADB_TCP_PORT)
            direction = P2P_DIR_SENT;
            direction = P2P_DIR_RECV;
    } else {
        return offset;

    if (pinfo->phdr->presence_flags & WTAP_HAS_INTERFACE_ID)
        interface_id = pinfo->phdr->interface_id;
        interface_id = 0;

    if (proto == proto_usb) {
        bus_id             = usb_conv_info->bus_id;
        device_address     = usb_conv_info->device_address;

        key[0].length = 1;
        key[0].key = &interface_id;
        key[1].length = 1;
        key[1].key = &bus_id;
        key[2].length = 1;
        key[2].key = &device_address;
        key[3].length = 0;
        key[3].key = NULL;
    } else { /* tcp */
        key[0].length = 1;
        key[0].key = &interface_id;
        key[1].length = 1;
        key[2].length = 1;
        if (direction == P2P_DIR_SENT) {
            key[1].key = &pinfo->srcport;
            key[2].key = &pinfo->destport;
        } else {
            key[1].key = &pinfo->destport;
            key[2].key = &pinfo->srcport;
        key[3].length = 0;
        key[3].key = NULL;

    wmem_tree = (wmem_tree_t *) wmem_tree_lookup32_array(command_info, key);
    if (wmem_tree) {
        command_data = (command_data_t *) wmem_tree_lookup32_le(wmem_tree, frame_number);
        if (command_data && command_data->completed_in_frame >= frame_number &&
                command_data->command_in_frame <= frame_number) {

            if (command_data->command_in_frame != frame_number) {
                is_command = FALSE;
                is_next_fragment = TRUE;

            data_length = command_data->data_length;
            crc32 = command_data->crc32;

            if (direction == P2P_DIR_SENT)
                if (command_data->command == A_CLSE)
                    side_id = command_data->arg1; /* OUT: local id */
                    side_id = command_data->arg0; /* OUT: local id */
                if (command_data->command == A_OKAY) {
                    side_id = command_data->arg1; /* IN: remote id */
                } else
                    side_id = command_data->arg1; /* IN: remote id */

            key[3].length = 1;
            key[3].key = &side_id;
            key[4].length = 0;
            key[4].key = NULL;

            wmem_tree = (wmem_tree_t *) wmem_tree_lookup32_array(service_info, key);
            if (wmem_tree) {
                service_data = (service_data_t *) wmem_tree_lookup32_le(wmem_tree, frame_number);
                if (service_data && command_data->command == A_OPEN) {
                    is_service = TRUE;

/* Simple heuristics to check if packet is command or data */
    if ((command_data && command_data->completed_in_frame <= frame_number) || !command_data) {
        if (tvb_reported_length(tvb) < 24) {
            is_command = FALSE;
        } else if (tvb_reported_length(tvb) >= 24) {
            command = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset);

            if (command != A_SYNC && command != A_CLSE && command != A_WRTE &&
                    command != A_AUTH && command != A_CNXN && command != A_OPEN && command != A_OKAY)
                is_command = FALSE;
            else if (command != (0xFFFFFFFF ^ tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset + 20)))
                is_command = FALSE;

            if (is_command) {
                data_length = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset + 12);
                crc32 = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset + 16);
            if (command == A_OPEN) is_service = TRUE;

    if (service_data && !(command_data->command == A_OPEN && is_next_fragment)) {
        sub_item = proto_tree_add_string(main_tree, hf_service, tvb, offset, 0, service_data->service);

    if (service_data) {
        sub_item = proto_tree_add_uint(main_tree, hf_service_start_in_frame, tvb, offset, 0, service_data->start_in_frame);

        if (service_data->close_local_in_frame < max_in_frame) {
            sub_item = proto_tree_add_uint(main_tree, hf_close_local_in_frame, tvb, offset, 0, service_data->close_local_in_frame);

        if (service_data->close_remote_in_frame < max_in_frame) {
            sub_item = proto_tree_add_uint(main_tree, hf_close_remote_in_frame, tvb, offset, 0, service_data->close_remote_in_frame);

    if (is_command) {
        proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_command, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        command = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset);
        offset += 4;

        col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, val_to_str_const(command, command_vals, "Unknown command"));

        arg0_item = proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_argument_0, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        arg0_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(arg0_item, ett_adb_arg0);
        arg0 = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset);
        offset += 4;

        arg1_item = proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_argument_1, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        arg1_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(arg1_item, ett_adb_arg1);
        arg1 = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset);
        offset += 4;

        switch (command) {
        case A_CNXN:
            proto_tree_add_item(arg0_tree, hf_version, tvb, offset - 8, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            proto_tree_add_item(arg1_tree, hf_max_data, tvb, offset - 4, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);

            col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "(version=%u.%u.%u, max_data=%u)", tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset - 5), tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset - 6), tvb_get_letohs(tvb, offset - 7), tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset - 4));
        case A_AUTH:
            proto_tree_add_item(arg0_tree, hf_auth_type, tvb, offset - 8, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            proto_tree_add_item(arg1_tree, hf_zero, tvb, offset - 4, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);

            col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "(type=%s, 0)", val_to_str_const(tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset - 8), auth_type_vals, "Unknown"));
        case A_OPEN:
            proto_tree_add_item(arg0_tree, hf_local_id, tvb, offset - 8, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            proto_tree_add_item(arg1_tree, hf_zero, tvb, offset - 4, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);

            col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "(local=%u, 0)", tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset - 8));
        case A_WRTE:
            proto_tree_add_item(arg0_tree, hf_zero, tvb, offset - 8, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            proto_tree_add_item(arg1_tree, hf_remote_id, tvb, offset - 4, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);

            col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "(0, remote=%u)", tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset - 4));
        case A_CLSE:
        case A_OKAY:
            proto_tree_add_item(arg0_tree, hf_local_id, tvb, offset - 8, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            proto_tree_add_item(arg1_tree, hf_remote_id, tvb, offset - 4, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);

            col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "(local=%u, remote=%u)", tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset - 8), tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset - 4));
        case A_SYNC:
            proto_tree_add_item(arg0_tree, hf_online, tvb, offset - 8, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
            proto_tree_add_item(arg1_tree, hf_sequence, tvb, offset - 4, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);

            col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "(online=%s, sequence=%u)", tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset - 8) ? "Yes": "No", tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset - 4));

        proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_data_length, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        offset += 4;

        if (data_length > 0)
            col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " length=%u ", data_length);

        crc_item = proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_data_crc32, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        crc_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(crc_item, ett_adb_crc);
        crc32 = tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset);
        offset += 4;

        magic_item = proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_magic, tvb, offset, 4, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        if ((tvb_get_letohl(tvb, offset) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF) != command) {
            proto_tree  *expert_tree;

            expert_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(magic_item, ett_adb_magic);
            proto_tree_add_expert(expert_tree, pinfo, &ei_invalid_magic, tvb, offset, 4);

        if (!pinfo->fd->flags.visited)
            save_command(command, arg0, arg1, data_length, crc32, service_data, proto, data, pinfo, &service_data, &command_data);
        offset += 4;

    if (!pinfo->fd->flags.visited && command_data) {
            if (command_data->command_in_frame != frame_number) {
                is_command = FALSE;
                is_next_fragment = TRUE;

            data_length = command_data->data_length;
            crc32 = command_data->crc32;

            if ((command_data->command_in_frame != frame_number && tvb_captured_length(tvb) == data_length) ||
                (command_data->command_in_frame == frame_number && tvb_captured_length(tvb) == data_length + 24)
            ) {
                command_data->reassemble_data_length = command_data->data_length;
                command_data->completed_in_frame = frame_number;

    if (is_next_fragment && command_data) {
        sub_item = proto_tree_add_uint(main_tree, hf_command_in_frame, tvb, offset, 0, command_data->command_in_frame);

        sub_item = proto_tree_add_uint(main_tree, hf_command, tvb, offset, 0, command_data->command);

        sub_item = proto_tree_add_uint(main_tree, hf_data_length, tvb, offset, 0, command_data->data_length);

        crc_item = proto_tree_add_uint(main_tree, hf_data_crc32, tvb, offset, 0, command_data->crc32);
        crc_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(crc_item, ett_adb_crc);

    if (command_data && command_data->completed_in_frame != frame_number) {
        sub_item = proto_tree_add_uint(main_tree, hf_completed_in_frame, tvb, offset, 0, command_data->completed_in_frame);

    if (tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset) > 0 && (!is_command || data_length > 0)) {
        guint32 crc = 0;
        guint32 i_offset;

        if ((!pinfo->fd->flags.visited && command_data && command_data->reassemble_data_length < command_data->data_length) || data_length > (guint32) tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset)) { /* need reassemble */
            if (!pinfo->fd->flags.visited && command_data && command_data->reassemble_data_length < command_data->data_length) {
                tvb_memcpy(tvb, command_data->reassemble_data + command_data->reassemble_data_length, offset, tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset));
                command_data->reassemble_data_length += tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset);

                if (command_data->reassemble_data_length >= command_data->data_length)
                    command_data->completed_in_frame = frame_number;

            proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_data_fragment, tvb, offset, -1, ENC_NA);
            col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Data Fragment");
            offset = tvb_captured_length(tvb);

            if (service_data && command_data && command_data->reassemble_data_length >= command_data->data_length && frame_number == command_data->completed_in_frame) {
                tvbuff_t            *next_tvb;
                adb_service_data_t   adb_service_data;

                next_tvb = tvb_new_child_real_data(tvb, command_data->reassemble_data, command_data->reassemble_data_length, command_data->reassemble_data_length);
                add_new_data_source(pinfo, next_tvb, "ADB Reassembled Data");

                adb_service_data.service = service_data->service;
                adb_service_data.direction = direction;

                adb_service_data.session_key_length = 3;
                adb_service_data.session_key = (guint32 *) wmem_alloc(wmem_packet_scope(), adb_service_data.session_key_length * sizeof(guint32));
                adb_service_data.session_key[0] = interface_id;

                if (proto == proto_usb) {
                    adb_service_data.session_key[1] = usb_conv_info->bus_id;
                    adb_service_data.session_key[2] = usb_conv_info->device_address;
                } else { /* tcp */
                    if (direction == P2P_DIR_SENT) {
                        adb_service_data.session_key[1] = pinfo->srcport;
                        adb_service_data.session_key[2] = pinfo->destport;
                    } else {
                        adb_service_data.session_key[1] = pinfo->destport;
                        adb_service_data.session_key[2] = pinfo->srcport;

                call_dissector_with_data(adb_service_handle, next_tvb, pinfo, tree, &adb_service_data);
        } else { /* full message */
            for (i_offset = 0; i_offset < data_length; ++i_offset)
                crc += tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset + i_offset);

            if (crc32 > 0 && crc32 != crc)
                proto_tree_add_expert(crc_tree, pinfo, &ei_invalid_crc, tvb, offset, -1);

            if (is_service) {
                proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_service, tvb, offset, -1, ENC_ASCII | ENC_NA);
                if (!pinfo->fd->flags.visited && service_data) {
                    service_data->service = tvb_get_stringz_enc(wmem_file_scope(), tvb, offset, NULL, ENC_ASCII);
                col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Service: %s", tvb_get_stringz_enc(wmem_packet_scope(), tvb, offset, NULL, ENC_ASCII));
                offset = tvb_captured_length(tvb);
            } else if (command_data && command_data->command == A_CNXN) {
                    gchar       *info;
                    gint         len;

                info = tvb_get_stringz_enc(wmem_packet_scope(), tvb, offset, &len, ENC_ASCII);
                col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Connection Info: %s", info);
                proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_connection_info, tvb, offset, len, ENC_ASCII | ENC_NA);
                offset += len;
            } else {
                col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Data");

                /* Decode service payload */
                if (service_data) {
                    tvbuff_t           *next_tvb;
                    adb_service_data_t  adb_service_data;

                    adb_service_data.service = service_data->service;
                    adb_service_data.direction = direction;

                    adb_service_data.session_key_length = 3;
                    adb_service_data.session_key = (guint32 *) wmem_alloc(wmem_packet_scope(), adb_service_data.session_key_length * sizeof(guint32));
                    adb_service_data.session_key[0] = interface_id;

                    if (proto == proto_usb) {
                        adb_service_data.session_key[1] = usb_conv_info->bus_id;
                        adb_service_data.session_key[2] = usb_conv_info->device_address;
                    } else { /* tcp */
                        if (direction == P2P_DIR_SENT) {
                            adb_service_data.session_key[1] = pinfo->srcport;
                            adb_service_data.session_key[2] = pinfo->destport;
                        } else {
                            adb_service_data.session_key[1] = pinfo->destport;
                            adb_service_data.session_key[2] = pinfo->srcport;

                    next_tvb = tvb_new_subset(tvb, offset, tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset), tvb_captured_length_remaining(tvb, offset));
                    call_dissector_with_data(adb_service_handle, next_tvb, pinfo, tree, &adb_service_data);

                } else {
                    proto_item  *data_item;
                    gchar       *data_str;

                    data_item = proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_data, tvb, offset, data_length, ENC_NA);
                    data_str = tvb_format_text(tvb, offset, data_length);
                    proto_item_append_text(data_item, ": %s", data_str);
                    col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " Raw: %s", data_str);

                offset = tvb_captured_length(tvb);

    return offset;
static void
    wmem_allocator_t  *allocator;
    wmem_list_t       *list;
    wmem_list_frame_t *frame;
    unsigned int       i;

    allocator = wmem_allocator_new(WMEM_ALLOCATOR_STRICT);

    list = wmem_list_new(allocator);
    g_assert(wmem_list_count(list) == 0);

    frame = wmem_list_head(list);
    g_assert(frame == NULL);

    for (i=0; i<CONTAINER_ITERS; i++) {
        wmem_list_prepend(list, GINT_TO_POINTER(i));
        g_assert(wmem_list_count(list) == i+1);

        frame = wmem_list_head(list);
        g_assert(wmem_list_frame_data(frame) == GINT_TO_POINTER(i));

    i = CONTAINER_ITERS - 1;
    frame = wmem_list_head(list);
    while (frame) {
        g_assert(wmem_list_frame_data(frame) == GINT_TO_POINTER(i));
        frame = wmem_list_frame_next(frame);

    i = 0;
    frame = wmem_list_tail(list);
    while (frame) {
        g_assert(wmem_list_frame_data(frame) == GINT_TO_POINTER(i));
        frame = wmem_list_frame_prev(frame);

    i = CONTAINER_ITERS - 2;
    while (wmem_list_count(list) > 1) {
        wmem_list_remove(list, GINT_TO_POINTER(i));
    wmem_list_remove(list, GINT_TO_POINTER(CONTAINER_ITERS - 1));
    g_assert(wmem_list_count(list) == 0);
    g_assert(wmem_list_head(list) == NULL);
    g_assert(wmem_list_tail(list) == NULL);

    for (i=0; i<CONTAINER_ITERS; i++) {
        wmem_list_append(list, GINT_TO_POINTER(i));
        g_assert(wmem_list_count(list) == i+1);

        frame = wmem_list_head(list);

    i = 0;
    frame = wmem_list_head(list);
    while (frame) {
        g_assert(wmem_list_frame_data(frame) == GINT_TO_POINTER(i));
        frame = wmem_list_frame_next(frame);

    i = CONTAINER_ITERS - 1;
    frame = wmem_list_tail(list);
    while (frame) {
        g_assert(wmem_list_frame_data(frame) == GINT_TO_POINTER(i));
        frame = wmem_list_frame_prev(frame);


    list = wmem_list_new(NULL);
    for (i=0; i<CONTAINER_ITERS; i++) {
        wmem_list_prepend(list, GINT_TO_POINTER(i));
    g_assert(wmem_list_count(list) == CONTAINER_ITERS);
static gint
dissect_bthcrp(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *data)
    proto_item      *main_item;
    proto_tree      *main_tree;
    gint             offset = 0;
    gint             protocol = -1;
    gboolean         is_client_message = FALSE;
    gint             previous_proto;

    previous_proto = (GPOINTER_TO_INT(wmem_list_frame_data(wmem_list_frame_prev(wmem_list_tail(pinfo->layers)))));
    if (previous_proto == proto_btl2cap) {
        btl2cap_data_t  *l2cap_data;
        wmem_tree_key_t  key[10];
        guint32          interface_id;
        guint32          adapter_id;
        guint32          sdp_psm = SDP_PSM_DEFAULT;
        guint32          direction;
        guint32          bd_addr_oui;
        guint32          bd_addr_id;
        guint32          service_type;
        guint32          service_channel;
        guint32          frame_number;
        service_info_t  *service_info;

        l2cap_data = (btl2cap_data_t *) data;

        interface_id       = l2cap_data->interface_id;
        adapter_id         = l2cap_data->adapter_id;

        direction       = (l2cap_data->is_local_psm) ? P2P_DIR_SENT : P2P_DIR_RECV;
        if (direction == P2P_DIR_RECV) {
            bd_addr_oui = l2cap_data->remote_bd_addr_oui;
            bd_addr_id  = l2cap_data->remote_bd_addr_id;
        } else {
            bd_addr_oui = 0;
            bd_addr_id  = 0;

        service_type    = BTSDP_L2CAP_PROTOCOL_UUID;
        service_channel = l2cap_data->psm;
        frame_number    = pinfo->fd->num;

        key[0].length = 1;
        key[0].key = &interface_id;
        key[1].length = 1;
        key[1].key = &adapter_id;
        key[2].length = 1;
        key[2].key = &sdp_psm;
        key[3].length = 1;
        key[3].key = &direction;
        key[4].length = 1;
        key[4].key = &bd_addr_oui;
        key[5].length = 1;
        key[5].key = &bd_addr_id;
        key[6].length = 1;
        key[6].key = &service_type;
        key[7].length = 1;
        key[7].key = &service_channel;
        key[8].length = 1;
        key[8].key = &frame_number;
        key[9].length = 0;
        key[9].key = NULL;

        service_info = btsdp_get_service_info(key);
        if (service_info && service_info->interface_id == interface_id &&
                service_info->adapter_id == adapter_id &&
                service_info->sdp_psm == SDP_PSM_DEFAULT &&
                ((service_info->direction == P2P_DIR_RECV &&
                service_info->bd_addr_oui == bd_addr_oui &&
                service_info->bd_addr_id == bd_addr_id) ||
                (service_info->direction != P2P_DIR_RECV &&
                service_info->bd_addr_oui == 0 &&
                service_info->bd_addr_id == 0)) &&
                service_info->type == BTSDP_L2CAP_PROTOCOL_UUID &&
                service_info->channel == l2cap_data->psm) {

            if ((service_info->protocol == BTSDP_HARDCOPY_CONTROL_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL_UUID ||
                    service_info->protocol == BTSDP_HARDCOPY_DATA_CHANNEL_PROTOCOL_UUID) &&
                    ((!l2cap_data->is_local_psm && pinfo->p2p_dir == P2P_DIR_SENT) ||
                    (l2cap_data->is_local_psm && pinfo->p2p_dir == P2P_DIR_RECV))) {
                is_client_message = TRUE;
            } else if (service_info->protocol == BTSDP_HARDCOPY_NOTIFICATION_PROTOCOL_UUID &&
                    ((l2cap_data->is_local_psm && pinfo->p2p_dir == P2P_DIR_SENT) ||
                    (!l2cap_data->is_local_psm && pinfo->p2p_dir == P2P_DIR_RECV))) {
                is_client_message = TRUE;

            protocol = service_info->protocol;

        if (psm_control != 0 && l2cap_data->psm == psm_control) {
        } else if (psm_data_stream != 0 && l2cap_data->psm == psm_data_stream) {
        } else if (psm_notification != 0 && l2cap_data->psm == psm_notification) {


    main_item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_bthcrp, tvb, offset, -1, ENC_NA);
    main_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(main_item, ett_bthcrp);

    col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "HCRP");

    switch (pinfo->p2p_dir) {
        case P2P_DIR_SENT:
            col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Sent ");
        case P2P_DIR_RECV:
            col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Rcvd ");
            col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "UnknownDirection ");

    if (force_client != FORCE_CLIENT_DEFAULT) {
        is_client_message = (force_client == FORCE_CLIENT_YES && pinfo->p2p_dir == P2P_DIR_SENT) ||
                (force_client != FORCE_CLIENT_YES && pinfo->p2p_dir == P2P_DIR_RECV);

        offset = dissect_control(tvb, pinfo, main_tree, offset, is_client_message);
        offset = dissect_data(tvb, pinfo, main_tree, offset);
        offset = dissect_notification(tvb, pinfo, main_tree, offset, is_client_message);
    } else {
        col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "HCRP stream");

    if (tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset)) {
        proto_item *pitem;

        pitem = proto_tree_add_item(main_tree, hf_bthcrp_data, tvb, offset, tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset), ENC_NA);
        expert_add_info(pinfo, pitem, &ei_bthcrp_unexpected_data);

    return offset;
static int
dissect_json(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data)
	proto_tree *json_tree = NULL;
	proto_item *ti = NULL;

	json_parser_data_t parser_data;
	tvbparse_t *tt;

	const char *data_name;
	int offset;

	/* JSON dissector can be called in a JSON native file or when transported
	 * by another protocol. We set the column values only if they've not been
	 * already set by someone else.
	wmem_list_frame_t *proto = wmem_list_frame_prev(wmem_list_tail(pinfo->layers));
	if (proto) {
		const char *name = proto_get_protocol_filter_name(GPOINTER_TO_INT(wmem_list_frame_data(proto)));

		if (!strcmp(name, "frame")) {
			col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "JSON");
			col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "JavaScript Object Notation");

	data_name = pinfo->match_string;
	if (! (data_name && data_name[0])) {
		 * No information from "match_string"
		data_name = (char *)data;
		if (! (data_name && data_name[0])) {
			 * No information from dissector data
			data_name = NULL;

	if (tree) {
		ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, hfi_json, tvb, 0, -1, ENC_NA);
		json_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_json);

		if (data_name)
			proto_item_append_text(ti, ": %s", data_name);

	offset = 0;

	parser_data.stack = wmem_stack_new(wmem_packet_scope());
	wmem_stack_push(parser_data.stack, json_tree);

	tt = tvbparse_init(tvb, offset, -1, &parser_data, want_ignore);

	/* XXX, only one json in packet? */
	while ((tvbparse_get(tt, want)))

	offset = tvbparse_curr_offset(tt);

	proto_item_set_len(ti, offset);

	/* if we have some unparsed data, pass to data-text-lines dissector (?) */
	if (tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset) > 0) {
		tvbuff_t *next_tvb;

		next_tvb = tvb_new_subset_remaining(tvb, offset);

		call_dissector_with_data(text_lines_handle, next_tvb, pinfo, tree, data);
	} else if (data_name) {
		col_append_sep_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, " ", "(%s)", data_name);

	return tvb_captured_length(tvb);
static int
dissect_btsmp(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void *data)
    int          offset = 0;
    proto_item  *ti;
    proto_tree  *st;
    guint8      opcode;
    guint32     interface_id;
    guint32     adapter_id;
    gint        previous_proto;

    interface_id = HCI_INTERFACE_DEFAULT;
    adapter_id = HCI_ADAPTER_DEFAULT;
    previous_proto = (GPOINTER_TO_INT(wmem_list_frame_data(wmem_list_frame_prev(wmem_list_tail(pinfo->layers)))));
    if (data && previous_proto == proto_btl2cap) {
        btl2cap_data_t *l2cap_data;

        l2cap_data = (btl2cap_data_t *) data;
        if (l2cap_data) {
            interface_id = l2cap_data->interface_id;
            adapter_id = l2cap_data->adapter_id;

    ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_btsmp, tvb, 0, tvb_captured_length(tvb), ENC_NA);
    st = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_btsmp);

    col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "SMP");

    switch (pinfo->p2p_dir) {
    case P2P_DIR_SENT:
        col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Sent ");
    case P2P_DIR_RECV:
        col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "Rcvd ");
        col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "UnknownDirection ");

    if (tvb_reported_length(tvb) < 1)
        return FALSE;

    proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_opcode, tvb, 0, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
    opcode = tvb_get_guint8(tvb, 0);

    col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, val_to_str_const(opcode, opcode_vals, "<unknown>"));

    switch (opcode) {
    case 0x01: /* Pairing Request */
    case 0x02: /* Pairing Response */
        col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ": ");

        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_io_capabilities, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_oob_data_flags, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);

        offset = dissect_btsmp_auth_req(tvb, offset, pinfo, st);

        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_max_enc_key_size, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);

        offset = dissect_btsmp_key_dist(tvb, offset, pinfo, st, TRUE);
        offset = dissect_btsmp_key_dist(tvb, offset, pinfo, st, FALSE);

    case 0x03: /* Pairing Confirm */
        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_cfm_value, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_NA);
        offset += 16;

    case 0x04: /* Pairing Random */
        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_random, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_NA);
        offset += 16;

    case 0x05: /* Pairing Failed */
        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_reason, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        col_append_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ": %s", val_to_str_const(tvb_get_guint8(tvb, offset), reason_vals, "<unknown>"));

    case 0x06: /* Encryption Information */
        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_long_term_key, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_NA);
        offset += 16;

    case 0x07: /* Master Identification */
        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_ediv, tvb, offset, 2, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
        offset += 2;
        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_random, tvb, offset, 8, ENC_NA);
        offset += 8;

    case 0x08: /* Identity Information */
        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_id_resolving_key, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_NA);
        offset += 16;

    case 0x09: /* Identity Address Information */
        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_address_type, tvb, offset, 1, ENC_NA);
        offset += 1;

        offset = dissect_bd_addr(hf_bd_addr, pinfo, st, tvb, offset, FALSE, interface_id, adapter_id, NULL);

    case 0x0a: /* Signing Information */
        proto_tree_add_item(st, hf_btsmp_signature_key, tvb, offset, 16, ENC_NA);
        offset += 16;

    case 0x0b: /* Security Request */
        col_append_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, ": ");
        offset = dissect_btsmp_auth_req(tvb, offset, pinfo, st);


    return offset;